コード例 #1
ファイル: TrSphere.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/biolum
        public override bool HitTest(Ray3 ray, out double t)
            ray = ray.Transform(InvPosition);

            double dx = ray.Direction.X;
            double dy = ray.Direction.Y;
            double dz = ray.Direction.Z;
            double x0 = ray.Position.X;
            double y0 = ray.Position.Y;
            double z0 = ray.Position.Z;

            double a = 1.0; //assume ray direction is normalized   dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
            double b = 2.0 * (x0 * dx + y0 * dy + z0 * dz);
            double c = x0 * x0 + y0 * y0 + z0 * z0 - rad * rad;

            bool found = false;

            t = double.MaxValue;
            foreach (var tt in RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(a, b, c))
                if (tt > 1e-4 && tt < t)
                    t     = tt;
                    found = true;

コード例 #2
ファイル: Parabola2d.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/guppy2
        public Point2d[] Perpendicular(Point2d from)
            double      i, j; //i,j is from-point in standard space
            Transform2d tr = ToStandardPosition;

            tr.Apply(from.X, from.Y, out i, out j, true);

            //cubic coefficients gotten from langarnge multiplier minimizing distance from i,j to curve
            double[] xs = RealPolynomial.SolveCubic2(-1, 0.0, j - 0.25, 0.25 * i);
            if (xs == null)

            Point2d[] res = new Point2d[xs.Length];
            tr = tr.Inversed;
            int respos = 0;

            foreach (double x in xs)
                tr.Apply(x, x * x, out i, out j, true);
                res[respos++] = new Point2d(i, j);

コード例 #3
        public void DIntegralTestx_1to2()
            // p(x) = x
            // ∫_1^2(xdx) == [x^2/2]_{x=1}^2 = (4-1)/2 = 3/2

            var    p = new RealPolynomial(new double[] { 0, 1 });
            double r = p.Integral(1, 2);

            Assert.IsTrue(IsSimilar(r, 3.0 / 2.0));
コード例 #4
        public void DIntegralTest2_4to3()
            // p(x) = 2
            // ∫_4^3(2dx) == [2x]_{x=4}^3 = (6-8) = -2

            var    p = new RealPolynomial(new double[] { 2 });
            double r = p.Integral(4, 3);

            Assert.IsTrue(IsSimilar(r, -2.0));
コード例 #5
        public void DIntegralTest2_3to4()
            // p(x) = 2
            // ∫_3^4(2dx) == [2x]_{x=3}^4 = (8-6) = 2

            var    p = new RealPolynomial(new double[] { 2 });
            double r = p.Integral(3, 4);

            Assert.IsTrue(IsSimilar(r, 2.0));
コード例 #6
        public void DIntegralTestx2_0to1()
            // p(x) = x^2
            // ∫_0^1(x^2dx) == [x^3/3]_{x=0}^1 = 1/3

            var    p = new RealPolynomial(new double[] { 0, 0, 1 });
            double r = p.Integral(0, 1);

            Assert.IsTrue(IsSimilar(r, 1.0 / 3.0));
コード例 #7
        public void DIntegralTestx2_1to2()
            // p(x) = x^2
            // ∫_1^2(x^2dx) == [x^3/3]_{x=1}^2 = (8-1)/3 = 7/3

            var    p = new RealPolynomial(new double[] { 0, 0, 1 });
            double r = p.Integral(1, 2);

            Assert.IsTrue(IsSimilar(r, 7.0 / 3.0));
コード例 #8
        public void DIntegralTestx3px2_2to5()
            // p(x) = x^3 + x^2
            // ∫_2^5(x^3+x^2)dx == [x^4/4+x^3/3]_{x=2}^5 = 765/4

            var    p = new RealPolynomial(new double[] { 0, 0, 1, 1 });
            double r = p.Integral(2, 5);

            Assert.IsTrue(IsSimilar(r, 765.0 / 4.0));
コード例 #9
        public void DIntegralTestx_0to1()
            // p(x) = x
            // ∫_0^1(xdx) == [x^2/2]_{x=0}^1 = 1/2

            var    p = new RealPolynomial(new double[] { 0, 1 });
            double r = p.Integral(0, 1);

            Assert.IsTrue(IsSimilar(r, 1.0 / 2.0));
コード例 #10
        public void IIntegralTest2()
            // p(x) = 2
            // ∫(2)dx == [2x] +C

            double C  = 1.0;
            var    p  = new RealPolynomial(new double[] { 2 });
            var    pI = new RealPolynomial(new double[] { C, 2 });

            var r = p.Integral(C);

            Assert.IsTrue(IsSimilar(r, pI));
コード例 #11
        public void IIntegralTestx()
            // p(x) = x
            // ∫xdx == [x^2/2] +C

            double C  = 1.0;
            var    p  = new RealPolynomial(new double[] { 0, 1 });
            var    pI = new RealPolynomial(new double[] { C, 0, 1.0 / 2.0 });

            var r = p.Integral(C);

