public void CreateRowsAndColumns() { SpreadsheetDocument doc = new SpreadsheetDocument(); doc.New(); Table table = new Table(doc, "tab1", "tab1"); for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= 5; j++) { Cell cell = table.CreateCell(); cell.OfficeValueType = "float"; Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(doc); string text = (j + i - 1).ToString(); paragraph.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(doc, text)); cell.Content.Add(paragraph); cell.OfficeValueType = "string"; cell.OfficeValue = text; table.InsertCellAt(i, j, cell); } } Assert.AreEqual(5, table.Rows.Count); for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { Row row = table.Rows[i]; Assert.AreEqual(6, row.Cells.Count); } }
public void CreateTableFormatedText() { //Create new spreadsheet document SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheetDocument = new SpreadsheetDocument(); spreadsheetDocument.New(); //Create a new table Table table = new Table(spreadsheetDocument, "First", "tablefirst"); //Create a new cell, without any extra styles Cell cell = table.CreateCell(); //cell.OfficeValueType = "string"; //Set full border //cell.CellStyle.CellProperties.Border = Border.NormalSolid; //Add a paragraph to this cell Paragraph paragraph = ParagraphBuilder.CreateSpreadsheetParagraph( spreadsheetDocument); //Create some Formated text FormatedText fText = new FormatedText(spreadsheetDocument, "T1", "Some Text"); //fText.TextStyle.TextProperties.Bold = "bold"; fText.TextStyle.TextProperties.Underline = LineStyles.dotted; //Add formated text paragraph.TextContent.Add(fText); //Add paragraph to the cell cell.Content.Add(paragraph); //Insert the cell at row index 2 and column index 3 //All need rows, columns and cells below the given //indexes will be build automatically. table.InsertCellAt(2, 3, cell); //Insert table into the spreadsheet document spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection.Add(table); spreadsheetDocument.SaveTo(AARunMeFirstAndOnce.outPutFolder + "formated.ods"); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath"></param> public OpenDocumentServices(String filePath) { this.filePath = filePath; this.document = new SpreadsheetDocument(); document.New(); // document.SaveTo(filePath); // this.document.Load(filePath); this.table = new Table(document, "Foglio di lavoro", ""); this.document.TableCollection.Add(table); this.title = ""; currentRow = 0; }
public void SpreadSheetFormsTest() { //Create new spreadsheet document SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheetDocument = new SpreadsheetDocument(); spreadsheetDocument.New(); //Create a new table Table table = new Table(spreadsheetDocument, "First", "tablefirst"); //Create a new cell, without any extra styles Cell cell = new Cell(spreadsheetDocument, "cell001"); cell.OfficeValueType = "string"; //Set full border cell.CellStyle.CellProperties.Border = Border.NormalSolid; //Add a paragraph to this cell Paragraph paragraph = ParagraphBuilder.CreateSpreadsheetParagraph( spreadsheetDocument); //Add some text content paragraph.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, "Some text")); //Add paragraph to the cell cell.Content.Add(paragraph); //Insert the cell at row index 2 and column index 3 //All need rows, columns and cells below the given //indexes will be build automatically. table.Rows.Add(new Row(table, "Standard")); table.Rows.Add(new Row(table, "Standard")); table.Rows.Add(new Row(table, "Standard")); table.InsertCellAt(3, 2, cell); //Insert table into the spreadsheet document ODFForm main_form = new ODFForm(spreadsheetDocument, "mainform"); main_form.Method = Method.Get; ODFButton butt = new ODFButton(main_form, cell.Content, "butt", "0cm", "0cm", "15mm", "8mm"); butt.Label = "test :)"; main_form.Controls.Add(butt); spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection.Add(table); table.Forms.Add(main_form); spreadsheetDocument.SaveTo(AARunMeFirstAndOnce.outPutFolder + "spreadsheet_forms.ods"); SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheetDocument2 = new SpreadsheetDocument(); spreadsheetDocument2.Load(AARunMeFirstAndOnce.outPutFolder + "spreadsheet_forms.ods"); ODFButton b = spreadsheetDocument2.TableCollection[0].FindControlById("butt") as ODFButton; Assert.IsNotNull(b); b.Label = "it works!"; spreadsheetDocument2.SaveTo(AARunMeFirstAndOnce.outPutFolder + "spreadsheet_forms2.ods"); }
