public void ContextMenuProperties(object source, ContextMenuArgs e) { if (entitypropertiesdialog != null) { entitypropertiesdialog.Destroy(); } LogFile.WriteLine("opening properties box ..."); Glade.XML app = new Glade.XML(EnvironmentHelper.GetExeDirectory() + "/", "entitypropertiesdialog", ""); app.Autoconnect(this); PropertyInfos = new List <EntityPropertyInfo>(); ControlsIndex = new Dictionary <string, Widget>(); nextpropertyindex = 0; thisentity.RegisterProperties(this); LoadProperties(); // Show(); ViewerState.GetInstance().ActivateEdit3d(); // hack to add a semblance of user-friendliness //DialogHelpers.ShowInfoMessageModal(null, "Hold down z to move the object, x to change scale and v to rotate."); new MessageBox(MessageBox.MessageType.Info, "Editing controls", "Hold down z to move the object, x to change scale and v to rotate.", null); entitypropertiesdialog.ShowAll(); //entitypropertiesdialog.Show(); selectionmodel.Clear(); selectionmodel.ToggleObjectInSelection(thisentity, true); LogFile.WriteLine("...opened"); }