private static PreProcessor SetUp(List <AbstractPlugin> chain) { PreProcessor pp = new PreProcessor(); pp.SetFileProcessingChain(chain); return(pp); }
/// <summary> /// Preprocesses and parses the specified source. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The source.</param> /// <param name="sourceFileName">Name of the source file.</param> /// <param name="macros">The macros defined for the preprocessor.</param> /// <param name="includeDirectories">The include directories used by the preprocessor..</param> /// <returns>Result of parsing</returns> public ParsingResult TryPreProcessAndParse(string source, string sourceFileName, ShaderMacro[] macros = null, params string[] includeDirectories) { var allIncludeDirectories = new List <string>(); if (includeDirectories != null) { allIncludeDirectories.AddRange(includeDirectories); } var directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(sourceFileName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(directoryName)) { allIncludeDirectories.Add(directoryName); } // Run the processor string preprocessedSource; try { preprocessedSource = PreProcessor.Run(source, sourceFileName, macros, allIncludeDirectories.ToArray()); } catch (Exception ex) { var result = new ParsingResult(); result.Error(MessageCode.ErrorUnexpectedException, new SourceSpan(new SourceLocation(sourceFileName, 0, 1, 1), 1), ex); return(result); } // Parse the source return(Parse(preprocessedSource, sourceFileName)); }
private static async Task <(IMediaInfo, string)> PreProcess(string path) { var startTime = DateTime.Now; var processor = new PreProcessor { VideoPath = path, TempFolder = _tempDir }; Console.Write("Reading metadata "); await processor.PopulateMetadata(); Console.WriteLine($"Done in {Math.Floor((DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMilliseconds)}ms"); Console.Write("Preparing to pre-process "); PreProcessor.CleanupTempDir(_tempDir); Directory.CreateDirectory(_tempDir); Console.WriteLine($"Done in {Math.Floor((DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalMilliseconds)}ms"); Console.Write("Extracting Audio "); var audioPath = await processor.ExtractAudio(); Console.WriteLine($"Done in {Math.Round((DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds, 3)}s"); Console.Write("Splitting into images "); await processor.SplitVideoIntoImages(); Console.WriteLine($"Done in {Math.Round((DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds, 3)}s"); return(processor.Metadata, audioPath); }
public static void Complie(string codeFile) { ParserLanguageSetting.GetInstance(@"C:\Mahesh\Projects\Complier\IDE\KeyMapping.xml"); Scanner scanner = null; string fileName = codeFile; Parser parser = null; using (TextReader input = File.OpenText(fileName)) { scanner = new Scanner(input); } PreProcessor pp = new PreProcessor(@"C:\Mahesh\Projects\Complier\CompilerWriting\PreProcessor.xml"); pp.RunPreProcessor(scanner.Tokens); try { parser = new Parser(scanner); parser.StartParser(); } catch (ParserException ex) { throw new CompileException(ex.LineNumber, codeFile, ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new CompileException(parser.GetLastExceptionLine, codeFile, ex.Message); } AssemblyGen assmGen = new AssemblyGen(parser.Result, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) + ".exe", @"C:\Mahesh\Projects\Complier\CompilerWriting\bin\Debug\"); }
public string[] Preprocess(IFileContent filename, Dictionary <string, bool> defs) { PreProcessor pp = new PreProcessor(); Logger.VerbosityLevel = VerbosityLevel; pp.SetFileProcessingChain(Plugins); Definitions definitions; if (defs == null) { definitions = new Definitions(); } else { definitions = new Definitions(defs); } string[] ret = { "FILE NOT FOUND" }; try { ret = pp.Run(new[] { filename }, new Settings(), definitions); } catch (ProcessorException ex) { DebugHelper.Crash( new TextProcessingException("Could not preprocess file: " + filename.GetFilePath(), ex), true); } return(ret); }
