コード例 #1
    public void ReIndex()
        var searchStepSize = 0.00001f;
        var length         = spline.GetLength(searchStepSize);
        var indexSize      = Mathf.FloorToInt(length * 2);
        var _linearPoints  = new List <Vector3>(indexSize);
        var t = 0f;

        var linearDistanceStep  = length / 1024;
        var linearDistanceStep2 = Mathf.Pow(linearDistanceStep, 2);

        var start = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(0);

        while (t <= 1f)
            var current = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(t);
            while ((current - start).sqrMagnitude <= linearDistanceStep2)
                t      += searchStepSize;
                current = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(t);
            start = current;
        linearPoints = _linearPoints.ToArray();
コード例 #2
    public void ReIndex()
        float          num      = 1E-05f;
        float          length   = spline.GetLength(num);
        int            capacity = Mathf.FloorToInt(length * 2f);
        List <Vector3> list     = new List <Vector3>(capacity);
        float          num2     = 0f;
        float          f        = length / 1024f;
        float          num3     = Mathf.Pow(f, 2f);
        Vector3        vector   = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(0f);

        while (num2 <= 1f)
            Vector3 nonUniformPoint = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(num2);
            while ((nonUniformPoint - vector).sqrMagnitude <= num3)
                num2           += num;
                nonUniformPoint = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(num2);
            vector = nonUniformPoint;
        linearPoints = list.ToArray();
コード例 #3
ファイル: SplineIndex.cs プロジェクト: Catloaf/CurvesTest
    public void ReIndex()
        float          searchStepSize = 0.00001f;
        float          length         = spline.GetLength(searchStepSize);
        int            indexSize      = Mathf.FloorToInt(length * 2);
        List <Vector3> linearPoints   = new List <Vector3>(indexSize); //...what does the "_" @ the front mean? (Removed it because it bothered me)
        float          t = 0f;                                         //meaningless variable name leads me to believe I'm missing some math background info.

        float linearDistanceStep  = length / 1024;
        float linearDistanceStep2 = Mathf.Pow(linearDistanceStep, 2);

        Vector3 start = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(0);

        while (t <= 1f)
            Vector3 current = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(t);
            while ((current - start).sqrMagnitude <= linearDistanceStep2)
                t      += searchStepSize;
                current = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(t);
            start = current;
        this.linearPoints = linearPoints.ToArray();
コード例 #4
ファイル: Extruder.cs プロジェクト: Catloaf/CurvesTest
    private void CreateTubeMesh()   //HIGHLY edited stolen code... the  contents of the for loop in the do loop is really it at this point.
        List <Vector3> tubeVertices = new List <Vector3>();

        for (int i = 0; i < extrudeShape.vertexCount; i++)       //tubeVeticies & tubeTriangles start with the input shape's mesh's verts/tris
        List <int> tubeTriangles = new List <int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < extrudeShape.triangles.Length; i++)

        tubeMesh = new Mesh();

        float   p     = 0f;
        Vector3 start = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(0);
        float   step  = 1f / divisions;

            p       += step;
            endPoint = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(p);
            for (int i = 0; i < tempTubeVertices.Count - 1; i++)
                int startIndex = tubeVertices.Count;
                tubeVertices.Add(tempTubeVertices[i] + start);        //left vertex
                tubeVertices.Add(tempTubeVertices[i + 1] + start);    //right vertex
                tubeVertices.Add(tempTubeVertices[i] + endPoint);     //bottom left vertex
                tubeVertices.Add(tempTubeVertices[i + 1] + endPoint); //bottom right vertex

                tubeTriangles.Add(startIndex + 2);
                tubeTriangles.Add(startIndex + 3);

                tubeTriangles.Add(startIndex + 3);
                tubeTriangles.Add(startIndex + 1);
            start = endPoint;
        } while(p + step <= 1);

        tubeMesh.vertices  = tubeVertices.ToArray();
        tubeMesh.triangles = tubeTriangles.ToArray();

        this.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = tubeMesh;
コード例 #5
 static void DrawGizmo(SplineComponent spline, int stepCount)
     if (spline.points.Count > 0)
         var P     = 0f;
         var start = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(0);
         var step  = 1f / stepCount;
             P += step;
             var here = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(P);
             Gizmos.DrawLine(start, here);
             start = here;
         } while (P + step <= 1);
コード例 #6
 static void DrawGizmo(SplineComponent spline, int stepCount)
     Gizmos.color = Color.white;
     if (spline.points.Count > 0)
         float   p     = 0f;
         Vector3 start = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(0);
         float   step  = 1f / stepCount;
             p += step;
             Vector3 here = spline.GetNonUniformPoint(p);
             Gizmos.DrawLine(start, here);
             start = here;
         } while(p + step <= 1);
         foreach (Vector3 item in spline.points)
             Gizmos.DrawSphere(item, .25f);
コード例 #7
 public Vector3 GetPosition(float t, bool localSpace = true)
     return(path.GetNonUniformPoint(t, localSpace));