/* --------------------------------------------------------- * ---------------- EVENTS REPAIR ------------------------- * -------------------------------------------------------- */ private void on_repair_selected_jump_rj_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) { notebooks_change(1); Log.WriteLine("Repair selected subjump"); //1.- check that there's a line selected //2.- check that this line is a jump and not a person (check also if it's not a individual RJ, the pass the parent RJ) if (myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID > 0) { //3.- obtain the data of the selected jump JumpRj myJump = SqliteJumpRj.SelectJumpData( "jumpRj", myTreeViewJumpsRj.EventSelectedID, false ); //4.- edit this jump repairJumpRjWin = RepairJumpRjWindow.Show(app1, myJump, prefsDigitsNumber); repairJumpRjWin.Button_accept.Clicked += new EventHandler(on_repair_selected_jump_rj_accepted); } }
void on_delete_event(object o, DeleteEventArgs args) { RepairJumpRjWindowBox.repair_sub_event.Hide(); RepairJumpRjWindowBox = null; }
void on_button_accept_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) { //foreach all lines... extrac tcString and tvString TreeIter myIter; string tcString = ""; string tvString = ""; bool iterOk = store.GetIterFirst (out myIter); if(iterOk) { string equal= ""; //first iteration should not appear '=' do { tcString = tcString + equal + (string) treeview_subevents.Model.GetValue (myIter, 1); tvString = tvString + equal + (string) treeview_subevents.Model.GetValue (myIter, 2); equal = "="; } while (store.IterNext (ref myIter)); } jumpRj.TvString = tvString; jumpRj.TcString = tcString; jumpRj.Jumps = Util.GetNumberOfJumps(tvString, false); jumpRj.Time = Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString); //calculate other variables needed for jumpRj creation if(jumpType.FixedValue > 0) { //if this jumpType has a fixed value of jumps or time, limitstring has not changed if(jumpType.JumpsLimited) { jumpRj.Limited = jumpType.FixedValue.ToString() + "J"; } else { jumpRj.Limited = jumpType.FixedValue.ToString() + "T"; } } else { //else limitstring should be calculated if(jumpType.JumpsLimited) { jumpRj.Limited = jumpRj.Jumps.ToString() + "J"; } else { jumpRj.Limited = Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString) + "T"; } } //save it deleting the old first for having the same uniqueID Sqlite.Delete(false, Constants.JumpRjTable, jumpRj.UniqueID); jumpRj.InsertAtDB(false, Constants.JumpRjTable); /* SqliteJump.InsertRj("jumpRj", jumpRj.UniqueID.ToString(), jumpRj.PersonID, jumpRj.SessionID, jumpRj.Type, Util.GetMax(tvString), Util.GetMax(tcString), jumpRj.Fall, jumpRj.Weight, jumpRj.Description, Util.GetAverage(tvString), Util.GetAverage(tcString), tvString, tcString, jumps, Util.GetTotalTime(tcString, tvString), limitString ); */ //close the window RepairJumpRjWindowBox.repair_sub_event.Hide(); RepairJumpRjWindowBox = null; }
void on_button_cancel_clicked(object o, EventArgs args) { RepairJumpRjWindowBox.repair_sub_event.Hide(); RepairJumpRjWindowBox = null; }
public static RepairJumpRjWindow Show(Gtk.Window parent, JumpRj myJump, int pDN) { //LogB.Information(myJump); if (RepairJumpRjWindowBox == null) { RepairJumpRjWindowBox = new RepairJumpRjWindow (parent, myJump, pDN); } RepairJumpRjWindowBox.repair_sub_event.Show (); return RepairJumpRjWindowBox; }