コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the MainViewModel class.
        /// </summary>
        public AddReservationViewModel(ReservationManager reservationManager)
            //since we work with Unit of work + Repo pattern we can use our Manager :)

            /* this._reservationRepository = reservationRepository;
             * this._carRepository = carRepository;
             * this._clientRepository = clientRepository;*/
            this._reservationManager = reservationManager;

            //To have the objects ready so we can bind and we can be notified on changes
            Cars         = new ObservableCollection <Car>(_reservationManager.FindAllCars());
            Clients      = new ObservableCollection <Client>(_reservationManager.FindAllClients());
            Reservations = new ObservableCollection <Reservation>(_reservationManager.FindAllReservations());

            //To manage event handling in the viewmodel
            AddReservationCommand = new RelayCommand(AddReservation, CanAddReservation);