public void CreateNewSpreadsheet() { _spreadsheetDocument1 = new SpreadsheetDocument(); _spreadsheetDocument1.New(); Assert.IsNotNull(_spreadsheetDocument1.DocumentConfigurations2); Assert.IsNotNull(_spreadsheetDocument1.DocumentManifest); Assert.IsNotNull(_spreadsheetDocument1.DocumentPictures); Assert.IsNotNull(_spreadsheetDocument1.DocumentThumbnails); Assert.IsNotNull(_spreadsheetDocument1.DocumentSetting); Assert.IsNotNull(_spreadsheetDocument1.DocumentStyles); Assert.IsNotNull(_spreadsheetDocument1.TableCollection); //_spreadsheetDocument1.Save(AARunMeFirstAndOnce.outPutFolder+"blank.ods"); //Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(AARunMeFirstAndOnce.outPutFolder+"blank.ods")); }
public void NewBasicChartThenSetTitle() { const string expected = "Basic Chart"; SpreadsheetDocument doc = new SpreadsheetDocument(); doc.New(); Table table = new Table(doc, "tab1", "tab1"); for (int i = 1; i <= 1; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= 6; j++) { Cell cell = table.CreateCell(); cell.OfficeValueType = "float"; Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(doc); string text = (j + i - 1).ToString(); paragraph.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(doc, text)); cell.Content.Add(paragraph); cell.OfficeValueType = "string"; cell.OfficeValue = text; table.InsertCellAt(i, j, cell); } } Chart basicChart = ChartBuilder.CreateChart(table, ChartTypes.line, "A4:F8"); ChartTitle ct = new ChartTitle(basicChart); //ct.InitTitle(); ct.SetTitle(expected); Assert.AreEqual(expected, ((Paragraph)ct.Content[0]).TextContent[0].Text); basicChart.ChartTitle = ct; IContent chartTitleContent = basicChart.Content.Find(o => o is ChartTitle); if (chartTitleContent == null) { foreach (IContent iContent in basicChart.Content) { if (iContent is ChartTitle) { chartTitleContent = iContent; } } } Assert.AreEqual(expected, ((Paragraph)((ChartTitle)chartTitleContent).Content[0]).TextContent[0].Text); table.InsertChartAt("H2", basicChart); doc.TableCollection.Add(table); using (IPackageWriter writer = new OnDiskPackageWriter()) { doc.Save(Path.Combine(AARunMeFirstAndOnce.outPutFolder, "BasicChartWithTitlesetafterwards.ods"), new OpenDocumentTextExporter(writer)); } }
public void CreateNewChart() { SpreadsheetDocument doc = new SpreadsheetDocument(); doc.New(); Table table = new Table(doc, "tab1", "tab1"); for (int i = 1; i <= 1; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= 6; j++) { Cell cell = table.CreateCell(); cell.OfficeValueType = "float"; Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(doc); string text = (j + i - 1).ToString(); paragraph.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(doc, text)); cell.Content.Add(paragraph); cell.OfficeValueType = "string"; cell.OfficeValue = text; table.InsertCellAt(i, j, cell); } } Chart chart = ChartBuilder.CreateChartByAxisName (table,, "A1:E4", "years", "dollars"); Assert.AreEqual(7, table.Rows[1].Cells.Count); Assert.AreEqual(6, table.Rows[2].Cells.Count); Assert.AreEqual(6, table.Rows[3].Cells.Count); Assert.AreEqual(6, table.Rows[4].Cells.Count); /*Chart chart = new Chart (table,"ch1"); * .ToString () ; * chart.XAxisName ="yeer"; * chart.YAxisName ="dollar"; * chart.CreateFromCellRange ("A1:E4"); * chart.EndCellAddress ="tab1.K17";*/ table.InsertChartAt("G2", chart); doc.Content.Add(table); using (IPackageWriter writer = new OnDiskPackageWriter()) { doc.Save(Path.Combine(AARunMeFirstAndOnce.outPutFolder, @"NewChartOne.ods"), new OpenDocumentTextExporter(writer)); } }
public void AutomaticallCreateRows() { SpreadsheetDocument doc = new SpreadsheetDocument(); doc.New(); Table table = new Table(doc, "tab1", "tab1"); for (int i = 1; i <= 1; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= 1; j++) { Cell cell = table.CreateCell(); cell.OfficeValueType = "float"; Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(doc); string text = (j + i - 1).ToString(); paragraph.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(doc, text)); cell.Content.Add(paragraph); cell.OfficeValueType = "string"; cell.OfficeValue = text; table.InsertCellAt(i, j, cell); } } // test that we have this number of rows and cells Assert.AreEqual(2, table.Rows.Count); for (int i = 1; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { Row row = table.Rows[i]; Assert.AreEqual(2, row.Cells.Count); } // force to insert more cells table.InsertCellAt(5, 5, table.CreateCell()); // assert, that the cells were added Assert.AreEqual(6, table.Rows.Count); for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { Row row = table.Rows[i]; Assert.AreEqual(6, row.Cells.Count); } }
