コード例 #1
        public static string GetPathTreeNameUrl(int categoryID, int langInt, string langId)
            string result = string.Empty, id = string.Empty, pathTreeSub = string.Empty;

                ProductCategoryBLL          pcBll = new ProductCategoryBLL();
                IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst   = pcBll.GetList(langInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, categoryID, int.MinValue, false, string.Empty, 1, 9999, out total);
                if (total > 0)
                    string pathTree = lst[0].PathTree;
                    int    level    = pathTree.Count(i => i.Equals('.'));
                    for (int i = 1; i <= level; i++)
                        pathTreeSub = pathTree.Split('.')[i];
                        id          = pathTreeSub.Split('-')[1];
                        lst         = pcBll.GetList(langInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, int.Parse(id), int.MinValue, false, string.Empty, 1, 9999, out total);

                        result = result + (total > 0 ? lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.NameUrl : string.Empty) + "/";

                        if (i == 1)
                            result = result + langId + "/";
                    result = result == "" ? "" : result.Remove(result.LastIndexOf('/'), 1);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Write2Log.WriteLogs("Home Page", "GetPathTreeNameUrl", ex.Message);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 分类管理返回表格Json
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult GridListJson()
            DataTable listData = _productCategoryBLL.GetList();
            var       jsonData = new
                rows = listData,

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Image theo sản phẩm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string ImagePathByFont(PNK_Product data)
            string result = string.Empty, id = string.Empty, pathTreeSub = string.Empty, LangId = data.ProductDesc.LangId == 1 ? "vn" : "eng";
            //pathTreeSub = GetPathTreeNameUrl(data.ProductDesc.Id, data.ProductDesc.LangId, LangId);

            ProductCategoryBLL          pcBll = new ProductCategoryBLL();
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst = pcBll.GetList(data.ProductDesc.LangId, string.Empty, string.Empty, data.CategoryId, int.MinValue, false, string.Empty, 1, 9999, out total);

            if (total > 0)
                string        pathTree   = lst[0].PathTree;
                int           level      = pathTree.Count(i => i.Equals('.'));
                StringBuilder sbBreadrum = new StringBuilder();
                for (int i = 1; i <= level; i++)
                    pathTreeSub = pathTree.Split('.')[i];
                    id          = pathTreeSub.Split('-')[1];
                    lst         = pcBll.GetList(data.ProductDesc.LangId, string.Empty, string.Empty, int.Parse(id), int.MinValue, false, string.Empty, 1, 9999, out total);

                    result = result + (total > 0 ? lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.NameUrl : string.Empty) + "/";

                    sbBreadrum.AppendFormat("<li><a href=\"{0}\">{1}</a></li>", LinkHelper.GetLink(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.NameUrl, LangId), lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name);
                result = sbBreadrum.ToString();

            string imagePath = data.Image == "" ? "breadcrumb-bg.jpg" : data.Image;
            int    imageType = data.ImageType;

            switch (imageType)
            case 1:
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendFormat("<section id=\"title-wrapper\" style=\"background-image: url({0});\">", WebUtils.GetUrlImage(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ProductUpload"], "breadcrumb-bg.jpg"));
                sb.Append("<div class=\"container\">");
                sb.Append("<div class=\"row\">");
                sb.Append(" <div class=\"col-md-12\">");
                sb.Append("<div class=\"title-holder\">");
                sb.Append(" <div class=\"title-holder-cell text-left\">");
                sb.Append("<h2 class=\"page-title col-sm-8\"><span class='text-uppercase'>" + data.ProductDesc.Title + "</span></h2>");
                sb.AppendFormat("<ol class=\"breadcrumb pull-right\"><li><a href=\"{0}\">Home</a></li>", WebUtils.RedirectHomePage());
                result = sb.ToString();

            case 2:
                result = data.ImageFont;

コード例 #4
ファイル: block_category.ascx.cs プロジェクト: cong1389/Foody
        private void InitPage()
            template_path = WebUtils.GetWebPath();
            pageName      = Utils.GetParameter("page", "home");
            cid           = Utils.GetParameter("cid", string.Empty);
            cidsub        = Utils.GetParameter("cidsub", string.Empty);
            id            = Utils.GetParameter("id", string.Empty);

            if (pageName == "tim-kiem" || pageName == "search")
                this.records         = DBConvert.ParseString(totalSearch);
                this.pager.PageSize  = DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["pageSizeCate"]);
                this.pager.ItemCount = totalSearch;

                this.rptResult.DataSource = lstSearch;

