コード例 #1
        public void convertslackmessage_should_return_expected_result_when_the_message_contains_a_section_block()
            var block = new SlackSectionBlock()
                Text = new SlackMarkdownText("A message *with some bold text* and _some italicized text_.")

            var expectedSlackMessage = CreateSlackMessage(block);

            var json = @"{
              ""as_user"": false,
              ""channel"": ""#test"",
              ""icon_emoji"": "":smiley:"",
              ""mrkdwn"": false,
              ""text"": ""My Super Text"",
              ""username"": ""MyAppBot"",
              ""unfurl_media"": false,
              ""blocks"": [
                  ""type"": ""section"",
                  ""text"": {
                    ""type"": ""mrkdwn"",
                    ""text"": ""A message *with some bold text* and _some italicized text_.""
            var expectedSlackJsonMessage = JObject.Parse(json);

            var slackMessage = SlackExtensionConfigProvider.ConvertSlackMessage(expectedSlackJsonMessage);

            AssertMessage(slackMessage, expectedSlackMessage);
コード例 #2
        public void sectionblock_fields_collection_should_be_null_if_it_contains_no_elements()
            var block = new SlackSectionBlock();

            var blockCleaner = new SlackBlockCleaner(new[] { block });


コード例 #3
        public void sectionblock_with_checkbox_block_element_the_selectedoptions_collection_should_be_null_if_it_contains_no_elements()
            var block   = new SlackSectionBlock();
            var element = new SlackCheckboxBlockElement();

            block.Accessory = element;

            var blockCleaner = new SlackBlockCleaner(new[] { block });


コード例 #4
        public void sectionblock_with_multi_menu_external_source_block_element_the_initialoptions_collection_should_be_null_if_it_contains_no_elements()
            var block   = new SlackSectionBlock();
            var element = new SlackMultiSelectMenuExternalSourceBlockElement();

            block.Accessory = element;

            var blockCleaner = new SlackBlockCleaner(new[] { block });


コード例 #5
        public void sectionblock_with_multi_menu_static_block_element_the_options_collection_should_be_null_if_it_contains_no_elements()
            var block   = new SlackSectionBlock();
            var element = new SlackMultiSelectMenuStaticBlockElement();

            block.Accessory = element;

            var blockCleaner = new SlackBlockCleaner(new[] { block });


コード例 #6
        public SlackMessage GetSample2()
            var slackMessage = new SlackMessage();

            slackMessage.Text = "The assistant to the Regional Manager Dwight has an announcement!";

            var sectionBlock1 = new SlackSectionBlock();

            sectionBlock1.Text = new SlackMarkdownText {
                Text = "Take a look at this image."
            sectionBlock1.Accessory = new SlackImageBlockElement
                Url           = new Uri("https://api.slack.com/img/blocks/bkb_template_images/palmtree.png"),
                AlternateText = "palm tree"

            var sectionBlock2 = new SlackSectionBlock();

            sectionBlock2.Text = new SlackMarkdownText {
                Text = "You can add a button alongside text in your message."
            sectionBlock2.Accessory = new SlackButtonBlockElement()
                Text = new SlackPlainText {
                    Emoji = false, Text = "Button"
                Value = "click_me_123"

            var sectionBlock3 = new SlackSectionBlock();

            sectionBlock3.Text = new SlackMarkdownText {
                Text = "Pick one or more items from the list"
            sectionBlock3.Accessory = new SlackMultiSelectMenuStaticBlockElement
                Placeholder = "Select items",
                Options     =
                    new SlackOption
                        Text = new SlackPlainText{
                            Text = "Choice 1"
                        Value = "value-0"
                    new SlackOption
                        Text = new SlackPlainText{
                            Text = "Choice 2"
                        Value = "value-1"
                    new SlackOption
                        Text = new SlackPlainText{
                            Text = "Choice 3"
                        Value = "value-2"

            var sectionBlock4 = new SlackSectionBlock();

