コード例 #1
        public void CompileEmpty()
            var expr = new RemoteGroupExpressionCompiler <DataItem>(null, null, null).Compile(CreateTargetParam <DataItem>());

                + ".GroupBy(obj => new AnonType())"
                + ".Select(g => new AnonType`1(I0 = g.Count()))",
        void AddRemoteGrouping(bool suppressGroups, bool suppressTotals)
            var compiler = new RemoteGroupExpressionCompiler(
                GetItemType(), Context.GuardNulls, Context.ExpandLinqSumType, Context.CreateAnonTypeNewTweaks(),
                suppressGroups ? null : Context.Group,
                suppressTotals ? null : Context.TotalSummary,
                suppressGroups ? null : Context.GroupSummary

            Expr = compiler.Compile(Expr);
コード例 #3
        Expression BuildCore(Expression expr, bool paginate = false, bool isCountQuery = false, bool remoteGrouping = false)
            var queryableType        = typeof(Queryable);
            var genericTypeArguments = new[] { typeof(T) };

            if (_loadOptions.HasFilter)
                expr = Expression.Call(queryableType, "Where", genericTypeArguments, expr, Expression.Quote(new FilterExpressionCompiler <T>(_guardNulls).Compile(_loadOptions.Filter)));

            if (!isCountQuery)
                if (!remoteGrouping)
                    if (_loadOptions.HasAnySort)
                        expr = new SortExpressionCompiler <T>(_guardNulls).Compile(expr, _loadOptions.GetFullSort());
                    if (_loadOptions.HasSelect)
                        expr = new SelectExpressionCompiler <T>(_guardNulls).Compile(expr, _loadOptions.Select);
                        genericTypeArguments = expr.Type.GetGenericArguments();
                    expr = new RemoteGroupExpressionCompiler <T>(_loadOptions.Group, _loadOptions.TotalSummary, _loadOptions.GroupSummary).Compile(expr);

                if (paginate)
                    if (_loadOptions.Skip > 0)
                        expr = Expression.Call(queryableType, "Skip", genericTypeArguments, expr, Expression.Constant(_loadOptions.Skip));

                    if (_loadOptions.Take > 0)
                        expr = Expression.Call(queryableType, "Take", genericTypeArguments, expr, Expression.Constant(_loadOptions.Take));

            if (isCountQuery)
                expr = Expression.Call(queryableType, "Count", genericTypeArguments, expr);

コード例 #4
        Expression BuildCore(Expression expr, bool paginate = false, bool isCountQuery = false, bool remoteGrouping = false, IList filterOverride = null, IReadOnlyList <string> selectOverride = null)
            var queryableType        = typeof(Queryable);
            var genericTypeArguments = new[] { typeof(T) };

            if (filterOverride != null || _context.HasFilter)
                expr = Expression.Call(queryableType, "Where", genericTypeArguments, expr, Expression.Quote(new FilterExpressionCompiler <T>(_guardNulls, _context.UseStringToLower).Compile(filterOverride ?? _context.Filter)));

            if (!isCountQuery)
                if (!remoteGrouping)
                    if (_context.HasAnySort)
                        expr = new SortExpressionCompiler <T>(_guardNulls).Compile(expr, _context.GetFullSort());
                    if (selectOverride != null || _context.HasAnySelect && _context.UseRemoteSelect)
                        expr = new SelectExpressionCompiler <T>(_guardNulls).Compile(expr, selectOverride ?? _context.FullSelect);
                        genericTypeArguments = expr.Type.GetGenericArguments();
                    expr = new RemoteGroupExpressionCompiler <T>(_guardNulls, _anonTypeNewTweaks, _context.Group, _context.TotalSummary, _context.GroupSummary).Compile(expr);

                if (paginate)
                    if (_context.Skip > 0)
                        expr = Expression.Call(queryableType, "Skip", genericTypeArguments, expr, Expression.Constant(_context.Skip));

                    if (_context.Take > 0)
                        expr = Expression.Call(queryableType, "Take", genericTypeArguments, expr, Expression.Constant(_context.Take));

            if (isCountQuery)
                expr = Expression.Call(queryableType, "Count", genericTypeArguments, expr);

コード例 #5
        void Bug100Core <T>(params string[] memberNames)
            var compiler = new RemoteGroupExpressionCompiler <T>(
                memberNames.Select(i => new GroupingInfo {
                Selector = i

