コード例 #1
        /* Writes the contents of the buffer into the inputted file */
        public void Write(string inputName)
            StreamWriter sw;

                if (inputName != " ")
                    //Create a new file called "cs4080.txt"
                    FileInfo fileName = new FileInfo(inputName);
                    //Get a StreamWriter for the file
                    sw = fileName.CreateText();
                    FileInfo fileName = new FileInfo("file.txt");
                    //Get a StreamWriter for the file
                    sw = fileName.CreateText();

                StaticStringLinkNode n = headOfList.head;
                uint numberLine        = firstline;
                uint tempIndex         = textBufferList.GetIndex();

                for (int i = 0; i < tempIndex; i++)
                    //Write to file
                    n = n.next;

            catch (IOException e)
                Console.WriteLine("An IO Exception Occurred :" + e);
コード例 #2
        /* Replace lines from line1 through line2 with a single line that is their concatenation. When only one argument is passed, the command does nothing. */
        public unsafe void Join(uint line1, uint line2, uint *mainbufferLine)
            uint index  = line1; // final result will be inser at line one
            uint index2 = line2;

            string copy;

            if (line2 > line1 && line2 != line1)
                StaticStringLinkNode temp  = headOfList.head; // use to locate line 1 location
                StaticStringLinkNode temp2 = headOfList.head; // use to copy node

                if (line1.Equals(1))                          //if start at first line
                    copy = headOfList.head.memory.ToString();

                    while (temp != null && index2 != 0)
                        temp = temp.next;

                        copy = copy.Insert(copy.Length, " " + temp.memory);

                    textBufferList.InsertAfter(headOfList.head, copy);
                    Delete(line1, 0, mainbufferLine);           //after copy then delete line 1 through line2
                    Delete(2, line2, mainbufferLine);           //after copy then delete line 1 through line2
                    numberLine     = textBufferList.GetIndex(); // Get the current line number
                    currentAddress = line1;                     //Current Address is the last line entered
                    *mainbufferLine = textBufferList.GetIndex();

                    index  = line1 - 1;
                    index2 = (line2 - line1 + 1);

                    while (temp != null && index != 0) //locate the line1
                        temp  = temp.next;
                        temp2 = temp2.next;

                    copy = temp.memory.ToString();
                    while (temp != null && index2 != 0) //copy from line 1 to line2
                        temp = temp.next;
                        copy = copy.Insert(copy.Length, " " + temp.memory);
                    Delete(line1, line2, mainbufferLine);       //delete line 1 through line2
                    textBufferList.InsertAfter(temp.prev, copy);
                    numberLine     = textBufferList.GetIndex(); // Get the current line number
                    currentAddress = line1;                     //Current Address is the last line entered
                    *mainbufferLine = textBufferList.GetIndex();
コード例 #3
        /* Copies lines from line1 through line2 and inserts them after line3. For single argument, transfer that one line. */
        public unsafe void Transfer(uint line1, uint line2, uint line3, uint *mainbufferLine)
                uint              index          = line1;
                uint              index2         = line2;
                uint              index3         = line3;
                doublylinked2     tempList       = new doublylinked2();            // Temp helper list
                DoubleLinkedList2 tempheadOfList = new DoubleLinkedList2();        // Temp helper list's first node