            Assert.IsTrue(IsSimilar(r, pI));
コード例 #12
ファイル: Intersect2d.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/guppy2
        public static double[] CircleLineParametric(Circle2d c, Line2d l)
            double dx = l.X2 - l.X1;
            double dy = l.Y2 - l.Y1;
            double px = l.X1;
            double py = l.Y1;
            double cx = c.Center.X;
            double cy = c.Center.Y;

            double pa = dx * dx + dy * dy;
            double pb = 2.0 * (px * dx - cx * dx + py * dy - cy * dy);
            double pc = px * px - 2.0 * px * cx + cx * cx +
                        py * py - 2.0 * py * cy + cy * cy - c.Radius * c.Radius;

            return(RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(pa, pb, pc));
コード例 #13
        public NTFHzcoeffs(int order)
            if (order < 2 || 9 < order)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("order");

            mOrder = order;

                if (0 == (order & 1))
                    mNumer = new RealPolynomial(new double[] { 1.0 });
                    mNumer = new RealPolynomial(new double[] { ZeroNth(mOrder / 2).Minus().real, 1 });
                for (int i = mOrder / 2 - 1; 0 <= i; --i)
                    var coeff = new WWComplex[] { ZeroNth(i).Minus(), WWComplex.Unity() };
                    var pair  = WWPolynomial.MulComplexConjugatePair(new ComplexPolynomial(coeff));
                    mNumer = WWPolynomial.Mul(mNumer, pair);
                if (0 == (order & 1))
                    mDenom = new RealPolynomial(new double[] { 1.0 });
                    mDenom = new RealPolynomial(new double[] { PoleNth(mOrder / 2).Minus().real, 1 });
                for (int i = mOrder / 2 - 1; 0 <= i; --i)
                    var coeff = new WWComplex[] { PoleNth(i).Minus(), WWComplex.Unity() };
                    var pair  = WWPolynomial.MulComplexConjugatePair(new ComplexPolynomial(coeff));
                    mDenom = WWPolynomial.Mul(mDenom, pair);
コード例 #14
        //You can use the following additional attributes as you write your tests:
        //Use ClassInitialize to run code before running the first test in the class
        //public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
        //Use ClassCleanup to run code after all tests in a class have run
        //public static void MyClassCleanup()
        //Use TestInitialize to run code before running each test
        //public void MyTestInitialize()
        //Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run
        //public void MyTestCleanup()

        private bool IsSimilar(RealPolynomial a, RealPolynomial b)
            if (a.Degree != b.Degree)

            for (int i = 0; i < a.Degree; ++i)
                double aC = a.Coeffs()[i];
                double bC = b.Coeffs()[i];

                if (1e-8 <= Math.Abs(aC - bC))

コード例 #15
        public Vector2d Normal(Point2d pt)
            double x = pt.X - center.X;
            double y = pt.Y - center.Y;
            double a = MajorRadius;
            double b = MinorRadius;

            double e2 = x;
            double e1 = b * b - a * a - y * y - x * x;
            double e0 = x * a * a - x * b * b;

            double[] roots = RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(e2, e1, e0);
            if (roots == null)

            Vector2d norm = new Vector2d(x - roots[0], y).Normalized;

コード例 #16
ファイル: Intersect2d.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/guppy2
        public static double[] ParabolaLineParamteric(Parabola2d pab, Line2d lin) //tested ok
            double x1, y1, x2, y2;                                                //line points in parabola standard position

            Transform2d tr = pab.ToStandardPosition;                              //intersect line with y=x^2 => easier

            tr.Apply(lin.X1, lin.Y1, out x1, out y1, true);
            tr.Apply(lin.X2, lin.Y2, out x2, out y2, true);

            double dx = x2 - x1;
            double dy = y2 - y1;
            double c2 = -dx * dx;
            double c1 = dy - 2 * dx * x1;
            double c0 = y1 - x1 * x1;


            double[] ts = RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(c2, c1, c0);

コード例 #17
        public override bool HitTest(Ray3 ray, out double t)
            ray = ray.Transform(InvPosition);

            double dx = ray.Direction.X;
            double dy = ray.Direction.Y;
            double dz = ray.Direction.Z;
            double x0 = ray.Position.X;
            double y0 = ray.Position.Y;
            double z0 = ray.Position.Z;

            double a = dx * dx * dx * dx + dy * dy * dy * dy + dz * dz * dz * dz;
            double b = 4.0 * dx * dx * dx * x0 + 4.0 * dy * dy * dy * y0 + 4.0 * dz * dz * dz;
            double c = 6.0 * dx * dx * x0 * x0 - 5.0 * dx * dx + 6.0 * dy * dy * y0 * y0 - 5.0 * dy * dy + 6.0 * dz * dz * z0 * z0 - 5.0 * dz * dz;
            double d = 4.0 * dx * x0 * x0 * x0 - 10.0 * dx * x0 + 4.0 * dy * y0 * y0 * y0 - 10.0 * dy * y0 + 4.0 * dz * z0 * z0 * z0;
            double e = x0 * x0 * x0 * x0 - 5.0 * x0 * x0 + y0 * y0 * y0 * y0 - 5.0 * y0 * y0 + z0 * z0 * z0 * z0 - 5.0 * z0 * z0 + 11.8;

            RealPolynomial poly = new RealPolynomial(a, b, c, d, e);
            //poly /= new RealPolynomial(100000);

            double ev = poly.Eval(1.0);

            double[] cof = poly.FindRoots(MathUtil.Epsilon, false);
            //double[] cof=RealPolynomial.SolveQuartic(a, b, c, d, e);

            bool found = false;

            t = double.MaxValue;
            foreach (var tt in RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(a, b, c))
                if (tt > 1e-4 && tt < t)
                    t     = tt;
                    found = true;

