コード例 #1
        public ActionResult GenerateInvoice(GenerateInvoiceViewModel viewModel)
            if (viewModel.Step == null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewModel.PracticeIdentifier))
                    viewModel.Step = 0;

                viewModel.Step =
                    ? 1
                    : 2;

            var step = viewModel.Step ?? 0;

            using (var db = this.CreateNewCerebelloEntities())
                // Getting the practice indicated in the view-model.
                Practice practice = null;
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(viewModel.PracticeIdentifier))
                    practice = db.Practices
                               .SingleOrDefault(p => p.UrlIdentifier == viewModel.PracticeIdentifier);

                if (practice == null ||
                    practice.ActiveAccountContractId == null ||
                    practice.AccountContract.IsTrial ||
                    this.ModelState.HasPropertyErrors(() => viewModel.PracticeIdentifier))
                    if (practice == null)
                        this.ModelState.AddModelError(() => viewModel.PracticeIdentifier, "Consultório inexistente.");

                    if (practice != null && practice.ActiveAccountContractId == null)
                        this.ModelState.AddModelError(() => viewModel.PracticeIdentifier, "Consultório não possui uma conta ativa.");

                    if (practice != null && practice.AccountContract.IsTrial)
                        this.ModelState.AddModelError(() => viewModel.PracticeIdentifier, "Consultório possui conta trial.");


                var utcNow = this.GetUtcNow();
                viewModel.Invoices = GetAccountInvoices(practice, utcNow);

                if (step == 0)
                    if (this.Request.HttpMethod == "POST")
                        return(this.RedirectToAction("GenerateInvoice", new { viewModel.PracticeIdentifier }));

                    // going to the next step
                    viewModel.Step = 1;

                var localNow = PracticeController.ConvertToLocalDateTime(practice, utcNow);

                if (step == 1)
                    viewModel.Step = 1;

                var selectedInvoiceInfo = viewModel.Invoices.SingleOrDefault(bi => bi.NameId == viewModel.InvoiceName);

                if (selectedInvoiceInfo == null)
                    this.ModelState.AddModelError(() => viewModel.InvoiceName, "Nome de invoice não encontrado.");
                    viewModel.Step = 1;

                Billing billing = null;
                var     idSet   = string.Format(

                var invoiceStartUtc = PracticeController.ConvertToUtcDateTime(practice, selectedInvoiceInfo.Start);
                billing = db.Billings.SingleOrDefault(b => b.PracticeId == practice.Id &&
                                                      b.MainAccountContractId == practice.ActiveAccountContractId &&
                                                      b.ReferenceDate == invoiceStartUtc);

                if (billing == null)
                    billing = new Billing
                        PracticeId            = practice.Id,
                        AfterDueMonthlyTax    = 1.00m, // 1%
                        AfterDueTax           = 2.00m, // 2%
                        IssuanceDate          = utcNow,
                        MainAmount            = selectedInvoiceInfo.TotalAmount,
                        MainDiscount          = selectedInvoiceInfo.TotalDiscount,
                        DueDate               = PracticeController.ConvertToUtcDateTime(practice, selectedInvoiceInfo.DueDate),
                        IdentitySetName       = idSet,
                        IdentitySetNumber     = db.Billings.Count(b => b.PracticeId == practice.Id && b.IdentitySetName == idSet) + 1,
                        ReferenceDate         = PracticeController.ConvertToUtcDateTime(practice, selectedInvoiceInfo.Start),
                        ReferenceDateEnd      = PracticeController.ConvertToUtcDateTime(practice, selectedInvoiceInfo.End),
                        MainAccountContractId = practice.ActiveAccountContractId.Value,


                if (practice.AccountContract.BillingPaymentMethod == "PayPal Invoice")
                    this.ViewBag.IsPayPalInvoice = true;

                if (this.ModelState.IsValid)

                    // adding PayPal invoice info
                    viewModel.PayPalInvoice = new GenerateInvoiceViewModel.PayPalInvoiceInfo
                        UserEmail    = practice.Owner.Person.Email,
                        IssuanceDate = localNow.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"),
                        Currency     = "BRL - Reais",
                        Number       = string.Format("{0}.{1}", billing.IdentitySetName, billing.IdentitySetNumber),
                        DuaDate      = selectedInvoiceInfo.DueDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"),
                        Terms        = "Vencimento na data especificada",
                        Items        = new List <GenerateInvoiceViewModel.PayPalInvoiceItem>(),

                    var strStartToEnd = selectedInvoiceInfo.End != null
                        ? string.Format(
                        "{0} até {1}",
                        : string.Format(