/// <summary> /// Preprocesses and parses the specified source. /// </summary> /// <param name="source">The source.</param> /// <param name="sourceFileName">Name of the source file.</param> /// <param name="macros">The macros defined for the preprocessor.</param> /// <param name="includeDirectories">The include directories used by the preprocessor..</param> /// <returns>Result of parsing</returns> public ParsingResult TryPreProcessAndParse(string source, string sourceFileName, ShaderMacro[] macros = null, params string[] includeDirectories) { // Use a default include handler var defaultHandler = new DefaultIncludeHandler(); if (includeDirectories != null) { defaultHandler.AddDirectories(includeDirectories); } defaultHandler.AddDirectory(Environment.CurrentDirectory); var directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(sourceFileName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(directoryName)) { defaultHandler.AddDirectory(directoryName); } // Run the processor var preprocessedSource = PreProcessor.Run(source, sourceFileName, macros, defaultHandler); // Parse the source return(Parse(preprocessedSource, sourceFileName)); }
/// <summary> /// Processes all the queued files with the PreProcessor /// </summary> /// <param name="pp">The PreProcessor</param> /// <param name="settings">The settings used in the computation.</param> private void Process(PreProcessor pp, Settings settings) { //Run/Execute PreProcessor for (var index = 0; index < Input.Length; index++) { var input = Input[index]; string[] src = pp.Run(input.Split(',').Select(x => new FilePathContent(x)).OfType <IFileContent>().ToArray(), settings, _defs); if (OutputToConsole) { if (Output != null && Output.Length > index) { string outp = Path.GetFullPath(Output[index]); string sr = src.Unpack("\n"); File.WriteAllText(outp, sr); } } else { string outp = Path.GetFullPath(Output[index]); string sr = src.Unpack("\n"); File.WriteAllText(outp, sr); } } }
/// <summary> /// loads workload /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void button3_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:\\"; openFileDialog1.Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*"; openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = true; if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { try { Stream myStream; if ((myStream = openFileDialog1.OpenFile()) != null) { using (myStream) { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(myStream); PreProcessor.ProccessWorkload(reader); } MessageBox.Show("Workload has been loaded."); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error: Could not read file from disk. Original error: " + ex.Message); } } }
public string[] Preprocess(IFileContent filename, Dictionary <string, bool> defs) { PreProcessor pp = new PreProcessor(); pp.SetFileProcessingChain(Plugins); Definitions definitions; if (defs == null) { definitions = new Definitions(); } else { definitions = new Definitions(defs); } string[] ret; try { ret = pp.Run(new[] { filename }, new Settings(), definitions); } catch (ProcessorException ex) { throw new TextProcessingException("Could not preprocess file: " + filename.GetFilePath(), ex); } return(ret); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { foreach (var file in args) { if(!File.Exists(file)) throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("The file {0} could not be found.", file)); } stoplist = args[0]; trainingData = args[1]; trainingLabel = args[2]; testingData = args[3]; testingLabel = args[4]; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("There was a problem reading one or more of the input files."); Console.WriteLine("Double check your file paths and try again."); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); exit(); } var preProcessor = new PreProcessor(trainingData, stoplist); var trainingFeatures = preProcessor.GenerateAndPrintFeatures(trainingData, trainingLabel, OUTPUT_FILE); var classifier = new BayesClassifier(trainingFeatures); var testedFeatures = classifier.ClassifyFeatureSet(preProcessor.GetVocabulary.ToList<string>(), testingData); Console.WriteLine("It was {0:0.###}% accurate.", classifier.CheckClassificationAccuracy(testedFeatures, testingLabel)); exit(); }
