public void ProbeForSpeciman(RadarType RT, Point2D PT) { bool HasSpeciman = false; foreach (Speciman S in _Specimans) { if (S.Location.Equals(PT)) { S.Found(RT); HasSpeciman = true; break; } } if (!HasSpeciman) { bool found = false; foreach (Point2D PTT in SearchedArea) { if (PTT.Equals(PT)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { SearchedArea.Add(PT); } } }
/// <summary> /// 获取目标索引 /// </summary> /// <param name="speedItemList">在场单位列表(OrderBySpeed)</param> /// <param name="radarType">搜索方式</param> /// <param name="selfCamp">本方阵营</param> /// <param name="selfPos">当前单位的位置</param> /// <returns></returns> public static int GetTargetIndex(List <DataManager.SpeedItem> speedItemList, RadarType radarType, Camps selfCamp, int selfPos) { int posAdjust_Y = -1 * DataBase.cardPos[selfPos].y; DataBase.Pos targetPos = new DataBase.Pos(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { //设置目标的坐标-前排优先 int posX = DataBase.cardPos[selfPos].x + front_first[i, j, 0]; int posY = DataBase.cardPos[selfPos].y + front_first[i, j, 1] + posAdjust_Y; targetPos.set(posX, posY); Console.WriteLine("posX: " + posX + " posY: " + posY); //获取目标索引 for (int s = 0; s < speedItemList.Count; s++) { if (speedItemList[s].card.BornPos == DataBase.GetPosIndex(targetPos)) { if (speedItemList[s].camp != selfCamp) { return(s); } } } } } return(-1); }
void DrawLabel(int radarIndex, int nodeIndex, Rect labelRect, RadarType type) { switch (type) { case RadarType.CharacterStats: CharacterStatsNode nodeC = (CharacterStatsNode)iRadarGraphs[radarIndex].BaseNodes[nodeIndex]; nodeC.statType = (CharacterStatType)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(labelRect, nodeC.statType); break; case RadarType.String_SAMPLE: StringNode_SAMPLE nodeR = (StringNode_SAMPLE)iRadarGraphs[radarIndex].BaseNodes[nodeIndex]; nodeR.Name = EditorGUI.TextField(labelRect, nodeR.Name, CenteredStyle); break; case RadarType.CharacterStats_SAMPLE: CharacterStatsNode_SAMPLE nodeS = (CharacterStatsNode_SAMPLE)iRadarGraphs[radarIndex].BaseNodes[nodeIndex]; nodeS.statType = (CharacterStatType_SAMPLE)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(labelRect, nodeS.statType); break; case RadarType.WeaponStats_SAMPLE: WeaponStatNode_SAMPLE nodeW = (WeaponStatNode_SAMPLE)iRadarGraphs[radarIndex].BaseNodes[nodeIndex]; nodeW.statType = (WeaponStat_SAMPLE)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(labelRect, nodeW.statType); break; } }
public void Init(MyMwcObjectBuilder_ShipConfig objectBuilder) { Engine.SetValue(objectBuilder.Engine); RadarType.SetValue((MyHudRadarTypesEnum)objectBuilder.RadarType); AutoLeveling.SetValue(objectBuilder.AutoLeveling); MovementSlowdown.SetValue(objectBuilder.MovementSlowdown); BackCamera.SetValue(objectBuilder.BackCamera); ViewMode.SetValue((MyViewModeTypesEnum)objectBuilder.ViewMode); }
public RadarData(ItemQuality quality, float level, RadarType type, int range) : base(quality, level) { this.type = type; this.range = range; name =; description = type.description(); volume = type.volume(); itemType = ItemType.RADAR; }
void DrawRadarGraph(int radarIndex, int nodeCount, RadarType type) { Vector2 center = position.size / 2; Vector3 center3 = center; Handles.color =; Handles.DrawSphere(42, center3 - Vector3.forward * 10, Quaternion.identity, 10f); for (int j = 0; j < nodeCount; j++) { float nodeAngle = j * unitAngle - 90f; Vector2 unitNodeVector = nodeAngle.ConvertAngleToVector2(); RadarNode node = iRadarGraphs[radarIndex].BaseNodes[j]; = center; node.direction = unitNodeVector * shapeRadius; Vector2 boundaryNodePosition = center + unitNodeVector * shapeRadius; Rect labelRect = new Rect(-115f / 2f, -standardHeight / 2, 