コード例 #1
    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col)
        Tds_Tile vTile = col.GetComponent <Tds_Tile>();
        Tds_Loot vLoot = col.GetComponent <Tds_Loot>();

        if (vTile != null)
            //ONLY refresh variable current level

            //make the player refresh it's pixel tiles variables
            if (vCharacter != null)

        if (vLoot != null)
            //make the player refresh it's pixel tiles variables
            if (vCharacter != null)
コード例 #2
    public void RefreshLoot(Tds_Loot vLoot)
        //show the loot items on ground
        if (vLoot != null)
        else if (vCurLoot != null)

        //check loot
        vCurLoot = vLoot;

        if (vLoot != null && IsPlayer)
            LootNearby = true;
        else if (IsPlayer)
            LootNearby = false;
コード例 #3
    void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D col)
        Tds_Tile vTile = col.GetComponent <Tds_Tile>();
        Tds_Loot vLoot = col.GetComponent <Tds_Loot>();

        //check if we have it on the list so we can remove it
        if (vTile != null)
            if (vListCollider.Contains(vTile))

                //make the player refresh it's pixel tiles variables
        else if (vLoot != null)
            vLoot = null;
コード例 #4
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //check if the character is ready
        if (vGameManager != null && IsAlive)
            if (vGameManager.IsReady)
                //get it's weapon ONLY when the game start
                if (!GameStarted)
                    GameStarted = true;

                //check if attacking
                bool    IsAttacking     = false;
                Vector3 vTargetPosition = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(vMainPlayer.transform.position);

                //reduce the waiting time for the next bullet!
                if (!CanAttack && ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].vTimeWaited > 0f)
                    ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].vTimeWaited -= Time.deltaTime;

                    //check if we waited enought
                    if (ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].vTimeWaited <= 0f)
                        CanAttack = true;

                if (IsPlayer)
                    //player get mouse position instead of its' own position
                    vTargetPosition = Input.mousePosition;

                    //calculate how far is the cursor from the player
                    Vector3 v3Pos = new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y, 0f);
                    v3Pos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(v3Pos);

                    //prevent the player to rotate on itself when the cursor is above him
                    if (Vector3.Distance(new Vector3(v3Pos.x, v3Pos.y, 0f), new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, 0f)) <= vGameManager.vCursorRange)
                        CursorIsNear = true;
                        CursorIsNear = false;

                    if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > 0 || Input.GetAxis("Vertical") < 0 || Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") > 0 || Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") < 0)
                        IsWalking = true;
                        IsWalking = false;

                    //check if we changed walking status
                    if (IsWalking != LastWalkingStatus)
                        LastWalkingStatus = IsWalking;
                        vLegAnimator.SetBool("IsWalking", IsWalking);

                    if (vAimIcon != null && vCurrentIcon == null)
                        vCurrentIcon = Instantiate(vAimIcon);
                    else if (vCurrentIcon != null)
                        Vector3 pz = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
                        pz.z  = 0;
                        pz.x -= 0.1f;
                        pz.y -= 0.2f;
                        vCurrentIcon.transform.position = pz;

                    if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                        IsAttacking = true;

                    //check if the user want to change weapon
                    if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") > 0)
                    else if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") < 0)

                    //reduce it's time
                    if (IsReloading && TimeToReload > 0f)
                        TimeToReload -= Time.deltaTime;

                    //get the item
                    if (LootNearby && Input.GetKeyDown("space") && vCurLoot != null)
                        //check if we already have the weapon and show it
                        bool HasAlreadyWeapon = false;

                        //check if looting give a weapon
                        if (vCurLoot.vItems.GiveWeapon)
                            //give the right weapon
                            foreach (Tds_Weapons vCurWeapon in vGameManager.vWeaponList)
                                if (vCurLoot.vItems.vWeaponName.ToString() == vCurWeapon.vWeaponName.ToString())
                                    foreach (Tds_Weapons vWeapon in ListWeapons)
                                        if (vWeapon.vWeaponName == vCurWeapon.vWeaponName)
                                            HasAlreadyWeapon = true;

