コード例 #1
ファイル: MiniKeyService.cs プロジェクト: nyzi/FinderOuter
        private static unsafe bool Loop23Hash(Sha256Fo sha, uint *wPt, uint *hPt, byte *tmp, ICompareService comparer)
            // The added value below is the fixed first char('S')=0x53 shifted left 24 places
            wPt[0] = 0b01010011_00000000_00000000_00000000U | (uint)tmp[1] << 16 | (uint)tmp[2] << 8 | tmp[3];
            wPt[1] = (uint)tmp[4] << 24 | (uint)tmp[5] << 16 | (uint)tmp[6] << 8 | tmp[7];
            wPt[2] = (uint)tmp[8] << 24 | (uint)tmp[9] << 16 | (uint)tmp[10] << 8 | tmp[11];
            wPt[3] = (uint)tmp[12] << 24 | (uint)tmp[13] << 16 | (uint)tmp[14] << 8 | tmp[15];
            wPt[4] = (uint)tmp[16] << 24 | (uint)tmp[17] << 16 | (uint)tmp[18] << 8 | tmp[19];
            // The added value below is the SHA padding and the last added ? char equal to 0x3f shifted right 8 places
            wPt[5] = (uint)tmp[20] << 24 | (uint)tmp[21] << 16 | 0b00000000_00000000_00111111_10000000U;
            // from 6 to 14 = 0
            wPt[15] = 184; // 23 *8 = 184

            sha.Compress23(hPt, wPt);

            if ((hPt[0] & 0b11111111_00000000_00000000_00000000U) == 0)
                // The actual key is SHA256 of 22 char key (without '?')
                // SHA working vector is already set, only the last 2 bytes ('?' and pad) and the length have to change
                wPt[5] ^= 0b00000000_00000000_10111111_10000000U;
                // from 6 to 14 (remain) = 0
                wPt[15] = 176; // 22 *8 = 176

                sha.Compress22(hPt, wPt);

コード例 #2
        public unsafe void Compress23Test()
            int dataLen = 23;

            byte[] data     = GetRandomBytes(dataLen);
            byte[] expected = ComputeSingleSha(data);

            using Sha256Fo sha = new Sha256Fo();
            fixed(uint *hPt = &sha.hashState[0], wPt = &sha.w[0])
                int dIndex = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++, dIndex += 4)
                    wPt[i] = (uint)((data[dIndex] << 24) | (data[dIndex + 1] << 16) | (data[dIndex + 2] << 8) | data[dIndex + 3]);
                wPt[5] = (uint)((data[20] << 24) | (data[21] << 16) | (data[22] << 8) | 0b00000000_00000000_00000000_10000000U);

                wPt[15] = (uint)dataLen * 8;
                sha.Compress23(hPt, wPt);
                byte[] actual = sha.GetBytes(hPt);

                Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
コード例 #3
        private unsafe bool Loop23()
            // The actual data that is changing is 22 bytes (22 char long mini key) with a fixed starting character ('S')
            // plus an additional byte added to the end (char('?')=0x3f) during checking loop.
            // Checksum is replaced by checking if first byte of hash result is zero.
            // The actual key itself is the hash of the same 22 bytes (without '?') using a single SHA256
            // Note characters are decoded using UTF-8

            var cartesian = CartesianProduct.Create(Enumerable.Repeat(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(ConstantsFO.Base58Chars), missCount));

            using Sha256Fo sha = new Sha256Fo();
            bool success = false;

            byte[] temp = new byte[precomputed.Length];
            fixed(uint *hPt = &sha.hashState[0], wPt = &sha.w[0])
            fixed(byte *pre = &precomputed[0], tmp = &temp[0])
            fixed(int *mi   = &missingIndexes[0])
                foreach (var item in cartesian)
                    Buffer.MemoryCopy(pre, tmp, 22, 22);
                    int mis = 0;
                    foreach (var keyItem in item)
                        tmp[mi[mis]] = keyItem;

                    // The added value below is the fixed first char(S)=0x53 shifted left 24 places
                    wPt[0] = 0b01010011_00000000_00000000_00000000U | (uint)tmp[1] << 16 | (uint)tmp[2] << 8 | tmp[3];
                    wPt[1] = (uint)tmp[4] << 24 | (uint)tmp[5] << 16 | (uint)tmp[6] << 8 | tmp[7];
                    wPt[2] = (uint)tmp[8] << 24 | (uint)tmp[9] << 16 | (uint)tmp[10] << 8 | tmp[11];
                    wPt[3] = (uint)tmp[12] << 24 | (uint)tmp[13] << 16 | (uint)tmp[14] << 8 | tmp[15];
                    wPt[4] = (uint)tmp[16] << 24 | (uint)tmp[17] << 16 | (uint)tmp[18] << 8 | tmp[19];
                    // The added value below is the SHA padding and the last added ? char equal to 0x3f shifted right 8 places
                    wPt[5] = (uint)tmp[20] << 24 | (uint)tmp[21] << 16 | 0b00000000_00000000_00111111_10000000U;
                    // from 6 to 14 = 0
                    wPt[15] = 184; // 23 *8 = 184

                    sha.Compress23(hPt, wPt);

                    if ((hPt[0] & 0b11111111_00000000_00000000_00000000U) == 0)
                        // The actual key is SHA256 of 22 char key (without '?')
                        // SHA working vector is already set, only the last 2 bytes ('?' and pad) and the length have to change
                        wPt[5] ^= 0b00000000_00000000_10111111_10000000U;
                        // from 6 to 14 (remain) = 0
                        wPt[15] = 176; // 22 *8 = 176

                        sha.Compress22(hPt, wPt);

                        if (comparer.Compare(sha.GetBytes(hPt)))
                            success = true;