                "(" + String.Join(", ", memberNames.Select((i, index) => $"I{index} = obj.{i}")) + ")",
                compiler.Compile(CreateTargetParam <T>()).ToString()
コード例 #6
        public void GroupInterval_NullableDate()
            var compiler = new RemoteGroupExpressionCompiler <Nullable <DateTime> >(
                new[] {
                new GroupingInfo {
                    Selector = "this", GroupInterval = "year"
                null, null

            var expr = compiler.Compile(CreateTargetParam <Nullable <DateTime> >()).ToString();

            Assert.Contains("I0 = IIF((obj == null), null, Convert(obj.Value.Year))", expr);
コード例 #7
        public void GroupInterval_Numeric()
            var compiler = new RemoteGroupExpressionCompiler <double>(
                new[] {
                new GroupingInfo {
                    Selector = "this", GroupInterval = "123"
                null, null

            var expr = compiler.Compile(CreateTargetParam <double>()).ToString();

            Assert.Contains("I0 = (obj - (obj % Convert(123))", expr);
コード例 #8
        Expression BuildCore(ParameterExpression param, bool paginate = false, bool isCountQuery = false, bool remoteGrouping = false)
            var queryableType        = typeof(Queryable);
            var genericTypeArguments = new[] { typeof(T) };

            Expression body = param;

            if (_loadOptions.Filter != null)
                body = Expression.Call(queryableType, "Where", genericTypeArguments, body, new FilterExpressionCompiler <T>(_guardNulls).Compile(_loadOptions.Filter));

            if (!isCountQuery)
                if (!remoteGrouping)
                    if (_loadOptions.HasAnySort)
                        body = new SortExpressionCompiler <T>(_guardNulls).Compile(body, _loadOptions.GetFullSort());
                    body = new RemoteGroupExpressionCompiler <T>(_loadOptions.Group, _loadOptions.TotalSummary, _loadOptions.GroupSummary).Compile(body);

                if (paginate)
                    if (_loadOptions.Skip > 0)
                        body = Expression.Call(queryableType, "Skip", genericTypeArguments, body, Expression.Constant(_loadOptions.Skip));

                    if (_loadOptions.Take > 0)
                        body = Expression.Call(queryableType, "Take", genericTypeArguments, body, Expression.Constant(_loadOptions.Take));

            if (isCountQuery)
                body = Expression.Call(queryableType, "Count", genericTypeArguments, body);

コード例 #9
        public void GroupInterval_Date()
            var compiler = new RemoteGroupExpressionCompiler <DateTime>(
                new[] {
                new GroupingInfo {
                    Selector = "this", GroupInterval = "year"
                new GroupingInfo {
                    Selector = "this", GroupInterval = "quarter"
                new GroupingInfo {
                    Selector = "this", GroupInterval = "month"
                new GroupingInfo {
                    Selector = "this", GroupInterval = "day"
                new GroupingInfo {
                    Selector = "this", GroupInterval = "dayOfWeek"
                new GroupingInfo {
                    Selector = "this", GroupInterval = "hour"
                new GroupingInfo {
                    Selector = "this", GroupInterval = "minute"
                new GroupingInfo {
                    Selector = "this", GroupInterval = "second"
                null, null

            var expr = compiler.Compile(CreateTargetParam <DateTime>()).ToString();

            Assert.Contains("I0 = obj.Year", expr);
            Assert.Contains("I1 = ((obj.Month + 2) / 3)", expr);
            Assert.Contains("I2 = obj.Month", expr);
            Assert.Contains("I3 = obj.Day", expr);
            Assert.Contains("I4 = Convert(obj.DayOfWeek)", expr);
            Assert.Contains("I5 = obj.Hour", expr);
            Assert.Contains("I6 = obj.Minute", expr);
            Assert.Contains("I7 = obj.Second", expr);
コード例 #10
        public void GetSumType_ExpandFalse()
            Type GetSumType <T>() => RemoteGroupExpressionCompiler.GetSumType(typeof(T), false);

            // Validation: check lambda type in new T[0].Sum(i => i)

            Assert.Equal(typeof(int), GetSumType <sbyte>());
            Assert.Equal(typeof(int), GetSumType <byte>());

            Assert.Equal(typeof(int), GetSumType <short>());
            Assert.Equal(typeof(int), GetSumType <ushort>());

            Assert.Equal(typeof(int), GetSumType <int>());
            Assert.Equal(typeof(long), GetSumType <uint>());

            Assert.Equal(typeof(long), GetSumType <long>());
            Assert.Equal(typeof(decimal), GetSumType <ulong>());

