private FileInfo EnsurePathExists(SerialConfig config, String fileName) { FileInfo serializedFile = null; try { //writeMonitor.lock () ; String path = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + config.GetFileDir(); DirectoryInfo customDir = new DirectoryInfo(path); // Make sure container directory exists Directory.CreateDirectory(customDir.FullName); // Check to make sure the fileName doesn't already include the full path. serializedFile = new FileInfo(fileName.IndexOf(customDir.FullName) != -1 ? fileName : customDir.FullName + "\\" + fileName); if (!serializedFile.Exists) { using (serializedFile.Create()) { // just create it. } } } catch (Exception io) { throw; } finally { //writeMonitor.unlock(); } return(serializedFile); }
public void TestSerializeParameters() { Parameters p = GetParameters(); SerialConfig config = new SerialConfig("testSerializeParameters", SerialConfig.SERIAL_TEST_DIR); IPersistenceAPI api = Persistence.Get(config); // 1. serialize byte[] data = api.Write(p, "testSerializeParameters"); // 2. deserialize Parameters serialized = api.Read <Parameters>(data); Assert.IsTrue(p.Keys().Count == serialized.Keys().Count); Assert.IsTrue(p.IsDeepEqual(serialized)); foreach (Parameters.KEY k in p.Keys()) { DeepCompare(serialized.GetParameterByKey(k), p.GetParameterByKey(k)); } // 3. reify from file ///////////////////////////////////// // SHOW RETRIEVAL USING FILENAME // ///////////////////////////////////// Parameters fromFile = api.Read <Parameters>("testSerializeParameters"); Assert.IsTrue(p.Keys().Count == fromFile.Keys().Count); Assert.IsTrue(p.IsDeepEqual(fromFile)); foreach (Parameters.KEY k in p.Keys()) { DeepCompare(fromFile.GetParameterByKey(k), p.GetParameterByKey(k)); } }
public SerialConfig get() { SerialConfig serial = new SerialConfig(); SystemConfigDAL systemConfigDAL = new SystemConfigDALImpl(); SystemConfig portName = systemConfigDAL.get("Serial.portName"); SystemConfig baudRate = systemConfigDAL.get("Serial.baudRate"); SystemConfig dataBits = systemConfigDAL.get("Serial.dataBits"); SystemConfig parity = systemConfigDAL.get("Serial.parity"); SystemConfig stopBits = systemConfigDAL.get("Serial.stopBits"); if (portName != null && baudRate != null && dataBits != null && parity != null && stopBits != null) { //使用数据库默认配置 serial.PortName = portName.Value; serial.BaudRate = int.Parse(baudRate.Value); serial.DataBits = int.Parse(dataBits.Value); serial.Parity = parity.Value; serial.StopBits = stopBits.Value; } else { //使用客户端默认配置 serial.PortName = "COM1"; serial.BaudRate = 115200; serial.DataBits = 8; serial.Parity = "None"; serial.StopBits = "1"; } return(serial); }
public static IPersistenceAPI Get(SerialConfig config) { if (access == null) { access = new PersistenceAccess(config); } return(access); }
static SerialConfig GetConfig() { if (s_config == null) { s_config = new SerialConfig(); } return(s_config); }
public void TestSerializeAnomalyLikelihoodForUpdates() { Parameters @params = Parameters.Empty(); @params.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.ANOMALY_KEY_MODE, Anomaly.Mode.LIKELIHOOD); AnomalyLikelihood an = (AnomalyLikelihood)Anomaly.Create(@params); // Serialize the Anomaly Computer without errors SerialConfig config = new SerialConfig("testSerializeAnomalyLikelihood", SerialConfig.SERIAL_TEST_DIR); IPersistenceAPI api = Persistence.Get(config); byte[] bytes = api.Write(an); // Deserialize the Anomaly Computer and make sure its usable (same tests as AnomalyLikelihood serializedAn = api.Read <AnomalyLikelihood>(bytes); Assert.IsNotNull(serializedAn); //---------------------------------------- // Step 1. Generate an initial estimate using fake distribution of anomaly scores. List <Sample> data1 = AnomalyLikelihoodTest.GenerateSampleData(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2).Take(1000).ToList(); AnomalyLikelihoodMetrics metrics1 = serializedAn.EstimateAnomalyLikelihoods(data1, 5, 0); //---------------------------------------- // Step 2. Generate some new data with a higher average anomaly // score. Using the estimator from step 1, to compute likelihoods. Now we // should see a lot more anomalies. List <Sample> data2 = AnomalyLikelihoodTest.GenerateSampleData(0.6, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2).Take(300).ToList(); AnomalyLikelihoodMetrics metrics2 = serializedAn.UpdateAnomalyLikelihoods(data2, metrics1.GetParams()); // Serialize the Metrics too just to be sure everything can be serialized SerialConfig metricsConfig = new SerialConfig("testSerializeMetrics", SerialConfig.SERIAL_TEST_DIR); api = Persistence.Get(metricsConfig); api.Write(metrics2); // Deserialize the Metrics AnomalyLikelihoodMetrics serializedMetrics = api.Read <AnomalyLikelihoodMetrics>(); Assert.IsNotNull(serializedMetrics); Assert.AreEqual(serializedMetrics.GetLikelihoods().Length, data2.Count); Assert.AreEqual(serializedMetrics.GetAvgRecordList().Count, data2.Count); Assert.IsTrue(serializedAn.IsValidEstimatorParams(serializedMetrics.GetParams())); // The new running total should be different Assert.IsFalse(metrics1.GetAvgRecordList().Total == serializedMetrics.GetAvgRecordList().Total); // We should have many more samples where likelihood is < 0.01, but not all int conditionCount = ArrayUtils.Where(serializedMetrics.GetLikelihoods(), d => d < 0.1).Length; Assert.IsTrue(conditionCount >= 25); Assert.IsTrue(conditionCount <= 250); }
public void TestSerializeCLAClassifier() { CLAClassifier classifier = new CLAClassifier(new int[] { 1 }, 0.1, 0.1, 0); int recordNum = 0; Map <String, Object> classification = new Map <string, object>(); classification.Add("bucketIdx", 4); classification.Add("actValue", 34.7); Classification <double> result = classifier.Compute <double>(recordNum, classification, new int[] { 1, 5, 9 }, true, true); recordNum += 1; classification.Add("bucketIdx", 5); classification.Add("actValue", 41.7); result = classifier.Compute <double>(recordNum, classification, new int[] { 0, 6, 9, 11 }, true, true); recordNum += 1; classification.Add("bucketIdx", 5); classification.Add("actValue", 44.9); result = classifier.Compute <double>(recordNum, classification, new int[] { 6, 9 }, true, true); recordNum += 1; classification.Add("bucketIdx", 4); classification.Add("actValue", 42.9); result = classifier.Compute <double>(recordNum, classification, new int[] { 1, 5, 9 }, true, true); recordNum += 1; // Serialize the Metrics too just to be sure everything can be serialized SerialConfig config = new SerialConfig("testSerializeCLAClassifier", SerialConfig.SERIAL_TEST_DIR); IPersistenceAPI api = Persistence.Get(config); api.Write(classifier); // Deserialize the Metrics CLAClassifier serializedClassifier = api.Read <CLAClassifier>(); Assert.IsNotNull(serializedClassifier); //Using the deserialized classifier, continue test classification.Add("bucketIdx", 4); classification.Add("actValue", 34.7); result = serializedClassifier.Compute <double>(recordNum, classification, new int[] { 1, 5, 9 }, true, true); recordNum += 1; Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.AreEqual(new int[] { 1 }, result.StepSet())); Assert.AreEqual(35.520000457763672, result.GetActualValue(4), 0.00001); Assert.AreEqual(42.020000457763672, result.GetActualValue(5), 0.00001); Assert.AreEqual(6, result.GetStatCount(1)); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, result.GetStat(1, 0), 0.00001); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, result.GetStat(1, 1), 0.00001); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, result.GetStat(1, 2), 