コード例 #1
ファイル: RoutesList.cs プロジェクト: rocketeerbkw/DNA
        /// <summary>
        /// Accesses DB and creates Routes List.
        /// Routes created by users.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The user of the routes to get</param>
        /// <param name="siteID">Site of the routes</param>
        /// <param name="skip">number of routes to skip</param>
        /// <param name="show">number to show</param>
        /// <param name="showPrivate">Indicates whether private routes should be included.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether created ok</returns>
        public bool CreateRoutesList(int userID, int siteID, int skip, int show, bool showPrivate)
            // check object is not already initialised
            if (userID <= 0 || show <= 0)
                return false;

            XmlElement list = AddElementTag(RootElement, "ROUTES-LIST");
            AddAttribute(list, "SKIP", skip);
            AddAttribute(list, "SHOW", show);

            using (IDnaDataReader dataReader = InputContext.CreateDnaDataReader("getmoreroutes"))
                dataReader.AddParameter("userid", userID);
                dataReader.AddParameter("siteid", InputContext.CurrentSite.SiteID);

                // Get +1 so we know if there are more left
                dataReader.AddParameter("skip", skip);
                dataReader.AddParameter("show", show + 1);


                if (dataReader.HasRows)
                    //1st Result set gets user details.
                    if (dataReader.Read())
                        User user = new User(InputContext);
                        user.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, userID, list);

                    //Paged List of Routes.
                    int count = 0;
                    if (dataReader.HasRows)
                        while (dataReader.Read() && count < show)
                            Route route = new Route(InputContext);
                            //Delegate creation of XML to Route class.
                            route.CreateRouteXML(dataReader, false);
                            AddInside(list, route);

                    // Add More Attribute Indicating there are more rows.
                    if (dataReader.Read() && count > 0)
                        AddAttribute(list, "MORE", 1);
            return true;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Functions generates the User Subscription List
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The user of the subscriptions to get</param>
        /// <param name="siteID">Site of the posts</param>
        /// <param name="skip">number of posts to skip</param>
        /// <param name="show">number to show</param>
        /// <returns>Whether created ok</returns>
        public bool CreateUserSubscriptionsList(int userID, int siteID, int skip, int show)
            // check object is not already initialised
            if (userID <= 0 || show <= 0)
                return false;

            int count = show;

            XmlElement UserSubscriptionsList = AddElementTag(RootElement, "USERSUBSCRIPTION-LIST");
            AddAttribute(UserSubscriptionsList, "SKIP", skip);
            AddAttribute(UserSubscriptionsList, "SHOW", show);

            using (IDnaDataReader dataReader = GetUsersSubscriptionList(userID, siteID, skip, show + 1))	// Get +1 so we know if there are more left
                // Check to see if we found anything Owner of the list record first 
                // then their list in the following recordset
                string userName = String.Empty;
                if (dataReader.HasRows && dataReader.Read())
                    User subscriber = new User(InputContext);
                    subscriber.AddPrefixedUserXMLBlock(dataReader, userID, "Subscriber", UserSubscriptionsList);

                    _userAcceptsSubscriptions = dataReader.GetBoolean("SubscriberAcceptSubscriptions");

                    if (dataReader.HasRows && dataReader.Read())
                        XmlElement users = CreateElement("USERS");
                            User subscribedTo = new User(InputContext);
                            int subscribedToID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("subscribedToID");

                            subscribedTo.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, subscribedToID, users);


                        } while (count > 0 && dataReader.Read());	// dataReader.Read won't get called if count == 0


                        // See if there's an extra row waiting
                        if (count == 0 && dataReader.Read())
                            AddAttribute(UserSubscriptionsList, "MORE", 1);

            return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: LinksList.cs プロジェクト: rocketeerbkw/DNA
        /// <summary>
        /// Accesses DB and creates Links List.
        /// Links created by users.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The user of the links to get</param>
        /// <param name="siteID">Site of the links</param>
        /// <param name="skip">number of links to skip</param>
        /// <param name="show">number to show</param>
        /// <param name="showPrivate">Indicates whether private links should be included.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether created ok</returns>
        public bool CreateLinksList(int userID, int siteID, int skip, int show, bool showPrivate)
            // check object is not already initialised
            if (userID <= 0 || show <= 0)
                return false;

            XmlElement list = AddElementTag(RootElement, "LINKS-LIST");
            AddAttribute(list, "SKIP", skip);
            AddAttribute(list, "SHOW", show);

            using (IDnaDataReader dataReader = InputContext.CreateDnaDataReader("getmorelinks"))
                dataReader.AddParameter("userid", userID);
                dataReader.AddParameter("linkgroup", String.Empty);
                dataReader.AddParameter("showprivate", showPrivate);
                dataReader.AddParameter("siteid", InputContext.CurrentSite.SiteID);

                // Get +1 so we know if there are more left
                dataReader.AddParameter("skip", skip);
                dataReader.AddParameter("show", show + 1);


                if (dataReader.HasRows)
                    //1st Result set gets user details.
                    if (dataReader.Read())
                        User user = new User(InputContext);
                        user.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, userID, list);

                    //Paged List of Links / Clippings / Bookmarks .
                    int count = 0;
                    Link link = new Link(InputContext);
                    while (dataReader.Read() && count < show)
                        //Delegate creation of XML to Link class.
                        link.CreateLinkXML(dataReader, list, true, false);

                    // Add More Attribute Indicating there are more rows.
                    if (dataReader.Read() && count > 0)
                        AddAttribute(list, "MORE", 1);
            return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: WatchList.cs プロジェクト: rocketeerbkw/DNA
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the Watched User List for a particular user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">User ID</param>
        public void Initialise(int userID)
            XmlElement watchedUserList = AddElementTag(RootElement, "WATCHED-USER-LIST");
            AddAttribute(watchedUserList, "USERID", userID);
            using (IDnaDataReader dataReader = InputContext.CreateDnaDataReader("fetchwatchedjournals"))
                dataReader.AddParameter("userID", userID);

                if (dataReader.HasRows)
                    while (dataReader.Read())
                        int watchedUserID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("UserID");
                        User tempUser = new User(InputContext);
                        tempUser.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, watchedUserID, watchedUserList);

コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Functions generates the User Subscription List
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The user requesting their subscriptions</param>
        /// <param name="siteID">The site the user is getting their subscriptions from</param>
        /// <param name="skip">number of articles to skip</param>
        /// <param name="show">number of articles to show</param>
        /// <returns>Success</returns>
        public bool CreateArticleSubscriptionsList(int userID, int siteID, int skip, int show)
            XmlElement articleSubscriptionsList = AddElementTag(RootElement, "ARTICLESUBSCRIPTIONLIST");
            AddAttribute(articleSubscriptionsList, "SKIP", skip);
            AddAttribute(articleSubscriptionsList, "SHOW", show);

            XmlNode articles = AddElementTag(articleSubscriptionsList, "ARTICLES");
            int total = 0;
            int count = 0;

            using (IDnaDataReader dataReader = GetArticleSubscriptionList(userID, siteID, skip + 1, show))	// Add 1 to skip because row number starts at 1.
                if (dataReader.HasRows)
                    // process first results set: the Article Key phrase results set
                    Dictionary<int, ArrayList> articleKeyPhrases = new Dictionary<int, ArrayList>();
                    ArrayList phraselist = new ArrayList();
                    int h2g2ID = 0;

                    if (dataReader.Read())
                        int previousH2G2ID = 0;

                            h2g2ID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("H2G2ID");

                            if (h2g2ID != previousH2G2ID)
                                //New now have a new article so clean up the last one
                                if (previousH2G2ID != 0)
                                    articleKeyPhrases.Add(previousH2G2ID, phraselist);
                                    phraselist = new ArrayList();

                            //set the previous h2g2id to this one
                            previousH2G2ID = h2g2ID;

                            //Create fill an new Phrase object
                            Phrase nameSpacedPhrase = new Phrase();

                            String nameSpace = String.Empty;
                            String phraseName = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("phrase");

                            if (phraseName != String.Empty)
                                if (dataReader.Exists("namespace"))
                                    nameSpace = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("namespace");
                                nameSpacedPhrase.NameSpace = nameSpace;
                                nameSpacedPhrase.PhraseName = phraseName;

                                //add it to the list

                        } while (dataReader.Read());

                    articleKeyPhrases.Add(h2g2ID, phraselist);


                    if (dataReader.Read())
                        total = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("TOTAL");

                        //The stored procedure returns one row for each article. The article's keyphrases have been stored in articleKeyPhrases.
                        XmlNode article = CreateElementNode("ARTICLE");
                            h2g2ID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("H2G2ID");

                            //Start filling new article xml
                            AddAttribute(article, "H2G2ID", h2g2ID);

                            AddXmlTextTag(article, "SUBJECT", dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("SUBJECT"));
                            AddTextTag(article, "TYPE", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("type"));
                            AddTextTag(article, "STATUS", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("status"));

                            int editorID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("editor");
                            XmlNode editor = CreateElementNode("EDITOR");
                            User user = new User(InputContext);
                            user.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, editorID, editor);

                            //Add Extra Info XML where it exists.
                            string extraInfo = dataReader.GetAmpersandEscapedStringNullAsEmpty("EXTRAINFO");
                            if (extraInfo != string.Empty)
                                XmlDocument extraInfoXml = new XmlDocument();

                            AddDateXml(dataReader, article, "DateCreated", "DATECREATED");
                            AddDateXml(dataReader, article, "LastUpdated", "LASTUPDATED");

                            AddTextTag(article, "NUMBEROFPOSTS", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("ForumPostCount"));

                            if (dataReader.DoesFieldExist("ZeitgeistScore"))
                                AddElement(article, "ZEITGEIST", "<SCORE>" + dataReader.GetDoubleNullAsZero("ZeitgeistScore") + "</SCORE>");

                            if (!dataReader.IsDBNull("StartDate"))
                                AddDateXml(dataReader, article, "StartDate", "DATERANGESTART");
                                DateTime articlesDateRangeEnd = dataReader.GetDateTime("EndDate");
                                if (InputContext.GetSiteOptionValueBool(dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("SiteID"), "GuideEntries", "InclusiveDateRange"))
                                    // take a minute from the end date as stored in the database so to match user's expectations. 
                                    // I.e. If SiteOption InclusiveDateRange is true user will have submitted a date range like 01/09/1980 to 02/09/1980
                                    // They mean for this to represent 2 days i.e. 01/09/1980 00:00 - 03/09/1980 00:00 but for display purposes expect the 
                                    // end date to be 02/09/1980. 02/09/1980 23:59 is therefore returned. 
                                    TimeSpan minute = new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0);
                                    AddDateXml(articlesDateRangeEnd.Subtract(minute), article, "DATERANGEEND");
                                    AddDateXml(articlesDateRangeEnd, article, "DATERANGEEND");

                                AddTextTag(article, "TIMEINTERVAL", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("TimeInterval"));

                            if (dataReader.DoesFieldExist("Latitude") && !dataReader.IsDBNull("Latitude"))
                                AddTextTag(article, "LATITUDE", dataReader.GetDoubleNullAsZero("Latitude").ToString());
                            if (dataReader.DoesFieldExist("Longitude") && !dataReader.IsDBNull("Longitude"))
                                AddTextTag(article, "LONGITUDE", dataReader.GetDoubleNullAsZero("Longitude").ToString());
                            if (dataReader.DoesFieldExist("Distance") && !dataReader.IsDBNull("Distance"))
                                AddTextTag(article, "DISTANCE", dataReader.GetDoubleNullAsZero("Distance").ToString());

                            // Media Asset Info
                            int mediaAssetID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("MediaAssetID");

                            if (mediaAssetID != 0)
                                AddMediaAssetXml(dataReader, article, mediaAssetID);

                            AddPollXml(dataReader, article);

                            if (articleKeyPhrases.ContainsKey(h2g2ID))
                                GeneratePhraseXml(articleKeyPhrases[h2g2ID], (XmlElement)article);

                            XmlNode previousarticle = article.CloneNode(true);