private PreProcessor Configure(Ocr ocr) { ocr.License = license; ocr.TempFolder = Path.Combine(tempPath, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); ocr.Language = SupportedLanguages.English; ocr.EnableDebugOutput = true; ocr.GetAdvancedOCRData = true; ocr.LogToFile = true; //ocr.HandleExceptionsInternally = false; PreProcessor preProcessor = new PreProcessor(); preProcessor.Deskew = true; preProcessor.Autorotate = false; preProcessor.KeepOriginalImage = true; //Create new binarization object Binarization binarize = new Binarization(); //Enable binarization binarize.Binarize = true; //Assign it to PreProcessor preProcessor.Binarization = binarize; return(preProcessor); //ocr.Recognize(preProcessor); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { if (args.Length < 2) { Console.WriteLine("bas2prg"); Console.WriteLine("A commandline CBM Basic compiler."); Console.WriteLine("By Six/Style 2016-2018"); Console.WriteLine("usage: bas2prg basfile.bas prgfile.prg"); Console.WriteLine(); } else { //var basic = new BASIC(); var pp = new PreProcessor(); var basfile = File.ReadAllLines(args[0]).ToList(); var compilerSettings = new CompilerSettings(); var p = pp.PreProcess(basfile, ref compilerSettings); var bytes = (true) ? SixBASICTokenizer.Tokenize(p, ref compilerSettings) : Tokenizer.Tokenize(p, ref compilerSettings); File.WriteAllBytes(args[1], bytes); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
/* * This is the main function to generate gcode files for the * already sliced model */ public static GCodeFile Generate(SliceFile sf, MachineConfig pi) { String gcode; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); PreProcessor pp = PreparePreprocessor(sf, pi); double zdist = 0.0; // double feedrate = pi.ZMaxFeedrate; // 10mm/min double liftfeed = sf.m_config.liftfeedrate; double retractfeed = sf.m_config.liftretractrate; double zdir = 1.0; // assume a bottom up machine int numbottom = sf.m_config.numfirstlayers; if (sf.m_config.direction == SliceBuildConfig.eBuildDirection.Top_Down) { zdir = -1.0;// top down machine, reverse the z direction } pp.SetVar("$ZDir", zdir); // append the build parameters as reference sb.Append(sf.m_config.ToString()); sb.Append(";Number of Slices = " + sf.NumSlices.ToString() + "\r\n"); sb.Append(pi.ToString());//add the machine build parameters string // append the header sb.Append(pp.Process(sf.m_config.HeaderCode)); zdist = sf.m_config.ZThick; String firstlayerdelay = ";<Delay> " + sf.m_config.firstlayertime_ms + " \r\n"; String layerdelay = ";<Delay> " + sf.m_config.layertime_ms + " \r\n"; String blankdelay = ";<Delay> " + sf.m_config.blanktime_ms + " \r\n"; String preSliceGCode = pp.Process(sf.m_config.PreSliceCode); String LiftGCode = pp.Process(sf.m_config.LiftCode); for (int c = 0; c < sf.NumSlices; c++) { sb.Append(preSliceGCode);//add in the pre-slice code // this is the marker the BuildManager uses to display the correct slice sb.Append(";<Slice> " + c + " \r\n"); // add a pause for the UV resin to be set using this image if (c < numbottom)// check for the bottom layers { sb.Append(firstlayerdelay); } else { sb.Append(layerdelay); } sb.Append(";<Slice> Blank \r\n"); // show the blank layer sb.Append(LiftGCode); // append the pre-lift codes } //append the footer sb.Append(pp.Process(sf.m_config.FooterCode)); gcode = sb.ToString(); GCodeFile gc = new GCodeFile(gcode); return(gc); }
private StringInput RunPreProcessorOn(ICompilerInput input) { PreProcessor processor; TextReader reader; StringInput input2; PreProcessor processor1 = processor = new PreProcessor(this.Parameters.Defines.Keys); int num1 = (int)(processor.PreserveLines = true); PreProcessor processor2 = processor; IDisposable disposable = (reader = input.Open()) as IDisposable; try { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); processor2.Process(reader, writer); input2 = new StringInput(input.Name, writer.ToString()); } finally { if (disposable != null) { disposable.Dispose(); disposable = null; } } return(input2); }