                //Set header
                ProductCategoryBLL          pcBll = new ProductCategoryBLL();
                IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst   = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdTemplate"]), int.MinValue, false, string.Empty, 1, 1, out total);
                if (total > 0)
                    ltrCateNameTitle.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;
                    ltrCategoryBrief.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Brief;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Blog cuối cùng
        /// </summary>
        private void GetLastBlog()
            ProductBLL pcBll = new ProductBLL();
            DataTable  dtb   = DBHelper.ExcuteFromCmd("SELECT * FROM dbo.fc_GetAllChildProductCategory(" + DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdLastBlog"]) + ",1)", null);

            string[] array = dtb.AsEnumerable()
                             .Select(row => row.Field <Int32>("id").ToString())
            string idFirst          = string.Join(",", array);
            IList <PNK_Product> lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", idFirst, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 1, 4, out total);

            if (total > 0)
                rptLastBlog.DataSource = lst.OrderByDescending(m => m.PostDate);

                ltrLastBlogCateName.Text = lst[0].CategoryNameDesc;

            ProductCategoryBLL          pcBllCate = new ProductCategoryBLL();
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lstCate   = pcBllCate.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdLastBlog"]), int.MinValue, false, string.Empty, 1, 1, out total);

            if (lstCate.Count > 0)
                ltrLastBlogCateName.Text = lstCate[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;

                hypLastBlogCateName.HRef = LinkHelper.GetLink(lstCate[0].ProductCategoryDesc.NameUrl, LangId);
コード例 #6
        private void GetPageName(string pageName)
                cid    = Utils.GetParameter("cid", string.Empty);
                cidsub = Utils.GetParameter("cidsub", string.Empty);
                id     = Utils.GetParameter("id", string.Empty);

                if (pageName == "booking")
                    pagePath         = "Pages/BookingManagement/Booking.ascx";
                    Session["level"] = 1;

                    string             cateName  = string.Empty;
                    ProductCategoryBLL pcBllCate = new ProductCategoryBLL();
                    cateName = Common.UtilityLocal.GetCateNameByLevel(pageName, cid, cidsub, id);
                    IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lstCate = pcBllCate.GetList(LangInt, cateName, string.Empty, int.MinValue, false, "p.ordering", 1, 9999, out total);
                    if (total > 0)
                        pagePath         = lstCate[0].Page;
                        Session["level"] = lstCate[0].PathTree.Count(i => i.Equals('.'));

                    if (lstCate == null || total == 0)
                        ProductBLL pcBll = new ProductBLL();
                        cid    = cid != LocalizationUtility.GetText("linkCate", Ci) ? cid : string.Empty;
                        cidsub = cidsub != LocalizationUtility.GetText("linktmp", Ci) ? cidsub : string.Empty;
                        IList <PNK_Product> lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cidsub, string.Empty, string.Empty, id, null, string.Empty, 1, 9999, out total);
                        if (total > 0)
                            //set page đặc biệt khi level=4 mà thiếu cid, cidsub
                            if (cid == LocalizationUtility.GetText("linkCate", Ci) || cid == LocalizationUtility.GetText("linktmp", Ci))
                                lst = lst.Where(p => p.ProductDesc.TitleUrl == id && p.CategoryUrlDesc == pageName).ToList();
                                lst = lst.Where(p => p.ProductDesc.TitleUrl == id).ToList();
                            if (lst.Count > 0)
                                string pagePathProduct = Common.UtilityLocal.GetPathTreeNameUrl(lst[0].Id, LangInt, LangId);
                                pagePath         = lst[0].Page;
                                Session["level"] = 3;
                contentView = (UserControl)Page.LoadControl(pagePath);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Write2Log.WriteLogs("default.aspx", "GetPageName", ex.Message + "/" + cid + "/" + cidsub + "/" + id);
コード例 #7
ファイル: home.ascx.cs プロジェクト: cong1389/Foody
        /// <summary>
        /// Dịch vụ
        /// </summary>
        private void GetService()
            ProductBLL pcBll = new ProductBLL();
            DataTable  dtb   = DBHelper.ExcuteFromCmd("SELECT * FROM dbo.fc_GetAllChildProductCategory(" + DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdService"]) + ",1)", null);

            string[] array = dtb.AsEnumerable()
                             .Select(row => row.Field <Int32>("id").ToString())
            string idFirst          = string.Join(",", array);
            IList <PNK_Product> lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", idFirst, string.Empty, string.Empty, "1", 1, 6, out total);

            if (total > 0)
                this.rptServiceLeft.DataSource = lst;

            total = 0;
            ProductCategoryBLL          pcBllCate = new ProductCategoryBLL();
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lstCate   = pcBllCate.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, null, DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdService"]), int.MinValue, false, string.Empty, 1, 1, out total);

