コード例 #1
ファイル: UnitTests.cs プロジェクト: kmanrulze/kc-project0
        public void CheckIfOrderDataReturnsProperIDs(int testID)
            using var context = new StoreApplicationContext(options);
            List <BusinessLogic.Objects.Order> testListOrder = new List <Order>();

            testListOrder = DBRHandler.GetListOfOrdersByCustomerID(testID, context);

            foreach (BusinessLogic.Objects.Order testOrder in testListOrder)
                if (testOrder.customer.customerID == testID)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: kmanrulze/kc-project1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello! Welcome to the Revature Resturaunt!");

            string inputOne = "0";
            int    n;
            bool   isNumeric;

            int menuSwitch = 1;
            // Menu switch guide
            //1 - start menu
            //2 - manager menu
            //3 - customer menu
            //4 - return customer menu
            //5 - new customer menu
            //6 - customer options menu
            //7 - manager store view menu
            //8 - order menu
            //9 - Select store ID

            bool whileInMenu          = true;
            bool whileInSecondaryMenu = true;

            BusinessLogic.Objects.Customer     retrievedCustomer = new BusinessLogic.Objects.Customer();
            BusinessLogic.Objects.Store        retrievedStore    = new BusinessLogic.Objects.Store();
            BusinessLogic.Objects.Order        inputOrder        = new BusinessLogic.Objects.Order();
            List <BusinessLogic.Objects.Order> orderList         = new List <BusinessLogic.Objects.Order>();

            StoreApp.BusinessLogic.Objects.Manager retrievedManager = new BusinessLogic.Objects.Manager();

            //DB initialization

            DbContextOptions <StoreApplicationContext> options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <StoreApplicationContext>()

            using var context = new StoreApplicationContext(options);

            DBRHandler = new RetrieveDatabaseHandler(context);

            while (whileInMenu)
                string managerIDInput;
                int    managerID;
                int    customerID;
                int    storeNum;

                switch (menuSwitch)
                case 1:     //Start menu
                    while (whileInSecondaryMenu)
                        Console.WriteLine("Are you using this console as a manager or a customer?\n[1] Manager\n[2] Customer\n");
                        inputOne = CheckAndReturnCustomerOptionChosen(Console.ReadLine(), 2);

                        if (inputOne == "1")     //Manager
                            //code for manager
                            //Can display current stocks and things for locations and other things stored
                            //Managment can stock their stores and check and edit customer data

                            whileInSecondaryMenu = false;
                            menuSwitch           = 2;
                        else if (inputOne == "2")     //Customer
                            //code for customer
                            //Will run code to make new customer, retrieve old customer data, and place orders
                            menuSwitch           = 3;
                            whileInSecondaryMenu = false;
                        else     //Invalid input
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid input, please type one of the following options");
                    whileInSecondaryMenu = true;     //resets menu true to go into next menu

                case 2:     // manager menu
                    //Some code to compare manager ID to the table and welcome manager options
                    while (whileInSecondaryMenu)
                        Console.WriteLine("What is your manager ID?");
                        managerIDInput = Console.ReadLine();
                        isNumeric      = int.TryParse(managerIDInput, out n);
                        if (isNumeric == false)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid characters. Please try again with a numerical value");
                        else     //if the input only has numbers in it
                            managerID = Int32.Parse(managerIDInput);

                                retrievedManager = DBRHandler.GetManagerDataFromID(managerID);
                                retrievedStore   = DBRHandler.GetStoreFromStoreNumber(retrievedManager.storeNumberManaged);

