internal X509Certificate2 CreateCertificate( X509Certificate2 issuer, X500DistinguishedName subject, IEnumerable <X509Extension> extensions, DateTimeOffset notBefore, DateTimeOffset notAfter, out RSA key) { key = CreateKeyMaterial(RSAMinimumKeySizeInBits); var request = new CertificateRequest(subject, key, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256, RSASignaturePadding.Pkcs1); foreach (var extension in extensions) { request.CertificateExtensions.Add(extension); } var serialNumber = new byte[20]; var random = new RandomBigInteger(); random.NextBytes(serialNumber); return(request.Create(issuer, notBefore, notAfter, serialNumber)); RSA CreateKeyMaterial(int minimumKeySize) { var rsa = RSA.Create(minimumKeySize); if (rsa.KeySize < minimumKeySize) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to create a key with a size of {minimumKeySize} bits"); } return(rsa); } }
private static BigInteger createModel(byte[] owner, string properties, string hash) { StorageContext ctx = Storage.CurrentContext; Model model = new Model(); model.owner = owner; = properties; model.hash = hash; int seed = (int)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds; RandomBigInteger rnd = new RandomBigInteger(seed); BigInteger id = rnd.NextBigInteger(63); while (Storage.Get(ctx, concatKey("models/", id)).Length != 0) { id = rnd.NextBigInteger(63); } = id; byte[] key = concatKey("models/", id); byte[] obj = Model.ToByteArray(model); Storage.Put(ctx, key, obj); return(id); }
public static void KeyGen(int key_size, out BigInteger oe, out BigInteger od, out BigInteger on) { RandomBigInteger rand = new RandomBigInteger(); BigInteger p = rand.NextBigInteger(key_size / 2); p = p.GetNextPrime(); int qBitLen = key_size - p.BitLength(); BigInteger q, n; do { q = rand.NextBigInteger(qBitLen); q = q.GetNextPrime(); n = p * q; qBitLen++; } while (n.BitLength() < key_size + 1); BigInteger phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1); BigInteger e = 3; while (BigInteger.GreatestCommonDivisor(e, phi) != 1) { e += 2; } BigInteger d = (e.ModInverse(phi)); oe = e; od = d; on = n; }
BigInteger RandomWithGCD1(BigInteger min, BigInteger max) { RandomBigInteger rbi = new RandomBigInteger(); BigInteger value = 0; do { value = rbi.NextBigInteger(min, max); BigInteger a = BigInteger.GreatestCommonDivisor(value, max); } while (BigInteger.GreatestCommonDivisor(value, max) != 1); return(value); }
protected Task <BigInteger> RandomIntegerBelowAsync(BigInteger max) { return(RandomBigInteger.GenerateAsync(max, this.RandomProvider)); }