                        } while (dataReader.Read());
            AddAttribute(articleSubscriptionsList, "COUNT", count);
            AddAttribute(articleSubscriptionsList, "TOTAL", total);

            return true;
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the MediaAsset XML data to the XML document
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataReader">Record set containing the data</param>
        /// <param name="parent">parent to add the xml to</param>
        /// <param name="mediaAssetID">Media asset id in question</param>
        private void AddMediaAssetXml(IDnaDataReader dataReader, XmlNode parent, int mediaAssetID)
            // TODO: move this method into a MedaiAsset class - it's duplicated in ArticleSearch.cs.
            string FTPPath = String.Empty;

            XmlNode mediaAsset = CreateElementNode("MEDIAASSET");

            AddAttribute(mediaAsset, "MEDIAASSETID", mediaAssetID);

            AddAttribute(mediaAsset, "CONTENTTYPE", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("ContentType"));

            GenerateFTPDirectoryString(mediaAssetID, ref FTPPath);
            AddTextTag(mediaAsset, "FTPPATH", FTPPath);

            AddTextTag(mediaAsset, "CAPTION", dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("Caption"));

            int ownerID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("OwnerID");

            XmlNode owner = CreateElementNode("OWNER");
            User user = new User(InputContext);
            user.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, ownerID, owner);

            AddTextTag(mediaAsset, "MIMETYPE", dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("Mimetype"));

            //Extra extendedable element stuff removed for time being
            XmlDocument extraelementinfo = new XmlDocument();
            extraelementinfo.LoadXml("<EXTRAELEMENTXML>" + dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("EXTRAELEMENTXML") + "</EXTRAELEMENTXML>");

            AddTextTag(mediaAsset, "HIDDEN", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("Hidden"));

            string externalLinkID = String.Empty;
            string externalLinkType = String.Empty;

            string externalLinkURL = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("ExternalLinkURL");
            GetIDFromLink(externalLinkURL, ref externalLinkID, ref externalLinkType);

            AddTextTag(mediaAsset, "EXTERNALLINKTYPE", externalLinkType);
            AddTextTag(mediaAsset, "EXTERNALLINKURL", externalLinkURL);
            AddTextTag(mediaAsset, "EXTERNALLINKID", externalLinkID);

コード例 #7
ファイル: MediaAsset.cs プロジェクト: rocketeerbkw/DNA
         /// <summary>
        /// Makes the XML for a Media Asset from the datareader and attache it to the parent element
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataReader"></param>
        /// <param name="parent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public XmlNode MakeXml(IDnaDataReader dataReader, XmlElement parent)
            _mediaAssetID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("mediaassetid");
            if (_mediaAssetID == 0)
                return null;

            int ownerID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("ownerid");
            int hidden = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("hidden");
            int contentType = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("contentType");
            int siteID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("siteID");

            string caption = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("caption");
            string filename = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("filename");
            string mediaassetdescription = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("description");
            string mimeType = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("mimetype");
            string externalLinkURL = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("externallinkurl");

            XmlElement assetXML = AddElementTag(parent, "MEDIAASSET");
            AddAttribute(assetXML, "MEDIAASSETID", _mediaAssetID);

            AddTextElement(assetXML, "FTPPATH", GenerateFTPDirectoryString());
            AddIntElement(assetXML, "SITEID", siteID);
            AddTextElement(assetXML, "CAPTION", caption);
            AddTextElement(assetXML, "FILENAME", filename);
            AddTextElement(assetXML, "MIMETYPE", mimeType);
            AddIntElement(assetXML, "CONTENTTYPE", contentType);

            //TODO : Need to add the keyphrases for the media asset here

            //Extra extendedable element stuff removed for time being
            XmlDocument extraelementinfo = new XmlDocument();
            extraelementinfo.LoadXml("<EXTRAELEMENTXML>" + dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("EXTRAELEMENTXML") + "</EXTRAELEMENTXML>");

            XmlNode owner = AddElementTag(assetXML,"OWNER");
            User user = new User(InputContext);
            user.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, ownerID, owner);

            AddTextElement(assetXML, "MEDIAASSETDESCRIPTION", mediaassetdescription);

            AddDateXml(dataReader, assetXML, "MADateCreated", "DATECREATED");
            AddDateXml(dataReader, assetXML, "MALastUpdated", "LASTUPDATED");

            AddIntElement(assetXML, "HIDDEN", hidden);

            string externalLinkID = String.Empty;
            string externalLinkType = String.Empty;
            string flickrFarmPath = String.Empty;
            string flickrServer = String.Empty;
            string flickrID = String.Empty;
            string flickrSecret = String.Empty;
            string flickrSize = String.Empty;

                ref externalLinkID, 
                ref externalLinkType,
                ref flickrFarmPath,
                ref flickrServer,
                ref flickrID,
                ref flickrSecret,
                ref flickrSize);

            AddTextElement(assetXML, "EXTERNALLINKURL", externalLinkURL);
            AddTextElement(assetXML, "EXTERNALLINKID", externalLinkID);
            AddTextElement(assetXML, "EXTERNALLINKTYPE", externalLinkType);

            if (externalLinkType == "Flickr")
                XmlElement flickr = AddElementTag(assetXML, "FLICKR");
                AddTextElement(flickr, "FARMPATH", flickrFarmPath);
                AddTextElement(flickr, "SERVER", flickrServer);
                AddTextElement(flickr, "ID", flickrID);
                AddTextElement(flickr, "SECRET", flickrSecret);
                AddTextElement(flickr, "SIZE", flickrSize);

            AddPollXml(dataReader, assetXML);

            return assetXML;

コード例 #8
ファイル: MediaAsset.cs プロジェクト: rocketeerbkw/DNA
        private void GenerateUsersArticleAssetsXML(IDnaDataReader dataReader, MediaAssetParameters mediaAssetParams)
            int count = 0;
            int total = 0;
            bool more = false;