0.00001); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, result.GetStat(1, 3), 0.00001); Assert.AreEqual(0.12300123, result.GetStat(1, 4), 0.00001); Assert.AreEqual(0.87699877, result.GetStat(1, 5), 0.00001); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string baseAddress = "http://*:9000/"; try { SerialConfig.Inizialize(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } //var config = new HttpSelfHostConfiguration("http://*:9000"); /* Inizializzazione serra e timer */ try { ValuesController.GreenhouseInizialization(); // Greenhouse inizialization from ValuesController class } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } /* Set timer per acquisizione dati */ Timer tmr = new Timer(); // timer per ricezione dati dai sensori tmr.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimedEvent); tmr.Interval = 1800000; // set timer interval to 1800 seconds (30 minutes) //tmr.Interval = 10000; // set timer interval to 10 seconds tmr.Enabled = true; /* Set timer per invio comando per nutrienti alla pianta */ Timer tmr2 = new Timer(); // timer per l'invio del comando di rifornimento nutrienti per pianta tmr2.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimedEvent2); tmr2.Interval = 2592000000; // set timer interval to 2592000 seconds (30 day) //tmr2.Enabled = true; /* Inizializzazione server */ // Start OWIN host Startup tmp = new Startup(); tmp.Start(); //using (WebApp.Start<Startup>(url: baseAddress)) { // Create HttpCient and make a request to api/values Console.WriteLine("Premi return per chiudere l'applicazione..."); Process.Start(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe", "-kiosk -fullscreen " + "localhost:9000"); Console.ReadLine(); } }
public void TestSerialization() { _classifier = new CLAClassifier(new[] { 1 }, 0.1, 0.1, 0); int recordNum = 0; Map <string, object> classification = new Map <string, object>(); classification.Add("bucketIdx", 4); classification.Add("actValue", 34.7); Classification <double> result = _classifier.Compute <double>(recordNum, classification, new[] { 1, 5, 9 }, true, true); recordNum += 1; classification.Add("bucketIdx", 5); classification.Add("actValue", 41.7); result = _classifier.Compute <double>(recordNum, classification, new[] { 0, 6, 9, 11 }, true, true); recordNum += 1; classification.Add("bucketIdx", 5); classification.Add("actValue", 44.9); result = _classifier.Compute <double>(recordNum, classification, new[] { 6, 9 }, true, true); recordNum += 1; classification.Add("bucketIdx", 4); classification.Add("actValue", 42.9); result = _classifier.Compute <double>(recordNum, classification, new[] { 1, 5, 9 }, true, true); recordNum += 1; // Configure serializer SerialConfig config = new SerialConfig("testSerializerClassifier", SerialConfig.SERIAL_TEST_DIR); IPersistenceAPI api = Persistence.Get(config); // 1. Serialize byte[] data = api.Write(_classifier, "testSerializeClassifier"); // 2. Deserialize CLAClassifier serialized = api.Read <CLAClassifier>(data); // Using the deserialized classifier, continue test classification.Add("bucketIdx", 4); classification.Add("actValue", 34.7); result = serialized.Compute <double>(recordNum, classification, new[] { 1, 5, 9 }, true, true); recordNum += 1; Assert.IsTrue(Arrays.AreEqual(new[] { 1 }, result.StepSet())); Assert.AreEqual(35.520000457763672, result.GetActualValue(4), 0.00001); Assert.AreEqual(42.020000457763672, result.GetActualValue(5), 0.00001); Assert.AreEqual(6, result.GetStatCount(1)); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, result.GetStat(1, 0), 0.00001); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, result.GetStat(1, 1), 0.00001); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, result.GetStat(1, 2), 0.00001); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, result.GetStat(1, 3), 0.00001); Assert.AreEqual(0.12300123, result.GetStat(1, 4), 0.00001); Assert.AreEqual(0.87699877, result.GetStat(1, 5), 0.00001); }
