コード例 #1
ファイル: BrowseItemFromPath.cs プロジェクト: RaphaelK12/WSF
        /// <summary>
        /// Class constructor from strings that are commonly exposed by
        /// <see cref="IShellFolder2"/> interfaces. Constructing from these
        /// items can speed up enumeration since we do not need to revisit
        /// each items <see cref="IShellFolder2"/> interfaces.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parseName"></param>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="labelName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static BrowseItemFromPath InitItem(string parseName,
                                                    string name,
                                                    string labelName)
////            bool hasPIDL = false;
////            IdList parentIdList = null;
////            IdList relativeChildIdList = null;

            string path = parseName;
            string normPath = null, SpecialPathId = null;

            ShellHelpers.SpecialPath isSpecialID = ShellHelpers.IsSpecialPath(path);
            if (isSpecialID == ShellHelpers.SpecialPath.None)
                normPath = parseName;
                SpecialPathId = path;

////            hasPIDL = PidlManager.GetParentIdListFromPath(path, out parentIdList, out relativeChildIdList);
////            if (hasPIDL == false)   // return references that cannot resolve with a PIDL
////            {
////                var ret = new BrowseItemFromPath2(path, path);
////                ret.Name = path;
////                return ret;
////            }

////            IdList fullIdList = null;
////            // Get the IShellFolder2 Interface for the original path item...
////            // We are asked to build the desktop root item here...
////            if ((parentIdList == null && relativeChildIdList == null) == false)
////                fullIdList = PidlManager.CombineParentChild(parentIdList, relativeChildIdList);

            return(new BrowseItemFromPath(path, parseName, name, labelName,
                                          SpecialPathId, normPath
////                                           ,parentIdList, relativeChildIdList
コード例 #2
ファイル: BrowseItemFromPath.cs プロジェクト: RaphaelK12/WSF
////        public void LoadProperties()
////        {
////            if (_KnownFolderIsInitialized == false)
////            {
////                _KnownFolderIsInitialized = true;
////                KnownFolder = LoadKnownFolder();
////            }
////            if (_ItemTypeIsInitialized == false)
////            {
////                _ItemTypeIsInitialized = true;
////                ItemType = LoadItemType();
////            }
////            if (_IconResourceIdInitialized == false)
////            {
////                _IconResourceIdInitialized = true;
////                _IconResourceId = LoadIconResourceId();
////            }
////        }

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the items type flags and path properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">Is either a path reference a la 'C:' or a
        /// special folder path reference a la '::{...}' <seealso cref="KF_IID"/>
        /// for more details.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a simple pojo type object to initialize
        /// the calling object members.</returns>
        internal static BrowseItemFromPath InitItem(string path)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) == true)   // return unknown references
                var ret = new BrowseItemFromPath(path, path);
                ret.Name = path;

            if (path.Length == 38)
                    Guid theGuid;
                    if (Guid.TryParse(path, out theGuid) == true)
                        path = KF_IID.IID_Prefix + path;
                    // Catching errors just in case ...

            // Return item for root desktop item
            if (string.Compare(path, KF_IID.ID_ROOT_Desktop, true) == 0)

            ShellHelpers.SpecialPath isSpecialID = ShellHelpers.IsSpecialPath(path);
            string normPath = null, SpecialPathId = null;
            bool   hasPIDL = false;
            IdList parentIdList, relativeChildIdList;

            if (isSpecialID == ShellHelpers.SpecialPath.IsSpecialPath)
                SpecialPathId = path;
                hasPIDL       = PidlManager.GetParentIdListFromPath(path, out parentIdList, out relativeChildIdList);
                normPath = Browser.NormalizePath(path);
                hasPIDL  = PidlManager.GetParentIdListFromPath(normPath, out parentIdList, out relativeChildIdList);

            if (hasPIDL == false)   // return references that cannot resolve with a PIDL
                var ret = new BrowseItemFromPath(path, path);
                ret.Name = path;

            string parseName      = normPath;
            string name           = normPath;
            string labelName      = null;
            IdList fullIdList     = null;

            // Get the IShellFolder2 Interface for the original path item...
            IntPtr fullPidlPtr    = default(IntPtr);
            IntPtr ptrShellFolder = default(IntPtr);
            IntPtr parentPIDLPtr  = default(IntPtr);
            IntPtr relativeChildPIDLPtr = default(IntPtr);

                // We are asked to build the desktop root item here...
                if (parentIdList == null && relativeChildIdList == null)
                    using (var shellFolder = new ShellFolderDesktop())
                        parseName = shellFolder.GetShellFolderName(fullPidlPtr, SHGDNF.SHGDN_FORPARSING);
                        name      = shellFolder.GetShellFolderName(fullPidlPtr, SHGDNF.SHGDN_INFOLDER | SHGDNF.SHGDN_FOREDITING);
                        labelName = shellFolder.GetShellFolderName(fullPidlPtr, SHGDNF.SHGDN_NORMAL);
                    fullIdList  = PidlManager.CombineParentChild(parentIdList, relativeChildIdList);
                    fullPidlPtr = PidlManager.IdListToPidl(fullIdList);

                    if (fullPidlPtr == default(IntPtr))

                    HRESULT hr = HRESULT.False;

                    if (fullIdList.Size == 1) // Is this item directly under the desktop root?
                        hr = NativeMethods.SHGetDesktopFolder(out ptrShellFolder);

                        if (hr != HRESULT.S_OK)

                        using (var shellFolder = new ShellFolder(ptrShellFolder))
                            parseName = shellFolder.GetShellFolderName(fullPidlPtr, SHGDNF.SHGDN_FORPARSING);
                            name      = shellFolder.GetShellFolderName(fullPidlPtr, SHGDNF.SHGDN_INFOLDER | SHGDNF.SHGDN_FOREDITING);
                            labelName = shellFolder.GetShellFolderName(fullPidlPtr, SHGDNF.SHGDN_NORMAL);
                        parentPIDLPtr        = PidlManager.IdListToPidl(parentIdList);
                        relativeChildPIDLPtr = PidlManager.IdListToPidl(relativeChildIdList);

                        using (var desktopFolder = new ShellFolderDesktop())
                            hr = desktopFolder.Obj.BindToObject(parentPIDLPtr, IntPtr.Zero,
                                                                typeof(IShellFolder2).GUID, out ptrShellFolder);

                        if (hr != HRESULT.S_OK)

                        // This item is not directly under the Desktop root
                        using (var shellFolder = new ShellFolder(ptrShellFolder))
                            parseName = shellFolder.GetShellFolderName(relativeChildPIDLPtr, SHGDNF.SHGDN_FORPARSING);
                            name      = shellFolder.GetShellFolderName(relativeChildPIDLPtr, SHGDNF.SHGDN_INFOLDER | SHGDNF.SHGDN_FOREDITING);
                            labelName = shellFolder.GetShellFolderName(relativeChildPIDLPtr, SHGDNF.SHGDN_NORMAL);

                if (ShellHelpers.IsSpecialPath(parseName) == ShellHelpers.SpecialPath.None)
                    normPath = parseName;

                return(new BrowseItemFromPath(path, parseName, name, labelName,
                                              SpecialPathId, normPath
////                                               ,parentIdList, relativeChildIdList

                if (fullPidlPtr != default(IntPtr))