            XmlElement articleAsset = AddElementTag(_builderRoot, "ARTICLEMEDIAASSETINFO");
            AddAttribute(articleAsset, "CONTENTTYPE", mediaAssetParams.ContentType);
            AddAttribute(articleAsset, "SORTBY", mediaAssetParams.SortBy);
            AddAttribute(articleAsset, "SKIPTO", mediaAssetParams.Skip);
            AddAttribute(articleAsset, "SHOW", mediaAssetParams.Show);
            AddTextElement(articleAsset, "ACTION", "showusersarticleswithassets");

            if (dataReader.HasRows)
                if (dataReader.Read())
                    User user = new User(InputContext);
                    user.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, mediaAssetParams.UserID, articleAsset);

                    count = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("COUNT");
                    total = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("TOTAL");
                    if (total > mediaAssetParams.Skip + mediaAssetParams.Show)
                        more = true;

                        XmlElement article = AddElementTag(articleAsset, "ARTICLE");
                        AddAttribute(article, "H2G2ID",  dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("H2G2ID"));

                        AddTextElement(article, "SUBJECT", dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("SUBJECT"));

                        XmlDocument extrainfo = new XmlDocument();

                        AddDateXml(dataReader, article, "DateCreated", "DATECREATED");
                        AddDateXml(dataReader, article, "LastUpdated", "LASTUPDATED");

                        MakeXml(dataReader, article);

                    } while (dataReader.Read());

            AddAttribute(articleAsset, "COUNT", count);
            AddAttribute(articleAsset, "TOTAL", total);
            AddAttribute(articleAsset, "MORE", more);
コード例 #9
ファイル: MediaAsset.cs プロジェクト: rocketeerbkw/DNA
        private void GenerateUsersMediaAssetsXML(IDnaDataReader dataReader, MediaAssetParameters mediaAssetParams)
            int count = 0;
            int total = 0;
            bool more = false;

            XmlElement usersMediaAssets = AddElementTag(_builderRoot, "MEDIAASSETINFO");
            AddAttribute(usersMediaAssets, "CONTENTTYPE", mediaAssetParams.ContentType);
            AddAttribute(usersMediaAssets, "SORTBY", mediaAssetParams.SortBy);
            AddAttribute(usersMediaAssets, "SKIPTO", mediaAssetParams.Skip);
            AddAttribute(usersMediaAssets, "SHOW", mediaAssetParams.Show);
            AddTextElement(usersMediaAssets, "ACTION", "showusersassets");

            if (dataReader.HasRows)
                if (dataReader.Read())
                    User user = new User(InputContext);
                    user.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, mediaAssetParams.UserID, usersMediaAssets);

                    count = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("COUNT");
                    total = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("TOTAL");
                    if (total > mediaAssetParams.Skip + mediaAssetParams.Show)
                        more = true;

                        MakeXml(dataReader, usersMediaAssets);
                    } while (dataReader.Read());

            AddAttribute(usersMediaAssets, "COUNT", count);
            AddAttribute(usersMediaAssets, "TOTAL", total);
            AddAttribute(usersMediaAssets, "MORE", more);
コード例 #10
ファイル: CommentsList.cs プロジェクト: rocketeerbkw/DNA
        /// <summary>
        /// Functions generates the Recent Comments List
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The user of the comments to get</param>
        /// <param name="siteID">Site of the comments</param>
        /// <param name="skip">Number of comments to skip</param>
        /// <param name="show">Number of comments to show</param>
        /// <returns>Whether created ok</returns>
        public bool CreateRecentCommentsList(int userID, int siteID, int skip, int show)
            // check object is not already initialised
            if (userID <= 0 || show <= 0)
                return false;

            bool showPrivate = false;
            if (InputContext.ViewingUser.UserID != 0 && InputContext.ViewingUser.UserLoggedIn && (userID == InputContext.ViewingUser.UserID || InputContext.ViewingUser.IsEditor))
                showPrivate = true;

            int count = show;

            XmlElement commentsList = AddElementTag(RootElement, "COMMENTS-LIST");
            AddAttribute(commentsList, "SKIP", skip);
            AddAttribute(commentsList, "SHOW", show);

            using (IDnaDataReader dataReader = GetUsersMostRecentComments(userID, siteID, skip, show+1, showPrivate))	// Get +1 so we know if there are more left
                // Check to see if we found anything
                string userName = String.Empty;
                if (dataReader.HasRows && dataReader.Read())
                    User user = new User(InputContext);
                    user.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, userID, commentsList);

                    XmlElement comments = CreateElement("COMMENTS");

                        // Setup the Comment Tag and Attributes
                        XmlElement comment = CreateElement("COMMENT");

                        AddIntElement(comment, "SiteID", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("SiteID"));

                        // Add the Subject 
                        string subject = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("Subject");
                        AddXmlTextTag(comment, "SUBJECT", subject);

                        AddDateXml(dataReader, comment, "DatePosted", "DatePosted");

                        // Get the forumid and title
                        AddIntElement(comment, "POSTID", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("EntryID"));
                        AddIntElement(comment, "ForumID", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("ForumID"));
                        AddXmlTextTag(comment, "ForumTitle", dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("ForumTitle"));
                        AddIntElement(comment, "ForumPostCount", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("ForumPostCount"));
                        AddIntElement(comment, "ForumPostLimit", InputContext.GetSiteOptionValueInt("Forum", "PostLimit"));
                        AddTextTag(comment, "URL", dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("URL"));
                        AddIntElement(comment, "PostIndex", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("PostIndex"));

                        // Add the text, checking to see what style it is
                        int postStyle = dataReader.GetTinyIntAsInt("PostStyle");
                        string bodyText = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("Text");
                        if (postStyle != 1)
                            bodyText = StringUtils.ConvertPlainText(bodyText);
                            //TODO Do we need Rich Post stuff for the post style??
                            string temp = "<RICHPOST>" + bodyText.Replace("\r\n", "<BR />").Replace("\n", "<BR />") + "</RICHPOST>";
                            //Regex regex = new Regex(@"(<[^<>]+)<BR \/>");
                            //while (regex.Match(temp).Success)
                            //    temp = regex.Replace(temp, @"$1 ");
                            //bodyText = temp;
                            bodyText = HtmlUtils.TryParseToValidHtml(temp);

