コード例 #1
ファイル: MapManager.cs プロジェクト: guipaz/ragnarok-remake
        private void BuildMesh()
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(CurrentMap.Name, typeof(MeshFilter), typeof(MeshRenderer), typeof(MeshCollider));

            obj.transform.parent = ParentMap.transform;

            int width  = CurrentMap.Width;
            int height = CurrentMap.Height;

            Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

            Dictionary <int, int>   tilesBySubmesh     = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <int, int[]> trianglesBySubmesh = new Dictionary <int, int[]>();
            Dictionary <int, int>   controlBySubmesh   = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <int, int>   indexBySubmesh     = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            // Define 0-index based ids for each texture id
            int index = 0;

            foreach (int textureId in CurrentMap.Textures.Keys)
                indexBySubmesh[textureId] = index++;

            // Gets the number of tiles in each submesh
            foreach (Tile tile in CurrentMap.Tiles)
                if (tilesBySubmesh.ContainsKey(tile.TextureIdentifier))
                    tilesBySubmesh[tile.TextureIdentifier] = 1;

            // Creates each triangle array based on the number of tiles
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> submesh in tilesBySubmesh)
                trianglesBySubmesh[submesh.Key] = new int[submesh.Value * 3 * 2];

                Debug.Log(string.Format("Texture {0}: {1} triangles", submesh.Key, trianglesBySubmesh[submesh.Key].Length));

                // Defines each index for triangle creation control
                controlBySubmesh[submesh.Key] = 0;

            // Defines the variables
            int vertNumber = width * height * 4;

            Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[vertNumber];
            Vector2[] uvs      = new Vector2[vertNumber];
            Vector3[] normals  = new Vector3[vertNumber];

            for (int i = 0; i < CurrentMap.Tiles.Count; i++)
                Tile tile = CurrentMap.Tiles[i];

                int x = i % CurrentMap.Width;
                int z = i / CurrentMap.Width;

                int topLeft     = z * 4 * width + x * 2;
                int topRight    = topLeft + 1;
                int bottomLeft  = topLeft + width * 2;
                int bottomRight = bottomLeft + 1;

                vertices[topLeft]     = new Vector3(x, HeightStage * (tile.Top + tile.Left + tile.TopLeft + tile.Stage), z);
                vertices[topRight]    = new Vector3(x + 1, HeightStage * (tile.Top + tile.Right + tile.TopRight + tile.Stage), z);
                vertices[bottomLeft]  = new Vector3(x, HeightStage * (tile.Bottom + tile.Left + tile.BottomLeft + tile.Stage), z + 1);
                vertices[bottomRight] = new Vector3(x + 1, HeightStage * (tile.Bottom + tile.Right + tile.BottomRight + tile.Stage), z + 1);

                TileUV tileUVs = CurrentMap.Textures[tile.TextureIdentifier].UVs[tile.TileUVIdentifier];
                uvs[topLeft]     = tileUVs.UV1;
                uvs[topRight]    = tileUVs.UV2;
                uvs[bottomLeft]  = tileUVs.UV3;
                uvs[bottomRight] = tileUVs.UV4;

                normals[topLeft]     = Vector3.up;
                normals[topRight]    = Vector3.up;
                normals[bottomLeft]  = Vector3.up;
                normals[bottomRight] = Vector3.up;

                // Gets the right triangle array and control index according to the submesh
                int[] triangles     = trianglesBySubmesh[tile.TextureIdentifier];
                int   triangleIndex = controlBySubmesh[tile.TextureIdentifier];

                triangles[triangleIndex++] = topLeft;
                triangles[triangleIndex++] = bottomRight;
                triangles[triangleIndex++] = topRight;

                triangles[triangleIndex++] = topLeft;
                triangles[triangleIndex++] = bottomLeft;
                triangles[triangleIndex++] = bottomRight;

                controlBySubmesh[tile.TextureIdentifier] = triangleIndex;

            // Defines the variables in the mesh
            mesh.vertices = vertices;
            mesh.normals  = normals;
            mesh.uv       = uvs;

            // Defines the triangles and materials for each submesh
            mesh.subMeshCount = CurrentMap.Textures.Count;
            Material[] materials = new Material[mesh.subMeshCount];
            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int[]> triangles in trianglesBySubmesh)
                mesh.SetTriangles(triangles.Value, indexBySubmesh[triangles.Key]);
                materials[indexBySubmesh[triangles.Key]] = GetTexturedMaterial(CurrentMap.Textures[triangles.Key].Name);

            obj.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials  = materials;
            obj.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh         = mesh;
            obj.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = obj.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
コード例 #2
    void LoadSelf(string path)
        texture = Resources.Load <Texture2D>(path);

        int tileSize = 64;

        int sizeX = texture.width / tileSize;
        int sizeY = texture.height / tileSize;

        int tilemapSize = sizeX * sizeY;

        int id = 0;

        float precisionX = 1f / texture.width;
        float precisionY = 1f / texture.height;

        for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++)
                uv[id] = new TileUV();

                uv[id].uv0.x = x * tileSize;
                uv[id].uv0.y = texture.height - y * tileSize - tileSize;

                uv[id].uv1.x = uv[id].uv0.x + tileSize;
                uv[id].uv1.y = uv[id].uv0.y;

                uv[id].uv2.x = uv[id].uv0.x + tileSize;
                uv[id].uv2.y = uv[id].uv0.y + tileSize;

                uv[id].uv3.x = uv[id].uv0.x;
                uv[id].uv3.y = uv[id].uv0.y + tileSize;

                sprites[id] = Sprite.Create(texture, new Rect(uv[id].uv0.x, uv[id].uv0.y, tileSize, tileSize), new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f));

                uv[id].uv0.x /= texture.width;
                uv[id].uv0.y /= texture.height;

                uv[id].uv1.x /= texture.width;
                uv[id].uv1.y /= texture.height;

                uv[id].uv2.x /= texture.width;
                uv[id].uv2.y /= texture.height;

                uv[id].uv3.x /= texture.width;
                uv[id].uv3.y /= texture.height;

                uv[id].uv0.x += precisionX;
                uv[id].uv0.y += precisionY;

                uv[id].uv1.x -= precisionX;
                uv[id].uv1.y += precisionY;

                uv[id].uv2.x -= precisionX;
                uv[id].uv2.y -= precisionY;

                uv[id].uv3.x += precisionX;
                uv[id].uv3.y -= precisionY;

                id += 1;