/// <summary>Add tensors from the second map to the first map, in place.</summary>
 public static void AddTensors(TwoDimensionalMap <string, string, SimpleTensor> first, TwoDimensionalMap <string, string, SimpleTensor> second)
     foreach (TwoDimensionalMap.Entry <string, string, SimpleTensor> entry in first)
         if (second.Contains(entry.GetFirstKey(), entry.GetSecondKey()))
             first.Put(entry.GetFirstKey(), entry.GetSecondKey(), entry.GetValue().Plus(second.Get(entry.GetFirstKey(), entry.GetSecondKey())));
     foreach (TwoDimensionalMap.Entry <string, string, SimpleTensor> entry_1 in second)
         if (!first.Contains(entry_1.GetFirstKey(), entry_1.GetSecondKey()))
             first.Put(entry_1.GetFirstKey(), entry_1.GetSecondKey(), entry_1.GetValue());
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>The traditional way of initializing an empty model suitable for training.</summary>
        public SentimentModel(RNNOptions op, IList <Tree> trainingTrees)
            this.op = op;
            rand    = new Random(op.randomSeed);
            if (op.randomWordVectors)
            if (op.numHid > 0)
                this.numHid = op.numHid;
                int size = 0;
                foreach (SimpleMatrix vector in wordVectors.Values)
                    size = vector.GetNumElements();
                this.numHid = size;
            TwoDimensionalSet <string, string> binaryProductions = TwoDimensionalSet.HashSet();

            if (op.simplifiedModel)
                binaryProductions.Add(string.Empty, string.Empty);
                // TODO
                // figure out what binary productions we have in these trees
                // Note: the current sentiment training data does not actually
                // have any constituent labels
                throw new NotSupportedException("Not yet implemented");
            ICollection <string> unaryProductions = Generics.NewHashSet();

            if (op.simplifiedModel)
                // TODO
                // figure out what unary productions we have in these trees (preterminals only, after the collapsing)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Not yet implemented");
            this.numClasses      = op.numClasses;
            identity             = SimpleMatrix.Identity(numHid);
            binaryTransform      = TwoDimensionalMap.TreeMap();
            binaryTensors        = TwoDimensionalMap.TreeMap();
            binaryClassification = TwoDimensionalMap.TreeMap();
            // When making a flat model (no symantic untying) the
            // basicCategory function will return the same basic category for
            // all labels, so all entries will map to the same matrix
            foreach (Pair <string, string> binary in binaryProductions)
                string left  = BasicCategory(binary.first);
                string right = BasicCategory(binary.second);
                if (binaryTransform.Contains(left, right))
                binaryTransform.Put(left, right, RandomTransformMatrix());
                if (op.useTensors)
                    binaryTensors.Put(left, right, RandomBinaryTensor());
                if (!op.combineClassification)
                    binaryClassification.Put(left, right, RandomClassificationMatrix());
            numBinaryMatrices   = binaryTransform.Size();
            binaryTransformSize = numHid * (2 * numHid + 1);
            if (op.useTensors)
                binaryTensorSize = numHid * numHid * numHid * 4;
                binaryTensorSize = 0;
            binaryClassificationSize = (op.combineClassification) ? 0 : numClasses * (numHid + 1);
            unaryClassification      = Generics.NewTreeMap();
            // When making a flat model (no symantic untying) the
            // basicCategory function will return the same basic category for
            // all labels, so all entries will map to the same matrix
            foreach (string unary in unaryProductions)
                unary = BasicCategory(unary);
                if (unaryClassification.Contains(unary))
                unaryClassification[unary] = RandomClassificationMatrix();
            numUnaryMatrices        = unaryClassification.Count;
            unaryClassificationSize = numClasses * (numHid + 1);