                        AddElement(comment, "Text", bodyText);

                        AddDateXml(dataReader, comment, "ForumCloseDate", "ForumCloseDate");

                        // Finally close the COMMENT tag

                    } while (count > 0 && dataReader.Read());	// dataReader.Read won't get called if count == 0

					// See if there's an extra row waiting
					if (count == 0 && dataReader.Read())
						AddAttribute(commentsList, "MORE", 1);
            //AddAttribute(commentsList, "COUNT", count);

            return true;
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates XML for Blocked User Subscriptions.
        /// Allows the author to stop blocked users from tracking their content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The ID of the user to get the list of blocked users for</param>
        /// <param name="skip">Number of blocked users to skip</param>
        /// <param name="show">Number of blocked users to show</param>
        private void GenerateBlockedUserSubscriptionsXml(int userID, int skip, int show)
            XmlElement bannedUserSubscriptions = AddElementTag(RootElement, "BLOCKEDUSERSUBSCRIPTIONS");
            AddAttribute(bannedUserSubscriptions, "USERID", userID);
            bool userAcceptsSubscriptions = false;

			if (_actionResult != null)
            XmlElement bannedList = AddElementTag(bannedUserSubscriptions, "BLOCKEDUSERSUBSCRIPTIONS-LIST");
            AddAttribute(bannedList, "SKIP", skip);
            AddAttribute(bannedList, "SHOW", show);
			XmlElement users = CreateElement("USERS");
            using (IDnaDataReader dataReader = InputContext.CreateDnaDataReader("getblockedusersubscriptions"))
                dataReader.AddParameter("userid", userID);
                dataReader.AddParameter("siteid", InputContext.CurrentSite.SiteID);
                dataReader.AddParameter("skip", skip);
                dataReader.AddParameter("show", show + 1);

                if (dataReader.HasRows && dataReader.Read())
                    User blocker = new User(InputContext);
                    blocker.AddPrefixedUserXMLBlock(dataReader, userID, "Blocker", bannedList);

                    userAcceptsSubscriptions = dataReader.GetBoolean("BlockerAcceptSubscriptions");
                    AddAttribute(bannedUserSubscriptions, "ACCEPTSUBSCRIPTIONS", Convert.ToInt32(userAcceptsSubscriptions));

                    //Get the list from the second recordset
                    if (dataReader.HasRows)
                        User user = new User(InputContext);
                        int count = show;
                        while (((count--) > 0) && dataReader.Read())
                            //Delegate generation of standardised User XML to User class.
                            int blockedUserId = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("userid");
                            user.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, blockedUserId, users);
                        if (count <= 0 && dataReader.Read())
                            AddAttribute(bannedList, "MORE", 1);

コード例 #12
ファイル: Vote.cs プロジェクト: rocketeerbkw/DNA
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all the users who have voted on a given vote with a given response.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="voteID">The ID of the vote you want to get the users for.</param>
        /// <param name="response">The Response to match for.</param>
        /// <returns>true if ok, false if not</returns>
        public bool GetAllUsersWithResponse(int voteID, int response)
            XmlElement visibleUsers = CreateElement("VisibleUsers");
	        // Get all the current users who have already voted with the same result
            string storedProcedureName = @"getallvotinguserswithresponse";

            using (IDnaDataReader dataReader = InputContext.CreateDnaDataReader(storedProcedureName))
	            // Add the VoteID and Response
	            dataReader.AddParameter("ivoteid", voteID)
	                        .AddParameter("iresponse", response)
	                        .AddParameter("isiteid", InputContext.CurrentSite.SiteID);


                if (dataReader.HasRows)
                    if (dataReader.Read())
	                    // Setup some local variables
	                    int hiddenUsersCount = 0;
	                    int visibleUsersCount = 0;

	                    // Go through the results adding the data to the XML
		                    // Get the user ID
		                    int userID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("UserID");
		                    if (userID == 0)
			                    // We've got a anonymous user! These are always hidden!
			                    // Check to see if the user wanted to be hidden
			                    if (dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("Visible") > 0)
                                    User user = new User(InputContext);
                                    user.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, userID, visibleUsers);
				                    // Hidden user, just increment the count

		                // Get the next entry

	                    // Add the hidden users
	                    // Initialise the XML Builder
                        XmlElement votingUsers = CreateElement("VotingUsers");
                        votingUsers.SetAttribute("Response", response.ToString());
	                    visibleUsers.SetAttribute("Count", visibleUsersCount.ToString());

                        XmlElement hiddenUsers = CreateElement("HiddenUsers");
	                    hiddenUsers.SetAttribute("Count", hiddenUsersCount.ToString());
		            throw new DnaException("Vote - FailedGettingUsersForVote - Failed to get the users alreay voted");

	        return true;
コード例 #13
        /// Checks to see if this sub editor has any allocations that they have
		///	not yet been notified about, and if so builds the email to send
		///	in order to notify them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subID">user id of the sub to create the notification for</param>
        /// <param name="toSend">returned whether or not an email to send was created</param>
        /// <param name="emailAddress">the subs email address</param>
        /// <param name="emailSubject">the subject line for the email</param>
        /// <param name="emailText">the text of the email</param>
        public void CreateNotificationEmail(int subID, ref bool toSend, ref string emailAddress, ref string emailSubject, ref string emailText)
            string subName = String.Empty;
            string authorName = String.Empty;
            string subject = String.Empty;
            int authorID = 0;
            int h2g2ID = 0;
            string batchDetails = String.Empty;

            toSend = false;

            XmlElement email = AddElementTag(RootElement, "EMAIL");
            AddAttribute(email, "TYPE", "SUB-NOTIFICATION");

            // call the SP to fetch all the allocations that the sub has not yet been notified of
            // this also updates these allocations status and the subs last notified date
            using (IDnaDataReader dataReader = InputContext.CreateDnaDataReader("FetchAndUpdateSubsUnnotifiedAllocations"))
                dataReader.AddParameter("SubID", subID);
                dataReader.AddParameter("currentsiteid", InputContext.CurrentSite.SiteID);

