コード例 #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Request.RequestType == "POST")
                // these assignments are just to keep the compiler happy. these vars will be reassigned
                // in the Switch block below depending on which form we are processing.
                Signing.DocuSignWeb.Recipient signer = new Signing.DocuSignWeb.Recipient();
                Signing.LinkedDocument        doc    = new LinkedDocument();
                Signing.LinkedTab[]           tabs   = new LinkedTab[0];

                AccountCredentials creds = base.GetAPICredentials();
                bool useEmbeddedSigning  = Session["SigningLocation"].ToString() == "Embedded"?true:false;
                switch (Request.Form["formid"])
                case "form1":
                    // form1 is posted by index.aspx, and demonstrates a basic envelope send
                    base.RequireOrDie(new string[] { "FirstName", "LastName", "Address1", "City", "State", "Zip", "Phone", "Email" });

                    signer = ApiHelper.MakeRecipient(Request.Form["Email"], Request.Form["FirstName"], Request.Form["LastName"], useEmbeddedSigning, Session.SessionID);

                    tabs = new LinkedTab[]
                        LinkedTab.CreateTab(signer, "E-mail", Request.Form["Email"], 1, 190, 186, true, true),
                        LinkedTab.CreateTab(signer, "Phone", Request.Form["Phone"], 1, 190, 173, true, true),
                        LinkedTab.CreateTab(signer, "AddressLine1", Request.Form["address1"], 1, 190, 134, true, true),
                        LinkedTab.CreateTab(signer, "AddressLine2", String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["address2"]) ? " " : Request.Form["address2"], 1, 190, 147, false, true),
                        LinkedTab.CreateTab(signer, "City", Request.Form["City"], 1, 190, 160, true, true),
                        LinkedTab.CreateTab(signer, "State", Request.Form["State"], 1, 255, 160, true, true),
                        LinkedTab.CreateTab(signer, "Zip", Request.Form["Zip"], 1, 342, 160, true, true),
                        LinkedTab.CreateTab(Signing.DocuSignWeb.TabTypeCode.FullName, signer, 1, 190, 118),
                        LinkedTab.CreateTab(Signing.DocuSignWeb.TabTypeCode.SignHere, signer, 1, 373, 185),
                        LinkedTab.CreateTab(Signing.DocuSignWeb.TabTypeCode.DateSigned, signer, 2, 190, 532),
                        LinkedTab.CreateTab(Signing.DocuSignWeb.TabTypeCode.InitialHereOptional, signer, 2, 190, 465)

                    doc = ApiHelper.MakeDocument("Sample Doc", Server.MapPath("pdfs/SampleDoc.pdf"));

                    doc.Tabs = tabs;


                case "form2":
                    // form2 is posted by index-1, and it demonstrates using anchor tabs instead of fixed tabs.
                    base.RequireOrDie(new string[] { "FirstName", "LastName", "Phone", "Email" });

                    signer = ApiHelper.MakeRecipient(Request.Form["Email"], Request.Form["FirstName"], Request.Form["LastName"], useEmbeddedSigning, Session.SessionID);

                    // NOTE: for a complicated solution please pick hidden text that is not likely to
                    // appear anywhere in the text.  We have picked E-mail: and Name: here because
                    // the solution is very small.  In a complex form a simple anchor tag might result
                    // in unintentional tabs being placed.
                    tabs = new LinkedTab[]
                    { LinkedTab.CreateTab(signer, "E-mail", Request.Form["Email"], "E-mail:", 200, -2),
                      LinkedTab.CreateTab(signer, "Phone", Request.Form["Phone"], "Phone:", 200, -2),
                      LinkedTab.CreateTab(Signing.DocuSignWeb.TabTypeCode.FullName, signer, "Name:", 200, -2),
                      LinkedTab.CreateTab(signer, "Amount:", Request.Form["Amount"], "Amount:", 200, -2),
                      LinkedTab.CreateTab(Signing.DocuSignWeb.TabTypeCode.SignHere, signer, "X:", 30, 8) };

                    doc = ApiHelper.MakeDocument("Sample Doc", Server.MapPath("pdfs/Loan 1.pdf"));

                    doc.Tabs = tabs;


                    base.GoToErrorPage("Don't know how to handle that form");

                // Common to both forms
                // add security checks per the session options
                if (Session["Authentication"].ToString() == "IDLookup")
                    signer = ApiHelper.AddIDLookupToRecipient(signer,
                                                              Request["Address1"] == null ? "" : Request["Address1"],
                                                              Request["Address2"] == null ? "" : Request["Address2"],
                                                              Request["City"] == null ? "" : Request["City"],
                                                              Request["State"] == null ? "" : Request["State"],
                                                              Request["Zip"] == null ? "" : Request["Zip"]);
                else if (Session["Authentication"].ToString() == "Phone")
                    signer = ApiHelper.AddPhoneAuthToRecipient(signer, Request["Phone"]);
                if (Session["AccessCode"] != null && Session["AccessCode"].ToString().Length > 0)
                    signer.AccessCode = Session["AccessCode"].ToString();

                // add our signer to an array
                Signing.DocuSignWeb.Recipient[] signers = new Signing.DocuSignWeb.Recipient[] { signer };
                // add our doc to an array
                Signing.LinkedDocument[] docs = new LinkedDocument[] { doc };
                // now send the envelope
                Envelope envelope = null;
                    envelope = Envelope.CreateAndSendEnvelope(creds, signers, docs, "DocuSign LoanCo Sample Docs", "Hello!  This was submitted from a sample application");
                catch (Exception excp)

                // Now that the envelope has been sent, we want to open it up so the applicant can sign it.
                // We will get something called a RecipientToken, which is an URL that will open the envelope up for the specified recipient