            Assert.Equal(typeof(float), GetSumType <float>());
            Assert.Equal(typeof(double), GetSumType <double>());
            Assert.Equal(typeof(decimal), GetSumType <decimal>());
コード例 #11
        public void GetSumType_ExpandTrue()
            Type GetSumType <T>() => RemoteGroupExpressionCompiler.GetSumType(typeof(T), true);

            // Don't convert integer types to decimal because SQL decimals have variable precision
            // Except for UInt64 for which there is no better choice

            Assert.Equal(typeof(long), GetSumType <sbyte>());
            Assert.Equal(typeof(long), GetSumType <byte>());

            Assert.Equal(typeof(long), GetSumType <short>());
            Assert.Equal(typeof(long), GetSumType <ushort>());

            Assert.Equal(typeof(long), GetSumType <int>());
            Assert.Equal(typeof(long), GetSumType <uint>());

            Assert.Equal(typeof(long), GetSumType <long>());
            Assert.Equal(typeof(decimal), GetSumType <ulong>());

            Assert.Equal(typeof(double), GetSumType <float>());
            Assert.Equal(typeof(double), GetSumType <double>());
            Assert.Equal(typeof(decimal), GetSumType <decimal>());
コード例 #12
        public void Compile()
            var compiler = new RemoteGroupExpressionCompiler <DataItem>(
                new[] {
                new GroupingInfo {
                    Selector = "G1"
                new GroupingInfo {
                    Selector = "G2", Desc = true
                new[] {
                new SummaryInfo {
                    Selector = "Value", SummaryType = "sum"
                new SummaryInfo {
                    Selector = "Value", SummaryType = "min"
                new SummaryInfo {
                    Selector = "Value", SummaryType = "max"
                new SummaryInfo {
                    Selector = "Value", SummaryType = "avg"
                new SummaryInfo {
                    SummaryType = "count"
                new[] {
                new SummaryInfo {
                    SummaryType = "count"
                new SummaryInfo {
                    Selector = "Nullable", SummaryType = "avg"
                new SummaryInfo {
                    Selector = "Nullable", SummaryType = "max"
                new SummaryInfo {
                    Selector = "Nullable", SummaryType = "min"
                new SummaryInfo {
                    Selector = "Nullable", SummaryType = "sum"

            var expr = compiler.Compile(CreateTargetParam <DataItem>());

                + ".GroupBy(obj => new AnonType`2(I0 = obj.G1, I1 = obj.G2))"
                + ".OrderBy(g => g.Key.I0)"
                + ".ThenByDescending(g => g.Key.I1)"
                + ".Select(g => new AnonType`16("

                // count
                + "I0 = g.Count(), "

                // keys
                + "I1 = g.Key.I0, "
                + "I2 = g.Key.I1, "

                // total summary
                + "I3 = g.Sum(obj => obj.Value), "
                + "I4 = g.Min(obj => obj.Value), "
                + "I5 = g.Max(obj => obj.Value), "
                + "I6 = g.Sum(obj => obj.Value), "  // avg sum
                + "I7 = g.Count(), "                // avg count
                // (count skipped)

                // group summary
                // (count skipped)
                + "I8 = g.Sum(obj => obj.Nullable), "                               // avg sum
                + "I9 = g.Select(obj => IIF((obj.Nullable != null), 1, 0)).Sum(), " // avg count
                + "I10 = g.Max(obj => obj.Nullable), "
                + "I11 = g.Min(obj => obj.Nullable), "
                + "I12 = g.Sum(obj => obj.Nullable)"
                + "))",
コード例 #13
        public void GroupInterval_Date()
            string Compile <T>(string selector, bool guardNulls)
                var compiler = new RemoteGroupExpressionCompiler <T>(
                    new[] {
                    new GroupingInfo {
                        Selector = selector, GroupInterval = "year"
                    new GroupingInfo {
                        Selector = selector, GroupInterval = "quarter"
                    new GroupingInfo {
                        Selector = selector, GroupInterval = "month"
                    new GroupingInfo {
                        Selector = selector, GroupInterval = "day"
                    new GroupingInfo {
                        Selector = selector, GroupInterval = "dayOfWeek"
                    new GroupingInfo {
                        Selector = selector, GroupInterval = "hour"
                    new GroupingInfo {
                        Selector = selector, GroupInterval = "minute"
                    new GroupingInfo {
                        Selector = selector, GroupInterval = "second"
                    null, null

                return(compiler.Compile(CreateTargetParam <T>()).ToString());

                var expr = Compile <DateTime>("this", false);