150, standardHeight).AddPosition(boundaryNodePosition).AddPosition(unitNodeVector * (labelSpacing)); Rect sliderRect = new Rect(labelRect).AddPosition(Vector3.up * standardSpacing); node.maxPosition = boundaryNodePosition; if (j > 0) { RadarNode lastNode = iRadarGraphs[radarIndex].BaseNodes[j - 1]; if (radarIndex == 0) { DrawBoundaryLine(lastNode.maxPosition, node.maxPosition); DrawSegmentLines(radarIndex, j - 1, j); } DrawActualValueLine(radarIndex, lastNode.Position, node.Position); Handles.DrawSphere(49, new Vector3(node.Position.x, node.Position.y, -10), Quaternion.identity, 5f); } float snapAmount = (1f / (segments + 1)); if (radarIndex == SelectedRadarIndex || !hideUnSelectedHandles) { DrawHandle(radarIndex, j, nodeAngle, snapAmount); } if (drawWebLines) { DrawWebLine(radarIndex, j); } DrawSelectedGraphControls(radarIndex, j, sliderRect, labelRect, type); } if (radarIndex == 0) { DrawSegmentLines(radarIndex, nodeCount - 1, 0); DrawBoundaryLine(iRadarGraphs[radarIndex].BaseNodes[nodeCount - 1].maxPosition, iRadarGraphs[radarIndex].BaseNodes[0].maxPosition); } DrawActualValueLine(radarIndex, iRadarGraphs[radarIndex].BaseNodes[nodeCount - 1].Position, iRadarGraphs[radarIndex].BaseNodes[0].Position); Handles.DrawSphere(49, new Vector3(iRadarGraphs[radarIndex].BaseNodes[0].Position.x, iRadarGraphs[radarIndex].BaseNodes[0].Position.y, -10), Quaternion.identity, 5f); }
public static RadarData createRadarData(RadarType type) { ItemQuality quality = randQuality(); float level = randLevel(); int range = Mathf.RoundToInt(type.range() * level * qualityMultiplier(quality)); RadarData data = new RadarData(quality, level, type, range); data.initCommons(calculateCost(data), calculateEnergy(data)); return(data); }
void OnGUI() { if (ActiveObject != null) { TrySetRadarGraph(); int radarCount = iRadarGraphs.Count; if (radarCount > 0) { RadarType type = iRadarGraphs[0].RadarType; bool tooFewNodes = iRadarGraphs.Exists(graph => graph.BaseNodes.Count < minNodes); bool graphMismatch = iRadarGraphs.Exists(graph => graph.RadarType != type); bool showAll = !tooFewNodes && !graphMismatch; if (!showAll) { if (tooFewNodes) { EditorGUI.LabelField(firstRect, "Use at least 3 nodes"); } else if (graphMismatch) { EditorGUI.LabelField(firstRect, "Selected graphs are mismatched types"); } } else { int nodeCount = iRadarGraphs[0].BaseNodes.Count; DrawHelperControls(radarCount, unitAngle); for (int i = 0; i < radarCount; i++) { if (iRadarGraphs[i].ShouldReset()) { iRadarGraphs[i].ResetNodes(); } MySerializedObjects[i].Update(); DrawRadarGraph(i, nodeCount, type); DrawAreaGraph(i); if (GUI.changed) { Undo.RecordObject(ActiveObject, "Radar Graph Editor Modified"); EditorUtility.SetDirty(ActiveObject); } MySerializedObjects[i].ApplyModifiedProperties(); } } } } lastSelectedCount = ActiveObjects.Length; }
public void Found(RadarType RT) { switch (RT) { case RadarType.Location: _locationFound = true; break; case RadarType.Size: _SizeFound = true; break; case RadarType.Name: _NameFound = true; break; } }
/// <summary> /// Looks at the assigned radars and determines the type of radar /// system this is. /// The first block placed will classify the system. /// Once the system is classified, radar blocks not of the correct /// type cannot be added. /// </summary> private void ReclassifySystem() { if (_assignedRadars.Count == 0) { // The system has become unclassified _assignedType = RadarType.NONE; _settings.range = Constants.radarMinimumRanges[(int)_assignedType]; _settings.frequency = Constants.radarMinimumFreqs[(int)_assignedType]; } else if (_assignedRadars.Count == 1 && _assignedType == RadarType.NONE) { _assignedType = _assignedRadars[0].type; _settings.range = Constants.radarMinimumRanges[(int)_assignedType]; _settings.frequency = Constants.radarMinimumFreqs[(int)_assignedType]; } }