コード例 #18
ファイル: Intersect2d.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/guppy2
        /// <summary>
        /// Intersects a line with a conic that is in standard position, that is, not rotated and
        /// centered at 0,0
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="con"></param>
        /// <param name="lin"></param>
        /// <returns>A list of parameters on line that is intersection points, or null if no intersections</returns>
        private static double[] ConicLineParametric(GeneralConic2d con, Line2d lin)
            //We construct a matrix so that: conic is unrotated (B term=0) and line starts at origo and has length=1.0
            //This is to improve stabillity of the equation

            double invlen = 1.0 / lin.Length;

            if (double.IsInfinity(invlen))
                return(null);    //zero length line does not intersect
            Transform2d tr = Transform2d.Translate(-lin.X1, -lin.Y1) * Transform2d.Rotate(-con.Rotation) * Transform2d.Scale(invlen);

            GeneralConic2d c = new GeneralConic2d(con);  //copy for modification
            double         x1 = lin.X2, y1 = lin.Y2;

            tr.Apply(x1, y1, out x1, out y1, true); //transformed line end

            double t2 = y1 * y1 * c.C + x1 * x1 * c.A;
            double t1 = y1 * c.E + x1 * c.D;
            double t0 = c.F;

            double[] ts = RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(t2, t1, t0);


            /*double dx=lin.DX;
             * double dy=lin.DY;
             * double x0=lin.X1;
             * double y0=lin.Y1;
             * double t2=con.C*dy*dy+con.A*dx*dx;
             * double t1=2*con.C*dy*y0+2*con.A*dx*x0+dy*con.E+con.D*dx;
             * double t0=con.C*y0*y0+con.E*y0+con.A*x0*x0+con.D*x0+con.F;
             * return RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(t2, t1, t0, 1e-9);*/
コード例 #19
ファイル: Intersect2d.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/guppy2
        public static double[] HyperbolaLineParametric(Hyperbola2d hyp, Line2d lin)
            // Computes intersection points with a hyperbola and a line
            // solved and created by Robert.P. 2013-02-11
            // solution is created by transforming system to hyperbola standard position,
            // and then solving the system x^2/a^2-y^2/b^2-1=0 , x=x0+t*dx and y=y0+t*dy (note that a is 1 in std. pos.)

            Transform2d tr = hyp.ToStandardPosition;

            //extract standard spaced line
            double x0, y0, x1, y1, dx, dy, b = hyp.Ratio;

            tr.Apply(lin.X1, lin.Y1, out x0, out y0, true);
            tr.Apply(lin.X2, lin.Y2, out x1, out y1, true);
            dx = x1 - x0; dy = y1 - y0;

            double t2 = -dy * dy + b * b * dx * dx;
            double t1 = -2 * dy * y0 + 2 * b * b * dx * x0;
            double t0 = -y0 * y0 + b * b * x0 * x0 - b * b;

            return(RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(t2, t1, t0, 0.0));
コード例 #20
        public static Circle2d[] LinePointPoint(Line2d li, Point2d pt1, Point2d pt2)
            // max two solutions
            // solution created by Robert.P. 2013-02-07

            List <Circle2d> res = null;

            // transform problem so that we have a vertical line thru origo which simplifies stuff a lot
            Transform2d toorg = Transform2d.Translate(-li.X1, -li.Y1) * Transform2d.Rotate(-li.Angle + MathUtil.Deg90);
            Transform2d fromorg = toorg.Inversed;
            double      i, j, k, l;

            toorg.Apply(pt1.X, pt1.Y, out i, out j, true);
            toorg.Apply(pt2.X, pt2.Y, out k, out l, true);

            double y2 = 2 * k - 2 * i;
            double y1 = 4 * i * l - 4 * j * k;
            double y0 = -2 * i * l * l - 2 * i * k * k + (2 * j * j + 2 * i * i) * k;

            double[] ys = RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(y2, y1, y0);
            if (ys == null)
                return(null); //no solutions
            foreach (double y in ys)
                double xx = (y * y - 2 * j * y + j * j + i * i) / (2 * i), yy = y; //TODO: what if vertical line
                double rad = Math.Abs(xx);

                fromorg.Apply(xx, yy, out xx, out yy, true);
                AddResult(ref res, xx, yy, rad);

コード例 #21
        public static Circle2d[] LineLinePoint(Line2d lin1, Line2d lin2, Point2d pnt)
            // Compute the 2 circles (or 1 in special cases) that tangents two lines and a point.
            // Solving for parameter t on the bisector vector between lines that have the same
            // distance to point as the radius for that t (given using radfac computed below)
            // Solution by Robert.P. 2013-02-14

            List <Circle2d> res = null;

            Vector2d v1 = lin1.Direction;
            Vector2d v2 = lin2.Direction;
            Vector2d midvec;
            Point2d  linint;

            double[] ts;

            linint = Intersect2d.LineLineAsPoint(lin1, lin2); //basepoint for midline vector

            if (linint == null)                               //special case for parallel lines
                //use vector and base point on midpoint of radical line of circles
                midvec = v1;
                Line2d radlin = new Line2d(lin1.ClosestPoint(pnt), lin2.ClosestPoint(pnt));
                linint = radlin.MidPoint;
                double r = radlin.Length * 0.5, i = pnt.X, j = pnt.Y, x0 = linint.X, y0 = linint.Y, dx = midvec.X, dy = midvec.Y;

                double tp2 = 1; //squared length of midlin => assume normalized
                double tp1 = 2 * (dy * y0 + dx * x0 - dy * j - dx * i);
                double tp0 = y0 * y0 - 2 * j * y0 - r * r + j * j + i * i + x0 * x0 - 2 * i * x0;

                ts = RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(tp2, tp1, tp0, 0.0);
                if (ts == null)

                foreach (double t in ts)
                    Point2d center = linint + midvec * t;
                    AddResult(ref res, center.X, center.Y, r);
            else //normal case with non-parallel lines
                if (pnt.Location(lin1.Start, lin1.End) == pnt.Location(lin2.Start, lin2.End))
                    v2 = -v2;   //select correct bisector out of two (actually 4 but it does not matter if we solve for negative t)
                midvec = v1.Bisect(v2);
                double radfac = Math.Sin(v1.AngleTo(v2) / 2.0); //multiplied with midvector t this gives radius of circle at that t