public override void InitPlugin(TabPage pluginScreenSpace, Label pluginStatusText) { _settingsLoaded = false; ParentTabPage = pluginScreenSpace; StatusLabel = pluginStatusText; ParentTabPage.Text = "Fox TTS"; try { Controller = new MainController(); Settings = new SettingsHolder(); Settings.AttachToAct(this); SettingsTab = new FoxTTSTabControl(); SettingsTab.AttachToAct(this); PreProcessor.AttachToAct(this); UpdateChecker.AttachToAct(this); SoundPlayer.AttachToAct(this); TtsInjector.AttachToAct(this); Controller.TTSEngineChanged += ControllerOnTtsEngineChanged; Settings.PostAttachToAct(this); SettingsTab.PostAttachToAct(this); PreProcessor.PostAttachToAct(this); UpdateChecker.PostAttachToAct(this); SoundPlayer.PostAttachToAct(this); TtsInjector.PostAttachToAct(this); Settings.Load(); _settingsLoaded = true; DoLocalization(); Settings.NotifySettingsLoaded(); TtsInjector.StartWorkingThread(this); StatusLabel.Text = "Init Success. >w<"; } catch (SettingsNotLoadException ex) { StatusLabel.Text = "Init Failed: " + ex; } catch (Exception ex) { StatusLabel.Text = "Init Failed: " + ex; if (_settingsLoaded) { MessageBox.Show($"Init failed!\nCaused by:\n{ex}"); } else { MessageBox.Show($"Init failed before settings are loaded. Settings won't be saved until next successfully initialization to prevent settings lost!\nCaused by:\n{ex}"); } } }
public static EventProcessorCache CreateEventProcessorCache() { var eventProcessorCache = new EventProcessorCache(); var preProcessor = new PreProcessor(eventProcessorCache, new EventAccessor(new EventPropertyLocator())); preProcessor.RegisterForPreProcessing<ClientMovedEvent>(); preProcessor.Process(); return eventProcessorCache; }
public void Comments_are_filtered_correctly(string input, int count) { var stream = Streamify(input); var tokens = _lexer.Scan(stream); tokens = PreProcessor.FilterComments(tokens); Assert.AreEqual(count, tokens.Length); }
private List <HSPAction> groundActions(List <HSPOperator> _operations, List <OBase> _objects) { List <HSPAction> actions = new List <HSPAction>(); processor = PreProcessor.Instance; actions = processor.groundActions(_operations, getObjectPredicates(_objects)); return(actions); }
public static string[] SetUpAndCompile(List <AbstractPlugin> chain, Settings settings, IDefinitions definitions, params string[] fileNames) { PreProcessor pp = SetUp(chain); return(pp.Run(fileNames.Select(x => new FilePathContent(x)).OfType <IFileContent>().ToArray(), settings, definitions)); }
public static string Preprocess(string shaderSource, string filename, ShaderMacro[] macros) { // Preprocess // First, perform token concatenation (not supported by D3DX) // Check for either TOKEN ## or ## TOKEN var preprocessedSource = ConcatenateTokens(shaderSource, macros); return(PreProcessor.Run(preprocessedSource, filename, macros)); }
public static EventProcessorCache CreateEventProcessorCache() { var eventProcessorCache = new EventProcessorCache(); var preProcessor = new PreProcessor(eventProcessorCache, new EventAccessor(new EventPropertyLocator())); preProcessor.RegisterForPreProcessing <ClientMovedEvent>(); preProcessor.Process(); return(eventProcessorCache); }
public static ISourceScript[] SetUpAndProcess(List <AbstractPlugin> chain, Settings settings, IDefinitions definitions, params string[] fileNames) { PreProcessor pp = SetUp(chain); return(pp.ProcessFiles( fileNames.Select(x => new FilePathContent(Path.GetFullPath(x))).OfType <IFileContent>().ToArray(), settings, definitions)); }
public TableScripts(Configuration configuration, string table, bool autoIndexForeignKeys) { _configuration = configuration; _table = table; // ensure that this configuration object has been pre-processed var preProcessor = new PreProcessor(true, autoIndexForeignKeys); preProcessor.Process(_configuration); }
public void ExtPP_PreProcessor_FilterRun_Test() { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine(ResourceFolder, "filter/tests/"), "*.fl"); foreach (string file in files) { PreProcessor pp = new PreProcessor(); pp.SetFileProcessingChain(Plugins); pp.Run(new[] { file }, new Definitions()); } }
public void Speak(string text, dynamic playDevice, bool isSync = false, float?volume = null) { try { var processed = PreProcessor.Process(text); TtsEngine?.Speak(processed, playDevice, isSync, volume); } catch (Exception ex) { Controller.NotifyLogMessageAppend(false, ex.ToString()); } }
public void Speak(string text) { Logger.Info($"Speak {text}"); try { var processed = PreProcessor.Process(text); TtsEngine?.Speak(processed); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error($"Failed to speak \"{text}\"", ex); } }
public ExecutionEngine() { preProccessor = new PreProcessor(sys); SystemState.internalState = sys; StackFrame t = new StackFrame("INT", new Dictionary <string, NetLogoObject>(), null); OperatorFunctions.ResetSystemState(); sys.exeStack.Push(t); sys.globals.Add("ticks", new Number() { val = 0 }); }
