コード例 #1
        public override IEdmModel GetEdmModel()
            if (_isModelBeingBuilt)
                throw Error.NotSupported(SRResources.GetEdmModelCalledMoreThanOnce);

            // before we begin, get the set of types the user had added explicitly.
            _explicitlyAddedTypes = new List <IStructuralTypeConfiguration>(StructuralTypes);

            _isModelBeingBuilt = true;


            _conventionsBeingApplied = true;

            // Apply type conventions. Note the call to ToArray() is required as the StructuralTypes collection
            // could get modified during ApplyTypeConventions().
            foreach (IStructuralTypeConfiguration edmTypeConfiguration in StructuralTypes.ToArray())

            // Apply property conventions. Note the call to ToArray() is required as the StructuralTypes collection
            // could get modified during ApplyPropertyConventions(). Also, type conventions might have
            // modified this. So, call ToArray() again.
            foreach (IStructuralTypeConfiguration edmTypeConfiguration in StructuralTypes.ToArray())

            // Don't RediscoverComplexTypes() and treat everything as an entity type if buidling a model for QueryableAttribute.
            if (!_isQueryCompositionMode)

            // prune unreachable types

            // Apply entity set conventions.
            IEnumerable <IEntitySetConfiguration> explictlyConfiguredEntitySets = new List <IEntitySetConfiguration>(EntitySets);

            foreach (IEntitySetConfiguration entitySet in explictlyConfiguredEntitySets)

コード例 #2
        // the convention model builder MapTypes() method might have went through deep object graphs and added a bunch of types
        // only to realise after applying the conventions that the user has ignored some of the properties. So, prune the unreachable stuff.
        private void PruneUnreachableTypes()
            Contract.Assert(_explicitlyAddedTypes != null);

            // Do a BFS starting with the types the user has explicitly added to find out the unreachable nodes.
            Queue <IStructuralTypeConfiguration>   reachableTypes = new Queue <IStructuralTypeConfiguration>(_explicitlyAddedTypes);
            HashSet <IStructuralTypeConfiguration> visitedTypes   = new HashSet <IStructuralTypeConfiguration>();

            while (reachableTypes.Count != 0)
                IStructuralTypeConfiguration currentType = reachableTypes.Dequeue();

                // go visit other end of each of this node's edges.
                foreach (PropertyConfiguration property in currentType.Properties.Where(property => property.Kind != PropertyKind.Primitive))
                    if (property.Kind == PropertyKind.Collection)
                        // if the elementType is primitive we don't need to do anything.
                        CollectionPropertyConfiguration colProperty = property as CollectionPropertyConfiguration;
                        if (EdmLibHelpers.GetEdmPrimitiveTypeOrNull(colProperty.ElementType) != null)

                    IStructuralTypeConfiguration propertyType = GetStructuralTypeOrNull(property.RelatedClrType);
                    Contract.Assert(propertyType != null, "we should already have seen this type");

                    if (!visitedTypes.Contains(propertyType))


            IStructuralTypeConfiguration[] allConfiguredTypes = StructuralTypes.ToArray();
            foreach (IStructuralTypeConfiguration type in allConfiguredTypes)
                if (!visitedTypes.Contains(type))
                    // we don't have to fix up any properties because this type is unreachable and cannot be a property of any reachable type.