                // here we are using the Ticks from the clock as our assertion ID. Of course, you wouldn't do this in real code, you
                // would use an identifier that made sense, like the applicants ID from their database record.
                // This value is informational for you - it allows you to use your own id to refer to the recipient.
                Signing.DocuSignWeb.RequestRecipientTokenAuthenticationAssertion assert = ApiHelper.MakeRecipientTokenAuthAssert(System.DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString());
                // Now we need to setup a page that will be loaded when the signing is concluded.
                // when the signer is done signing (or cancels) DocuSign will redirect the browser to this URL.
                // Since we are hosting the signing in an iframe, we will have docusign redirect the frame to a frame-pop html page
                // which will then redirect to the final handler (SigningReturn.aspx)
                // first, get the absolute URL of our frame-pop page
                string retUrl = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace("FormHandler.aspx", "pop.html");
                // then create a URI from the URL
                Uri retUri = new Uri(retUrl, UriKind.Absolute);
                // the build the set of redirect URLS. There is a set because you could specify a different redirect target for each
                // status event - signing completed, cancelled, error, etc. We just use one page with different Querystring params to
                // indicate the event.
                Signing.DocuSignWeb.RequestRecipientTokenClientURLs clientURLs = Envelope.StandardUrls(retUri, signers[0].CaptiveInfo.ClientUserId);
                // finally, pass all this into docusign and get the token back in return.
                string token = null;
                try {
                    token = envelope.RequestRecipientToken(signer, assert, clientURLs);
                catch (Exception excp)
                // now we store the envelope & token in session and redirect to the signing host page
                Session["EmbeddedToken"] = token;
                Session["Envelope"]      = envelope;
                Response.Redirect("EmbeddedHost.aspx", false);
コード例 #2
        public void SendEnvelope()
            // ok, long method!
            // we need to build a Template that will be sent to docusign to create an envelope. A template is like a generic form
            // it has Roles (like Signer, Co-Signer, CC Recipient, etc) and form fields and documents predefined.
            // when we use a template we provide real recipients who will take on the Roles in the template, and we may supply data to
            // prefill any form fields, and we can even provide replacement documents (which we are not using here). A replacement document
            // would be useful in a case where you have a standard contract in your template, and you want to use the template, but replace the
            // contract with one that has some custom language specific to the deal. But, like I said, we're not doing that in this demo.
            // if we selected the EmbeddedSending option then we will tell docusign to not send the envelope, but hold it
            // in a draft state, so that we can open it up here and make some changes to it.
            // if we selected EmbeddedSigning, then we will tell docusign to send the envelope, and we will launch the signing
            // session here.

            // first, get our recipients
            List <Signing.DocuSignWeb.Recipient> recipients = makeRecipients();

            // build a dictionary of form field values to pass in to the template
            Dictionary <string, string> formfields = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            formfields.Add("VIN", carVIN.Text);
            formfields.Add("Make", carMake.Text);
            formfields.Add("Model", carModel.Text);

            //  now build our template.
            Signing.DocuSignWeb.TemplateReference templateRef = makeTemplate(recipients, formfields);

            // we could potentially have multiple templates in an envelope, so the method call takes an array.
            List <Signing.DocuSignWeb.TemplateReference> templateRefs = new List <Signing.DocuSignWeb.TemplateReference>();


            // envelope info - This holds additional customization info - some info is similar to a mailing label
            // on a paper envelope, and other info controls how the envelope will be processed. See API docs for more info.
            Signing.DocuSignWeb.EnvelopeInformation envelopeInfo = new Signing.DocuSignWeb.EnvelopeInformation();
            envelopeInfo.EmailBlurb = "This envelope was sent from the Auto Insurance Sample of the DocuSign SDK.";
            envelopeInfo.Subject    = "InsuranceCo Auto Rider";
            envelopeInfo.AccountId  = (string)Session["AccountID"];

            // ActivateEnvelope flag - this indicates whether we want to send the envelope immediately
            // or leave it in the drafts folder.
            // We are using the value of the embeddedSending checkbox to determine this
            bool activateEnvelope = embeddedSigning.Checked;

            //bundle all into params for call
            Signing.Envelope env = null;
                Session["Envelope"] = env = Signing.Envelope.CreateEnvelopeFromServerTemplates(base.GetAPICredentials(),
                                                                                               templateRefs.ToArray(), recipients.ToArray(), envelopeInfo, activateEnvelope);
            catch (Exception excp)
            // Now if we are using either embedded sending or embedded signing we need to get a token to launch the
            // embedded host page. If not, then redirect to the status page

            string nextPageURL = "";
            // get the url of the page we want to go to when we're done with embedded session
            Uri retUri = new Uri(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace("AutoAppApply.aspx", "pop.html"), UriKind.Absolute);

            if (embeddedSigning.Checked)
                // get embeddedsigning token for applicant to sign
                Signing.DocuSignWeb.RequestRecipientTokenAuthenticationAssertion assert = ApiHelper.MakeRecipientTokenAuthAssert(DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString());
                Signing.DocuSignWeb.RequestRecipientTokenClientURLs clientURLs          = Signing.Envelope.StandardUrls(retUri, recipients[0].UserName);
                    Session["EmbeddedToken"] = env.RequestRecipientToken(recipients[0], assert, clientURLs);
                    nextPageURL = "EmbeddedHost.aspx";
                catch (Exception excp)
            else if (embeddedSending.Checked)
                // get sending token just to demo the function. You typically would not let someone send their own application
                    Session["EmbeddedToken"] = env.RequestSenderToken(retUri.ToString());
                    nextPageURL = "EmbeddedHost.aspx";
                catch (Exception excp)
                nextPageURL = "AutoAppStatus.aspx";
            Response.Redirect(nextPageURL, true);