コード例 #1
        /**** Private methods                           ****/

        private bool CreateObject(BarDistributedMass distributedMass)
            int    err        = 0;
            int    uID        = 1;
            double tol        = 0.001;
            int    loadCaseId = GetAdapterId <int>(distributedMass.Loadcase);

            foreach (Bar bar in distributedMass.Objects.Elements)
                double length = BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.Length(BH.Engine.Structure.Query.Centreline(bar));
                int    barId  = GetAdapterId <int>(bar);
                if (distributedMass.MassA > 0 || distributedMass.MassB > 0)
                    int dlType = St7.dlLinear;

                    double[] values = new double[10];
                    values[0] = distributedMass.MassA;
                    values[1] = distributedMass.MassB;
                    values[4] = distributedMass.DistanceFromA / length;
                    values[5] = distributedMass.DistanceFromB / length;
                    values[6] = distributedMass.DynamicFactor;
                    values[7] = distributedMass.Offset.X;
                    values[8] = distributedMass.Offset.Y;
                    values[9] = distributedMass.Offset.Z;
                    int globalDistMassCount = 0;
                    err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(uID, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamNSMass, ref globalDistMassCount);
                    if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't get a number of global distributed beam masses for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                    err = St7.St7SetBeamNSMass10ID(uID, barId, loadCaseId, dlType, globalDistMassCount + 1, values);
                    if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't set a distributed beam load for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
コード例 #2
        private List <ILoad> ReadBarDistributedLoad(List <Loadcase> loadcases)
            int err = 0;
            Dictionary <int, Loadcase> lcDict = loadcases.ToDictionary(x => GetAdapterId <int>(x));
            List <ILoad> bhLoads = new List <ILoad>();
            List <Bar>   allBars = ReadBars();

            foreach (Bar bar in allBars)
                double length = BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.Length(BH.Engine.Structure.Query.Centreline(bar));
                int    barId  = GetAdapterId <int>(bar);

                // global Distributed Forces
                int globalDistForceCount = 0;
                err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(1, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamDLG, ref globalDistForceCount);
                if (globalDistForceCount > 0)
                    // getting load IDs and direction
                    int[] sequenceNumbers = new int[globalDistForceCount * 4];
                    err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequence(1, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamDLG, globalDistForceCount, sequenceNumbers);
                    for (int i = 0; i < globalDistForceCount; i++)
                        int      loadCaseNum      = sequenceNumbers[4 * i + St7.ipAttrCase];
                        int      loadDir          = sequenceNumbers[4 * i + St7.ipAttrAxis];
                        int      loadID           = sequenceNumbers[4 * i + St7.ipAttrID];
                        double   loadX            = loadDir == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                        double   loadY            = loadDir == 2 ? 1 : 0;
                        double   loadZ            = loadDir == 3 ? 1 : 0;
                        int      projected        = 0;
                        int      distributionType = 0;
                        double[] forcesG          = new double[6];
                        err = St7.St7GetBeamDistributedForceGlobal6ID(1, barId, loadDir, loadCaseNum, loadID, ref projected, ref distributionType, forcesG);
                        // adding load case, object information to loads
                        bhLoads.AddRange(DistributedBarLoadsFromSt7(loadX, loadY, loadZ, distributionType, length, forcesG, new double[6], lcDict[loadCaseNum], bar, projected == St7.bpProjected, LoadAxis.Global));
                // principal Distributed Forces
                int principalDistForceCount = 0;
                err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(1, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamDLL, ref principalDistForceCount);
                if (principalDistForceCount > 0)
                    // getting load IDs and direction
                    int[] sequenceNumbers = new int[principalDistForceCount * 4];
                    err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequence(1, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamDLL, principalDistForceCount, sequenceNumbers);
                    for (int i = 0; i < principalDistForceCount; i++)
                        int      loadCaseNum      = sequenceNumbers[4 * i + St7.ipAttrCase];
                        int      loadDir          = sequenceNumbers[4 * i + St7.ipAttrAxis];
                        int      loadID           = sequenceNumbers[4 * i + St7.ipAttrID];
                        double   loadX            = loadDir == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                        double   loadY            = loadDir == 2 ? 1 : 0;
                        double   loadZ            = loadDir == 3 ? 1 : 0;
                        int      distributionType = 0;
                        double[] forcesP          = new double[6];
                        err = St7.St7GetBeamDistributedForcePrincipal6ID(1, barId, loadDir, loadCaseNum, loadID, ref distributionType, forcesP);
                        bhLoads.AddRange(DistributedBarLoadsFromSt7(loadX, loadY, loadZ, distributionType, length, forcesP, new double[6], lcDict[loadCaseNum], bar, false, LoadAxis.Local));
                // principal Distributed Moments
                int principalDistMomentCount = 0;
                err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(1, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamDML, ref principalDistMomentCount);
                if (principalDistMomentCount > 0)
                    // getting load IDs and direction
                    int[] sequenceNumbers = new int[principalDistMomentCount * 4];
                    err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequence(1, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamDML, principalDistMomentCount, sequenceNumbers);
                    for (int i = 0; i < principalDistMomentCount; i++)
                        int      loadCaseNum      = sequenceNumbers[4 * i + St7.ipAttrCase];
                        int      loadDir          = sequenceNumbers[4 * i + St7.ipAttrAxis];
                        int      loadID           = sequenceNumbers[4 * i + St7.ipAttrID];
                        double   loadX            = loadDir == 1 ? 1 : 0;
                        double   loadY            = loadDir == 2 ? 1 : 0;
                        double   loadZ            = loadDir == 3 ? 1 : 0;
                        int      distributionType = 0;
                        double[] momentsP         = new double[6];
                        err = St7.St7GetBeamDistributedMomentPrincipal6ID(1, barId, loadDir, loadCaseNum, loadID, ref distributionType, momentsP);
                        bhLoads.AddRange(DistributedBarLoadsFromSt7(loadX, loadY, loadZ, distributionType, length, new double[6], momentsP, lcDict[loadCaseNum], bar, false, LoadAxis.Local));
コード例 #3
        /**** Private methods                           ****/

