コード例 #1
		private void InsertInstance(DicomFile file, StudyXml stream, WorkQueueUid uid, string deleteFile, SopInstanceProcessorSopType sopType)
			using (var processor = new ServerCommandProcessor("Processing WorkQueue DICOM file"))
			    EventsHelper.Fire(OnInsertingSop, this, new SopInsertingEventArgs {Processor = processor });

				InsertInstanceCommand insertInstanceCommand = null;
				InsertStudyXmlCommand insertStudyXmlCommand = null;

				String patientsName = file.DataSet[DicomTags.PatientsName].GetString(0, String.Empty);
				_modality = file.DataSet[DicomTags.Modality].GetString(0, String.Empty);

				if (_context.UpdateCommands.Count > 0)
					foreach (BaseImageLevelUpdateCommand command in _context.UpdateCommands)
						command.File = file;
					// Create a context for applying actions from the rules engine
					ServerActionContext context =
						new ServerActionContext(file, _context.StorageLocation.FilesystemKey, _context.Partition, _context.StorageLocation.Key);
					context.CommandProcessor = processor;

                    String seriesUid = file.DataSet[DicomTags.SeriesInstanceUid].GetString(0, String.Empty);
                    String sopUid = file.DataSet[DicomTags.SopInstanceUid].GetString(0, String.Empty);
                    String finalDest = _context.StorageLocation.GetSopInstancePath(seriesUid, sopUid);

					if (_context.UpdateCommands.Count > 0)
						processor.AddCommand(new SaveDicomFileCommand(_context.StorageLocation, file, file.Filename != finalDest));
					else if (file.Filename != finalDest || processor.CommandCount > 0)
						// Have to be careful here about failure on exists vs. not failing on exists
						// because of the different use cases of the importer.
                        // save the file in the study folder, or if its been compressed
						processor.AddCommand(new SaveDicomFileCommand(finalDest, file, file.Filename != finalDest));

					// Update the StudyStream object
					insertStudyXmlCommand = new InsertStudyXmlCommand(file, stream, _context.StorageLocation);

					// Have the rules applied during the command processor, and add the objects.
					processor.AddCommand(new ApplySopRulesCommand(context,_context.SopProcessedRulesEngine));

					// If specified, delete the file
					if (deleteFile != null)
						processor.AddCommand(new FileDeleteCommand(deleteFile, true));

					// Insert into the database, but only if its not a duplicate so the counts don't get off
					insertInstanceCommand = new InsertInstanceCommand(file, _context.StorageLocation);
					// Do a check if the StudyStatus value should be changed in the StorageLocation.  This
					// should only occur if the object has been compressed in the previous steps.
					processor.AddCommand(new UpdateStudyStatusCommand(_context.StorageLocation, file));

					if (uid!=null)
						processor.AddCommand(new DeleteWorkQueueUidCommand(uid));

					// Do the actual processing
					if (!processor.Execute())
						Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "Failure processing command {0} for SOP: {1}", processor.Description, file.MediaStorageSopInstanceUid);
						Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, "File that failed processing: {0}", file.Filename);
						throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected failure (" + processor.FailureReason + ") executing command for SOP: " + file.MediaStorageSopInstanceUid, processor.FailureException);
					Platform.Log(ServerPlatform.InstanceLogLevel, "Processed SOP: {0} for Patient {1}", file.MediaStorageSopInstanceUid, patientsName);

					// Fire NewSopEventArgs or UpdateSopEventArgs Event
					// Know its a duplicate if we have to delete the duplicate object
					if (sopType == SopInstanceProcessorSopType.NewSop)
						EventManager.FireEvent(this, new NewSopEventArgs { File = file, ServerPartitionEntry = _context.Partition, WorkQueueUidEntry = uid, WorkQueueEntry = _context.WorkQueueEntry, FileLength = InstanceStats.FileSize });
					else if (sopType == SopInstanceProcessorSopType.UpdatedSop)
						EventManager.FireEvent(this, new UpdateSopEventArgs {File = file,ServerPartitionEntry = _context.Partition,WorkQueueUidEntry = uid, WorkQueueEntry = _context.WorkQueueEntry, FileLength = InstanceStats.FileSize});
				catch (Exception e)
					Platform.Log(LogLevel.Error, e, "Unexpected exception when {0}.  Rolling back operation.",
					if (sopType == SopInstanceProcessorSopType.NewSop)
						EventManager.FireEvent(this, new FailedNewSopEventArgs { File = file, ServerPartitionEntry = _context.Partition, WorkQueueUidEntry = uid, WorkQueueEntry = _context.WorkQueueEntry, FileLength = InstanceStats.FileSize, FailureMessage = e.Message });
						EventManager.FireEvent(this, new FailedUpdateSopEventArgs { File = file, ServerPartitionEntry = _context.Partition, WorkQueueUidEntry = uid, WorkQueueEntry = _context.WorkQueueEntry, FileLength = InstanceStats.FileSize, FailureMessage = e.Message });
					throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected exception when processing file.", e);
					if (insertInstanceCommand != null && insertInstanceCommand.Statistics.IsSet)
					if (insertStudyXmlCommand != null && insertStudyXmlCommand.Statistics.IsSet)
コード例 #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Process a specific DICOM file related to a <see cref="WorkQueue"/> request.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// <para>
		/// On success and if <see cref="uid"/> is set, the <see cref="WorkQueueUid"/> field is deleted.
		/// </para>
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="stream">The <see cref="StudyXml"/> file to update with information from the file.</param>
		/// <param name="group">A group the sop is associated with.</param>
		/// <param name="file">The file to process.</param>
		/// <param name="compare">Flag to compare the demographics of <see cref="file"/> with the demographics in the database</param>
		/// <param name="retry">Flag telling if the item should be retried on failure.  Note that if the item is a duplicate, the WorkQueueUid item is not failed. </param>
		/// <param name="uid">An optional WorkQueueUid associated with the entry, that will be deleted upon success or failed on failure.</param>
		/// <param name="deleteFile">An option file to delete as part of the process</param>
		/// <param name="sopType">Flag telling if the SOP is a new or updated SOP</param>
        /// <exception cref="Exception"/>
        /// <exception cref="DicomDataException"/>
		public  ProcessingResult ProcessFile(string group, DicomFile file, StudyXml stream, bool compare, bool retry, WorkQueueUid uid, string deleteFile, SopInstanceProcessorSopType sopType)
		    Platform.CheckForNullReference(file, "file");


                ProcessingResult result = new ProcessingResult
                                                  Status = ProcessingStatus.Success

                using (ServerCommandProcessor processor = new ServerCommandProcessor("Process File"))
                    SopInstanceProcessorContext processingContext = new SopInstanceProcessorContext(processor,
                                                                                      _context.StorageLocation, group);

                    if (EnforceNameRules)

                    if (compare && ShouldReconcile(_context.StorageLocation, file))
                        ScheduleReconcile(processingContext, file, uid);
                        result.Status = ProcessingStatus.Reconciled;
                        InsertInstance(file, stream, uid, deleteFile,sopType);
                        result.Status = ProcessingStatus.Success;


                if (_context.SopProcessedRulesEngine.Statistics.LoadTime.IsSet)

                if (_context.SopProcessedRulesEngine.Statistics.ExecutionTime.IsSet)


                //TODO: Should throw exception if result is failed?
                return result;

            catch (Exception e)
                // If its a duplicate, ignore the exception, and just throw it
                if (deleteFile != null && (e is InstanceAlreadyExistsException
                        || e.InnerException is InstanceAlreadyExistsException))

                if (uid != null)
                    FailUid(uid, retry);