                if (line1 >= 1 && line2.Equals(0) && line3 >= 0 && line3 != line1) //is line 2 is 0 then only transfer one line
                    if (headOfList.head != null && line1.Equals(1))                //If location is line 1
                        tempList.InsertLast(tempheadOfList, headOfList.head.memory.ToString());
                        Append(line3 - 1, tempheadOfList, 0, mainbufferLine); //need to rest set memory each time or creat
                        numberLine     = textBufferList.GetIndex();           // Get the current line number
                        currentAddress = line3 + 1;
                        *mainbufferLine = textBufferList.GetIndex();
                    else if (line3 >= 1)
                        StaticStringLinkNode temp  = headOfList.head; // use to locate line 1 location
                        StaticStringLinkNode temp2 = headOfList.head;
                        index--;                                      //for line 1 location
                        while (temp != null && index != 0)            //This while loop is use to locate line 1 string in text buffer
                            temp = temp.next;                // line1 loaction node, we will copy this node's tring to temp
                        while (temp2 != null && index3 != 0) //This while loop is use to locate line 3
                            temp2 = temp2.next;                                    // line 3 loaction node string
                        textBufferList.InsertAfter(temp2, temp.memory.ToString()); // Insert line 1 string after line 3
                        numberLine     = textBufferList.GetIndex();                // Get the current line number
                        currentAddress = line3 + 1;
                        *mainbufferLine = textBufferList.GetIndex();
                    else if (line3.Equals(0))
                        StaticStringLinkNode temp = headOfList.head; // use to locate line 1 location
                        index--;                                     //for line 1 location
                        while (temp != null && index != 0)           //This while loop is use to locate line 1 string in text buffer
                            temp = temp.next;                                           // line1 loaction node, we will copy this node's tring to temp
                        textBufferList.InsertFront(headOfList, temp.memory.ToString()); // Insert line 1 string after line 3
                        numberLine     = textBufferList.GetIndex();                     // Get the current line number
                        currentAddress = line3;
                        *mainbufferLine = textBufferList.GetIndex();
                else if (line1 >= 1 && line2.Equals(line1) && line3 >= 1 && line3 != line1) // if line 1 = line2
                    if (headOfList.head != null && line1.Equals(1))                         //If location is line 1
                        tempList.InsertLast(tempheadOfList, headOfList.head.memory.ToString());
                        Append(line3 - 1, tempheadOfList, 0, mainbufferLine); //need to rest set memory each time or creat
                        numberLine     = textBufferList.GetIndex();           // Get the current line number
                        currentAddress = line3 + 1;
                        *mainbufferLine = textBufferList.GetIndex();
                        StaticStringLinkNode temp  = headOfList.head; // use to locate line 1 location
                        StaticStringLinkNode temp2 = headOfList.head; // use to locate line 3 string
                        index--;                                      //for line 1 location
                        while (temp != null && index != 0)            //This while loop is use to locate line 1 string in text buffer
                            temp = temp.next;                // line1 loaction node, we will copy this node's tring to temp
                        while (temp2 != null && index3 != 0) //Thi1s while loop is use to locate line 3
                            temp2 = temp2.next;                                    // line 3 loaction node string
                        textBufferList.InsertAfter(temp2, temp.memory.ToString()); // Insert line 1 string after line 3
                        numberLine     = textBufferList.GetIndex();                // Get the current line number
                        currentAddress = line3 + 1;
                        *mainbufferLine = textBufferList.GetIndex();
                else if (line2 > line1) // copy line 1 throut line 2 and inser after line 3
                    if (line3.Equals(0))
                        index  = line1 - 1;
                        index2 = (line2 - line1 + 1);
                        StaticStringLinkNode temp  = headOfList.head; // use to locate line 1 location
                        StaticStringLinkNode temp2 = headOfList.head; // use to locate line 3 string


                        while (temp != null && index != 0) //If location is line 1. Copy line 1 thorough line 2
                            temp = temp.next;

                        while (temp != null && index2 != 0) //If location is line 1. Copy line 1 thorough line 2
                            tempList.InsertLast(tempheadOfList, temp.memory.ToString());
                            temp = temp.next; // line1 loaction node, we will copy this node's tring to temp
                        Append(9999, tempheadOfList, 0, mainbufferLine);
                        numberLine     = textBufferList.GetIndex(); // Get the current line number
                        currentAddress = line3 + (line2 - line1 + 1);
                        *mainbufferLine = textBufferList.GetIndex();
                        index  = line1 - 1;
                        index2 = (line2 - line1 + 1);
                        StaticStringLinkNode temp  = headOfList.head; // use to locate line 1 location
                        StaticStringLinkNode temp2 = headOfList.head; // use to locate line 3 string