            if (lst.Count > 0)
                ltrServiceHeader.Text = lstCate[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;
コード例 #8
ファイル: leftmenu.ascx.cs プロジェクト: cong1389/CuChi
        private void GenerateMenuProduct()
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lstParent;
            int total;
            ProductCategoryBLL ncBll = new ProductCategoryBLL();

            lstAll = ncBll.GetList(Constant.DB.LangId, string.Empty, 1, 300, out total);

            if (total > 0)
                //Lấy danh sách danh mục cha có ParentID==0 gán vào menu cha
                lstParent = lstAll.Where(m => m.ParentId == 0 &&
                                         m.Id != 2229 &&
                                         m.Id != 2222 &&
                                         m.Id != 2220 &&
                                         m.Id != 2207 &&
                                         m.Id != 124 &&
                                         m.Id != 73 &&
                                         m.Id != 64 &&
                                         m.Id != 64 &&
                                         m.Id != 42

                                         && m.Id != DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdHome"])
                if (lstParent.Count() > 0)
                    rptResult.DataSource = lstParent;
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// ishHot=true,cateid=sanphamID
        /// </summary>
        private void GetDetail()
            ProductCategoryBLL          pcBllCate = new ProductCategoryBLL();
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lstCate   = pcBllCate.GetList(LangInt, pageName, "1", int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);

            if (lstCate.Count > 0)
                ltrProductRelate.Text = string.Format("{0} {1}", lstCate[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name, LocalizationUtility.GetText("ltrProductRelate", Ci));
                hypAll.HRef           = LinkHelper.GetLink(lstCate[0].ProductCategoryDesc.NameUrl, LangId);

                categoryID = lstCate[0].Id.ToString();
                DataTable dtb   = DBHelper.ExcuteFromCmd("SELECT * FROM dbo.fc_GetAllChildProductCategory(" + categoryID + ",1)", null);
                string[]  array = dtb.AsEnumerable()
                                  .Select(row => row.Field <Int32>("id").ToString())
                string idFirst = string.Join(",", array);

                ProductBLL          pcBll = new ProductBLL();
                IList <PNK_Product> lst   = pcBll.GetListRelate(LangInt, string.Empty, idFirst, id, 1, 9999, out total);
                if (lst.Count > 0)
                    this.rptResult.DataSource = lst;
コード例 #10
        private void GetConstruction()
                ProductBLL pcBll = new ProductBLL();
                DataTable  dtb   = DBHelper.ExcuteFromCmd("SELECT * FROM dbo.fc_GetAllChildProductCategory(" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdTemplate"] + ",1)", null);
                if (dtb != null && dtb.Rows.Count > 0)
                    string[] array = dtb.AsEnumerable()
                                     .Select(row => row.Field <Int32>("id").ToString())
                    string idFirst          = string.Join(",", array);
                    IList <PNK_Product> lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", idFirst, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 1, 2, out total);
                    if (lst.Count > 0)
                        this.rptConstruction.DataSource = lst;

                ProductCategoryBLL          pcBllCate = new ProductCategoryBLL();
                IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lstCate   = pcBllCate.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdTemplate"]), int.MinValue, false, string.Empty, 1, 1, out total);
                if (lstCate.Count > 0)
                    ltrConstructionCateName.Text = lstCate[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Write2Log.WriteLogs("home", "GetProject", ex.Message);
コード例 #11
        private string GetProductCategory()
            ProductCategoryBLL          pcBll = new ProductCategoryBLL();
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst   = null;

            if (cidsub != string.Empty && cid != string.Empty && id != string.Empty)
                lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, pageName, string.Empty, int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);

                //Gen html image category
                ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);
            else if (cidsub != string.Empty && cid != string.Empty)
                lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                if (total > 0)
                    //lần 2 truyền parentID vào để lấy ds con
                    lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, lst[0].Id, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);

                    //Gen html image category
                    ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);
            else if (cidsub == string.Empty && cid != string.Empty)
                lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                if (total > 0)
                    //Gen html image category
                    ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);
            else if (cid == string.Empty)
                //lần đầu lấy parentID
                lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, pageName, string.Empty, int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                if (total > 0)
                    //Gen html image category
                    ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);

コード例 #12
        private void InitPage()
                this.template_path = WebUtils.GetWebPath();
                pageName           = Utils.GetParameter("page", "home");
                cid    = Utils.GetParameter("cid", string.Empty);
                cidsub = Utils.GetParameter("cidsub", string.Empty);
                id     = Utils.GetParameter("id", string.Empty);

                //string pathUsc = pageName;
                //switch (pageName)
                //    case "home":
                //    case "trang-chu":
                //        pathUsc = "Pages/home.ascx";
                //        break;
                //    default:
                //        pathUsc = "Controls/block_breakumb.ascx";
                //        break;