                // Check to see if we found anything
                if (dataReader.HasRows && dataReader.Read())
                    // set the email address and subject
                    toSend = true;
                    emailAddress = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("SubEmail");
                    subName = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("SubName");

                    AddTextTag(email, "EMAIL-ADDRESS", emailAddress);

                    //Add the user info with groups
                    User user = new User(InputContext);
                    user.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, subID, email);

                    // build up a string containing the details of the subs allocated batch
                        authorName = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("AuthorName");
                        authorID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("AuthorID");
                        subject = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("Subject");
                        h2g2ID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("h2g2ID");
                        batchDetails += "A" + h2g2ID + " '" + subject + "' by " + authorName + " (U" + authorID + ")\r\n";
                    while (dataReader.Read());

                    emailSubject = String.Empty;
                    emailText = String.Empty;

                    // fetch the template for the email
                    using (IDnaDataReader dataReader2 = InputContext.CreateDnaDataReader("fetchemailtext"))
                        dataReader2.AddParameter("SiteID", InputContext.CurrentSite.SiteID);
                        dataReader2.AddParameter("emailname", "SubAllocationsEmail");

                        if (dataReader2.HasRows && dataReader2.Read())
                            emailSubject = dataReader2.GetStringNullAsEmpty("Subject");
                            emailText = dataReader2.GetStringNullAsEmpty("text");

                            // do any appropriate substitutions
                            emailSubject = emailSubject.Replace("++**sub_name**++", subName);
                            emailText = emailText.Replace("++**sub_name**++", subName);
                            emailText = emailText.Replace("++**batch_details**++", batchDetails);
                    AddTextTag(email, "SUBJECT", emailSubject);
                    AddTextTag(email, "TEXT", emailText);
コード例 #14
ファイル: ArticleSearch.cs プロジェクト: rocketeerbkw/DNA
        /// <summary>
        /// With the returned data set generate the XML for the Article Search page
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataReader">The returned search resultset</param>
        /// <param name="asp">The Article Search Params</param>
        private void GenerateArticleSearchXml(IDnaDataReader dataReader, ArticleSearchParams asp)
            XmlNode articleSearch = AddElementTag(RootElement, "ARTICLESEARCH");

            AddAttribute(articleSearch, "CONTENTTYPE", asp.ContentType);
            AddAttribute(articleSearch, "SORTBY", asp.SortBy);
            AddAttribute(articleSearch, "SKIPTO", asp.Skip);
            AddAttribute(articleSearch, "SHOW", asp.Show);
            AddAttribute(articleSearch, "DATESEARCHTYPE", asp.DateSearchType);
            AddAttribute(articleSearch, "TIMEINTERVAL", asp.TimeInterval);
            AddAttribute(articleSearch, "ARTICLESTATUS", asp.ArticleStatus);
            AddAttribute(articleSearch, "ARTICLETYPE", asp.ArticleType);
            AddAttribute(articleSearch, "LATITUDE", asp.Latitude);
            AddAttribute(articleSearch, "LONGITUDE", asp.Longitude);
            AddAttribute(articleSearch, "RANGE", asp.Range);
            AddAttribute(articleSearch, "POSTCODE", asp.PostCode);
            AddAttribute(articleSearch, "PLACENAME", asp.Placename);
            AddAttribute(articleSearch, "LOCATIONSEARCHTYPE", asp.LocationSearchType);

            //Add the new descending order attribute
            if (asp.DescendingOrder)
                AddAttribute(articleSearch, "DESCENDINGORDER", 1);
                AddAttribute(articleSearch, "DESCENDINGORDER", 0);

            //Add the requested searchphraselist
            GeneratePhraseXml(asp.SearchPhraseList, (XmlElement)articleSearch);

            //Add Date Search Params if we are doing a date search
            if (asp.DateSearchType != 0)
                AddDateXml(asp.StartDate, articleSearch, "DATERANGESTART");
                // Take a day from the end date as used in the database for UI purposes. 
                // E.g. User submits a date range of 01/09/1980 to 02/09/1980. They mean for this to represent 2 days i.e. 01/09/1980 00:00 - 03/09/1980 00:00. 
                // This gets used in the database but for display purposes we subtract a day from the database end date to return the 
                // original dates submitted by the user inorder to match their expectations.
                AddDateXml(asp.EndDate.AddDays(-1), articleSearch, "DATERANGEEND");

            AddTextTag(articleSearch, "FREETEXTSEARCH", asp.FreeTextSearchCondition);

            XmlNode articles = AddElementTag(articleSearch, "ARTICLES");
            int total = 0;
            int count = 0;

            //Generate Hot-List from Search Results.
            PopularPhrases popularPhrases = null;
            if (InputContext.GetSiteOptionValueBool("articlesearch", "generatepopularphrases"))
                popularPhrases = new PopularPhrases();

            if (dataReader.HasRows)
                // process first results set: the Article Key phrase results set
                Dictionary<int, ArrayList> articleKeyPhrases = new Dictionary<int, ArrayList>();
                ArrayList phraselist = new ArrayList();
                int h2g2ID = 0;

                if (dataReader.Read())
                    int previousH2G2ID = 0;

                        h2g2ID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("H2G2ID");

                        if (h2g2ID != previousH2G2ID)
                            //New now have a new article so clean up the last one
                            if (previousH2G2ID != 0)
                                articleKeyPhrases.Add(previousH2G2ID, phraselist);
                                phraselist = new ArrayList();

                        //set the previous h2g2id to this one
                        previousH2G2ID = h2g2ID;

                        //Create fill an new Phrase object
                        Phrase nameSpacedPhrase = new Phrase();

                        String nameSpace = String.Empty;
                        String phraseName = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("phrase");

                        if (phraseName != String.Empty)
                            if (dataReader.Exists("namespace"))
                                nameSpace = dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("namespace");
                            nameSpacedPhrase.NameSpace = nameSpace;
                            nameSpacedPhrase.PhraseName = phraseName;

                            //add it to the list

                            //Record Popular Phrases.
                            if (popularPhrases != null)
                                popularPhrases.AddPhrase(phraseName, nameSpace);

