コード例 #1
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
        static void DoMemoryTest()
            int i = 0;
                Point_dt p1 = new Point_dt(1, 1);
                Point_dt p3 = new Point_dt(1, 0);
                Point_dt p2 = new Point_dt(0, 0);
                List<Triangle_dt> vec = new List<Triangle_dt>();
                while (true)
                    Triangle_dt t = new Triangle_dt(p1, p2, p3);
                    if (i % 10000 == 0)

            catch (OutOfMemoryException oome)
                Console.WriteLine("out of MEMORY: points: " + i);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("out of MEMORY: points: " + i);
コード例 #2
ファイル: TriangleDT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
  * creates a half plane using the segment (A,B).
  * @param A
  * @param B
 public Triangle_dt(Point_dt A, Point_dt B)
     //		visitflag=visitValue;
     a = A;
     b = B;
     halfplane = true;
     //		_id = _counter++;
コード例 #3
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
         * creates a Delaunay Triangulation from all the points. Note: duplicated
         * points are ignored.
        public Delaunay_Triangulation(Point_dt[] ps)
            _modCount = 0;
            _modCount2 = 0;
            _bb_min = null;
            _bb_max = null;
            this._vertices = new TreeSet<Point_dt>(Point_dt.getComparator());
            _triangles = new List<Triangle_dt>();
            allCollinear = true;
            for (int i = 0; ps != null && i < ps.Length && ps[i] != null; i++)

            // build grid points to make find faster
            gridPoints = new PointsGridDT(5, this);
コード例 #4
ファイル: MainForm.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
 public MainForm(Delaunay_Triangulation aj)
     this.Text = "ajDelaunay GUI tester";
     this.Size = new Size(550, 550);
     _stage = 0;
     _ajd = aj;
     _dx_f = new Point_dt(5, this.Width - 5);
     _dy_f = new Point_dt(5, this.Height - 5);
     _dx_map = new Point_dt(aj.maxBoundingBox().x, aj.minBoundingBox().x);
     _dy_map = new Point_dt(aj.maxBoundingBox().y, aj.minBoundingBox().y);
     _clients = null;
     _guards = null;
     //addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
     //    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
     //        System.exit(0);
     //    }
コード例 #5
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
        static void DoTimeTest()
            int size = 100000, size2 = size;
            double delta = 1000, delta2 = delta / 2;
            double[] xx = new double[size], yy = new double[size];
            Point_dt[] ps = new Point_dt[size];
            double[] xx2 = new double[size2], yy2 = new double[size2];

            DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
            Delaunay_Triangulation ad = new Delaunay_Triangulation();

            Random r = new Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                xx[i] = (r.NextDouble() * delta - (delta * 0.1));
                yy[i] = (r.NextDouble() * delta - (delta * 0.1));

                ps[i] = new Point_dt(xx[i], yy[i]);
            DateTime mid = DateTime.Now;

            for (int i = 0; i < size2; i++) {
                xx2[i] = (r.NextDouble() * delta2);
                yy2[i] = (r.NextDouble() * delta2);
            DateTime m1 = DateTime.Now;
            for (int i = 0; i < size2; i++) {
                Point_dt p = new Point_dt(xx2[i], yy2[i]);
                Triangle_dt t1 = ad.find(p);
                if (!t1.contains(p)) {
                    Console.WriteLine(i + ") **ERR: find *** T: " + t1);
            DateTime e1 = DateTime.Now;

            Console.WriteLine("delaunay_triangulation " + ad.size() + " points, "
                    + ad.trianglesSize() + " triangles,  Triangles_td: "
                    + Triangle_dt._counter + "  ,c2: " + Triangle_dt._c2);
            Console.WriteLine("Constructing time: " + (mid - start).TotalSeconds);
            Console.WriteLine("*** E3 find:  time: " + (e1 - m1).TotalSeconds);
            Console.WriteLine("delaunay_triangulation " + ad.size() + " points, "
                    + ad.trianglesSize() + " triangles,  Triangles_td: "
                    + Triangle_dt._counter + "  ,c2: " + Triangle_dt._c2);
コード例 #6
ファイル: MainForm.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
        // *** text area ***
        public MainForm()

            this.Text = "Delaunay GUI tester";
            this.Size = new Size(500, 500);
            this.BackColor = Color.White;
            _stage = 0;
            _ajd = new Delaunay_Triangulation();
            _ajd.PotentialBbMax = new Point_dt(this.Width, this.Height);

            _dx_f = new Point_dt(10, this.Width - 10);
            _dy_f = new Point_dt(55, this.Height - 10);
            _dx_map = new Point_dt(_dx_f);
            _dy_map = new Point_dt(_dy_f);