/// <summary> /// 串口测试 /// </summary> static void NewTestSerial() { var serialc = new SerialConfig() { BaudRate = 9600, DataBits = 8, Parity = System.IO.Ports.Parity.None, StopBits = System.IO.Ports.StopBits.One, PortName = "com3" }; Func(serialc); }
/// <summary> /// 打开串口 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public int open() { if (!serialUtil.IsOpen()) { SerialConfig config = serialConfigDAL.get(); return(, config.BaudRate, config.DataBits, config.Parity, config.StopBits)); } return(0); }
public ScanController(SerialConfig config, Logging logger) { _logger = logger; Config = config; port = new GodSerialPort(c => { c.PortName = Config.PortName; c.BaudRate = Config.BuadRate; c.DataBits = Config.DataBits; c.StopBits = StopBits.One; c.Parity = Parity.None; }); port.OnData = OnDataRead; }
/// <summary> /// 加载串口设置 /// </summary> /// <param name="config"></param> private static void LoadSerialConfig(SerialConfig config) { string tmp; config.PortName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PortName"]; tmp = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PortParity"]; switch (tmp) //校验位 { case "None": WeightConfig.PortParity = Parity.None; break; case "Odd": WeightConfig.PortParity = Parity.Odd; break; case "Even": WeightConfig.PortParity = Parity.Even; break; default: WeightConfig.PortParity = Parity.None; break; } tmp = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PortStopBits"]; switch (tmp) //停止位 { case "1": config.PortStopBits = StopBits.One; break; case "1.5": config.PortStopBits = StopBits.OnePointFive; break; case "2": config.PortStopBits = StopBits.Two; break; default: config.PortStopBits = StopBits.One; break; } config.PortDataBits = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PortDataBits"]); config.PortBaudRate = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PortBaudRate"]); config.Ratio = decimal.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Ratio"]); config.ReadCommand = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReadCommand"]; config.DataFormat = SerialDataFormatEnum.Ascii; config.DecimalNum = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DecimalNum"]); }
public void TestHierarchicalNetwork() { Net.Network.Network network = GetLoadedHotGymHierarchy(); try { SerialConfig config = new SerialConfig("testSerializeHierarchy", SerialConfig.SERIAL_TEST_DIR); IPersistenceAPI api = Persistence.Get(config); api.Store(network); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); Assert.Fail(); } }
public void TestSerializeConnections() { Parameters p = GetParameters(); Connections con = new Connections(); p.Apply(con); TemporalMemory.Init(con); SerialConfig config = new SerialConfig("testSerializeConnections", SerialConfig.SERIAL_TEST_DIR); IPersistenceAPI api = Persistence.Get(config); // 1. serialize byte[] data = api.Write(con); // 2. deserialize Connections serialized = api.Read <Connections>(data); Assert.IsTrue(con.IsDeepEqual(serialized)); serialized.PrintParameters(); int cellCount = con.GetCellsPerColumn(); for (int i = 0; i < con.GetNumColumns(); i++) { DeepCompare(con.GetColumn(i), serialized.GetColumn(i)); for (int j = 0; j < cellCount; j++) { Cell cell = serialized.GetCell(i * cellCount + j); DeepCompare(con.GetCell(i * cellCount + j), cell); } } // 3. reify from file Connections fromFile = api.Read <Connections>(data); Assert.IsTrue(con.IsDeepEqual(fromFile)); for (int i = 0; i < con.GetNumColumns(); i++) { DeepCompare(con.GetColumn(i), fromFile.GetColumn(i)); for (int j = 0; j < cellCount; j++) { Cell cell = fromFile.GetCell(i * cellCount + j); DeepCompare(con.GetCell(i * cellCount + j), cell); } } }