public static int energyNeeded(this RadarType type) { switch (type) { case RadarType.SEQUESTER: return(10); case RadarType.PLANAR: return(20); case RadarType.MATRIX: return(30); case RadarType.PATAN_CORSAC: return(40); case RadarType.SNAKE: return(50); case RadarType.ASTRAL: return(60); default: return(0); } }
public static Sprite getRadarSprite(RadarType type) { switch (type) { case RadarType.SEQUESTER: return(radars[0]); case RadarType.PLANAR: return(radars[1]); case RadarType.MATRIX: return(radars[2]); case RadarType.PATAN_CORSAC: return(radars[3]); case RadarType.SNAKE: return(radars[4]); case RadarType.ASTRAL: return(radars[5]); default: Debug.Log("Unknown radar type: " + type); return(null); } }
public static float volume(this RadarType type) { switch (type) { case RadarType.SEQUESTER: return(.5f); case RadarType.PLANAR: return(.5f); case RadarType.MATRIX: return(.5f); case RadarType.PATAN_CORSAC: return(.5f); case RadarType.SNAKE: return(.5f); case RadarType.ASTRAL: return(.5f); default: return(0); } }
public static int range(this RadarType type) { switch (type) { case RadarType.SEQUESTER: return(5); case RadarType.PLANAR: return(8); case RadarType.MATRIX: return(12); case RadarType.PATAN_CORSAC: return(20); case RadarType.SNAKE: return(30); case RadarType.ASTRAL: return(50); default: return(0); } }
public static string name(this RadarType type) { switch (type) { case RadarType.SEQUESTER: return("Секвесторный радар"); case RadarType.PLANAR: return("Планарный радар"); case RadarType.MATRIX: return("Матричный радар"); case RadarType.PATAN_CORSAC: return("Радар Патан-Корсака"); case RadarType.SNAKE: return("Змеевой радар"); case RadarType.ASTRAL: return("Астральный радар"); default: return("Неизвестный тип радара"); } }
public static string description(this RadarType type) { switch (type) { case RadarType.SEQUESTER: return("Радар секвесторного\nтипа"); case RadarType.PLANAR: return("Радар планарного\nтипа"); case RadarType.MATRIX: return("Радар матричного\nтипа"); case RadarType.PATAN_CORSAC: return("Радар типа\nПатан-Корсака"); case RadarType.SNAKE: return("Радар змеевого\nтипа"); case RadarType.ASTRAL: return("Радар астрального\nтипа"); default: return("Неизвестный тип радара"); } }
public static RadarData createRadarData() { RadarType type = RadarType.SEQUESTER; switch (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, Enum.GetNames(typeof(RadarType)).Length)) { case 0: type = RadarType.SEQUESTER; break; case 1: type = RadarType.PLANAR; break; case 2: type = RadarType.MATRIX; break; case 3: type = RadarType.PATAN_CORSAC; break; case 4: type = RadarType.SNAKE; break; case 5: type = RadarType.ASTRAL; break; default: Debug.Log("Unmapped value for radar"); break; } return(createRadarData(type)); }
void DrawSelectedGraphControls(int radarIndex, int nodeIndex, Rect sliderRect, Rect labelRect, RadarType type) { RadarNode node = iRadarGraphs[radarIndex].BaseNodes[nodeIndex]; if (radarIndex == SelectedRadarIndex) { DrawLabel(radarIndex, nodeIndex, labelRect, type); if (!setValuesManually) { if (node.isRangeReversed) { node.Value = EditorGUI.Slider(sliderRect, node.Value, node.valueRange.Max, node.valueRange.Min); } else { node.Value = EditorGUI.Slider(sliderRect, node.Value, node.valueRange.Min, node.valueRange.Max); } } else { node.Value = EditorGUI.FloatField(sliderRect, node.Value); } } }
public Radar(GameControl GC, RadarType RT, string Name) : base(4, GC, Name) { _myType = RT; }
public RadarData(RadarType type, object userData = null) { Type = type; UserData = userData; }