                                Console.WriteLine("Welcome back, " + retrievedManager.firstName + " " + retrievedManager.lastName + "!\nManager of Store Number: " + retrievedManager.storeNumberManaged + "\n");
                                menuSwitch           = 7;
                                whileInSecondaryMenu = false;
                                //set case to go to the manager options menu on 7
                            catch (NullReferenceException e)
                                Console.WriteLine("Unable to perform the operation due to null value returned with Customer ID " + managerID + ": " + e.Message + "\n");
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Console.WriteLine("Unknown exeption " + e);
                    whileInSecondaryMenu = true;     //resets menu true to go into next menu

                case 3:     //general customer menu
                    while (whileInSecondaryMenu)
                        Console.WriteLine("Are you a new customer or a return customer?\n[1] New Customer\n[2] Return Customer\n");
                        inputOne = CheckAndReturnCustomerOptionChosen(Console.ReadLine(), 2);

                        if (inputOne == "1")
                            whileInSecondaryMenu = false;
                            menuSwitch           = 5;
                        else if (inputOne == "2")
                            whileInSecondaryMenu = false;
                            menuSwitch           = 4;
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid input, please type one of the following options");
                    whileInSecondaryMenu = true;

                case 4:     //return customer
                    while (whileInSecondaryMenu)
                        Console.WriteLine("Welcome back! What is your customer ID?");
                        inputOne = Console.ReadLine();

                        isNumeric = int.TryParse(inputOne, out n);

                        if (isNumeric == false)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid characters. Please try again with a numerical value");
                        else     //if the input only has numbers in it
                            customerID = Int32.Parse(inputOne);

                                retrievedCustomer = DBRHandler.GetCustomerDataFromID(customerID);
                                Console.WriteLine("Welcome back, " + retrievedCustomer.firstName + " " + retrievedCustomer.lastName + "! What can we do for you today?");
                                menuSwitch           = 6;
                                whileInSecondaryMenu = false;
                            catch (NullReferenceException e)
                                Console.WriteLine("Unable to perform the operation due to null value returned with Customer ID " + customerID + ": " + e.Message + "\n");
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Console.WriteLine("Unknown exeption " + e);
                    whileInSecondaryMenu = true;     //resets menu true to go into next menu

                case 5:     //new customer menu
                    StoreApp.BusinessLogic.Objects.Customer newCust = new StoreApp.BusinessLogic.Objects.Customer();

                    while (whileInSecondaryMenu)
                        if (newCust.CheckCustomerNotNull() == false)
                            if (newCust.firstName == null)
                                Console.WriteLine("What is your first name?");
                                newCust.firstName = Console.ReadLine();
                            else if (newCust.lastName == null)
                                Console.WriteLine("What is your last name?");
                                newCust.lastName = Console.ReadLine();
                            else if (newCust.customerAddress.CheckAddressNotNull() == false)
                                Console.WriteLine("Please enter an address. What is your street?");
                                newCust.customerAddress.street = Console.ReadLine();

                                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a city");
                                newCust.customerAddress.city = Console.ReadLine();

                                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a state");
                                newCust.customerAddress.state = Console.ReadLine();

                                Console.WriteLine("Please enter a zip");
                                newCust.customerAddress.zip = Console.ReadLine();
                                Console.WriteLine("Adding profile to database. . .\n");
                                DBIHandler.AddNewCustomerData(newCust, context);
                                Console.WriteLine("Customer profile successfully created! Welcome, " + newCust.firstName + "!\n");
                                int newID = DBRHandler.GetNewCustomerID();      //Note, not safe for multiple connections to the DB inputting at once.

                                Console.WriteLine("Your new customer ID is: " + newID);

                                retrievedCustomer = DBRHandler.GetCustomerDataFromID(newID);

                                whileInSecondaryMenu = false;
                                menuSwitch           = 6;
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Console.WriteLine("Unknown exception thrown: " + e);
                    whileInSecondaryMenu = true;     //resets menu true to go into next menu

                case 6:     //customer options menu
                    while (whileInSecondaryMenu)
                        Console.WriteLine("Customer Options\n[1] Place order\n[2] View profile information\n[3] View order history\n[4] Exit to start menu");
                        inputOne = CheckAndReturnCustomerOptionChosen(Console.ReadLine(), 4);