                //solve problem in space where pnt=origo
                Point2d org = new Point2d(linint.X - pnt.X, linint.Y - pnt.Y);
                double  t2  = -radfac * radfac + 1; //// 1 for squared length of midlin => assume normalized
                double  t1  = 2 * (midvec.Y * org.Y + midvec.X * org.X);
                double  t0  = org.X * org.X + org.Y * org.Y;
                ts = RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(t2, t1, t0, 0.0);

                if (ts == null)

                foreach (double t in ts)
                    Point2d center = linint + midvec * t;
                    AddResult(ref res, center.X, center.Y, Math.Abs(t * radfac));

コード例 #22
ファイル: Intersect2d.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/guppy2
        private static double[] GetRealRoots(double c3, double c2, double c1, double c0)
            RealPolynomial rp = new RealPolynomial(c3, c2, c1, c0);

コード例 #23
ファイル: Intersect2d.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/guppy2
        public static Point2d[] ConicConic(GeneralConic2d tcon1, GeneralConic2d tcon2)
            // uses the beautiful solution to find the multiplier λ, so that Conic11+λ*Conic2 is
            // a degenerate conic, that is a conic of lines (the 'pencil'). The lines in this conic
            // intersects each of the conics in their common intersection points, thus the problem
            // has been reduced to a Conic-Line intersection problem.
            // This technique is described in book Graphics Gems V, of which we are inspired although
            // this code differs a somewhat from the one in the book.

            // work in standard space for conic 1, gives a more stable computation and speeds up
            // the multiple line-conic intersections later on.
            GeneralConic2d con1 = new GeneralConic2d(tcon1);
            GeneralConic2d con2 = new GeneralConic2d(tcon2);

            //TODO: does not work properly, probably because line extractor does not work correctly in some cases

            //convert conic coefficients to their matrix form
            double a = con1.A, b = con1.B * 0.5, c = con1.C, d = con1.D * 0.5, e = con1.E * 0.5, f = con1.F;
            double A = con2.A, B = con2.B * 0.5, C = con2.C, D = con2.D * 0.5, E = con2.E * 0.5, F = con2.F;

            //TODO: since conic 1 is in standard position, thoose can be simplified: b,d,e terms are always zero
            double c3 = (A * C - B * B) * F - A * E * E + 2 * B * D * E - C * D * D;
            double c2 = (a * C - 2 * b * B + c * A) * F - a * E * E + (2 * b * D + 2 * d * B - 2 * e * A) * E - c * D * D + (2 * e * B - 2 * d * C) * D + f * A * C - f * B * B;
            double c1 = (a * c - b * b) * F + (2 * b * d - 2 * a * e) * E + (2 * b * e - 2 * c * d) * D + (a * f - d * d) * C + (2 * d * e - 2 * b * f) * B + (c * f - e * e) * A;
            double c0 = (a * c - b * b) * f - a * e * e + 2 * b * d * e - c * d * d;

            double[] lambdas2 = RealPolynomial.SolveCubic2(c3, c2, c1, c0); //up to three coefficients that will turn conic sum to degenerate lines
            double[] lambdas  = GetRealRoots(c3, c2, c1, c0);

            if (lambdas == null)
                return(null); //this can never happen on a 3d degree equation but we check it anyway
            Point2dSet res = new Point2dSet();

            foreach (double lambda in lambdas)
                GeneralConic2d pencil = new GeneralConic2d(
                    a + lambda * A,
                    (b + lambda * B) * 2,
                    c + lambda * C,
                    (d + lambda * D) * 2,
                    (e + lambda * E) * 2,
                    f + lambda * F);

                Line2d[] lines = pencil.ToLines();

                if (lines != null)
                    foreach (Line2d lin in lines)
                    { //max 2 lines
                        Point2d[] intpts = ConicLine(con1, lin);
                        if (intpts == null)

                        //validate each point satisfying the conic equations (they can be out of range for finite conics such as ellipses)
                        foreach (Point2d pt in intpts)
                            double x    = pt.X;
                            double y    = pt.Y;
                            double err1 = con1.A * x * x + con1.B * x * y + con1.C * y * y + con1.D * x + con1.E * y + con1.F;
                            if (MathUtil.IsZero(err1, 5.0))
                                double err2 = con2.A * x * x + con2.B * x * y + con2.C * y * y + con2.D * x + con2.E * y + con2.F;
                                if (MathUtil.IsZero(err2, 5.0))