            sectionBlock4.Text = new SlackMarkdownText {
                Text = "This block has an overflow menu."
            sectionBlock4.Accessory = new SlackOverflowMenuBlockElement
                Options =
                    new SlackOption
                        Text = new SlackPlainText{
                            Text = "Choice 1"
                        Value = "value-0"
                    new SlackOption
                        Text = new SlackPlainText{
                            Text = "Choice 2"
                        Value = "value-1"
                    new SlackOption
                        Text = new SlackPlainText{
                            Text = "Choice 3"
                        Value = "value-2"
                    new SlackOption
                        Text = new SlackPlainText{
                            Text = "Choice 4"
                        Value = "value-3"

            var sectionBlock5 = new SlackSectionBlock();

            sectionBlock5.Text = new SlackMarkdownText {
                Text = "Pick a date for the deadline."
            sectionBlock5.Accessory = new SlackDatePickerBlockElement
                InitialDate = new DateTime(1990, 04, 28),
                Placeholder = new SlackPlainText
                    Text = "Select a date"

            var sectionBlock6 = new SlackSectionBlock();

            sectionBlock6.Fields.Add(new SlackPlainText {
                Text = "*this is plain_text text*"
            sectionBlock6.Fields.Add(new SlackPlainText {
                Text = "*this is plain_text text*"
            sectionBlock6.Fields.Add(new SlackPlainText {
                Text = "*this is plain_text text*"
            sectionBlock6.Fields.Add(new SlackPlainText {
                Text = "*this is plain_text text*"

            slackMessage.Blocks.AddRange(new[] { sectionBlock1, sectionBlock2, sectionBlock3, sectionBlock4, sectionBlock5, sectionBlock6 });

コード例 #7
        public SlackMessage GetSample1()
            var slackMessage = new SlackMessage();

            slackMessage.Text = "The assistant to the Regional Manager Dwight has an announcement!";

            var sectionBlock1 = new SlackSectionBlock();
            // can also use new SlackMarkdownText() {Text = "..."};
            SlackMarkdownText text1 = "Hello, Assistant to the Regional Manager Dwight! *Michael Scott* wants to know where you'd like to take the Paper Company investors to dinner tonight.\n\n *Please select a restaurant:*";

            sectionBlock1.Text = text1;

            var divider = new SlackDividerBlock();

            divider.BlockId = null; // to enable reuse

            var sectionBlock2       = new SlackSectionBlock();
            SlackMarkdownText text2 = "*Farmhouse Thai Cuisine*\n:star::star::star::star: 1528 reviews\n They do have some vegan options, like the roti and curry, plus they have a ton of salad stuff and noodles can be ordered without meat!! They have something for everyone here";

            sectionBlock2.Text      = text2;
            sectionBlock2.Accessory = new SlackImageBlockElement
                Url           = new Uri("https://s3-media3.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/c7ed05m9lC2EmA3Aruue7A/o.jpg"),
                AlternateText = "alt text for image"

            var sectionBlock3       = new SlackSectionBlock();
            SlackMarkdownText text3 = "*Kin Khao*\n:star::star::star::star: 1638 reviews\n The sticky rice also goes wonderfully with the caramelized pork belly, which is absolutely melt-in-your-mouth and so soft.";

            sectionBlock3.Text      = text3;
            sectionBlock3.Accessory = new SlackImageBlockElement
                Url           = new Uri("https://s3-media2.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/korel-1YjNtFtJlMTaC26A/o.jpg"),
                AlternateText = "alt text for image"

            var sectionBlock4       = new SlackSectionBlock();
            SlackMarkdownText text4 = "*Ler Ros*\n:star::star::star::star: 2082 reviews\n I would really recommend the  Yum Koh Moo Yang - Spicy lime dressing and roasted quick marinated pork shoulder, basil leaves, chili & rice powder.";