public void TestEnsurePathExists() { SerialConfig config = new SerialConfig("testEnsurePathExists", SerialConfig.SERIAL_TEST_DIR); IPersistenceAPI persist = Persistence.Get(); persist.SetConfig(config); try { ((Persistence.PersistenceAccess)persist).EnsurePathExists(config); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail(); } FileInfo f1 = new FileInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + config.GetFileDir() + "\\" + "testEnsurePathExists"); Assert.IsTrue(f1.Exists); }
public bool update(SerialConfig config) { SystemConfigDAL systemConfigDAL = new SystemConfigDALImpl(); SystemConfig portName = new SystemConfig() { Key = "Serial.portName", Value = config.PortName }; SystemConfig baudRate = new SystemConfig() { Key = "Serial.baudRate", Value = config.BaudRate.ToString() }; SystemConfig dataBits = new SystemConfig() { Key = "Serial.dataBits", Value = config.DataBits.ToString() }; SystemConfig parity = new SystemConfig() { Key = "Serial.parity", Value = config.Parity }; SystemConfig stopBits = new SystemConfig() { Key = "Serial.stopBits", Value = config.StopBits }; if (!systemConfigDAL.update(portName)) { return(false); } if (!systemConfigDAL.update(baudRate)) { return(false); } if (!systemConfigDAL.update(dataBits)) { return(false); } if (!systemConfigDAL.update(parity)) { return(false); } if (!systemConfigDAL.update(stopBits)) { return(false); } return(true); }
public SerialCommunicator(SerialPort port = null) { _config = SerialConfig.Default; if (port == null) { InitSerialPort(); } else { _port = port; } _port.DataReceived += PortDataReceived; _receiver = new Receiver(); _sender = new Sender(_port); }
static SerialConfig GetConfig() { if (s_config == null) { s_config = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <SerialConfig> (); if (!s_config) { Debug.LogWarning("Serial configuration not found. Using default values. To configure the prefered port names and speed, add the SerialConfig component to an empty GameObject", s_config); // Provide a default config compatible with old version of UnitySerial GameObject goConfig = new GameObject("Serial configuration"); s_config = goConfig.AddComponent <SerialConfig> (); } DontDestroyOnLoad(s_config.gameObject); } return(s_config); }
private static void OnTimedEvent2(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) { string packet = "#I1;$"; do { try { SerialConfig.sendData(packet); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("C'è stato un errore con l'acquisizione dei dati nella serra!"); } packet = SerialConfig.ReceivedData; } while (packet != "#Z1;$"); }
public void TestSerializeAnomalyLikelihood() { Parameters @params = Parameters.Empty(); @params.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.ANOMALY_KEY_MODE, Anomaly.Mode.LIKELIHOOD); AnomalyLikelihood an = (AnomalyLikelihood)Anomaly.Create(@params); // Serialize the Anomaly Computer without errors SerialConfig config = new SerialConfig("testSerializeAnomalyLikelihood", SerialConfig.SERIAL_TEST_DIR); IPersistenceAPI api = Persistence.Get(config); byte[] bytes = api.Write(an); // Deserialize the Anomaly Computer and make sure its usable (same tests as Anomaly serializedAn = api.Read <Anomaly>(bytes); Assert.IsNotNull(serializedAn); }