コード例 #24
ファイル: Intersect2d.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/guppy2
        public static Point2d[] EllipseCircle(Ellipse2d el, Circle2d ci)
            Transform2d tr = el.ToStandardPosition;

            ci = new Circle2d(ci); //dont modify original circle, but this copy

            double b = el.Ratio, b2 = b * b, b4 = b2 * b2;
            double i = ci.Center.X, i2 = i * i, i4 = i2 * i2;
            double j = ci.Center.Y, j2 = j * j, j4 = j2 * j2;
            double r = ci.Radius, r2 = r * r, r4 = r2 * r2;

            double x4 = b4 - 2 * b2 + 1;
            double x3 = 4 * b2 * i - 4 * i;
            double x2 = b2 * (2 * r2 + 2 * j2 - 2 * i2 + 2) - 2 * r2 + 2 * j2 + 6 * i2 - 2 * b4;
            double x1 = 4 * i * r2 - 4 * i * j2 - 4 * i * i * i - 4 * b2 * i;
            double x0 = r4 + (-2 * j2 - 2 * i2) * r2 + b2 * (-2 * r2 - 2 * j2 + 2 * i2) + j4 + 2 * i2 * j2 + i4 + b4;
            //double[] xs = RealPolynomial.SolveQuartic2(x4, x3, x2, x1, x0, 1e-30);

            RealPolynomial rp = new RealPolynomial(x4, x3, x2, x1, x0);

            double[] xs = rp.FindRoots(true);

            if (xs == null)
                return(null);               //no intersections
            Point2dSet resultset = new Point2dSet();

            foreach (double x in xs)
                //test the two possible y:s to be solutions for this x
                double y = (1 - x * x) * b2;
                if (y < 0.0)
                y = Math.Sqrt(y);

                for (int t = 0; t < 2; t++)                                             //test booth y solutions...
                    double err  = x * x + y * y / b2 - 1.0;                             //on ellipse
                    double err2 = MathUtil.Square(x - i) + MathUtil.Square(y - j) - r2; //on circle
                    if (MathUtil.IsZero(err, 1e-7) && MathUtil.IsZero(err2, MathUtil.Epsilon))
                        resultset.Add(new Point2d(x, y));

                    y = -y;  // ...by inverting y in second turn

            if (resultset.Count == 0)

            resultset.Transform(tr.Inversed); //back to original position

コード例 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all the perpendicular points on the ellipse from a given point 'from'
        /// </summary>
        public Point2d[] Perpendicular(Point2d from)
            // Solved by Robert.P. in december 2012
            // Note on solutions:
            // Quartic coefficients gotten from applying lagrange multiplier to minimize (x-i)^2+(y-j)^2
            // with x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2-1=0 as constraint (a=1 because we work in standard position).
            // This gives a system of three equations F_x,F_y,F_lambda, which were solved with
            // resultant theory using 'eliminate' in maxima

            //work in standard position, retranslate solutions last
            Transform2d tostd = ToStandardPosition;

            from = from.GetTransformed(tostd);

            double b = sigratio, b2 = b * b, b4 = b2 * b2;
            double i = from.X, i2 = i * i;
            double j = from.Y, j2 = j * j;

            double x4 = b4 - 2 * b2 + 1;
            double x3 = 2 * b2 * i - 2 * i;
            double x2 = b2 * j2 + i2 - b4 + 2 * b2 - 1;
            double x1 = 2 * i - 2 * b2 * i;
            double x0 = -i2;

            double[] sols = RealPolynomial.SolveQuartic2(x4, x3, x2, x1, x0, 1e-16);

            if (sols == null)

            Point2dSet respts = new Point2dSet();

            foreach (double x in sols)
                double y = (1 - x * x) * b2;
                if (y < 0.0)
                y = Math.Sqrt(y);

                for (int l = 0; l < 2; l++)
                    //both posetive and negative y:s can be solutions. Check with each possible
                    //point that its perpendicular to ellipse (subtracting the inverse ellipse slope (=normal slope) with the slope from 'from' point)
                    double err;
                    err = y * (from.X - x) - x * b2 * (from.Y - y);
                    if (Math.Abs(err) < 1e-6)
                        respts.Add(new Point2d(x, y));

                    y = -y; //test negative solution as well

コード例 #26
        public static Circle2d[] CircleCircleCircle(Circle2d ci1, Circle2d ci2, Circle2d ci3)
            // see http://www.arcenciel.co.uk/geometry/ for explanation

            List <Circle2d> result = null;
            double          r1, r2, r3, a, b, c, t, A, B, C;
            double          fRadius, xc, yc, distc1c2;

            double[] roots;

            // if all circles concentric, there are no solutions
            distc1c2 = ci1.Center.Distance(ci2.Center);
            if (MathUtil.IsZero(distc1c2) && MathUtil.IsZero(ci2.Center.Distance(ci3.Center)))

            // make sure first 2 circles are not concentric
            // if so swap ci2,ci3
            if (MathUtil.IsZero(distc1c2))
                var tmp = ci2; ci2 = ci3; ci3 = ci2;

            // transform input so that ci1 is at origo and ci2 is on xaxis
            Transform2d trans = Transform2d.Translate(Point2d.Origo - ci1.Center) * Transform2d.Rotate(-ci1.Center.Angle(ci2.Center));

            ci1 = new Circle2d(ci1);
            ci2 = new Circle2d(ci2);
            ci3 = new Circle2d(ci3);

            // Negate the radii to get all combinations

            for (int iCase = 0; iCase < 8; ++iCase)
                r1 = ((iCase & 1) == 0) ? ci1.Radius : -ci1.Radius;
                r2 = ((iCase & 2) == 0) ? ci2.Radius : -ci2.Radius;
                r3 = ((iCase & 4) == 0) ? ci3.Radius : -ci3.Radius;

                // special case where radii of first 2 circles are equal
                if (MathUtil.Equals(r1, r2))
                    // Calculate x-cordinate of centre
                    xc = ci2.X / 2.0;

                    // if all radii are equal, there will be only one solution
                    if (MathUtil.Equals(r1, r3))
                        if (MathUtil.IsZero(ci3.Y))