        private bool CreateObject(BarPointLoad barPointLoad)
            int err        = 0;
            int uID        = 1;
            int loadCaseId = GetAdapterId <int>(barPointLoad.Loadcase);

            // *************************** GLOBAL ***************************
            if (barPointLoad.Axis == LoadAxis.Global)
                foreach (Bar bar in barPointLoad.Objects.Elements)
                    double length = BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.Length(BH.Engine.Structure.Query.Centreline(bar));
                    int    barId  = GetAdapterId <int>(bar);
                    // creating global Point Forces
                    if (BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.Length(barPointLoad.Force) > 0)
                        // get number of global point forces at the beam
                        int globalPointForceCount = 0;
                        err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(uID, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamCFG, ref globalPointForceCount);
                        if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't get a number of global point beam loads for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                        double[] forces = new double[4];
                        forces[0] = barPointLoad.Force.X;
                        forces[1] = barPointLoad.Force.Y;
                        forces[2] = barPointLoad.Force.Z;
                        forces[3] = barPointLoad.DistanceFromA / length;
                        err       = St7.St7SetBeamPointForceGlobal4ID(uID, barId, loadCaseId, globalPointForceCount + 1, forces);
                        if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't set global point beam loads for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                    // creating global Point Moments
                    if (BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.Length(barPointLoad.Moment) > 0)
                        // get number of global point moments at the beam
                        int globalPointMomentCount = 0;
                        err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(uID, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamCMG, ref globalPointMomentCount);
                        if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't get a number of global point beam moments for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                        double[] moments = new double[4];
                        moments[0] = barPointLoad.Moment.X;
                        moments[1] = barPointLoad.Moment.Y;
                        moments[2] = barPointLoad.Moment.Z;
                        moments[3] = barPointLoad.DistanceFromA / length;
                        err        = St7.St7SetBeamPointMomentGlobal4ID(uID, barId, loadCaseId, globalPointMomentCount + 1, moments);
                        if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't set global point beam moments for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
            // *************************** LOCAL ****************************
            if (barPointLoad.Axis == LoadAxis.Local)
                foreach (Bar bar in barPointLoad.Objects.Elements)
                    double length = BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.Length(BH.Engine.Structure.Query.Centreline(bar));
                    int    barId  = GetAdapterId <int>(bar);