                //UserControl contentView = (UserControl)Page.LoadControl(pathUsc);

                ProductCategoryBLL          pcBllCate = new ProductCategoryBLL();
                IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lstCate   = pcBllCate.GetList(1, pageName, string.Empty, int.MinValue, false, "p.ordering", 1, 9999, out total);
                if (total > 0)
                    string pagePath = lstCate[0].PageDetail.ToLower();
                    if (pagePath.Contains("template") && id != string.Empty && cidsub != "page")
                        top_menu.Visible = footer.Visible = main.Visible = false;
            catch (Exception ex)

            ConfigurationBLL          pcBll = new ConfigurationBLL();
            IList <PNK_Configuration> lst   = pcBll.GetList();

            if (lst != null && lst.Count > 0)
                foreach (PNK_Configuration item in lst)
                    if (item.Key_name == Constant.Configuration.config_vchat)
                        // WebUtils.IncludeJSScript(this.Page, item.Value_name);
コード例 #13
        private void GetProductCategory()
            ProductCategoryBLL          pcBll = new ProductCategoryBLL();
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst   = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdLastBlog"]), false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);

            if (total > 0)
                rptCategory.DataSource = lst;
コード例 #14
        private void GetSubMenu(string categoryId, Repeater rptSub)
            ProductCategoryBLL          pcBll = new ProductCategoryBLL();
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst   = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", int.Parse(categoryId), false, "p.ordering", 1, 9999, out total);

            lst = lst.Where(m => m.ThumbnailImage == "1").ToList();
            if (lst.Count > 0)
                rptSub.DataSource = lst;
コード例 #15
 private void CategoryHtml(string categoryId)
     if (categoryId != string.Empty)
         ProductCategoryBLL          pcBll = new ProductCategoryBLL();
         IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst   = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", DBConvert.ParseInt(categoryId), true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
         if (total > 0)
             rptCategory.DataSource = lst;
コード例 #16
        public string GetCategoryPageDetail(int id)
            int                         total;
            string                      result = string.Empty;
            ProductCategoryBLL          pcBll  = new ProductCategoryBLL();
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst    = pcBll.GetList(1, string.Empty, string.Empty, id, int.MinValue, false, string.Empty, 1, 100, out total);

            if (total > 0)
                result = lst[0].PageDetail;
コード例 #17
ファイル: Request.ascx.cs プロジェクト: cong1389/Foody
        private void SetHeader()
            //Set header
            ProductCategoryBLL          pcBll = new ProductCategoryBLL();
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst   = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, pageName, string.Empty, int.MinValue, int.MinValue, false, string.Empty, 1, 1, out total);

            if (total > 0)
                //Gen html image category
                ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);

                WebUtils.SeoPage(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaDecription, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaKeyword, this.Page);
                WebUtils.SeoTagH(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, Controls);
コード例 #18
        private void GetDataDropDownCategory(DropDownList drp, int categoryId, string title)
            ProductCategoryBLL pcBll = new ProductCategoryBLL();

            drp.Items.Add(new ListItem(title, "-1"));
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, categoryId, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);

            if (lst != null && lst.Count > 0)
                foreach (PNK_ProductCategory item in lst)
                    drp.Items.Add(new ListItem(item.ProductCategoryDesc.Name, DBConvert.ParseString(item.Id)));
コード例 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// getDataDropDownCategory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_drp"></param>
        private void GetDataDropDownCategory(DropDownList _drp)
            int    total;
            string strTemp;

            _drp.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constant.UI.admin_Category, Constant.DSC.IdRootProductCategory.ToString()));
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst = pcBll.GetList(Constant.DB.LangId, string.Empty, 1, 300, out total);

            if (lst != null && lst.Count > 0)
                foreach (PNK_ProductCategory item in lst)
                    strTemp = Utils.GetScmplit(item.ProductCategoryDesc.Name, item.PathTree);
                    _drp.Items.Add(new ListItem(strTemp, DBConvert.ParseString(item.Id)));
コード例 #20
        private void GetMenu()
            string strTemp = string.Empty;

            drpDestination.Items.Add(new ListItem("Where would you like to go?", string.Empty));