            sectionBlock4.Text      = text4;
            sectionBlock4.Accessory = new SlackImageBlockElement
                Url           = new Uri("https://s3-media2.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/DawwNigKJ2ckPeDeDM7jAg/o.jpg"),
                AlternateText = "alt text for image"


            var actionBlock = new SlackActionBlock();

            var            buttonElement1 = new SlackButtonBlockElement();
            SlackPlainText text5          = "Farmhouse";

            text5.Emoji          = true;
            buttonElement1.Text  = text5;
            buttonElement1.Value = "click_me_123";

            var            buttonElement2 = new SlackButtonBlockElement();
            SlackPlainText text6          = "Kin Khao";

            text5.Emoji          = true;
            buttonElement2.Text  = text6;
            buttonElement2.Value = "click_me_123";

            var            buttonElement3 = new SlackButtonBlockElement();
            SlackPlainText text7          = "Ler Ros";

            text5.Emoji          = true;
            buttonElement3.Text  = text7;
            buttonElement3.Value = "click_me_123";


コード例 #8
        public static async Task Run(
            [EventHubTrigger("monitoring", Connection = "EventHubConnectionAppSetting")] EventData[] events,
            [Slack(Username = "******")] IAsyncCollector <SlackMessage> slackMessages,
            ILogger log
            var tenantName   = "equisoft";
            var exceptions   = new List <Exception>();
            var eventRecords = new List <KeyvaultEvent>();
            var auditRecords = new List <KeyvaultAuditEvent>();

            foreach (EventData eventData in events)
                    string messageBody = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.Array, eventData.Body.Offset, eventData.Body.Count);
                    log.LogInformation($"C# Event Hub trigger function processed a message: {messageBody}");

                    var obj = JToken.Parse(messageBody);
                    if (obj.Type == JTokenType.Object)
                        if (((JObject)obj).TryGetValue("records", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase, out var auditEventRecords))
                            log.LogInformation("Found {EventCount} AuditEvent(s)", auditEventRecords.Children().Count());
                            foreach (var auditEventRecord in auditEventRecords)
                                var keyvaultAuditEvent = auditEventRecord.ToObject <KeyvaultAuditEvent>();
                    else if (obj.Type == JTokenType.Array)
                        log.LogInformation("Found {EventCount} Event(s)", obj.Children().Count());
                        foreach (var eventRecord in obj)
                            var keyvaultEvent = eventRecord.ToObject <KeyvaultEvent>();
                        log.LogWarning("C# Event Hub trigger function processed a message: {Message} but the type {MessageType} is not handled", messageBody, obj.Type);
                        // Todo add some more logic here

                    await Task.Yield();
                catch (Exception e)
                    // We need to keep processing the rest of the batch - capture this exception and continue.
                    // Also, consider capturing details of the message that failed processing so it can be processed again later.

            // Once processing of the batch is complete, if any messages in the batch failed processing throw an exception so that there is a record of the failure.

            if (exceptions.Count > 1)
                throw new AggregateException(exceptions);

            if (exceptions.Count == 1)
                throw exceptions.Single();

            if (auditRecords.Count > 0)
                foreach (var auditRecord in auditRecords)
                    if (auditRecord.OperationName == "SecretGet" && auditRecord.ResultType == "Success")
                        var vaultName    = auditRecord.Properties.Id.Host.Replace(".vault.azure.net", string.Empty);
                        var slackMessage = new SlackMessage();
                        slackMessage.Text = "A new keyvault audit event occured";

                        var sectionBlockHeader = new SlackSectionBlock();
                        sectionBlockHeader.Text = new SlackMarkdownText($"You have a new keyvault audit event activity:\n*<https://portal.azure.com/#@{tenantName}.onmicrosoft.com/resource{auditRecord.ResourceId}|{vaultName}>*");

                        var sectionBlockBody = new SlackSectionBlock();
                        // you should be careful if the identity is a Service Principal. Using a user as demonstration
                        var upnClaim = auditRecord.Identity.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/upn");
                        var objectId = auditRecord.Identity.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/objectidentifier");