                    if (BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.Length(barPointLoad.Force) > 0)
                        // get number of local point forces at the beam
                        int localPointForceCount = 0;
                        err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(uID, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamCFL, ref localPointForceCount);
                        if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't get a number of local point beam loads for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                        double[] forces = new double[4];
                        forces[0] = barPointLoad.Force.X;
                        forces[1] = barPointLoad.Force.Y;
                        forces[2] = barPointLoad.Force.Z;
                        forces[3] = barPointLoad.DistanceFromA / length;
                        err       = St7.St7SetBeamPointForcePrincipal4ID(uID, barId, loadCaseId, localPointForceCount + 1, forces);
                        if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't set local point beam loads for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                    // creating global Point Moments
                    if (BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.Length(barPointLoad.Moment) > 0)
                        // get number of local point moments at the beam
                        int localPointMomentCount = 0;
                        err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(uID, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamCML, ref localPointMomentCount);
                        if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't get a number of local point beam moments for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                        double[] moments = new double[4];
                        moments[0] = barPointLoad.Moment.X;
                        moments[1] = barPointLoad.Moment.Y;
                        moments[2] = barPointLoad.Moment.Z;
                        moments[3] = barPointLoad.DistanceFromA / length;
                        err        = St7.St7SetBeamPointMomentPrincipal4ID(uID, barId, loadCaseId, localPointMomentCount + 1, moments);
                        if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't set local point beam moments for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
コード例 #4
ファイル: BarPointLoad.cs プロジェクト: BHoM/Strand7_Toolkit
        private List <ILoad> ReadBarPointLoad(List <Loadcase> loadcases)
            int err = 0;
            Dictionary <int, Loadcase> lcDict = loadcases.ToDictionary(x => GetAdapterId <int>(x));
            List <ILoad> bhLoads = new List <ILoad>();
            List <Bar>   allBars = ReadBars();

            foreach (Bar bar in allBars)
                double length = BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.Length(BH.Engine.Structure.Query.Centreline(bar));
                int    barId  = GetAdapterId <int>(bar);