                        new GenerateInvoiceViewModel.PayPalInvoiceItem
                        NameId      = "Assinatura Cerebello",
                        Date        = "",
                        Quantity    = 1,
                        UnitPrice   = selectedInvoiceInfo.TotalAmount.ToString("0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Replace('.', ','),
                        Description = string.Format("Assinatura do plano profissional do Cerebello ({0})", strStartToEnd),

                    var periodType     = practice.AccountContract.BillingPeriodType;
                    var periodSize     = practice.AccountContract.BillingPeriodSize;
                    var discountReason =
                        periodType == "M" && periodSize == 1 ? "mensal" :
                        periodType == "M" && periodSize == 3 ? "trimestral" :
                        periodType == "M" && periodSize == 6 ? "semestral" :
                        periodType == "M" && periodSize == 12 || periodType == "Y" && periodSize == 1 ? "anual" :

                    if (selectedInvoiceInfo.TotalDiscount > 0)
                            new GenerateInvoiceViewModel.PayPalInvoiceItem
                            NameId      = "Desconto da Assinatura Cerebello",
                            Date        = "",
                            Quantity    = 1,
                            UnitPrice   = selectedInvoiceInfo.TotalDiscount.ToString("'-'0.00", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Replace('.', ','),
                            Description = string.Format("Desconto na Assinatura (condições especiais para pagamento {0})", discountReason)

                    viewModel.Step = 2;

コード例 #2
        public void Delete_3_ExamFromAnotherPractice()
            ExamsController    controller;
            ExaminationRequest examRequest;
            var isDbChangesSaved = false;
            var localNow         = new DateTime(2012, 08, 16);

                var drandre         = Firestarter.Create_CrmMg_Psiquiatria_DrHouse_Andre(this.db);
                var dramarta        = Firestarter.Create_CrmMg_Psiquiatria_DraMarta_Marta(this.db);
                var patientDraMarta = Firestarter.CreateFakePatients(dramarta, this.db).First();

                var mr = new MockRepository(true);
                controller = mr.CreateController <ExamsController>(
                    setupNewDb: db => db.SavingChanges += (s, e) => { isDbChangesSaved = true; });
                Debug.Assert(drandre != null, "drandre must not be null");
                var utcNow = PracticeController.ConvertToUtcDateTime(drandre.Users.First().Practice, localNow);
                controller.UtcNowGetter = () => utcNow;

                // saving the object that will be edited
                var medicalProc0 = this.db.SYS_MedicalProcedure.Single(x => x.Code == "");
                examRequest = new ExaminationRequest
                    CreatedOn            = utcNow,
                    PatientId            = patientDraMarta.Id,
                    Text                 = "Old text",
                    MedicalProcedureCode = medicalProc0.Code,
                    MedicalProcedureName = medicalProc0.Name,
                    PracticeId           = dramarta.PracticeId,

                // Define André as the logged user, he cannot edit Marta's patients.
            catch (Exception ex)

            // Editing an examination request that does not belong to the current user's practice.
            // This is not allowed and must throw an exception.
            // note: this is not a validation error, this is a malicious attack...
            var jsonResult = controller.Delete(examRequest.Id);

            // Verifying the ActionResult.
            Assert.IsNotNull(jsonResult, "The result of the controller method is null.");
            var jsonDelete = (JsonDeleteMessage)jsonResult.Data;

            Assert.IsFalse(jsonDelete.success, "Deletion should not succed.");
            Assert.IsNotNull(jsonDelete.text, "Deletion should fail with a message.");

            // Verifying the controller model-state.
            Assert.IsTrue(controller.ModelState.IsValid, "ModelState is not valid.");

            // Verifying the database: cannot save the changes.
            Assert.IsFalse(isDbChangesSaved, "Database changes were saved, but they should not.");
コード例 #3
        public void Delete_1_HappyPath()
            ExamsController    controller;
            Patient            patient;
            ExaminationRequest examRequest;
            var isDbChangesSaved = false;
            var localNow         = new DateTime(2012, 08, 16);

                using (var db2 = DbTestBase.CreateNewCerebelloEntities())
                    var drandre = Firestarter.Create_CrmMg_Psiquiatria_DrHouse_Andre(db2);
                    patient = Firestarter.CreateFakePatients(drandre, db2).First();

                    var mr = new MockRepository(true);
                    controller = mr.CreateController <ExamsController>(
                        setupNewDb: db => db.SavingChanges += (s, e) => { isDbChangesSaved = true; });
                    Debug.Assert(drandre != null, "drandre must not be null");
                    var utcNow = PracticeController.ConvertToUtcDateTime(drandre.Users.First().Practice, localNow);
                    controller.UtcNowGetter = () => utcNow;