                Assert.Contains("I0 = obj.Year", expr);
                Assert.Contains("I1 = ((obj.Month + 2) / 3)", expr);
                Assert.Contains("I2 = obj.Month", expr);
                Assert.Contains("I3 = obj.Day", expr);
                Assert.Contains("I4 = " + Compat.ExpectedConvert("obj.DayOfWeek", "Int32"), expr);
                Assert.Contains("I5 = obj.Hour", expr);
                Assert.Contains("I6 = obj.Minute", expr);
                Assert.Contains("I7 = obj.Second", expr);

                var expr = Compile <DateTime?>("this", false);

                string Wrap(string coreSelector)
                    return(Compat.ExpectedConvert(coreSelector, "Nullable`1"));

                Assert.Contains("I0 = " + Wrap("obj.Value.Year"), expr);
                Assert.Contains("I1 = " + Wrap("((obj.Value.Month + 2) / 3)"), expr);
                Assert.Contains("I2 = " + Wrap("obj.Value.Month"), expr);
                Assert.Contains("I3 = " + Wrap("obj.Value.Day"), expr);
                Assert.Contains("I4 = " + Wrap("obj.Value.DayOfWeek"), expr);
                Assert.Contains("I5 = " + Wrap("obj.Value.Hour"), expr);
                Assert.Contains("I6 = " + Wrap("obj.Value.Minute"), expr);
                Assert.Contains("I7 = " + Wrap("obj.Value.Second"), expr);

                var expr = Compile <Tuple <DateTime?> >("Item1", true);

                string Wrap(string coreSelector)
                    return($"IIF(((obj == null) OrElse (obj.Item1 == null)), null, {Compat.ExpectedConvert(coreSelector, "Nullable`1")})");

                Assert.Contains("I0 = " + Wrap("obj.Item1.Value.Year"), expr);
                Assert.Contains("I1 = " + Wrap("((obj.Item1.Value.Month + 2) / 3)"), expr);
                Assert.Contains("I2 = " + Wrap("obj.Item1.Value.Month"), expr);
                Assert.Contains("I3 = " + Wrap("obj.Item1.Value.Day"), expr);
                Assert.Contains("I4 = " + Wrap("obj.Item1.Value.DayOfWeek"), expr);
                Assert.Contains("I5 = " + Wrap("obj.Item1.Value.Hour"), expr);
                Assert.Contains("I6 = " + Wrap("obj.Item1.Value.Minute"), expr);
                Assert.Contains("I7 = " + Wrap("obj.Item1.Value.Second"), expr);
コード例 #14
        public void Compile()
            var compiler = new RemoteGroupExpressionCompiler <DataItem>(
                new[] {
                new GroupingInfo {
                    Selector = "G1"
                new GroupingInfo {
                    Selector = "G2", Desc = true
                new[] {
                new SummaryInfo {
                    Selector = "Value", SummaryType = "sum"
                new SummaryInfo {
                    Selector = "Value", SummaryType = "min"
                new SummaryInfo {
                    Selector = "Value", SummaryType = "max"
                new SummaryInfo {
                    Selector = "Value", SummaryType = "avg"
                new SummaryInfo {
                    SummaryType = "count"
                new[] {
                new SummaryInfo {
                    SummaryType = "count"
                new SummaryInfo {
                    Selector = "Value", SummaryType = "avg"
                new SummaryInfo {
                    Selector = "Value", SummaryType = "max"
                new SummaryInfo {
                    Selector = "Value", SummaryType = "min"
                new SummaryInfo {
                    Selector = "Value", SummaryType = "sum"

            var expr = compiler.Compile(CreateTargetParam <DataItem>());

                + ".GroupBy(obj => new RemoteGroupKey`8(K0 = obj.G1, K1 = obj.G2))"
                + ".OrderBy(g => g.Key.K0)"
                + ".ThenByDescending(g => g.Key.K1)"
                + ".Select(g => new RemoteGroup`24() {"
                + "K0 = g.Key.K0, "
                + "K1 = g.Key.K1, "
                + "Count = g.Count(), "
                + "G1 = g.Sum(obj => obj.Value), "
                + "G2 = g.Max(obj => obj.Value), "
                + "G3 = g.Min(obj => obj.Value), "
                + "G4 = g.Sum(obj => obj.Value), "
                + "T0 = g.Sum(obj => obj.Value), "
                + "T1 = g.Min(obj => obj.Value), "
                + "T2 = g.Max(obj => obj.Value), "
                + "T3 = g.Sum(obj => obj.Value)"
                + "})",