                // ***************** try to get point forces first ************************
                // ****************************** global **********************************
                int globalPointForceCount = 0;
                err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(1, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamCFG, ref globalPointForceCount);
                if (globalPointForceCount > 0)
                    // getting load IDs
                    int[] sequenceNumbers = new int[globalPointForceCount * 4];
                    err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequence(1, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamCFG, globalPointForceCount, sequenceNumbers);
                    for (int i = 0; i < globalPointForceCount; i++)
                        int      loadCaseNum = sequenceNumbers[4 * i + St7.ipAttrCase];
                        int      loadID      = sequenceNumbers[4 * i + St7.ipAttrID];
                        double[] forcesG     = new double[4];
                        err = St7.St7GetBeamPointForceGlobal4ID(1, barId, loadCaseNum, loadID, forcesG);
                        if (!IsZeroSqLength(forcesG))
                            BarPointLoad bhLoad = new BarPointLoad()
                                DistanceFromA = length * forcesG[3],
                                Force         = new Vector()
                                    X = forcesG[0], Y = forcesG[1], Z = forcesG[2]
                                Loadcase  = lcDict[loadCaseNum],
                                Projected = false,
                                Axis      = LoadAxis.Global,
                                Objects   = new BHoMGroup <Bar>()
                                    Elements = { bar }
                int globalPointMomentCount = 0;
                err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(1, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamCMG, ref globalPointMomentCount);
                if (globalPointMomentCount > 0)
                    // getting load IDs
                    int[] sequenceNumbers = new int[globalPointMomentCount * 4];
                    err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequence(1, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamCMG, globalPointMomentCount, sequenceNumbers);
                    for (int i = 0; i < globalPointMomentCount; i++)
                        int      loadCaseNum = sequenceNumbers[4 * i + St7.ipAttrCase];
                        int      loadID      = sequenceNumbers[4 * i + St7.ipAttrID];
                        double[] momentsG    = new double[4];
                        err = St7.St7GetBeamPointMomentGlobal4ID(1, barId, loadCaseNum, loadID, momentsG);
                        if (!IsZeroSqLength(momentsG))
                            BarPointLoad bhLoad = new BarPointLoad()
                                DistanceFromA = length * momentsG[3],
                                Moment        = new Vector()
                                    X = momentsG[0], Y = momentsG[1], Z = momentsG[2]
                                Loadcase  = lcDict[loadCaseNum],
                                Projected = false,
                                Axis      = LoadAxis.Global,
                                Objects   = new BHoMGroup <Bar>()
                                    Elements = { bar }
                // ****************************** principal **********************************
                int principalPointForceCount = 0;
                err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(1, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamCFL, ref principalPointForceCount);
                if (principalPointForceCount > 0)
                    // getting load IDs
                    int[] sequenceNumbers = new int[principalPointForceCount * 4];
                    err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequence(1, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamCFL, principalPointForceCount, sequenceNumbers);
                    for (int i = 0; i < principalPointForceCount; i++)
                        int      loadCaseNum = sequenceNumbers[4 * i + St7.ipAttrCase];
                        int      loadID      = sequenceNumbers[4 * i + St7.ipAttrID];
                        double[] forcesP     = new double[4];
                        err = St7.St7GetBeamPointForcePrincipal4ID(1, barId, loadCaseNum, loadID, forcesP);
                        if (!IsZeroSqLength(forcesP))
                            BarPointLoad bhLoad = new BarPointLoad()
                                DistanceFromA = length * forcesP[3],
                                //Force = BH.Engine.Geometry.Modify.Transform(new Vector() { X = forcesP[0], Y = forcesP[1], Z = forcesP[2] }, transformMatrix),
                                Force = new Vector()
                                    X = forcesP[0], Y = forcesP[1], Z = forcesP[2]
                                Loadcase  = lcDict[loadCaseNum],
                                Projected = false,
                                Axis      = LoadAxis.Local,
                                Objects   = new BHoMGroup <Bar>()
                                    Elements = { bar }
                int principalPointMomentCount = 0;
                err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(1, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamCML, ref principalPointMomentCount);
                if (principalPointMomentCount > 0)
                    // getting load IDs
                    int[] sequenceNumbers = new int[principalPointMomentCount * 4];
                    err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequence(1, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamCML, principalPointMomentCount, sequenceNumbers);
                    for (int i = 0; i < principalPointMomentCount; i++)
                        int      loadCaseNum = sequenceNumbers[4 * i + St7.ipAttrCase];
                        int      loadID      = sequenceNumbers[4 * i + St7.ipAttrID];
                        double[] momentsP    = new double[4];
                        err = St7.St7GetBeamPointMomentPrincipal4ID(1, barId, loadCaseNum, loadID, momentsP);
                        if (!IsZeroSqLength(momentsP))
                            BarPointLoad bhLoad = new BarPointLoad()
                                DistanceFromA = length * momentsP[3],
                                //Moment = BH.Engine.Geometry.Modify.Transform(new Vector() { X = momentsP[0], Y = momentsP[1], Z = momentsP[2] }, transformMatrix),
                                Moment = new Vector()
                                    X = momentsP[0], Y = momentsP[1], Z = momentsP[2]
                                Projected = false,
                                Axis      = LoadAxis.Local,
                                Loadcase  = lcDict[loadCaseNum],
                                Objects   = new BHoMGroup <Bar>()
                                    Elements = { bar }
コード例 #5
        /**** Private methods                           ****/

        private bool CreateObject(BarVaryingDistributedLoad distributedLoad)
            int    err        = 0;
            int    uID        = 1;
            double tol        = 0.001;
            int    loadCaseId = GetAdapterId <int>(distributedLoad.Loadcase);

            // *************************** GLOBAL DISTRIBUTED ***************************
            if (distributedLoad.Axis == LoadAxis.Global)
                foreach (Bar bar in distributedLoad.Objects.Elements)
                    double length = BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.Length(BH.Engine.Structure.Query.Centreline(bar));
                    int    barId  = GetAdapterId <int>(bar);
                    if (BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.SquareLength(distributedLoad.ForceAtStart) > 0 || BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.SquareLength(distributedLoad.ForceAtEnd) > 0)
                        int dlType    = St7.dlLinear;
                        int projected = distributedLoad.Projected ? St7.bpProjected : St7.bpNone;

