コード例 #1
    public void RenderPortalLinks()
         * This method goes through the customer type and checks if they are wealth club purchasers or not.
         * Foreach permission it returns true or false if they can view it or not, if false it doesn't write
         * the html.
         * */
        HtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter(Response.Output);

        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();  //Long string - build it all first, will be raw HTML code

        User user = new User();
        user = user.DecryptUserInformation(Request.Cookies["userCookie"], user);

        #region User List (Permissions)
        if (Identity.Current.CustomerID == 24100) // Allow access to Levels: 1, 2, 3, 4
            user.SetPermissionsForCustomerTypeAdministrator(user.SuperUserPermissionLevel_1); // Reference ID-3 // Override ID-5 on User.cs 
        else if (Identity.Current.CustomerID == 22434) // Allow access to Levels: 1, 2, 4
            user.SetPermissionsForCustomerTypeAdministratorsWithLessAccess(user.SuperUserPermissionLevel_2); // Reference ID-3 // Override ID-5 on User.cs
        else if (Identity.Current.CustomerID == 10005) // Allow access to Levels: 1, 2
            user.SetPermissionsForCustomerTypeAdministratorWithNoSuperUserAccess(); // Reference ID-3 // Override ID-5 on User.cs
        else if (Identity.Current.CustomerID == 11309) // Allow access to Level: 2
            user.SetPermissionsForCustomerTypeAdministratorWithNoSuperUserAccessAndOnlyOneLink(); // Reference ID-3 // Override ID-5 on User.cs
        #endregion User List (Permissions)

        #region Access Level Items
        // Navigation List Item # 1
        s.AppendLine(@"<li><a href=""Home.aspx"">Home</a>");
        // Navigation List Item # 2
        if (user.IsAllowedUserLevel_2_Access)
            s.AppendLine(string.Format(@"<li><a href=""{0}"">GPR Manager</a></li>
            ", "GPR_LeadManager.aspx"));

        // Navigation List Item # 3
        if (user.IsAllowedUserLevel_1_Access)
            s.AppendLine(string.Format(@"<li><a href=""{0}"">IsAllowedUserLevel_1_Access</a></li>
            ", "WealthClub_Benefits.aspx"));

        // Navigation List Item # 4
        if (user.IsAllowedSuperUserLevel_2_Access)
            s.AppendLine(string.Format(@"<li><a href=""{0}"">AllowSuperUserLevel_2_Access</a></li>
            ", "ItemCategories.aspx"));
        // Navigation List Item # 5
        if (user.IsAllowedSuperUserLevel_1_Access)
            s.AppendLine(string.Format(@"<li><a href=""{0}"">AllowSuperUserLevel_1_Access</a></li>
            ", "ComplianceTraining.aspx"));
        // Navigation List Item # 6
        if (user.AllowBackOffice)
            s.AppendLine(string.Format(@"<li><a href=""{0}"">Shopping</a></li>
            ", "ShoppingCategories.aspx"));
        // Navigation List Item # 7
        if (user.AllowBackOffice)
            s.AppendLine(string.Format(@"<li><a href=""{0}"">Library</a></li>
            ", "LibraryItems.aspx"));
        // Navigation List Item # 8
        if (user.AllowBackOffice)
            int NewCustomerID = Identity.Current.CustomerID;
            string NewUserName = Identity.Current.Website.LoginName;

            string sep = "&";
            if (!Request.RawUrl.Contains("?")) sep = "?";

            string qs = sep + "confirm=" + Server.UrlEncode(Encrypt(string.Format("{0}|{1}"
                                , NewCustomerID.ToString() // 0   
                                , NewUserName // 1
                                ), "justdoit"));

            s.AppendLine(string.Format(@"<li><a href=""{0}"">My Backoffice</a></li>
            ", backOfficeURI + qs));
        #endregion  Access Level Items