            ProductCategoryBLL pcBll = new ProductCategoryBLL();

            lstAll = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdCyclingTour"]), false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
            if (total > 0)
                foreach (PNK_ProductCategory item in lstAll)
                    drpDestination.Items.Add(new ListItem(item.ProductCategoryDesc.Name, item.ProductCategoryDesc.NameUrl));
コード例 #21
        //Bind drop cate
        private void BindCategory()
            string strTemp;

            drpCategory.Items.Add(new ListItem(LocalizationUtility.GetText("ltrAll", Ci), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdTemplate"]));
            ProductCategoryBLL          ncBll = new ProductCategoryBLL();
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst   = ncBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdTemplate"]), false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);

            if (lst != null && lst.Count > 0)
                foreach (PNK_ProductCategory item in lst)
                    strTemp = item.ProductCategoryDesc.Name;
                    drpCategory.Items.Add(new ListItem(strTemp, DBConvert.ParseString(item.Id)));
コード例 #22
        private void GetMenu()
            ProductCategoryBLL          pcBll  = new ProductCategoryBLL();
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lstAll = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, 0, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);

            if (total > 0)
                //Lấy danh sách danh mục cha có ParentID==0 gán vào menu cha
                lstAll = lstAll.Where(m => m.ParentId == 0 &&
                                      m.Id != DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdHome"]) &&
                                      m.SmallImage == "1"
                if (lstAll.Count() > 0)
                    rptResult.DataSource = lstAll;
コード例 #23
        private void GetMenu()
            ProductCategoryBLL pcBll = new ProductCategoryBLL();

            lstAll = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);

            if (total > 0)
                lstParent = lstAll.Where(m => m.ParentId == 0 &&
                                         m.Id != DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdHome"]) &&
                                         m.ThumbnailImage == "1"
                if (lstParent.Count() > 0)
                    rptResult.DataSource = lstParent;
コード例 #24
        /// <summary>
        /// getDataDropDownCategory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_drp"></param>
        public static void GetDataDropDownCategory(DropDownList _drp)
            int    totalrow;
            string strTemp;

            _drp.Items.Add(new ListItem(Constant.UI.admin_Category, Constant.DSC.IdRootProductCategory.ToString()));
            ProductCategoryBLL          ncBll = new ProductCategoryBLL();
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst   = ncBll.GetList(Constant.DB.LangId, string.Empty, 1, 300, out totalrow);

            if (lst != null && lst.Count > 0)
                foreach (PNK_ProductCategory item in lst)
                    strTemp = Utils.GetScmplit(item.ProductCategoryDesc.Name, item.PathTree);
                    _drp.Items.Add(new ListItem(strTemp, DBConvert.ParseString(item.Id)));
            //_drp.SelectedIndex = _drp.Items.IndexOf(_drp.Items.FindByValue(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdLeture"]));
コード例 #25
        private void GetProject()
                ProductBLL pcBll = new ProductBLL();
                DataTable  dtb   = DBHelper.ExcuteFromCmd("SELECT * FROM dbo.fc_GetAllChildProductCategory(" + ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdProject"] + ",1)", null);
                if (dtb != null && dtb.Rows.Count > 0)
                    string[] array = dtb.AsEnumerable()
                                     .Select(row => row.Field <Int32>("id").ToString())
                    string idFirst          = string.Join(",", array);
                    IList <PNK_Product> lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", idFirst, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, 1, 6, out total);
                    if (lst.Count > 0)
                        this.rptProject.DataSource = lst;

                ProductCategoryBLL          pcBllCate = new ProductCategoryBLL();
                IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lstCate   = pcBllCate.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdProject"]), int.MinValue, false, string.Empty, 1, 1, out total);
                if (lstCate.Count > 0)
                    ltrCateName.Text = string.Format("{0} {1}", lstCate[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name, LocalizationUtility.GetText("ltrWorking", Ci));// lstCate[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;
                    //ltrCateBrief.Text = lstCate[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Brief;

                    hypContinusProject.HRef = LinkHelper.GetLink(lstCate[0].ProductCategoryDesc.NameUrl, LangId);
                    //ltrContinusProject.Text = LocalizationUtility.GetText("ltrContinus", Ci);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Write2Log.WriteLogs("home", "GetProject", ex.Message);
コード例 #26
        private void GetPageName()
                if (cid == int.MinValue)
                    //Set tên danh mục
                    xMLConfig = GetCategoryName();

                    //Set tên sản phẩm
                    switch (pageName.Split('_')[1])
                    //Nếu là nhóm sản phẩm thì lấy tên nhóm sản phẩm cần chỉnh sửa
                    case "productcategory":
                        ProductCategoryBLL          productCategoryBLL = new ProductCategoryBLL();
                        IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst = productCategoryBLL.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, cid, int.MinValue, false, string.Empty, 1, 100, out total);
                        if (total > 0)
                            ltrHeader.Text = ltrProduct.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;

                            //Set SEO
                            title = string.Format("{0}-{1}", ltrCategory.Text, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name);
                            WebUtils.SeoPage(title, title, title, this.Page);