                        // setting different directions
                        if (Math.Abs(distributedLoad.ForceAtStart.X) > tol || Math.Abs(distributedLoad.ForceAtEnd.X) > tol)
                            int      beamDir = 1;
                            double[] values  = new double[6];
                            values[0] = distributedLoad.ForceAtStart.X;
                            values[1] = distributedLoad.ForceAtEnd.X;
                            values[4] = distributedLoad.StartPosition / length;
                            values[5] = distributedLoad.EndPosition / length;
                            int globalDistForceCount = 0;
                            err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(uID, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamDLG, ref globalDistForceCount);
                            if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't get a number of global distributed beam loads for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                            err = St7.St7SetBeamDistributedForceGlobal6ID(uID, barId, beamDir, projected, loadCaseId, dlType, globalDistForceCount + 1, values);
                            if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't set a distributed beam load for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                        if (Math.Abs(distributedLoad.ForceAtStart.Y) > tol || Math.Abs(distributedLoad.ForceAtEnd.Y) > tol)
                            int      beamDir = 2;
                            double[] values  = new double[6];
                            values[0] = distributedLoad.ForceAtStart.Y;
                            values[1] = distributedLoad.ForceAtEnd.Y;
                            values[4] = distributedLoad.StartPosition / length;
                            values[5] = distributedLoad.EndPosition / length;
                            int globalDistForceCount = 0;
                            err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(uID, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamDLG, ref globalDistForceCount);
                            if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't get a number of global distributed beam loads for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                            err = St7.St7SetBeamDistributedForceGlobal6ID(uID, barId, beamDir, projected, loadCaseId, dlType, globalDistForceCount + 1, values);
                            if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't set a distributed beam load for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                        if (Math.Abs(distributedLoad.ForceAtStart.Z) > tol || Math.Abs(distributedLoad.ForceAtEnd.Z) > tol)
                            int      beamDir = 3;
                            double[] values  = new double[6];
                            values[0] = distributedLoad.ForceAtStart.Z;
                            values[1] = distributedLoad.ForceAtEnd.Z;
                            values[4] = distributedLoad.StartPosition / length;
                            values[5] = distributedLoad.EndPosition / length;
                            int globalDistForceCount = 0;
                            err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(uID, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamDLG, ref globalDistForceCount);
                            if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't get a number of global distributed beam loads for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                            err = St7.St7SetBeamDistributedForceGlobal6ID(uID, barId, beamDir, projected, loadCaseId, dlType, globalDistForceCount + 1, values);
                            if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't set a distributed beam load for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
            // *************************** PRINCIPAL DISTRIBUTED ***************************
            if (distributedLoad.Axis == LoadAxis.Local)
                foreach (Bar bar in distributedLoad.Objects.Elements)
                    // get a principal coordinate system first
                    int    barId  = GetAdapterId <int>(bar);
                    double length = BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.Length(BH.Engine.Structure.Query.Centreline(bar));
                    // ******************************* FORCES  **********************************
                    if (BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.SquareLength(distributedLoad.ForceAtStart) > 0 || BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.SquareLength(distributedLoad.ForceAtEnd) > 0)
                        int dlType = St7.dlLinear;
                        // setting different directions
                        if (Math.Abs(distributedLoad.ForceAtStart.X) > tol || Math.Abs(distributedLoad.ForceAtEnd.X) > tol)
                            int      beamDir = 1;
                            double[] values  = new double[6];
                            values[0] = distributedLoad.ForceAtStart.X;
                            values[1] = distributedLoad.ForceAtEnd.X;
                            values[4] = distributedLoad.StartPosition / length;
                            values[5] = distributedLoad.EndPosition / length;
                            int localDistForceCount = 0;
                            err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(uID, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamDLL, ref localDistForceCount);
                            if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't get a number of principal distributed beam loads for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                            err = St7.St7SetBeamDistributedForcePrincipal6ID(uID, barId, beamDir, loadCaseId, dlType, localDistForceCount + 1, values);
                            if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't set a distributed beam load for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                        if (Math.Abs(distributedLoad.ForceAtStart.Y) > tol || Math.Abs(distributedLoad.ForceAtEnd.Y) > tol)
                            int      beamDir = 2;
                            double[] values  = new double[6];
                            values[0] = distributedLoad.ForceAtStart.Y;
                            values[1] = distributedLoad.ForceAtEnd.Y;