                        if (inputOne == "1")
                            whileInSecondaryMenu = false;
                            menuSwitch           = 9;
                        else if (inputOne == "2")
                            Console.WriteLine("Name: " + retrievedCustomer.firstName + " " + retrievedCustomer.lastName);
                            Console.WriteLine("ID: " + retrievedCustomer.customerID);
                            Console.WriteLine("\nAddress: \n" + retrievedCustomer.customerAddress.street + "\n" + retrievedCustomer.customerAddress.city + "\n" + retrievedCustomer.customerAddress.state + "\n" + retrievedCustomer.customerAddress.zip);
                        else if (inputOne == "3")
                            orderList = DBRHandler.GetListOfOrdersByCustomerID(retrievedCustomer.customerID);

                            foreach (BusinessLogic.Objects.Order BLOrder in orderList)
                                BLOrder.customerProductList = DBRHandler.GetListOrderProductByOrderID(BLOrder);
                                BLOrder.storeLocation       = DBRHandler.GetStoreInformationFromOrderNumber(BLOrder.orderID);

                            if (orderList == null || orderList.Count == 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("No orders to display under " + retrievedCustomer.firstName + " " + retrievedCustomer.lastName);
                                foreach (BusinessLogic.Objects.Order order in orderList)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Store Number: " + order.storeLocation.storeNumber);
                                    Console.WriteLine("Order Number: " + order.orderID);
                                    foreach (BusinessLogic.Objects.Product product in order.customerProductList)
                                        Console.WriteLine(product.name + ": " + product.amount);
                        else if (inputOne == "4")
                            whileInSecondaryMenu = false;
                            retrievedCustomer    = new BusinessLogic.Objects.Customer();  //resets the customer data that was retrieved by this point in the menu
                            menuSwitch           = 1;
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid input, please type one of the following options");
                    whileInSecondaryMenu = true;     //resets menu true to go into next menu

                case 7:     //manager store view menu
                    while (whileInSecondaryMenu)
                        Console.WriteLine("Options\n[1] View Store Information\n[2] View Store Inventory\n[3] View all customer order history\n[4] Exit to start menu");
                        inputOne = CheckAndReturnCustomerOptionChosen(Console.ReadLine(), 4);

                        if (inputOne == "1")     //View store info
                            Console.WriteLine("------------ Information for Store Number " + retrievedStore.storeNumber + " ------------");
                            Console.WriteLine("Address: \nStreet: " + retrievedStore.address.street + "\nCity: " + retrievedStore.address.city + "\nState: " + retrievedStore.address.state
                                              + "\nZip: " + retrievedStore.address.zip + "\n");
                        else if (inputOne == "2")     //View store inventory
                            retrievedStore.storeInventory = DBRHandler.GetStoreInventoryByStoreNumber(retrievedStore.storeNumber);
                            Console.WriteLine("------------ Store inventory ------------");

                            foreach (BusinessLogic.Objects.Product BLProd in retrievedStore.storeInventory.productData)
                                Console.WriteLine(BLProd.name + ": " + BLProd.amount);
                        else if (inputOne == "3")
                            orderList = new List <BusinessLogic.Objects.Order>();

                            orderList = DBRHandler.GetListOfOrdersFromStoreNumber(retrievedStore.storeNumber);
                            foreach (BusinessLogic.Objects.Order BLOrder in orderList)
                                BLOrder.customerProductList = DBRHandler.GetListOrderProductByOrderID(BLOrder);
                                BLOrder.storeLocation       = DBRHandler.GetStoreInformationFromOrderNumber(BLOrder.orderID);