                    //Nếu là sản phẩm thì lấy tên sản phẩm cần chỉnh sửa
                    case "product":
                        Generic <PNK_ProductDesc> genericProductDesc = new Generic <PNK_ProductDesc>();
                        IList <PNK_ProductDesc>   lstProductDesc     = genericProductDesc.GetAllBy(new PNK_ProductDesc(), string.Format(" where mainid = {0} AND LangId={1}", id, LangInt), null);
                        if (lstProductDesc != null && lstProductDesc.Count > 0)
                            ltrHeader.Text = ltrProduct.Text = lstProductDesc[0].Title;

                            //Set SEO
                            title = string.Format("{0}-{1}", ltrCategory.Text, lstProductDesc[0].Title);
                            WebUtils.SeoPage(title, title, title, this.Page);

                    //Nếu là banner thì lấy tên sản phẩm cần chỉnh sửa
                    case "slider":
                        Generic <PNK_Banner> genericBanner = new Generic <PNK_Banner>();
                        IList <PNK_Banner>   lstBanner     = genericBanner.GetAllBy(new PNK_Banner(), string.Format(" where ID = {0}", cid), null);
                        if (lstBanner != null && lstBanner.Count > 0)
                            ltrHeader.Text = ltrProduct.Text = lstBanner[0].Name;

                            //Set SEO
                            title = string.Format("{0}-{1}", ltrCategory.Text, lstBanner[0].Name);
                            WebUtils.SeoPage(title, title, title, this.Page);

                    //Nếu là user
                    case "user":
                        Generic <PNK_User> genericUser = new Generic <PNK_User>();
                        IList <PNK_User>   lstUser     = genericUser.GetAllBy(new PNK_User(), string.Format(" where ID = {0}", cid), null);
                        if (lstUser != null && lstUser.Count > 0)
                            ltrHeader.Text = ltrProduct.Text = lstUser[0].FullName;

                            //Set SEO
                            title = string.Format("{0}-{1}", ltrCategory.Text, lstUser[0].FullName);
                            WebUtils.SeoPage(title, title, title, this.Page);

                        ////Nếu là user
                        //case "page":
                        //    Generic<PNK_Configuration> genericConfiguration = new Generic<PNK_Configuration>();
                        //    IList<PNK_Configuration> lstConfiguration = genericConfiguration.GetAllBy(new PNK_Configuration(), string.Format(" where ID = {0}", cid), null);
                        //    if (lstConfiguration != null && lstConfiguration.Count > 0)
                        //    {
                        //        ltrHeader.Text = ltrProduct.Text = lstConfiguration[0].FullName;
                        //    }
                        //    break;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Write2Log.WriteLogs("GetPageName", "breakumb", ex.Message);
コード例 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageName"></param>
        /// <param name="cid"></param>
        /// <param name="cidsub"></param>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <param name="LangInt"></param>
        /// <param name="level"></param>
        /// <returns>Dictionary<string, object> ProductCategoryBLL</returns>
        public static Dictionary <string, object> GetProductCategory(string pageName, string cid, string cidsub, string id, int LangInt, string level)
            Dictionary <string, object> dic   = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            ProductCategoryBLL          pcBll = new ProductCategoryBLL();
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst   = null;
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst2  = null;
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst3  = null;

            if (level != null)
                string cateName = Common.UtilityLocal.GetCateNameByLevel(pageName, cid, cidsub, id);
                switch (level)
                case "1":
                    lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cateName, string.Empty, int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                    if (lst.Count > 0)
                        lst2 = lst;
                        //lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, lst[0].Id, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out  total);

                case "2":
                    lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, pageName, string.Empty, int.MinValue, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                    if (lst.Count > 0)
                        lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, "1", int.MinValue, lst[0].Id, 1, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                        //lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, lst[0].Id, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out  total);
                        //if (lst2.Count > 0)
                        //    lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, lst2[0].Id, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out  total);

                case "3":
                    lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, pageName, string.Empty, int.MinValue, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                    if (lst.Count > 0)
                        lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, lst[0].Id, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                        if (lst2.Count > 0)
                            int parentID = lst2[0].Id;
                            //if (cidsub != LocalizationUtility.GetText("linktmp", Ci))
                            //    lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cidsub, "1", int.MinValue, parentID, 1, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out  total);

                case "4":
                    lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, pageName, string.Empty, int.MinValue, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                    if (lst.Count > 0)
                        lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, lst[0].Id, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                        if (lst2.Count > 0)
                            lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cidsub, "1", int.MinValue, lst2[0].Id, 1, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                            if (lst2.Count > 0)
                                lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, id, "1", int.MinValue, lst2[0].Id, 1, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);

                case "tim-kiem":
                case "search":
                    lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                    //if (lst.Count > 0)
                    //    lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, lst[0].Id, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out  total);
            dic.Add("DictProductCategory", lst2);
            dic.Add("DictProductCategory_Total", total);
コード例 #28
        private string GetProductCategory()
            ProductCategoryBLL          pcBll = new ProductCategoryBLL();
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst   = null;
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst2  = null;

            if (cidsub != string.Empty && cid != string.Empty && id != string.Empty)
                lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                //ltrCateNameTitle.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;
                categoryID = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Id.ToString();