                            values[4] = distributedLoad.StartPosition / length;
                            values[5] = distributedLoad.EndPosition / length;
                            int localDistForceCount = 0;
                            err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(uID, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamDLL, ref localDistForceCount);
                            if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't get a number of principal distributed beam loads for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                            err = St7.St7SetBeamDistributedForcePrincipal6ID(uID, barId, beamDir, loadCaseId, dlType, localDistForceCount + 1, values);
                            if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't set a distributed beam load for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                        if (Math.Abs(distributedLoad.ForceAtStart.Z) > tol || Math.Abs(distributedLoad.ForceAtEnd.Z) > tol)
                            int      beamDir = 3;
                            double[] values  = new double[6];
                            values[0] = distributedLoad.ForceAtStart.Z;
                            values[1] = distributedLoad.ForceAtEnd.Z;
                            values[4] = distributedLoad.StartPosition / length;
                            values[5] = distributedLoad.EndPosition / length;
                            int localDistForceCount = 0;
                            err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(uID, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamDLL, ref localDistForceCount);
                            if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't get a number of principal distributed beam loads for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                            err = St7.St7SetBeamDistributedForcePrincipal6ID(uID, barId, beamDir, loadCaseId, dlType, localDistForceCount + 1, values);
                            if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't set a distributed beam load for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                    // ******************************* MOMENTS  **********************************
                    if (BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.SquareLength(distributedLoad.MomentAtStart) > 0 || BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.SquareLength(distributedLoad.MomentAtEnd) > 0)
                        int dlType = St7.dlLinear;
                        // setting different directions
                        if (Math.Abs(distributedLoad.MomentAtStart.X) > tol || Math.Abs(distributedLoad.MomentAtEnd.X) > tol)
                            int      beamDir = 1;
                            double[] values  = new double[6];
                            values[0] = distributedLoad.MomentAtStart.X;
                            values[1] = distributedLoad.MomentAtEnd.X;
                            values[4] = distributedLoad.StartPosition / length;
                            values[5] = distributedLoad.EndPosition / length;
                            int localDistMomentCount = 0;
                            err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(uID, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamDML, ref localDistMomentCount);
                            if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't get a number of principal distributed beam moments for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                            err = St7.St7SetBeamDistributedMomentPrincipal6ID(uID, barId, beamDir, loadCaseId, dlType, localDistMomentCount + 1, values);
                            if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't set a distributed beam moments for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                        if (Math.Abs(distributedLoad.MomentAtStart.Y) > tol || Math.Abs(distributedLoad.MomentAtEnd.Y) > tol)
                            int      beamDir = 2;
                            double[] values  = new double[6];
                            values[0] = distributedLoad.MomentAtStart.Y;
                            values[1] = distributedLoad.MomentAtEnd.Y;
                            values[4] = distributedLoad.StartPosition / length;
                            values[5] = distributedLoad.EndPosition / length;
                            int localDistMomentCount = 0;
                            err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(uID, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamDML, ref localDistMomentCount);
                            if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't get a number of principal distributed beam loads for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                            err = St7.St7SetBeamDistributedMomentPrincipal6ID(uID, barId, beamDir, loadCaseId, dlType, localDistMomentCount + 1, values);
                            if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't set a distributed beam moments for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                        if (Math.Abs(distributedLoad.MomentAtStart.Z) > tol || Math.Abs(distributedLoad.MomentAtEnd.Z) > tol)
                            int      beamDir = 3;
                            double[] values  = new double[6];
                            values[0] = distributedLoad.MomentAtStart.Z;
                            values[1] = distributedLoad.MomentAtEnd.Z;
                            values[4] = distributedLoad.StartPosition / length;
                            values[5] = distributedLoad.EndPosition / length;
                            int localDistMomentCount = 0;
                            err = St7.St7GetEntityAttributeSequenceCount(uID, St7.tyBEAM, barId, St7.aoBeamDML, ref localDistMomentCount);
                            if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't get a number of principal distributed beam moments for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
                            err = St7.St7SetBeamDistributedMomentPrincipal6ID(uID, barId, beamDir, loadCaseId, dlType, localDistMomentCount + 1, values);
                            if (!St7ErrorCustom(err, "Couldn't set a distributed beam moments for a loadcase " + loadCaseId + " beam " + barId))