public void TestSerializeAnomaly() { Parameters @params = Parameters.Empty(); @params.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.ANOMALY_KEY_MODE, Anomaly.Mode.PURE); Anomaly anomalyComputer = Anomaly.Create(@params); // Serialize the Anomaly Computer without errors SerialConfig config = new SerialConfig("testSerializeAnomaly1", SerialConfig.SERIAL_TEST_DIR); IPersistenceAPI api = Persistence.Get(config); byte[] bytes = api.Write(anomalyComputer); double score = anomalyComputer.Compute(new int[0], new int[0], 0, 0); score = anomalyComputer.Compute(new int[0], new int[0], 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, score, 0); score = anomalyComputer.Compute(new int[0], new int[] { 3, 5 }, 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, score, 0); score = anomalyComputer.Compute(new int[] { 3, 5, 7 }, new int[] { 3, 5, 7 }, 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, score, 0); score = anomalyComputer.Compute(new int[] { 2, 3, 6 }, new int[] { 3, 5, 7 }, 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual(2.0 / 3.0, score, 0); // Deserialize the Anomaly Computer and make sure its usable (same tests as Anomaly serializedAnomalyComputer = api.Read <Anomaly>(bytes); score = serializedAnomalyComputer.Compute(new int[0], new int[0], 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, score, 0); score = serializedAnomalyComputer.Compute(new int[0], new int[] { 3, 5 }, 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, score, 0); score = serializedAnomalyComputer.Compute(new int[] { 3, 5, 7 }, new int[] { 3, 5, 7 }, 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual(0.0, score, 0); score = serializedAnomalyComputer.Compute(new int[] { 2, 3, 6 }, new int[] { 3, 5, 7 }, 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual(2.0 / 3.0, score, 0); }
public void TestSerializeCumulativeAnomaly() { Parameters @params = Parameters.Empty(); @params.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.ANOMALY_KEY_MODE, Anomaly.Mode.PURE); @params.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.ANOMALY_KEY_WINDOW_SIZE, 3); @params.SetParameterByKey(Parameters.KEY.ANOMALY_KEY_USE_MOVING_AVG, true); Anomaly anomalyComputer = Anomaly.Create(@params); // Serialize the Anomaly Computer without errors SerialConfig config = new SerialConfig("testSerializeCumulativeAnomaly", SerialConfig.SERIAL_TEST_DIR); IPersistenceAPI api = Persistence.Get(config); byte[] bytes = api.Write(anomalyComputer); // Deserialize the Anomaly Computer and make sure its usable (same tests as Anomaly serializedAnomalyComputer = api.Read <Anomaly>(bytes); Assert.IsNotNull(serializedAnomalyComputer); Object[] predicted = { new int[] { 1, 2, 6 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 6 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 6 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 6 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 6 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 6 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 6 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 6 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 6 } }; Object[] actual = { new int[] { 1, 2, 6 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 6 }, new int[] { 1, 4, 6 }, new int[] { 10, 11, 6 }, new int[] { 10, 11, 12 }, new int[] { 10, 11, 12 }, new int[] { 10, 11, 12 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 6 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 6 } }; double[] anomalyExpected = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 / 9.0, 3.0 / 9.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 8.0 / 9.0, 1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0 }; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { double score = serializedAnomalyComputer.Compute((int[])actual[i], (int[])predicted[i], 0, 0); Assert.AreEqual(anomalyExpected[i], score, 0.01); } }
public void TestHTMSensor_HotGym() { Object[] n = { "some name", ResourceLocator.Path("rec-center-hourly-small.csv") }; HTMSensor <FileInfo> sensor = (HTMSensor <FileInfo>) Sensor <FileInfo> .Create( FileSensor.Create, SensorParams.Create(SensorParams.Keys.Path, n)); sensor.InitEncoder(GetTestEncoderParams()); SerialConfig config = new SerialConfig("testHTMSensor_HotGym"); IPersistenceAPI api = Persistence.Get(config); byte[] bytes = api.Write(sensor); Assert.IsNotNull(bytes); Assert.IsTrue(bytes.Length > 0); HTMSensor <FileInfo> serializedSensor = api.Read <HTMSensor <FileInfo> >(bytes); bool b = serializedSensor.IsDeepEqual(sensor); DeepCompare(serializedSensor, sensor); Assert.IsTrue(b); }