                        // get y-coordinate of centre
                        yc = (ci3.X * ci3.X - 2.0 * xc * ci3.X + ci3.Y * ci3.Y) / (ci3.Y + ci3.Y);

                        // compute radius
                        A     = 1;
                        B     = 2 * r1;
                        C     = r1 * r1 - xc * xc - yc * yc;
                        roots = RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(A, B, C);

                        if (roots.Length > 0)
                            fRadius = roots[0];
                            if (fRadius <= 0.0)
                            { //then try other root
                                if (roots.Length > 1)
                                    fRadius = roots[1];
                                    if (fRadius <= 0.0)
                                        continue; //no posetive roots
                            AddResult(ref result, xc, yc, fRadius);
                        // compute constants
                        double k = r1 * r1 - r3 * r3 + ci3.X * ci3.X + ci3.Y * ci3.Y - 2 * xc * ci3.X;
                        A = 4 * ((r1 - r3) * (r1 - r3) - ci3.Y * ci3.Y);
                        B = 4 * (k * (r1 - r3) - 2 * ci3.Y * ci3.Y * r1);
                        C = 4 * xc * xc * ci3.Y * ci3.Y + k * k - 4 * ci3.Y * ci3.Y * r1 * r1;

                        if (!MathUtil.IsZero(A))
                            roots = RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(A, B, C);

                            foreach (double radius in roots)
                                yc = (2 * radius * (r1 - r3) + k) / (2 * ci3.Y);
                                AddResult(ref result, xc, yc, radius);
                } //end special case of r1==r2

                // Get constants
                a = 2 * (ci2.X * (r3 - r1) - ci3.X * (r2 - r1));
                b = 2 * ci3.Y * (r1 - r2);
                c = (r2 - r1) * (ci3.X * ci3.X + ci3.Y * ci3.Y - (r3 - r1) * (r3 - r1)) - (r3 - r1) * (ci2.X * ci2.X - (r2 - r1) * (r2 - r1));
                t = (ci2.X * ci2.X + r1 * r1 - r2 * r2) / 2.0;
                A = (r1 - r2) * (r1 - r2) * (a * a + b * b) - (ci2.X * ci2.X * b * b);
                B = 2 * (t * (r1 - r2) * (a * a + b * b) + a * c * ci2.X * (r1 - r2) - (r1 * ci2.X * ci2.X * b * b));
                C = t * t * (a * a + b * b) + (2 * a * c * ci2.X * t) + (c * c * ci2.X * ci2.X) - (r1 * r1 * ci2.X * ci2.X * b * b);

                // Calculate radius
                roots = RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(A, B, C);
                if (roots == null)

                foreach (double radius in roots)
                    if (radius < minradius || radius > maxradius)
                    // get x coordinate of centre (x2 may not be zero)
                    xc = (radius * (r1 - r2) + t) / ci2.X;

                    // get y coordinate of centre. b should never be 0, as
                    // r1=r2 is special case and y3 may not be zero
                    yc = (-a * xc - c) / b;
                    AddResult(ref result, xc, yc, radius);

            //convert back to original coordinate system by using the inverse
            //of the original matrix
            if (result != null)
                trans = trans.Inversed;
                for (int l = 0; l < result.Count; l++)

コード例 #27
        public static Circle2d[] CircleCircleLine(Circle2d ci1, Circle2d ci2, Line2d li)
            // see http://www.arcenciel.co.uk/geometry/ for explanation

            List <Circle2d> result = null;
            double          a1, b1, c1, t, r2, r3, a, b, c, u, s;
            double          A, B, C, xc, yc;

            //transform input so that c1 is at origo and c2 is on xaxis
            Transform2d trans = Transform2d.Translate(Point2d.Origo - ci1.Center) * Transform2d.Rotate(-ci1.Center.Angle(ci2.Center));

            ci1 = new Circle2d(ci1);
            ci2 = new Circle2d(ci2);
            li = new Line2d(li);

            if (!li.ToEquation(out a1, out b1, out c1))
                return(null); //degenerate line
            for (int signcase = 0; signcase < 8; ++signcase)
                t = ((signcase & 1) == 0) ? 1 : -1;

                r2 = ((signcase & 2) == 0) ? ci1.Radius : -ci1.Radius;

                r3 = ((signcase & 4) == 0) ? ci2.Radius : -ci2.Radius;

                // Get constants
                a = 2 * (a1 * (r2 - r3) - ci2.X * t);
                b = 2 * b1 * (r2 - r3);
                c = 2 * c1 * (r2 - r3) + t * (r2 * r2 - r3 * r3 + ci2.X * ci2.X);

                if (!MathUtil.IsZero(b))
                    u = b1 * c - b * c1;
                    s = a1 * b - a * b1;
                    A = t * t * b * b * (a * a + b * b) - b * b * s * s;
                    B = 2 * (u * t * b * (a * a + b * b) + a * c * s * t * b - b * b * s * s * r2);
                    C = u * u * (a * a + b * b) + 2 * a * c * s * u + c * c * s * s - b * b * s * s * r2 * r2;
                    u = a1 * c - a * c1;
                    s = a * b1;
                    A = a * a * (t * t * a * a - s * s);
                    B = 2 * a * a * (u * t * a - s * s * r2);
                    C = u * u * a * a + c * c * s * s - a * a * s * s * r2 * r2;

                // Calculate radius
                double[] roots = RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(A, B, C);
                if (roots != null)
                    foreach (double radius in roots)
                        if (radius < minradius || radius > maxradius)