                WebUtils.SeoPage(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaDecription, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaKeyword, this.Page);
                WebUtils.SeoTagH(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, Controls);
            else if (cidsub != string.Empty && cid != string.Empty)
                lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                if (total > 0)
                    //lần 2 truyền parentID vào để lấy ds con
                    lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, lst[0].Id, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                    WebUtils.SeoPage(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaDecription, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaKeyword, this.Page);
                    WebUtils.SeoTagH(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, Controls);

                    //Chỉ có 1 menu cha
                    if (total > 0)
                        //Gen html image category
                        ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);

                        //ltrCateNameTitle.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;
                        categoryID = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Id.ToString();
                        categoryID = null;
            else if (Session["level"] != null)
                string level = Session["level"].ToString();
                switch (level)
                case "1":
                    lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, pageName, string.Empty, int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                    if (total > 0)
                        lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, lst[0].Id, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                        if (lst2.Count > 0)
                            //Gen html image category
                            ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);

                            categoryID = lst2[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Id.ToString();
                            //Nếu không cấp con của cấp 1 thì lấy luôn cấp 1
                            categoryID = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Id.ToString();

                case "2":
                    lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, pageName, string.Empty, int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                    if (total > 0)
                        lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, lst[0].Id, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                        if (lst2.Count > 0)
                            //Gen html image category
                            ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);

                            categoryID = lst2[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Id.ToString();
            else if (cidsub == string.Empty && cid != string.Empty)
                lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                lst = lst.Where(m => m.ProductCategoryDesc.NameUrl == cid).ToList();

                WebUtils.SeoPage(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaDecription, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaKeyword, this.Page);
                WebUtils.SeoTagH(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, Controls);
                IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lstSub = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, lst[0].Id, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);

                if (lstSub.Count > 0)
                    //Gen html image category
                    ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);

                    //ltrCateNameTitle.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;
                    categoryID = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Id.ToString();
                    categoryID = null;
            else if (cid == string.Empty)
                //lần đầu lấy parentID
                //Xài chung với home, nên set
                if (pageName == "trang-chu" || pageName == "home")
                    lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdChoose"]), int.MinValue, true, string.Empty, 1, 1000, out total);
                    lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, pageName, string.Empty, int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                    WebUtils.SeoPage(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaDecription, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaKeyword, this.Page);
                    WebUtils.SeoTagH(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, Controls);

                //lần 2 truyền parentID vào để lấy ds con
                lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, lst[0].Id, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                //lst = lst2.Count > 0 ? lst2 : lst;
                if (lst.Count > 0)
                    //Gen html image category
                    ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);

                    //ltrCateNameTitle.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;
                    categoryID = lst[0].Id.ToString();
                    //Gen html image category
                    ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);

                    //ltrCateNameTitle.Text = lst2[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;
                    categoryID = lst2[0].ParentId.ToString();
                    parentID   = lst2[0].ParentId.ToString();

コード例 #29
ファイル: Picture.ascx.cs プロジェクト: cong1389/CuChi
        private string GetProductCategory()
            ProductCategoryBLL          pcBll = new ProductCategoryBLL();
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst   = null;
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst2  = null;

            if (cidsub != string.Empty && cid != string.Empty && id != string.Empty)
                lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                //ltrCateName.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;
                categoryID = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Id.ToString();

                WebUtils.SeoPage(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaDecription, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaKeyword, this.Page);
                WebUtils.SeoTagH(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, Controls);

                //Gen html image category
                ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);
            else if (cidsub != string.Empty && cid != string.Empty)
                lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                if (total > 0)
                    //lần 2 truyền parentID vào để lấy ds con
                    lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, lst[0].Id, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                    WebUtils.SeoPage(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaDecription, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaKeyword, this.Page);
                    WebUtils.SeoTagH(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, Controls);

                    //Gen html image category
                    ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);

                    //Chỉ có 1 menu cha
                    if (total > 0)
                        categoryID = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Id.ToString();
                        categoryID = null;
            else if (cidsub == string.Empty && cid != string.Empty)
                lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, string.Empty, int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                if (total > 0)
                    WebUtils.SeoPage(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaDecription, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaKeyword, this.Page);
                    WebUtils.SeoTagH(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, Controls);
                    //IList<PNK_ProductCategory> lstSub = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, lst[0].Id, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out  total);

