コード例 #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostIndex(ScholarshipListViewModel vm)
            var scholarships = await FetchScholarships(vm);

            scholarships.IsFiltered = true;

コード例 #2
        // GET: Scholarships
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(ScholarshipListViewModel vm)
            var scholarships = await FetchScholarships(vm);

            if (vm != null)
                scholarships.IsFiltered = true;

コード例 #3
        private async Task <ScholarshipListViewModel> FetchScholarships(ScholarshipListViewModel vm = null)
            // First calculate start of school year so we only fetch scholarships from the current school year
            int      startingYear = DateTime.Now.Month >= 7 ? DateTime.Now.Year : DateTime.Now.Year - 1;
            DateTime yearStart    = new DateTime(startingYear, 7, 1);
            DateTime yearEnd      = new DateTime(startingYear + 1, 7, 1);

            // Grab only needed fields
            var scholarships = await _context.Scholarship
                               .Where(s => s.Published && s.ReleaseDate >= yearStart && s.ReleaseDate < yearEnd)
                               .Include(s => s.Categories)
                               .Include(s => s.FieldsOfStudy)
                               .Select(s => new Scholarship
                ScholarshipId = s.ScholarshipId,
                Name          = s.Name,
                ReleaseDate   = s.ReleaseDate,
                DueDate       = s.DueDate,
                ApplyOnline   = s.ApplyOnline,
                Categories    = s.Categories,
                FieldsOfStudy = s.FieldsOfStudy

            if (vm != null)
                if (vm.FilterName?.Trim().Length > 0)
                    scholarships = scholarships.Where(s => s.Name.ToLower().Contains(vm.FilterName.ToLower())).ToList();

                if (vm.LocalOnly)
                    scholarships = scholarships.Where(s => s.ApplyOnline).ToList();

                if (vm.CategoryIds != null)
                    scholarships = scholarships.Where(s =>
                                                      s.Categories.Select(x => x.CategoryId).ToList()

                if (vm.FieldsOfStudyIds != null)
                    scholarships = scholarships.Where(s =>
                                                      s.FieldsOfStudy.Select(x => x.FieldOfStudyId).ToList()

            var profile = await _dataService.GetProfileAsync();

            await _dataService.IncludeFavorites(profile.ProfileId, scholarships);

            await _dataService.IncludeApplications(profile.ProfileId, scholarships);

            var fieldsOfStudy = await _context.FieldOfStudy.OrderBy(fos => fos.Name).ToListAsync();

            var categories = await _context.Category.OrderBy(prop => prop.Name).ToListAsync();

            if (vm == null)
                vm = new ScholarshipListViewModel
                    Scholarships = scholarships
                vm.Scholarships = scholarships;

            vm.FilterCategory = new MultiSelectList(categories, "CategoryId", "Name",
                                                    vm.CategoryIds ?? new List <int>());

            vm.FilterFieldsOfStudy = new MultiSelectList(fieldsOfStudy, "FieldOfStudyId", "Name",
                                                         vm.FieldsOfStudyIds ?? new List <int>());