                        while (temp != null && index != 0) //If location is line 1. Copy line 1 thorough line 2
                            temp = temp.next;

                        while (temp != null && index2 != 0) //If location is line 1. Copy line 1 thorough line 2
                            tempList.InsertLast(tempheadOfList, temp.memory.ToString());
                            temp = temp.next; // line1 loaction node, we will copy this node's tring to temp

                        Append(line3, tempheadOfList, 0, mainbufferLine);
                        numberLine     = textBufferList.GetIndex(); // Get the current line number
                        currentAddress = line3 + (line2 - line1 + 1);
                        *mainbufferLine = textBufferList.GetIndex();
                    Console.WriteLine("Line index error");
コード例 #4
        uint numberLine = 1;                                    /* How many lines are currently in the buffer if the DoubleLinkedList does not store its own size */

        /* Appends contents of input buffer after the input line */
        public unsafe void Append(uint line, DoubleLinkedList2 inputBuffer, uint totalLine, uint *mainbufferLine)
            if (line == 9999)
                StaticStringLinkNode temp = inputBuffer.head;

                if (temp != null)
                    textBufferList.InsertFront(headOfList, temp.memory.ToString()); // copy first line from input buffer to text buffer
                StaticStringLinkNode temp2 = headOfList.head;
                temp = temp.next;

                while (temp != null)
                    textBufferList.InsertAfter(temp2, temp.memory.ToString());
                    temp  = temp.next;
                    temp2 = temp2.next;
                numberLine     = textBufferList.GetIndex(); // Get the current line number
                currentAddress = textBufferList.GetIndex(); //Current Address is the last line entered
                *mainbufferLine = textBufferList.GetIndex();
            else if (line == 0 || line == textBufferList.GetIndex()) //append at the end
                StaticStringLinkNode temp = inputBuffer.head;

                if (temp != null)
                    textBufferList.InsertLast(headOfList, temp.memory.ToString()); // copy first line from input buffer to text buffer

                temp = temp.next;

                while (temp != null)
                    textBufferList.InsertLast(headOfList, temp.memory.ToString());
                    temp = temp.next;
                numberLine     = textBufferList.GetIndex(); // Get the current line number
                currentAddress = textBufferList.GetIndex(); //Current Address is the last line entered
                *mainbufferLine = textBufferList.GetIndex();
            else //append after a selecte line
                StaticStringLinkNode temp  = inputBuffer.head;
                StaticStringLinkNode temp2 = headOfList.head;

                if (line == 1) // Insert after the head
                    if (temp != null)
                        textBufferList.InsertAfter(headOfList.head, temp.memory.ToString());

                    temp  = temp.next;
                    temp2 = temp2.next;

                    while (temp != null)
                        textBufferList.InsertAfter(temp2, temp.memory.ToString());
                        temp  = temp.next;
                        temp2 = temp2.next;
                    numberLine     = textBufferList.GetIndex(); // Get the current line number
                    currentAddress = totalLine + 1;             //Current Address is the last line entered
                    *mainbufferLine = textBufferList.GetIndex();
                else if (textBufferList.GetIndex() >= line)
                    for (int i = 0; i < line - 1; i++)
                        temp2 = temp2.next;

                    if (temp != null)
                        textBufferList.InsertAfter(temp2, temp.memory.ToString());

                    temp  = temp.next;
                    temp2 = temp2.next;

                    while (temp != null)
                        textBufferList.InsertAfter(temp2, temp.memory.ToString());
                        temp  = temp.next;
                        temp2 = temp2.next;
                    *mainbufferLine = textBufferList.GetIndex();
                    numberLine     = textBufferList.GetIndex(); // Get the current line number
                    currentAddress = totalLine + numberLine;    //Current Address is the last line entered

                    Console.WriteLine("Erro wrong input lines number ");