                            if (orderList == null || orderList.Count == 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("No orders to display under " + retrievedCustomer.firstName + " " + retrievedCustomer.lastName);
                                foreach (BusinessLogic.Objects.Order order in orderList)
                                    if (order.storeLocation.storeNumber == retrievedStore.storeNumber)
                                        Console.WriteLine("Store Number: " + order.storeLocation.storeNumber);
                                        Console.WriteLine("Order Number: " + order.orderID);
                                        Console.WriteLine("Customer ID: " + order.customer.customerID);
                                        foreach (BusinessLogic.Objects.Product product in order.customerProductList)
                                            Console.WriteLine(product.name + ": " + product.amount);
                        else if (inputOne == "4")
                            retrievedManager = new BusinessLogic.Objects.Manager();
                            retrievedStore   = new BusinessLogic.Objects.Store();

                            menuSwitch           = 1;
                            whileInSecondaryMenu = false;
                    whileInSecondaryMenu = true;

                case 8:     //Order menu
                    bool   decided = false;
                    string temp;
                    while (whileInSecondaryMenu)
                        while (decided == false)
                                inputOrder = new BusinessLogic.Objects.Order();
                                BusinessLogic.Objects.Product inputProd = new BusinessLogic.Objects.Product();

                                retrievedStore.storeInventory = DBRHandler.GetStoreInventoryByStoreNumber(retrievedStore.storeNumber);

                                foreach (BusinessLogic.Objects.Product prod in retrievedStore.storeInventory.productData)
                                    inputProd        = prod;
                                    inputProd.amount = 0;
                                    Console.WriteLine("How many " + prod.name + " would you like to order?\n");
                                    temp             = Console.ReadLine();
                                    inputProd.amount = Int32.Parse(temp);

                                Console.WriteLine("Your order consists of: \n");
                                foreach (BusinessLogic.Objects.Product prod in inputOrder.customerProductList)
                                    Console.WriteLine(prod.name + ": " + prod.amount + "\n");

                                Console.WriteLine("Is this alright?" + "\n[1] Yes\n[2] No");
                                inputOne = CheckAndReturnCustomerOptionChosen(Console.ReadLine(), 2);

                                if (inputOne == "1")
                                    decided = true;
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please wait while your order is created. . .\n");

                                    //uses input handler to input order into DB

                                    inputOrder.customer      = retrievedCustomer;
                                    inputOrder.storeLocation = retrievedStore;

                                    bool goodOrder = inputOrder.CheckOrderIsValid();
                                    //goodOrder = retrievedStore.storeInventory.CheckOrderAgainstInventory(inputOrder.customerProductList);

                                    if (goodOrder == true)
                                            InputWholeOrderAndUpdateInventory(inputOrder, retrievedStore, context);

                                            menuSwitch           = 6;
                                            whileInSecondaryMenu = false;
                                            Console.WriteLine("Order successfully created! Thank you for your business!\nReturning back to customer menu. . . \n");
                                        catch (Exception e)
                                            Console.WriteLine("Unable to perform the operation: \n" + e.Message);
                                        Console.WriteLine("Order was invalid! Please try again with acceptable values!");
                                        inputOrder = new Order();
                                        decided    = false;
                                else if (inputOne == "2")
                                    Console.WriteLine("Please type in your order once more with the desired values.");
                                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid input, please type one of the following options.");
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Console.WriteLine(e.Message + "\nPlease enter correct numerical values for your order.");
                    whileInSecondaryMenu = true;

                case 9:     //Select order store menu
                    while (whileInSecondaryMenu)
                        Console.WriteLine("What store number are you ordering from?");
                        inputOne  = Console.ReadLine();
                        isNumeric = int.TryParse(inputOne, out n);
                        if (isNumeric == false)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid characters. Please try again with a numerical value");
                        else     //if the input only has numbers in it
                            storeNum = Int32.Parse(inputOne);

                                retrievedStore       = DBRHandler.GetStoreFromStoreNumber(storeNum);
                                menuSwitch           = 8;
                                whileInSecondaryMenu = false;
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Console.WriteLine("Error finding store with input ID: " + e.Message + "\n");
                    whileInSecondaryMenu = true;

                    Console.WriteLine("Default case");