                                    if (!HasAlreadyWeapon)
                                        //get a copy of this weapon
                                        Tds_Weapons vNewWeapon = CopyWeapon(vCurWeapon);

                                        //new weapon is already recharge
                                        vNewWeapon.vAmmoCur = vNewWeapon.vAmmoSize;

                                        //found the weapon, add it for the player

                        if (vGameManager.vItemLootedAnim != null)
                            //show the itemlooted going up
                            GameObject vNewObj = vGameManager.vItemLootedAnim;

                            //enable it for the very first use

                            Text vLabel = vNewObj.transform.Find("Label").GetComponent <Text> ();

                            //show different message
                            if (HasAlreadyWeapon)
                                vLabel.text  = "Already have :";
                                vLabel.color = Color.red;
                                vLabel.color = Color.white;
                                vLabel.text  = "Received :";                                //change info on it

                            //change info on it
                            Text vText = vNewObj.transform.Find("ItemName").GetComponent <Text> ();

                            //show the right item name
                            vText.text = vCurLoot.vItems.vName;

                            //default color
                            vText.color = Color.green;
                            if (vCurLoot.vItems.vDmgType == WeaponValueType.Average)
                                vText.color = Color.yellow;
                            else if (vCurLoot.vItems.vDmgType == WeaponValueType.High)
                                vText.color = Color.red;
                            else if (vCurLoot.vItems.vDmgType == WeaponValueType.GODLY)
                                vText.color = new Color(255f, 0f, 195f, 0f);

                            //reshow the whole animation
                            vNewObj.GetComponent <Animator> ().SetTrigger("Show");

                        //destroy loot
                        if (!HasAlreadyWeapon)

                        //clear loot
                        vCurLoot = null;
                    float vDistance = Vector2.Distance(vMainPlayer.transform.position, transform.position);

                    if ((vDistance <= 20f || IsAggro) && vDistance >= vGameManager.vMeleeRange)
                        IsWalking = true;
                        IsChasing = true;
                        SeePlayer = true;
                        IsAggro   = true;
                        //if (vDistance >= vGameManager.vMeleeRange && IsChasing)
                        IsWalking = false;

                        //check if can Melee Attack
                        if (IsChasing && vDistance <= vGameManager.vMeleeRange)
                            CanMelee    = true;
                            IsAttacking = true;
                            CanMelee = false;

                //check if we shoot
                if (IsAttacking && CanAttack)
                    //Melee (don't use any ammo)
                    if (ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].vWeaponType == WeaponType.Melee && CanMelee)
                        //get the amount of time to wait until we can shoot again
                        ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].vTimeWaited = ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].vTimeBtwShot;

                        //prevent from shooting too many time and wait for the animation to be done
                        CanAttack = false;

                        //animate the hand
                        if (ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].AttackAnimationUsed != "")
                            vBodyAnimator.SetTrigger(ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].AttackAnimationUsed);
                        //check if has enought ammo
                        if (ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].vAmmoCur > 0)
                            //get the amount of time to wait until we can shoot again
                            ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].vTimeWaited = ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].vTimeBtwShot;

                            //prevent from shooting too many time and wait for the animation to be done
                            CanAttack = false;

                            //reduce the ammo by 1
                            ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].vAmmoCur--;

                            //animate the hand
                            if (ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].AttackAnimationUsed != "")
                                vBodyAnimator.SetTrigger(ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].AttackAnimationUsed);

                            //create the shot FX
                            GameObject vShotFX = Instantiate(ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].vShotFX);
                            vShotFX.transform.position = CurWeaponObj.transform.Find("BulletPos").position;

                            //create the projectile on the aim obj IF EXIST
                            if (ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].vProjectile != null)
                                //create as many shot with the specific angle
                                foreach (float vAngle in ListWeapons[vCurWeapIndex].vBulletAngleList)
                                    //create the projectile
                                    GameObject vNewProj = Instantiate(ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].vProjectile);
                                    vNewProj.transform.position = CurWeaponObj.transform.Find("BulletPos").position;

                                    //calculate the new angle for every shot
                                    Quaternion vtemp = CurWeaponObj.transform.rotation;
                                    vtemp.z += vAngle;
                                    vNewProj.transform.rotation = vtemp;