                        // compute x coordinates of centers
                        List <double> xsols = new List <double>();

                        if (!MathUtil.IsZero(ci2.X)) //circles are not concentric
                            xc = ((r2 + radius) * (r2 + radius) - (r3 + radius) * (r3 + radius) + ci2.X * ci2.X) / (2 * ci2.X);
                        else // If circles are concentric there can be 2 solutions for x
                            A = (a1 * a1 + b1 * b1);
                            B = -2 * a1 * (radius * t - c1);
                            C = (radius * t - c1) * (radius * t - c1) - b1 * b1 * (r2 + radius) * (r2 + radius);

                            double[] roots2 = RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(A, B, C);
                            if (roots2 != null)
                                foreach (double x in roots2)

                        // now compute y coordinates from the calculated x:es
                        // and input the final solution
                        foreach (double x in xsols)
                            if (!MathUtil.IsZero(b1))
                                yc = (-a1 * x - c1 + radius * t) / b1;
                                double ycSquare = (r2 + radius) * (r2 + radius) - (x * x);
                                if (ycSquare < 0.0)
                                yc = Math.Sqrt(ycSquare);

                            AddResult(ref result, x, yc, radius);
                            if (MathUtil.IsZero(b1))
                                AddResult(ref result, x, -yc, radius);

            //convert back to original coordinate system by using the inverse
            //of the original matrix
            if (result != null)
                trans = trans.Inversed;
                for (int l = 0; l < result.Count; l++)

コード例 #28
        public static Circle2d[] CircleLineLine(Circle2d ci, Line2d l1, Line2d l2)
            // see http://www.arcenciel.co.uk/geometry/ for explanation

            List <Circle2d> result = null;

            //translate everyting so circle center at origo
            double dx = ci.X, dy = ci.Y;

            ci = new Circle2d(0, 0, ci.Radius);
            l1 = new Line2d(l1.X1 - dx, l1.Y1 - dy, l1.X2 - dx, l1.Y2 - dy);
            l2 = new Line2d(l2.X1 - dx, l2.Y1 - dy, l2.X2 - dx, l2.Y2 - dy);

            //if first line vertical, swap lines...
            if (MathUtil.Equals(l1.X1, l1.X2))
                var tmp = l1; l1 = l2; l2 = tmp;

            //if first line still vertical, special case:
            if (MathUtil.Equals(l1.X1, l1.X2))
                double rad     = (l1.X1 - l2.X1) / 2.0;
                double xcenter = (l1.X1 + l2.X1) / 2.0;

                double yc = Math.Sqrt((rad + ci.Radius) * (rad + ci.Radius) - xcenter * xcenter);

                AddResult(ref result, xcenter, ci.Y + yc, rad);
                AddResult(ref result, xcenter, ci.Y - yc, rad);
                //now we know that first line is not vertical, and circle is centered at origo
                double a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, u, w, s, a, b, c, xcenter, ycenter, t1, t2, r3;

                if (!l1.ToEquation(out a1, out b1, out c1))
                if (!l2.ToEquation(out a2, out b2, out c2))

                for (int signcase = 0; signcase < 8; signcase++)
                    t1 = ((signcase & 1) == 0) ? -1 : 1;
                    t2 = ((signcase & 2) == 0) ? -1 : 1;
                    r3 = ((signcase & 4) == 0) ? -ci.Radius : ci.Radius;

                    u = (t1 * b2) - (t2 * b1);
                    w = (b1 * c2) - (b2 * c1);
                    s = (a1 * b2) - (a2 * b1);
                    a = (u * u) - (2 * a1 * s * u * t1) + (t1 * t1 * s * s) - (b1 * b1 * s * s);
                    b = 2.0 * ((u * w) + (c1 * a1 * s * u) - (a1 * s * t1 * w) - (c1 * t1 * s * s) - (r3 * b1 * b1 * s * s));
                    c = (w * w) + (2 * a1 * s * c1 * w) + (c1 * c1 * s * s) - (b1 * b1 * r3 * r3 * s * s);
                    double[] roots = RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(a, b, c);
                    if (roots != null)
                        foreach (double radius in roots)
                            if (radius < minradius || radius > maxradius)

                            if (!MathUtil.IsZero(s))
                            { //non parallel lines, one center per root
                                xcenter = (radius * u + w) / s;
                                ycenter = ((-a1 * xcenter) - c1 + (radius * t1)) / b1;
                                AddResult(ref result, xcenter, ycenter, radius);
                            else  //parallel lines, two centers per root
                                a = t1 * t1;
                                b = 2.0 * a1 * (c1 - (radius * t1));
                                c = ((radius * t1) - c1) * ((radius * t1) - c1) - (b1 * b2 * (r3 + radius) * (r3 + radius));
                                double[] roots2 = RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(a, b, c);
                                if (roots2 != null)
                                    foreach (double x in roots2)
                                        ycenter = (-a1 * x - c1 + radius * t1) / b1;
                                        AddResult(ref result, x, ycenter, radius);

            //translate results back to original position
            if (result != null)
                foreach (Circle2d c in result)
                    c.X += dx;
                    c.Y += dy;