void Supl(int id) //бланк в разрезе по поставщикам, поэтому функция для фильтрации объектов того или иного поставщика { SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheetDocument = new SpreadsheetDocument(); spreadsheetDocument.New(); Table table = new Table(spreadsheetDocument, "First", "tablefirst"); for (int j = 0; j < countsup; j++) { Paragraph parag = ParagraphBuilder.CreateSpreadsheetParagraph(spreadsheetDocument); var text = TextBuilder.BuildTextCollection(spreadsheetDocument, " "); Cell cell = table.CreateCell(); parag.TextContent.Add(new SimpleText(spreadsheetDocument, "элемент бд, где поставщик ид=ид"));//И за это тоже выебу и в прямом, и в переносном смысле за такие фразы cell.Content.Add(parag); table.InsertCellAt(0, 0, cell); spreadsheetDocument.TableCollection.Add(table); spreadsheetDocument.SaveTo("Matr.ods"); } }
/// <summary> /// Exports the provided report template to an ODS document. /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected override Stream Export(IGenerationContext context) { IReportTemplateSection sdet = context.Template.Sections.GetSection(SectionType.Detail); SpreadsheetDocument doc = new SpreadsheetDocument(); doc.New(); IMultipleRowsProducer producer = sdet.RootElement.FindFirstMultipleRowsProducer(); if (producer != null) { Table table = TableBuilder.CreateSpreadsheetTable(doc, "Table", string.Empty); doc.Content.Add(table); WriteTable(producer, table, context); } return(CreateStream(doc)); }
/// <summary> /// Metodo per la generazione di un report ODS /// </summary> /// <param name="request">Informazioni sul report da produrre</param> /// <param name="reports">Report da esportare</param> /// <returns>Foglio di calcolo Open Office</returns> public FileDocumento GenerateReport(PrintReportRequest request, List <DocsPaVO.Report.Report> reports) { // Instanziazione del writer ODS e creazione del documento SpreadsheetDocument spreadSheetDocument = new SpreadsheetDocument(); spreadSheetDocument.New(); // Generazione di un foglio per ogni report foreach (var report in reports) { // Generazione di un foglio con i dati contenuti nel report this.AddWorksheet(spreadSheetDocument, report, request.ReportKey); } // Inizializzazione del file name String fileName = String.Format("Report_{0}.ods", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")); // Inizializzazione del path del file String filePath; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DocsPaUtils.Configuration.InitConfigurationKeys.GetValue("0", "BE_TEMP_PATH"))) { filePath = Path.Combine( DocsPaUtils.Configuration.InitConfigurationKeys.GetValue("0", "BE_TEMP_PATH"), String.Format(@"AODF\{0}", Guid.NewGuid())); } else { filePath = Path.Combine( Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.InternetCache), String.Format(@"AODF\{0}", Guid.NewGuid())); } //String filePath = Path.Combine( // Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.InternetCache), // String.Format(@"AODF\{0}", Guid.NewGuid())); // Creazione della cartella DirectoryInfo dirInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory(filePath); // Salvataggio del file Open Document spreadSheetDocument.SaveTo(Path.Combine(filePath, fileName)); // Generazione del risultato dell'export FileDocumento document = new FileDocumento(); using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(filePath, fileName)))) { = fileName; document.path = String.Empty; document.fullName =; document.contentType = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet"; document.content = new Byte[stream.Length]; stream.Read(document.content, 0, document.content.Length); stream.Flush(); stream.Close(); } // Si provano a cancellare File e cartella this.DeleteTemporaryData(dirInfo); return(document); }