                                    //send to the projectile everything it need to kill
                                    Tds_Projectile vProj = vNewProj.GetComponent <Tds_Projectile> ();
                                    vProj.vProjFactionType = vFactionType;
                                    vProj.Speed            = ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].vProjectileSpeed;
                                    vProj.vDmg             = ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].vDmg;
                                    vProj.vGameManager     = vGameManager;
                                    vProj.vRebounce        = ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].Rebounce;
                                    vProj.vImpactFX        = ListWeapons [vCurWeapIndex].vImpactFX;
                                    vProj.IsReady          = true;
                            if (IsReloading == false)
                                IsReloading = true;

                                //time until we have fully reloaded
                                TimeToReload = 1f;

                                //recharging animation // then we wait until the animation is complete and tell the character we have ammo!
                                if (vBodyAnimator != null)

                        //refresh all the weapon on top
                        if (IsPlayer)

                //rotate weapon if have one
                Vector3 vBodyPosition = vLeftHandObj.transform.position;

                //calcualte the angle
                Vector3 pos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(vBodyPosition);
                Vector3 dir = vTargetPosition - pos;

                Quaternion newRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(dir, Vector3.back);
                newRotation.x = 0f;
                newRotation.y = 0f;

                //check if walking
                if (IsWalking)
                    //initialise variable
                    bool vMoveUP    = false;
                    bool vMoveRight = false;
                    bool vMoveLeft  = false;
                    bool vMoveDown  = false;

                    if (IsPlayer)
                        if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > 0 && !Input.GetButtonUp("Vertical"))
                            vMoveUP = true;
                        if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") < 0 && !Input.GetButtonUp("Vertical"))
                            vMoveDown = true;
                        if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") > 0 && !Input.GetButtonUp("Horizontal"))
                            vMoveRight = true;
                        if (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") < 0 && !Input.GetButtonUp("Horizontal"))
                            vMoveLeft = true;
                        //shorten variables
                        float vX = transform.position.x;
                        float vY = transform.position.y;

                        if (vX <= vMainPlayer.transform.position.x /*&& vXValue*/)
                            vMoveRight = true;
                        else                         //if (vXValue)
                            vMoveLeft = true;

                        if (vY <= vMainPlayer.transform.position.y /*&& vYValue*/)
                            vMoveUP = true;
                        else                        // if (vYValue)
                            vMoveDown = true;

                    //check which position we are rotating
                    if (vMoveUP && vMoveRight)
                        CurWalkDirection = WalkDirection.RightUp;
                    else if (vMoveUP && vMoveLeft)
                        CurWalkDirection = WalkDirection.LeftUp;
                    else if (vMoveDown && vMoveLeft)
                        CurWalkDirection = WalkDirection.LeftDown;
                    else if (vMoveDown && vMoveRight)
                        CurWalkDirection = WalkDirection.RightDown;
                    else if (vMoveUP)
                        CurWalkDirection = WalkDirection.Up;
                    else if (vMoveLeft)
                        CurWalkDirection = WalkDirection.Left;
                    else if (vMoveDown)
                        CurWalkDirection = WalkDirection.Down;
                    else if (vMoveRight)
                        CurWalkDirection = WalkDirection.Right;

                    //calculate the new rotation
                    Vector3 temp = transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
                    temp.x             = 0f;
                    temp.y             = 0f;
                    temp.z             = GetWalkingRotation();
                    transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(temp);

                    //play leg animation backward
                    float vBackForward = 1;
                    if (vMoveDown)
                        vBackForward = -1;

                    //show the animation on the right direction
                    vLegAnimator.SetFloat("Direction", vBackForward);

                    //check where it's heading
                    Vector2 vDestination = new Vector2(0f, 1f) * WalkSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

                    //move the character in this direction
                    if (CanWalk)

                //rotate the body correctly
                //can only look at the player if he can see it
                if (CanRotateBody())
                    if (IsPlayer)
                        vBodyObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(vBodyObj.transform.rotation, newRotation, 1000f);
                        vBodyObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(vBodyObj.transform.rotation, newRotation, Time.deltaTime);

                vCamObj.transform.rotation = CamStartRotation;