コード例 #29
ファイル: TrTorus.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/biolum
        public override bool HitTest(Ray3 ray, out double t)
            ray = ray.Transform(InvPosition);

            double x0 = ray.Position.X;
            double y0 = ray.Position.Y;
            double z0 = ray.Position.Z;
            double dx = ray.Direction.X;
            double dy = ray.Direction.Y;
            double dz = ray.Direction.Z;

            double A  = x0 * x0 + y0 * y0 + z0 * z0;
            double B  = 2 * (x0 * dx + y0 * dy + z0 * dz);
            double R2 = R * R;
            double r2 = r * r;

            double t4 = A * A;
            double t3 = 2 * A * B;
            double t2 = 2 * A * R2 + B * B + 2 * A * A - 2 * r2 * A;
            double t1 = 2 * B * (R2 + A - r2);
            double t0 = (2 * A - 2 * r2) * R2 + A * A - 2 * r2 * A + r2 * r2;

            t2 -= 4 * R2 * (dx * dx + dy * dy);
            t1 -= 8 * R2 * (dx * x0 + dy * y0);
            t0 -= 4 * R2 * (x0 * x0 + y0 * y0);

            RealPolynomial rp = new RealPolynomial(t4, t3, 2, t1, t0);

            double[] roots = rp.FindRoots();

             * Vector3 p = ray.Position.ToVector();
             * Vector3 d = ray.Direction;
             * double alpha = d.Dot(d);
             * double beta = 2.0 * p.Dot(d);
             * double gamma = p.Dot(p) - tubeRadius*tubeRadius - centralRadius*centralRadius;
             * // quatric coefficients
             * double a4 = alpha*alpha;
             * double a3 = 2.0 * alpha * beta;
             * double a2 = beta*beta + (2.0 * alpha * gamma) + (4.0 * centralRadius*centralRadius * d.Z*d.Z);
             * double a1 = (2.0 * beta * gamma) + (8 * centralRadius*centralRadius * p.Z * d.Z);
             * double a0 = gamma*gamma + (4.0 * centralRadius*centralRadius * p.Z*p.Z) - (4.0 * centralRadius*centralRadius * tubeRadius*tubeRadius);
             * // solve polynomial
             * double[] roots = RealPolynomial.SolveQuartic(a4, a3, a2, a1, a0);
            bool found = false;

            t = double.MaxValue;
            foreach (var tt in roots)
                if (tt > 1e-4 && tt < t)
                    t     = tt;
                    found = true;

コード例 #30
ファイル: GeneralConic2d.cs プロジェクト: ventor3000/guppy2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the line geometries, one or two lines. The type of the conic has to be
        /// Intersecting lines (2 results), Paralell lines (2 results) or Coincident lienes (1 result),
        /// otherwise the result is null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Line2d[] ToLines()
            // Inspired by line extraction conmat.c from book Graphics Gems V

            double         xx, yy;
            ConicType      type = Type;
            Line2d         tmplin;
            Transform2d    tr;
            GeneralConic2d cpy;

            List <Line2d> res = null;

            double de = B * B * 0.25 - A * C;

            if (MathUtil.IsZero(A) && MathUtil.IsZero(B) && MathUtil.IsZero(C))
            { //single line
                // compute endpoints of the line, avoiding division by zero
                res = new List <Line2d>();
                if (Math.Abs(d) > Math.Abs(e))
                    res.Add(new Line2d(-f / (d), 0.0, -(e + f) / (d), 1.0));
                    res.Add(new Line2d(0.0, -f / (e), 1.0, -(d + f) / (e)));
            {                                                                                              // two lines
                cpy = new GeneralConic2d(this);
                double a = cpy.a, b = cpy.b * 0.5, c = cpy.c, d = cpy.d * 0.5, e = cpy.e * 0.5, f = cpy.f; //get matrix coefficient

                // use the expression for phi that takes atan of the smallest argument
                double phi = (Math.Abs(b + b) < Math.Abs(a - c) ?
                              Math.Atan((b + b) / (a - c)) :
                              MathUtil.Deg360 - Math.Atan((a - c) / (b + b))) / 2.0;

                //phi = cpy.Rotation;

                if (MathUtil.IsZero(de))
                { //parallel lines
                    tr = Transform2d.Rotate(-phi);
                    a = cpy.A; b = cpy.B * 0.5; c = cpy.c; d = cpy.d * 0.5; e = cpy.e * 0.5; f = cpy.f; //get matrix coefficient

                    if (Math.Abs(c) < Math.Abs(a))                                                      // vertical
                        double[] xs = RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(a, d, f);
                        if (xs != null)
                            res = new List <Line2d>();
                            foreach (double x in xs)
                                tmplin = new Line2d(x, -1, x, 1);
                                tmplin.Transform(tr.Inversed);  //back to original spacxe
                    else //horizontal
                        double[] ys = RealPolynomial.SolveQuadric(c, e, f, 0.0);
                        if (ys != null)
                            res = new List <Line2d>();
                            foreach (double y in ys)
                                tmplin = new Line2d(-1, y, 1, y);
                } //end parallel lines case
                { //crossing lines
                    Point2d center = Center;
                    double  rot    = this.Rotation;
                    tr = Transform2d.Translate(-center.X, -center.Y) * Transform2d.Rotate(-rot);
                    a = cpy.A; b = cpy.B * 0.5; c = cpy.c; d = cpy.c * 0.5; e = cpy.e * 0.5; f = cpy.f;

                    res = new List <Line2d>();

                    xx     = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(1.0 / a));
                    yy     = Math.Sqrt(Math.Abs(1.0 / c));
                    tr     = tr.Inversed;
                    tmplin = new Line2d(-xx, -yy, xx, yy);
                    tmplin = new Line2d(new Line2d(-xx, yy, xx, -yy));
                } //end crossing lines case
            }   //end two lines

            if (res == null || res.Count == 0)
