コード例 #1
    public PostgreSqlDatabaseProvider(
        string connectionString,
        string dbNamePrefix,
        bool enableLogging,
        Func <TDbContext, Task>?seed,
        Action <NpgsqlDbContextOptionsBuilder>?npgsqlOptions,
        Action <DbContextOptionsBuilder <TDbContext> >?dbContextOptions)
        this.connectionString = connectionString;
        this.templateDb       = templateDb;
        this.seed             = seed;

        //The max identifier length of postgres is 63 chars. Minus the 22 we're using from the base64-guid the prefix must be max 41 chars.
        if (dbNamePrefix.Length > 41)
            throw new ArgumentException("The max. allowed length of the dbNamePrefix is 41 characters.");

        dbName = dbNamePrefix + Convert.ToBase64String(Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray()).TrimEnd('=');
        var testDbConnectionString = PostgreSqlUtil.ReplaceDatabaseName(connectionString, dbName);

        var builder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <TDbContext>().UseNpgsql(testDbConnectionString, npgsqlOptions);


        if (enableLogging)
            builder.UseLoggerFactory(new LoggerFactory(new[] { new XUnitLoggerProvider() }));

        builder.AddInterceptors(new CreateDatabaseInterceptor <TDbContext>(CreateDatabase));

        options = builder.Options;
コード例 #2
    public void DropDatabase(TDbContext dbContext)
        if (!dbCreated)

        dbCreated = false;

        pgVersion ??= PostgreSqlUtil.GetServerVersion(connectionString);
        PostgreSqlUtil.DropDb(connectionString, dbName, pgVersion);
コード例 #3
    public void CreateDatabase(TDbContext dbContext)
        if (dbCreated)

        // Creating a DB from a template can cause an exception when done in parallel.
        // The lock usually prevents this, however, we still encounter race conditions
        // where we just have to retry.
        // 55006: source database "test_template" is being accessed by other users
        Policy.Handle <NpgsqlException>(e => e.SqlState == "55006")
        .WaitAndRetry(30, _ => TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500))

        void CreateDatabase()
            if (dbCreated)

            PostgreSqlUtil.CreateDatabase(connectionString, dbName, templateDb);
            dbCreated = true;

            //if no template database was given, run the migrations
            if (templateDb == null)

            //For some weird reason any async access to the dbContext causes some kind of task deadlock. The cause for it is the AsyncTestSyncContext from XUnit.
            //It causes .Wait() to lock indefinitely. It doesn't relate to the connection or the migrate above.
            //Seems somehow connected to dbContext.SaveChangesAsync() when called in the seed. (at least in my tests).
            //Running the seed with an extra Task.Run() around works...
            Task.Run(() => seed?.Invoke(dbContext).Wait()).Wait();