                    } while (dataReader.Read());

                articleKeyPhrases.Add(h2g2ID, phraselist);


                if (dataReader.Read())
                    total = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("TOTAL");

                    //The stored procedure returns one row for each article. The article's keyphrases have been stored in articleKeyPhrases.
                    XmlNode article = CreateElementNode("ARTICLE");
                        h2g2ID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("H2G2ID");

                        //Start filling new article xml
                        AddAttribute(article, "H2G2ID", h2g2ID);

                        int editorID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("editor");
                        XmlNode editor = CreateElementNode("EDITOR");
                        User user = new User(InputContext);
                        user.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, editorID, editor);

                        AddTextTag(article, "STATUS", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("status"));
                        AddXmlTextTag(article, "SUBJECT", dataReader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("SUBJECT"));
                        AddTextTag(article, "TYPE", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("type"));

                        AddDateXml(dataReader, article, "DateCreated", "DATECREATED");
                        AddDateXml(dataReader, article, "LastUpdated", "LASTUPDATED");

                        //Add Extra Info XML where it exists.
                        string extraInfo = dataReader.GetAmpersandEscapedStringNullAsEmpty("EXTRAINFO");
                        if (extraInfo != string.Empty)

                            XmlDocument extraInfoXml = new XmlDocument();


                        AddTextTag(article, "NUMBEROFPOSTS", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("ForumPostCount"));
                        AddDateXml(dataReader, article, "LASTPOSTED", "FORUMLASTPOSTED");
                        if (!dataReader.IsDBNull("StartDate"))
                            AddDateXml(dataReader, article, "StartDate", "DATERANGESTART");
                            // Take a day from the end date as stored in the database for UI purposes. 
                            // E.g. User submits a date range of 01/09/1980 to 02/09/1980. They mean for this to represent 2 days i.e. 01/09/1980 00:00 - 03/09/1980 00:00. 
                            // This gets stored in the database but for display purposes we subtract a day from the database end date to return the 
                            // original dates submitted by the user inorder to match their expectations.
                            AddDateXml(dataReader.GetDateTime("EndDate").AddDays(-1), article, "DATERANGEEND");

                            AddTextTag(article, "TIMEINTERVAL", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("TimeInterval"));

                        if (dataReader.DoesFieldExist("BookmarkCount"))
                            AddTextTag(article, "BOOKMARKCOUNT", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("BookmarkCount"));

                        if (dataReader.DoesFieldExist("ZeitgeistScore"))
                            AddElement(article, "ZEITGEIST", "<SCORE>" + dataReader.GetDoubleNullAsZero("ZeitgeistScore") + "</SCORE>");


                        #region LocationXML
                        // Location Info
                        if (dataReader.DoesFieldExist("Latitude") && !dataReader.IsDBNull("Latitude"))
                            AddTextTag(article, "LATITUDE", dataReader.GetDoubleNullAsZero("Latitude").ToString());
                            AddTextTag(article, "LONGITUDE", dataReader.GetDoubleNullAsZero("Longitude").ToString());
                            if (dataReader.DoesFieldExist("Distance"))
                                if (dataReader.GetDoubleNullAsZero("Distance") < 0.0001)
                                    AddTextTag(article, "DISTANCE", "0");
                                    AddTextTag(article, "DISTANCE", dataReader.GetDoubleNullAsZero("Distance").ToString());
                            AddTextTag(article, "LOCATIONTITLE", dataReader.GetString("LocationTitle"));
                            AddTextTag(article, "LOCATIONDESCRIPTION", dataReader.GetString("LocationDescription"));
                            AddTextTag(article, "LOCATIONZOOMLEVEL", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("LocationZoomLevel").ToString());
                            AddTextTag(article, "LOCATIONUSERID", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("LocationUserID").ToString());
                            AddDateXml(dataReader.GetDateTime("LocationDateCreated"), article, "LOCATIONDATECREATED");
                        // Media Asset Info
                        int mediaAssetID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("MediaAssetID");

                        if (mediaAssetID != 0)
                            AddMediaAssetXml(dataReader, article, mediaAssetID);

                        AddPollXml(dataReader, article);

                        if (articleKeyPhrases.ContainsKey(h2g2ID))
                            GeneratePhraseXml(articleKeyPhrases[h2g2ID], (XmlElement)article);

                        XmlNode previousarticle = article.CloneNode(true);

                    } while (dataReader.Read());
            AddAttribute(articleSearch, "COUNT", count);
            AddAttribute(articleSearch, "TOTAL", total);

            if (popularPhrases != null)
                //Include popularPhrase statistics.
                XmlElement popularPhrasesXml = popularPhrases.GenerateXml();

            FileCache.PutItem(AppContext.TheAppContext.Config.CachePath, "articlesearch", _cacheName, articleSearch.OuterXml);

コード例 #15
ファイル: CategoryList.cs プロジェクト: rocketeerbkw/DNA
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all the Category lists for a given user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userID">The Id of the user you want to get the list for.</param>
        /// <param name="siteID">the id of the site you want to get the lists for</param>
        /// <param name="showUserInfo"> If this is true, the information on the owner of the list is also included in the XML.</param>
        public void GetUserCategoryLists(int userID, int siteID, bool showUserInfo)
            // Make sure we've been given a valid user
            if (userID == 0)
                throw new DnaException("GetUserCategoryLists - No User ID Given");

            XmlElement userCategoryLists = AddElementTag(RootElement, "USERCATEGORYLISTS");
            AddIntElement(userCategoryLists, "CATEGORYLISTSOWNERID", userID);

            // Now call the procedure to get the lists
            using (IDnaDataReader reader = InputContext.CreateDnaDataReader("getcategorylistsforuser"))
                reader.AddParameter("UserID", userID);
                reader.AddParameter("SiteID", siteID);

                // If we found the info, set the number of seconds
                if (reader.HasRows && reader.Read())
                        XmlElement list = AddElementTag(userCategoryLists, "LIST");
                        string GUID = reader.GetGuidAsStringOrEmpty("CategoryListID");
                        // Remove the dashes from the GUID as this will be used to form the URL later.
                        GUID = GUID.Replace("-", "");
                        AddTextTag(list, "GUID", GUID);
                        AddTextTag(list, "DESCRIPTION", reader.GetStringNullAsEmpty("Description"));