                    //Gen html image category
                    ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);

                    if (lst.Count > 1)
                        //ltrCateNameTitle.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;
                        categoryID = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Id.ToString();
                    else if (lst.Count == 1)
                        //ltrCateNameTitle.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;
                        categoryID = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Id.ToString();
                        categoryID = null;
            else if (cid == string.Empty)
                //lần đầu lấy parentID
                lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, pageName, string.Empty, int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                if (total > 0)
                    WebUtils.SeoPage(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaDecription, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaKeyword, this.Page);
                    WebUtils.SeoTagH(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, Controls);

                    //Gen html image category
                    ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);

                    if (lst.Count > 0)
                    {  //lần 2 truyền parentID vào để lấy ds con
                        lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, lst[0].Id, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);

                        //ltrCateNameTitle.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;
                        //ltrCategoryBrief.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Brief;
                        categoryID = lst[0].Id.ToString();
                        //lần 2 truyền parentID vào để lấy ds con
                        lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, lst[0].Id, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);

                        //ltrCateNameTitle.Text = lst2[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;
                        //ltrCategoryBrief.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Brief;
                        categoryID = lst2[0].ParentId.ToString();

コード例 #30
        private string GetProductCategory()
            ProductCategoryBLL          pcBll = new ProductCategoryBLL();
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst   = null;
            IList <PNK_ProductCategory> lst2  = null;

            if (cidsub != string.Empty && cid != string.Empty && id != string.Empty)
                lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, "1", int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                //ltrCategoryBrief.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Brief;

                categoryID = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Id.ToString();
                WebUtils.SeoPage(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaDecription, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaKeyword, this.Page);
                WebUtils.SeoTagH(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, Controls);

                //Gen html image category
                ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);
            else if (cidsub != string.Empty && cid != string.Empty)
                lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, "1", int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                if (total > 0)

                    //lần 2 truyền parentID vào để lấy ds con
                    lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, lst[0].Id, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                    WebUtils.SeoPage(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaDecription, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaKeyword, this.Page);
                    WebUtils.SeoTagH(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, Controls);

                    //Gen html image category
                    ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);

                    //Chỉ có 1 menu cha
                    if (total > 0)

                        //ltrCategoryBrief.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Brief;
                        categoryID = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Id.ToString();
                        categoryID = null;
            else if (cidsub == string.Empty && cid != string.Empty)
                lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, cid, "1", int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                WebUtils.SeoPage(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaDecription, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaKeyword, this.Page);
                WebUtils.SeoTagH(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, Controls);

                //Gen html image category
                ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);

                //IList<PNK_ProductCategory> lstSub = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, lst[0].Id, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out  total);
                if (lst.Count > 1)
                    // ltrCategoryBrief.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Brief;
                    categoryID = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Id.ToString();
                else if (lst.Count == 1)
                    // ltrCategoryBrief.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Brief;
                    categoryID = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Id.ToString();
                    categoryID = null;
            else if (cid == string.Empty)
                //lần đầu lấy parentID
                if (pageName == "home" || pageName == "trang-chu")
                    lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdTemplate"]), false, "p.ordering", 1, 6, out total);
                    if (lst2.Count > 0)
                        categoryID = lst2[0].ParentId.ToString();

                    //Get catename
                    lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, "1", DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdTemplate"]), int.MinValue, false, string.Empty, 1, 1, out total);
                    if (lst.Count > 0)
                        ltrCateName.Text  = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;
                        ltrCateBrief.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Brief;
                    lst = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, pageName, "1", int.MinValue, true, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                    WebUtils.SeoPage(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaDecription, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaKeyword, this.Page);
                    WebUtils.SeoTagH(lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.MetaTitle, Controls);

                    //Gen html image category
                    ltrHeaderCategory.Text = Common.UtilityLocal.ImagePathByFont(lst[0]);
                    //lần 2 truyền parentID vào để lấy ds con
                    lst2 = pcBll.GetList(LangInt, string.Empty, string.Empty, lst[0].Id, false, "p.ordering", 1, 1000, out total);
                    //lst = lst2.Count > 0 ? lst2 : lst;
                    if (lst.Count > 0)
                        // lst2 = lst2.Where(m => m.Id == DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdWebCompany"]) || m.Id == DBConvert.ParseInt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["parentIdWebShop"])).ToList();
                        ltrCateName.Text  = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;
                        ltrCateBrief.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Brief;
                        categoryID        = lst[0].Id.ToString();
                        ltrCateName.Text  = lst2[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Name;
                        ltrCateBrief.Text = lst[0].ProductCategoryDesc.Brief;
                        categoryID        = lst2[0].ParentId.ToString();