public static void FilterRunTest() { Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(ResourceFolder); string[] files = Directory.GetFiles("filter/tests/", "*.fl"); foreach (var file in files) { string dir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); Directory.SetCurrentDirectory(ResourceFolder); PreProcessor pp = new PreProcessor(); pp.SetFileProcessingChain(Plugins); pp.Run(new[] { file }, new Definitions()); } }
public void StartTrain(DataTable trainX, DataTable trainY, DataTable testX, DataTable testY) { if (PreProcessor == null) { throw new Exception("you need a PreProcessor!"); } StartTrain( PreProcessor.PreProcessX(trainX), PreProcessor.PreProcessY(trainY), PreProcessor.PreProcessX(testX), PreProcessor.PreProcessY(testY)); }
private IList <Comment> CollectCommentsFor(SourceFile sourceFile, IEnumerable <string> definedSymbols) { var comments = new List <Comment>(); var p = new PreProcessor(); p.PreserveLines = true; foreach (var symbol in definedSymbols) { p.Define(symbol); } var result = p.Process(sourceFile.Contents); var lexer = UnityScriptParser.UnityScriptLexerFor(new StringReader(result), sourceFile.FileName, 4); lexer.PreserveComments = true; var token = lexer.nextToken(); IToken last = null; while (token != null && token.Type != UnityScriptLexer.EOF) { try { if (token.Type == UnityScriptLexer.SL_COMMENT || token.Type == UnityScriptLexer.ML_COMMENT) { comments.Add(new Comment(token, token.Type == UnityScriptLexer.SL_COMMENT ? CommentKind.SingleLine : CommentKind.MultipleLine, last)); } else { last = token; } } catch (TokenStreamRecognitionException tre) { //TODO: Collect errors from this phase so we can at least show them to user ? } finally { try { token = lexer.nextToken(); } catch (TokenStreamRecognitionException tre) { } } } return(comments); }
/* * GCode Process for building 3d DVP UV objects * * <Build Start> * <Slicing Comments> comments containing the slicing and building parameters * <Header Code> start.gcode - commands from this * file are inserted, they contain whatever intiailization sequences are need to initialize the machine * at this point, the build tray is in position to start printing a layer * <Layer Start> * Display the correct image slice for the current layer * Delay for <Layertime> to expose the UV resin * <Layer End> * * */ // here we prepare the gcode preprocessor and fill all nessesary variables protected static PreProcessor PreparePreprocessor(SliceFile sf, MachineConfig pi) { PreProcessor pp = new PreProcessor(); pp.SetVar("$LayerThickness", sf.m_config.ZThick); pp.SetVar("$ZLiftDist", sf.m_config.liftdistance); pp.SetVar("$ZLiftRate", sf.m_config.liftfeedrate); pp.SetVar("$ZRetractRate", sf.m_config.liftretractrate); pp.SetVar("$SlideTiltVal", sf.m_config.slidetiltval); pp.SetVar("$BlankTime", sf.m_config.blanktime_ms); pp.SetVar("$LayerTime", sf.m_config.layertime_ms); pp.SetVar("$FirstLayerTime", sf.m_config.firstlayertime_ms); return(pp); }
public void IncludeCircular() { PreProcessor pp = new PreProcessor(); List <AbstractPlugin> lp = new List <AbstractPlugin>() { new IncludePlugin(), }; pp.SetFileProcessingChain(lp); var ret = pp.Process(new[] { "" }, new Settings(), new Definitions()); Assert.AreEqual( ret.Length, 3); }
/* * GCode Process for building 3d DVP UV objects * * <Build Start> * <Slicing Comments> comments containing the slicing and building parameters * <Header Code> start.gcode - commands from this * file are inserted, they contain whatever intiailization sequences are need to initialize the machine * at this point, the build tray is in position to start printing a layer * <Layer Start> * Display the correct image slice for the current layer * Delay for <Layertime> to expose the UV resin * <Layer End> * * */ // here we prepare the gcode preprocessor and fill all nessesary variables protected static PreProcessor PreparePreprocessor(SliceFile sf, MachineConfig pi) { PreProcessor pp = new PreProcessor(); pp.SetVar("$LayerThickness", sf.m_config.ZThick); // the thickenss of the layer in mm pp.SetVar("$ZLiftDist", sf.m_config.liftdistance); // how far we're lifting pp.SetVar("$ZLiftRate", sf.m_config.liftfeedrate); // the rate at which we're lifting pp.SetVar("$ZRetractRate", sf.m_config.liftretractrate); // how fast we'r retracting pp.SetVar("$SlideTiltVal", sf.m_config.slidetiltval); // any used slide / tilt value on the x axis pp.SetVar("$BlankTime", sf.m_config.blanktime_ms); // how long to show the blank in ms pp.SetVar("$LayerTime", sf.m_config.layertime_ms); // total delay for a layer for gcode commands to complete - not including expusre time pp.SetVar("$FirstLayerTime", sf.m_config.firstlayertime_ms); // time to expose the first layers in ms pp.SetVar("$NumFirstLayers", sf.m_config.numfirstlayers); // number of first layers return(pp); }