                    // saving the object that will be edited
                    var medicalProc1 = this.db.SYS_MedicalProcedure.Single(x => x.Code == "");

                    examRequest = new ExaminationRequest
                        PracticeId           = patient.PracticeId,
                        CreatedOn            = utcNow,
                        PatientId            = patient.Id,
                        Text                 = "Old text",
                        MedicalProcedureCode = medicalProc1.Code,
                        MedicalProcedureName = medicalProc1.Name


                    // Define André as the logged user, he cannot edit Marta's patients.
            catch (Exception ex)

            // Editing an examination request that does not belong to the current user's practice.
            // This is not allowed and must throw an exception.
            // note: this is not a validation error, this is a malicious attack...
            ActionResult actionResult = controller.Delete(examRequest.Id);

            // Verifying the ActionResult.
            Assert.IsNotNull(actionResult, "The result of the controller method is null.");

            // Verifying the controller model-state.
            Assert.IsTrue(controller.ModelState.IsValid, "ModelState is not valid.");

            // Verifying the database: cannot save the changes.
            Assert.IsTrue(isDbChangesSaved, "Database changes were not saved, but they should.");

            // Verifying the database.
            using (var db2 = DbTestBase.CreateNewCerebelloEntities())
                var obj = db2.ExaminationRequests.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PatientId == patient.Id);
                Assert.IsNull(obj, "Database record was not deleted.");
コード例 #4
        public void Edit_4_EditExamThatDoesNotExist()
            ExamsController             controller;
            ExaminationRequestViewModel viewModel;
            var isDbChangesSaved = false;
            var localNow         = new DateTime(2012, 08, 16);

                var drandre = Firestarter.Create_CrmMg_Psiquiatria_DrHouse_Andre(this.db);
                var patient = Firestarter.CreateFakePatients(drandre, this.db).First();

                var mr = new MockRepository(true);
                controller = mr.CreateController <ExamsController>(
                    setupNewDb: db => db.SavingChanges += (s, e) => { isDbChangesSaved = true; });
                Debug.Assert(drandre != null, "drandre must not be null");
                var utcNow = PracticeController.ConvertToUtcDateTime(drandre.Users.First().Practice, localNow);
                controller.UtcNowGetter = () => utcNow;

                // saving the object that will be edited
                var medicalProc0 = this.db.SYS_MedicalProcedure.Single(x => x.Code == "");
                var examRequest  = new ExaminationRequest
                    CreatedOn            = utcNow,
                    PatientId            = patient.Id,
                    Text                 = "Old text",
                    MedicalProcedureCode = medicalProc0.Code,
                    MedicalProcedureName = medicalProc0.Name,
                    PracticeId           = drandre.PracticeId,

                // Define André as the logged user.

                // Creating view-model and setting up controller ModelState based on the view-model.
                var medicalProc1 = this.db.SYS_MedicalProcedure.Single(x => x.Code == "");
                viewModel = new ExaminationRequestViewModel
                    Id                   = 19837,
                    PatientId            = patient.Id,
                    Notes                = "New text",
                    MedicalProcedureCode = medicalProc1.Code,
                    MedicalProcedureName = medicalProc1.Name,

                Mvc3TestHelper.SetModelStateErrors(controller, viewModel);
            catch (Exception ex)

            // Editing an examination request that does not belong to the current user's practice.
            // This is not allowed and must throw an exception.
            // note: this is not a validation error, this is a malicious attack...
            ActionResult actionResult = controller.Edit(new[] { viewModel });

            // Verifying the ActionResult, and the DB.
            // - The result must be a ViewResult, with the name "Edit".
            // - The controller ModelState must have one validation message.
            Assert.IsNotNull(actionResult, "The result of the controller method is null.");
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actionResult, typeof(ViewResult));
            var viewResult = (ViewResult)actionResult;

            Assert.AreEqual("NotFound", viewResult.ViewName);

            // Verifying the database: cannot save the changes.
            Assert.IsFalse(isDbChangesSaved, "Database changes were saved, but they should not.");
コード例 #5
        public void Edit_2_WithoutMedicalProcedure()
            ExamsController    controller;
            Patient            patient;
            ExaminationRequest examRequest;
            var isDbChangesSaved = false;
            var localNow         = new DateTime(2012, 08, 16);

                var doctor = Firestarter.Create_CrmMg_Psiquiatria_DrHouse_Andre(this.db);
                patient = Firestarter.CreateFakePatients(doctor, this.db).First();
                var mr = new MockRepository(true);
                controller = mr.CreateController <ExamsController>(
                    setupNewDb: db => db.SavingChanges += (s, e) => { isDbChangesSaved = true; });
                Debug.Assert(doctor != null, "doctor must not be null");
                var utcNow = PracticeController.ConvertToUtcDateTime(doctor.Users.First().Practice, localNow);
                controller.UtcNowGetter = () => utcNow;

