コード例 #1
ファイル: Write.cs プロジェクト: evankiljoy/star-trek-kg
        //public IEnumerable<string> RenderIRSData(IEnumerable<IRSResult> irsData, Game game)
        //    var renderedResults = new List<string>();
        //    int scanColumn = 0;

        //    renderedResults.Add("╒═════╤═════╤═════╕");

        //    string currentLRSScanLine = "│";

        //    foreach (IRSResult dataPoint in irsData)
        //    {
        //        string currentRegionResult = null;

        //        if (dataPoint.Unknown)
        //        {
        //            currentRegionResult = Utility.Utility.DamagedScannerUnit();
        //        }
        //        else if (dataPoint.GalacticBarrier)
        //        {
        //            currentRegionResult = game.Config.GetSetting<string>("GalacticBarrier");
        //        }
        //        else
        //        {
        //            currentRegionResult += dataPoint;
        //        }

        //        currentLRSScanLine += " " + currentRegionResult + " " + "│";

        //        if (scanColumn == 2 || scanColumn == 5)
        //        {
        //            renderedResults.Add(currentLRSScanLine);
        //            renderedResults.Add("╞═════╪═════╪═════╡");
        //            currentLRSScanLine = "│";
        //        }

        //        if (scanColumn == 8)
        //        {
        //            renderedResults.Add(currentLRSScanLine);
        //        }

        //        scanColumn++;
        //    }

        //    renderedResults.Add("╘═════╧═════╧═════╛");

        //    return renderedResults;

        //todo: refactor with RenderLRSWithNames
        public IEnumerable <string> RenderScanWithNames(ScanRenderType scanRenderType, string title, List <IScanResult> data, Game game)
            var    renderedResults = new List <string>();
            int    scanColumn      = 0; //todo resource this
            string longestName     = Write.GetLongestName(data);

            var galacticBarrierText = this.Config.GetSetting <string>("GalacticBarrierText");
            var barrierID           = galacticBarrierText;
            var cellPadding         = 1; //todo resource this

            int cellLength = longestName.Length > barrierID.Length ? longestName.Length : barrierID.Length;

            cellLength += cellPadding;

            var topLeft   = this.Config.Setting(scanRenderType + "TopLeft");
            var topMiddle = this.Config.Setting(scanRenderType + "TopMiddle");
            var topRight  = this.Config.Setting(scanRenderType + "TopRight");

            var bottomLeft   = this.Config.Setting(scanRenderType + "BottomLeft");
            var bottomMiddle = this.Config.Setting(scanRenderType + "BottomMiddle");
            var bottomRight  = this.Config.Setting(scanRenderType + "BottomRight");

            var cellLine = new string(Convert.ToChar(this.Config.Setting(scanRenderType + "CellLine")), cellLength + cellPadding);

            renderedResults.Add(title.PadCenter(((cellLength + cellPadding) * 3) + 5)); //*3 because of borders, +5 to line it up better.   //todo resource this
            renderedResults.Add(topLeft + cellLine + topMiddle + cellLine + topMiddle + cellLine + topRight);

            this.RenderMiddle(scanRenderType, data, barrierID, galacticBarrierText, cellLength, scanColumn, renderedResults, cellLine);

            renderedResults.Add(bottomLeft + cellLine + bottomMiddle + cellLine + bottomMiddle + cellLine + bottomRight);

コード例 #2
ファイル: Write.cs プロジェクト: evankiljoy/star-trek-kg
        private void RenderMiddle(ScanRenderType scanRenderType,
                                  IEnumerable <IScanResult> data,
                                  string barrierID,
                                  string galacticBarrierText,
                                  int cellLength,
                                  int scanColumn,
                                  ICollection <string> renderedResults,
                                  string cellLine)
            var verticalBoxLine = this.Config.Setting("VerticalBoxLine");

            var middleLeft  = this.Config.Setting(scanRenderType + "MiddleLeft");
            var middle      = this.Config.Setting(scanRenderType + "Middle");
            var middleRight = this.Config.Setting(scanRenderType + "MiddleRight");

            string currentLRSScanLine0 = verticalBoxLine;
            string currentLRSScanLine1 = verticalBoxLine;
            string currentLRSScanLine2 = verticalBoxLine;

            foreach (IScanResult scanDataPoint in data)
                string currentRegionName   = "";
                string currentRegionResult = null;
                string regionCoordinate    = "";

                if (scanDataPoint.Coordinate != null)
                    regionCoordinate = Constants.SECTOR_INDICATOR + scanDataPoint.Coordinate.X + "." +
                                       scanDataPoint.Coordinate.Y + "";
                    currentRegionName += scanDataPoint.RegionName;

                if (scanDataPoint.Unknown)
                    currentRegionResult = Utility.Utility.DamagedScannerUnit();
                else if (scanDataPoint.GalacticBarrier)
                    currentRegionName  += barrierID;
                    currentRegionResult = galacticBarrierText;
                    currentRegionResult += scanDataPoint.ToScanString();

                //breaks because coordinate is not populated when nebula

                currentLRSScanLine0 += " " + regionCoordinate.PadCenter(cellLength) + verticalBoxLine;
                currentLRSScanLine1 += " " + currentRegionName.PadCenter(cellLength) + verticalBoxLine;
                currentLRSScanLine2 += currentRegionResult.PadCenter(cellLength + 1) + verticalBoxLine; //todo resource this

                if (scanColumn == 2 || scanColumn == 5)                                                 //todo resource this

                    renderedResults.Add(middleLeft + cellLine + middle + cellLine + middle + cellLine + middleRight);

                    currentLRSScanLine0 = verticalBoxLine;
                    currentLRSScanLine1 = verticalBoxLine;
                    currentLRSScanLine2 = verticalBoxLine;

                if (scanColumn == 8) //todo resource this