                        User owner = new User(InputContext);
                        int ownerID = reader.GetInt32NullAsZero("UserID");
                        XmlElement ownerTag = AddElementTag(list, "OWNER");
                        owner.AddUserXMLBlock(reader, ownerID, ownerTag);

                        if (reader.DoesFieldExist("CreatedDate") && !reader.IsDBNull("CreatedDate"))
                            AddDateXml(reader, list, "CreatedDate", "CREATEDDATE");
                        if (reader.DoesFieldExist("LastUpdated") && !reader.IsDBNull("LastUpdated"))
                            AddDateXml(reader, list, "LastUpdated", "LASTUPDATED");

                        // Get the nodes that belong to this list

                    } while (reader.Read());
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds user to blocked user subscriptions or removes them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action">Action to perform on the list</param>
        /// <param name="authorid">Author of the page thats doing the blocking</param>
        /// <param name="blockUnblockUserId">The user to block/unblock</param>
        private void TryUpdateBlockedSubscriptions(string action, int authorid, int blockUnblockUserId)
            if (action == "blockusersubscription")
                if (authorid != blockUnblockUserId)
                    using (IDnaDataReader dataReader = InputContext.CreateDnaDataReader("blockusersubscription"))
                        dataReader.AddParameter("authorid", authorid);
                        dataReader.AddParameter("userid", blockUnblockUserId);
					    _actionResult = CreateElement("ACTIONRESULT");
					    AddAttribute(_actionResult, "ACTION", "blockuser");
					    while (dataReader.Read())
                            //Delegate generation of standardised User XML to User class.
                            int blockedUserID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("userid");
                            User user = new User(InputContext);
                            user.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, blockedUserID, _actionResult);
                    //Don't allow them to block themselves , just add error.
                    AddErrorXml("invalidcredentials", "You cannot block your own blocked subscriptions.", RootElement);
            else if (action == "unblockusersubscription")
                if (authorid != blockUnblockUserId)
                    using (IDnaDataReader dataReader = InputContext.CreateDnaDataReader("unblockusersubscription"))
                        dataReader.AddParameter("authorid", authorid);
                        dataReader.AddParameter("userid", blockUnblockUserId);
					    _actionResult = CreateElement("ACTIONRESULT");
					    AddAttribute(_actionResult, "ACTION", "unblockuser");
					    while (dataReader.Read())
                            //Delegate generation of standardised User XML to User class.
                            int unblockedUserID = dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("userid");
                            User user = new User(InputContext);
                            user.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, unblockedUserID, _actionResult);
                    //Don't allow them to unblock themselves , just add error.
                    AddErrorXml("invalidcredentials", "You cannot unblock your own blocked subscriptions.", RootElement);
            else if (action == "blocksubscriptions")
				_actionResult = CreateElement("ACTIONRESULT");
				AddAttribute(_actionResult, "ACTION", "blocksubscriptions");
            else if (action == "acceptsubscriptions")
				_actionResult = CreateElement("ACTIONRESULT");
				AddAttribute(_actionResult, "ACTION", "unblocksubscriptions");
コード例 #17
ファイル: SubAllocationForm.cs プロジェクト: rocketeerbkw/DNA
        /// <summary>
        /// Deallocates the specified entries from whichever sub editor they
        /// happen to be allocated to currently, so long as they have not
		///	already been returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deallocatorID">user doing the deallocation</param>
        /// <param name="entryIDs">array of entry IDs to be deallocated</param>
        /// <param name="totalDeallocated">total number of entries in the array</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool SubmitDeallocation(int deallocatorID, int[] entryIDs, ref int totalDeallocated)
            //if no entries then return false
            if (entryIDs == null || entryIDs.Length == 0)
                return false;

            //prepare XML Doc

            using (IDnaDataReader dataReader = InputContext.CreateDnaDataReader("deallocateentriesfromsubs"))
                dataReader.AddParameter("deallocatorid", deallocatorID);
                for (int i = 0; i < entryIDs.Length; i++)
                    dataReader.AddParameter(String.Format("id{0}", i), entryIDs[i]);
                dataReader.AddParameter("currentsiteid", InputContext.CurrentSite.SiteID);

                //if nothing returned then fail

                //setup allocation elements and counters
                XmlNode successfulAllocations = AddElementTag(RootElement, "SUCCESSFUL-DEALLOCATIONS");
                XmlNode failedAllocations = AddElementTag(RootElement, "FAILED-DEALLOCATIONS");
                int totalFailed = 0;
                int totalSuccess = 0;

                if (dataReader.HasRows)

                    // check the stauts of the entries returned to see if any couldn't be deallocated
                    // because they had already been returned
                    while (dataReader.Read())
                        // stauts should now be 1 = 'Accepted' or something went wrong
                        if (dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("Status") == 1)
                        {//success so increment
                        {//add error xml

                            XmlElement failedAllocation = CreateElement("DEALLOCATION");
                            AddElement(failedAllocation, "H2G2-ID", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("h2g2ID").ToString());
                            AddElement(failedAllocation, "SUBJECT", dataReader.GetAmpersandEscapedStringNullAsEmpty("sSubject"));
                            //get full user object
                            User user = new User(InputContext);
                            user.AddUserXMLBlock(dataReader, dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("userID"), failedAllocation);

                            AddElement(failedAllocation, "STATUS", dataReader.GetInt32NullAsZero("Status").ToString());
                            if (!dataReader.IsDBNull("DateAllocated"))
                                XmlElement dateAllocated = CreateElement("DATE-RETURNED");
                                dateAllocated.AppendChild(DnaDateTime.GetDateTimeAsElement(RootElement.OwnerDocument, dataReader.GetDateTime("DateReturned")));
                {//all deallocated so none returned
                    totalSuccess = entryIDs.Length;
                AddAttribute(successfulAllocations, "TOTAL", totalSuccess);
                AddAttribute(failedAllocations, "TOTAL", totalFailed);
                totalDeallocated = totalSuccess;

                return true;