private static void WriteOutput(TextWriter writer, DdlWriterCommandLine cmdLine) { try { // load the persistent store defined by the current set of binaries var store = (PersistentStore)PersistentStoreRegistry.GetDefaultStore(); // get config // run pre-processors var preProcessor = new PreProcessor(cmdLine.CreateIndexes, cmdLine.AutoIndexForeignKeys); preProcessor.Process(store); // if this is an upgrade, load the baseline model file RelationalModelInfo baselineModel = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cmdLine.BaselineModelFile)) { var serializer = new RelationalModelSerializer(); baselineModel = serializer.ReadModel(File.OpenText(cmdLine.BaselineModelFile)); } switch (cmdLine.Format) { case DdlWriterCommandLine.FormatOptions.sql: // create script writer and set properties based on command line var scriptWriter = new ScriptWriter(store) { Options = new RelationalSchemaOptions { EnumOption = cmdLine.EnumOption, SuppressForeignKeys = !cmdLine.CreateForeignKeys, SuppressUniqueConstraints = !cmdLine.CreateUniqueKeys, NamespaceFilter = new RelationalSchemaOptions.NamespaceFilterOption(cmdLine.Namespace) }, QualifyNames = cmdLine.QualifyNames, BaselineModel = baselineModel }; // decide whether to write a creation or upgrade script, depending on if a baseline was supplied if (baselineModel == null) scriptWriter.WriteCreateScript(writer); else scriptWriter.WriteUpgradeScript(writer); break; case DdlWriterCommandLine.FormatOptions.xml: // we don't currently support outputting upgrades in XML format if (baselineModel != null) throw new NotSupportedException("Upgrade is not compatible with XML output format."); var serializer = new RelationalModelSerializer(); var relationalModelInfo = new RelationalModelInfo(store, new RelationalSchemaOptions.NamespaceFilterOption(cmdLine.Namespace)); serializer.WriteModel(relationalModelInfo, writer); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("{0} is not a valid output format.", cmdLine.Format)); } } catch (Exception e) { Log(e, LogLevel.Error); } }
private string processImage(string imageInput, string outputFilePath) { var debugMessage = new StringBuilder(); try { debugMessage.Append("Process Image output file path " + outputFilePath); var ocr = new Ocr(); var preProcessor = new PreProcessor(); debugMessage.Append("Objects created"); preProcessor.Deskew = true; preProcessor.Autorotate = false; preProcessor.RemoveLines = true; preProcessor.Binarize = 96; preProcessor.Morph = "c2.2"; ocr.License = "MD1BZHZhbmNlZDsxPWtlZXJ0aSAtIGt2a2lydGh5QGdtYWlsLmNvbTsyPTUyNDY4Njg5OTE5MTMwMjg5NTI7Mz1rZWVydGkgLSBrdmtpcnRoeUBnbWFpbC5jb207ND05OTk7NT1UcnVlOzUuMT1GYWxzZTs3PTYzNTE4ODYwODAwMDAwMDAwMDs4PTQxRDA3NEFFODJFQjI3QjM3RDdGMTUzQ0REQjVEQkNFNEVGRjdGREU5MEIwOTg1MjkwQ0JDREFCQTM3MEFBNzU7OT0xLjQxLjAuMA"; ocr.ResourceFolder = @"C:\Aquaforest\OCRSDK\bin"; ocr.EnableConsoleOutput = true; ocr.EnableTextOutput = true; //ocr.ReadBMPSource(@"C:\Users\KotaruV\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\Playground\OCRConsoleApp\OCRConsoleApp\images\3.jpg"); //ocr.ReadTIFFSource(imageInput); ocr.ReadBMPSource(imageInput); debugMessage.Append("Read from bmp source. "); ocr.Recognize(preProcessor); debugMessage.Append("Recognize executed. "); ocr.SaveTextOutput(outputFilePath, true); var ocrText = getOcrTextFromFile(outputFilePath); debugMessage.Append("Saved text output. "); ocr.DeleteTemporaryFiles(); debugMessage.Append("Deleted temporary files. "); return ocrText; } finally { System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("Application", debugMessage.ToString(), System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error); } }