                // saving the object that will be edited
                examRequest = new ExaminationRequest
                    CreatedOn            = utcNow,
                    PatientId            = patient.Id,
                    Text                 = "Old text",
                    PracticeId           = doctor.PracticeId,
                    MedicalProcedureName = "Hemoglobina (eletroforese ou HPLC)",
                    MedicalProcedureCode = "",
            catch (Exception ex)

            // Creating a new examination request without the text.
            // This is not allowed and must generate a model state validation message.
            ActionResult actionResult;
            ExaminationRequestViewModel viewModel;

                viewModel = new ExaminationRequestViewModel
                    Id        = examRequest.Id,
                    PatientId = patient.Id,

                Mvc3TestHelper.SetModelStateErrors(controller, viewModel);

                actionResult = controller.Edit(new[] { viewModel });

            // Verifying the ActionResult, and the DB.
            // - The result must be a ViewResult, with the name "Edit".
            // - The controller ModelState must have one validation message.
            Assert.IsNotNull(actionResult, "The result of the controller method is null.");
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actionResult, typeof(ViewResult));
            var viewResult = (ViewResult)actionResult;

            Assert.AreEqual("edit", viewResult.ViewName, true);
            Assert.IsFalse(controller.ModelState.IsValid, "ModelState should not be valid.");
                controller.ModelState.GetPropertyErrors(() => viewModel.MedicalProcedureName).Count(),
                "ModelState should contain one validation message.");

            // Verifying the database: cannot save the changes.
            Assert.IsFalse(isDbChangesSaved, "Database changes were saved, but they should not.");
コード例 #6
        public void Edit_1_HappyPath()
            ExamsController    controller;
            Patient            patient;
            ExaminationRequest examRequest;
            DateTime           utcNow;
            var localNow = new DateTime(2012, 08, 16);

                var doctor = Firestarter.Create_CrmMg_Psiquiatria_DrHouse_Andre(this.db);
                patient = Firestarter.CreateFakePatients(doctor, this.db).First();

                var mr = new MockRepository(true);
                controller = mr.CreateController <ExamsController>();
                Debug.Assert(doctor != null, "doctor must not be null");
                utcNow = PracticeController.ConvertToUtcDateTime(doctor.Users.First().Practice, localNow);
                controller.UtcNowGetter = () => utcNow;

                // saving the object that will be edited
                var medicalProc = this.db.SYS_MedicalProcedure.Single(x => x.Code == "");
                examRequest = new ExaminationRequest
                    CreatedOn            = utcNow,
                    PatientId            = patient.Id,
                    Text                 = "Old text",
                    MedicalProcedureCode = medicalProc.Code,
                    MedicalProcedureName = medicalProc.Name,
                    PracticeId           = doctor.PracticeId,
            catch (Exception ex)

            // Creating a new examination request.
            ActionResult actionResult;

                var medicalProc = this.db.SYS_MedicalProcedure.Single(x => x.Code == "");
                var viewModel   = new ExaminationRequestViewModel
                    Id                   = examRequest.Id,
                    PatientId            = patient.Id,
                    Notes                = "Any text",
                    MedicalProcedureId   = medicalProc.Id, // editing value: old = ""; new = ""
                    MedicalProcedureName = "Eletrencefalograma em vigília, e sono espontâneo ou induzido",

                Mvc3TestHelper.SetModelStateErrors(controller, viewModel);

                actionResult = controller.Edit(new[] { viewModel });

            // Verifying the ActionResult.
            Assert.IsNotNull(actionResult, "The result of the controller method is null.");

            // Verifying the controller model-state.
            Assert.IsTrue(controller.ModelState.IsValid, "ModelState is not valid.");

            // Verifying the database.
            using (var db2 = DbTestBase.CreateNewCerebelloEntities())
                var obj = db2.ExaminationRequests.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PatientId == patient.Id);
                Assert.IsNotNull(obj, "Database record was not saved.");
                Assert.AreEqual("Any text", obj.Text);
                Assert.AreEqual(utcNow, obj.CreatedOn);
                Assert.AreEqual("", obj.MedicalProcedureCode);
                Assert.AreEqual("Eletrencefalograma em vigília, e sono espontâneo ou induzido", obj.MedicalProcedureName);