public void TestSerializeObservableSensor() { PublisherSupplier supplier = PublisherSupplier.GetBuilder() .AddHeader("dayOfWeek") .AddHeader("darr") .AddHeader("B").Build(); ObservableSensor <string[]> oSensor = new ObservableSensor <string[]>( SensorParams.Create(SensorParams.Keys.Obs, new Object[] { "name", supplier })); SerialConfig config = new SerialConfig("testSerializeObservableSensor", SerialConfig.SERIAL_TEST_DIR); IPersistenceAPI api = Persistence.Get(config); byte[] bytes = api.Write(oSensor); ObservableSensor <string[]> serializedOSensor = api.Read <ObservableSensor <string[]> >(bytes); bool b = serializedOSensor.IsDeepEqual(oSensor); DeepCompare(serializedOSensor, oSensor); Assert.IsTrue(b); }
public void TestHTMSensor_DaysOfWeek() { Object[] n = { "some name", ResourceLocator.Path("days-of-week.csv") }; HTMSensor <FileInfo> sensor = (HTMSensor <FileInfo>) Sensor <FileInfo> .Create( FileSensor.Create, SensorParams.Create(SensorParams.Keys.Path, n)); Parameters p = GetParameters(); p = p.Union(NetworkTestHarness.GetDayDemoTestEncoderParams()); sensor.InitEncoder(p); SerialConfig config = new SerialConfig("testHTMSensor_DaysOfWeek", SerialConfig.SERIAL_TEST_DIR); IPersistenceAPI api = Persistence.Get(config); byte[] bytes = api.Write(sensor); HTMSensor <FileInfo> serializedSensor = api.Read <HTMSensor <FileInfo> >(bytes); bool b = serializedSensor.IsDeepEqual(sensor); DeepCompare(serializedSensor, sensor); Assert.IsTrue(b); }
public void TestThreadedPublisher_TemporalMemoryNetwork() { Net.Network.Network network = CreateAndRunTestTemporalMemoryNetwork(); ILayer l = network.Lookup("r1").Lookup("1"); Connections cn = l.GetConnections(); SerialConfig config = new SerialConfig("testThreadedPublisher_TemporalMemoryNetwork", SerialConfig.SERIAL_TEST_DIR); IPersistenceAPI api = Persistence.Get(config); byte[] bytes = api.Write(cn); Connections serializedConnections = api.Read <Connections>(bytes); Net.Network.Network network2 = CreateAndRunTestTemporalMemoryNetwork(); ILayer l2 = network2.Lookup("r1").Lookup("1"); Connections newCons = l2.GetConnections(); newCons.ShouldDeepEqual(serializedConnections); bool b = newCons.IsDeepEqual(serializedConnections); DeepCompare(newCons, serializedConnections); Assert.IsTrue(b); }
public void TestThreadedPublisher_SpatialPoolerNetwork() { Net.Network.Network network = CreateAndRunTestSpatialPoolerNetwork(0, 6); ILayer l = network.Lookup("r1").Lookup("1"); Connections cn = l.GetConnections(); SerialConfig config = new SerialConfig("testThreadedPublisher_SpatialPoolerNetwork", SerialConfig.SERIAL_TEST_DIR); IPersistenceAPI api = Persistence.Get(config); byte[] bytes = api.Write(cn); //Serialize above Connections for comparison with same run but unserialized below... Connections serializedConnections = api.Read <Connections>(bytes); Net.Network.Network network2 = CreateAndRunTestSpatialPoolerNetwork(0, 6); ILayer l2 = network2.Lookup("r1").Lookup("1"); Connections newCons = l2.GetConnections(); //Compare the two Connections (both serialized and regular runs) - should be equal bool b = newCons.IsDeepEqual(serializedConnections); DeepCompare(newCons, serializedConnections); Assert.IsTrue(b); }
public void begin(uint baud_, SerialConfig config_) { this.BaudRate = baud_; }
public Config(Uri serverUrl, SerialConfig serialConfig) { this.serverUrl = serverUrl; this.serialConfig = serialConfig; }
void IStream.begin(uint baud_, SerialConfig config_) { Task.Factory.StartNew(Connect); }