            //addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
            //    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
            //        System.exit(0);
            //    }
コード例 #7
ファイル: Visibility.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
         * this method checke if there is a Line Of Site between p1 and p2, note the
         * z value of the points is the Hieght ABOVE ground!!
         * @param p1
         *            "guard",
         * @param p2
         *            "client"
         * @return true iff both points are valid (not null && inside the
         *         triangulation)
        public bool los(Point_dt p1, Point_dt p2)
            bool ans = true;
            if (_dt == null)
                throw new Exception(
                        "** ERR: null pointer triangulation (LOS) **");
            if (p1 == null || p2 == null)
                throw new Exception("** ERR: null pointer points (LOS) **");
            if (!_dt.contains(p1.x, p1.y))
                throw new Exception("** ERR: p1:" + p1
                        + " is NOT contained in the triangulation **");
            if (!_dt.contains(p2.x, p2.y))
                throw new Exception("** ERR: p2:" + p2
                        + " is NOT contained in the triangulation **");

            this.computeSection(p1, p2);
            ans = this.isVisible(p1.z, p2.z);
            this.computeSection(p2, p1);
            ans = ans && this.isVisible(p2.z, p1.z);
            printSection(p1, p2);
            return ans;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Visibility.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
 internal void computeSection(Point_dt p1, Point_dt p2)
     Triangle_dt t1 = _dt.find(p1);
     Triangle_dt t2 = _dt.find(p2);
     _p1 = t1.z(p1);
     _p2 = t2.z(p2);
     if (_tr == null)
         _tr = new List<Triangle_dt>();
     if (_section == null)
         _section = new List<Point_dt>();
     Triangle_dt curr_t = t1;
     while (curr_t != t2 && curr_t != null)
         curr_t = next_t(p1, p2, curr_t, _tr);
コード例 #9
ファイル: TriangleDT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
 //public int _id;
 /** constructs a triangle form 3 point - store it in counterclockwised order.*/
 public Triangle_dt(Point_dt A, Point_dt B, Point_dt C)
     a = A;
     int res = C.pointLineTest(A,B);
     if ( (res <= Point_dt.LEFT) ||
          (res == Point_dt.INFRONTOFA) ||
          (res == Point_dt.BEHINDB) )
         b = B;
         c = C;
     {  // RIGHT
         Console.WriteLine("Warning, ajTriangle(A,B,C) "+  "expects points in counterclockwise order.");
         Console.WriteLine("" + A + B + C);
     //_id = _counter++;
     //if(_counter%10000 ==0) System.out.println("Triangle: "+_counter);
コード例 #10
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
 private Triangle_dt treatDegeneracyInside(Triangle_dt t, Point_dt p)
     if (t.abnext.halfplane
             && p.pointLineTest(t.b, t.a) == Point_dt.ONSEGMENT)
         return extendOutside(t.abnext, p);
     if (t.bcnext.halfplane
             && p.pointLineTest(t.c, t.b) == Point_dt.ONSEGMENT)
         return extendOutside(t.bcnext, p);
     if (t.canext.halfplane
             && p.pointLineTest(t.a, t.c) == Point_dt.ONSEGMENT)
         return extendOutside(t.canext, p);
     return null;
コード例 #11
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
        private Triangle_dt insertPointSimple(Point_dt p)
            if (!allCollinear)
                Triangle_dt t = find(startTriangle, p);
                if (t.halfplane)
                    startTriangle = extendOutside(t, p);
                    startTriangle = extendInside(t, p);
                return startTriangle;

            if (nPoints == 1)
                firstP = p;
                return null;

            if (nPoints == 2)
                startTriangulation(firstP, p);
                return null;

            switch (p.pointLineTest(firstP, lastP))
                case Point_dt.LEFT:
                    startTriangle = extendOutside(firstT.abnext, p);
                    allCollinear = false;
                case Point_dt.RIGHT:
                    startTriangle = extendOutside(firstT, p);
                    allCollinear = false;
                case Point_dt.ONSEGMENT:
                    insertCollinear(p, Point_dt.ONSEGMENT);
                case Point_dt.INFRONTOFA:
                    insertCollinear(p, Point_dt.INFRONTOFA);
                case Point_dt.BEHINDB:
                    insertCollinear(p, Point_dt.BEHINDB);
            return null;
コード例 #12
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
 private Triangle_dt extendOutside(Triangle_dt t, Point_dt p)
     if (p.pointLineTest(t.a, t.b) == Point_dt.ONSEGMENT)
         Triangle_dt dg = new Triangle_dt(t.a, t.b, p);
         Triangle_dt hp = new Triangle_dt(p, t.b);
         t.b = p;
         dg.abnext = t.abnext;
         dg.abnext.switchneighbors(t, dg);
         dg.bcnext = hp;
         hp.abnext = dg;
         dg.canext = t;
         t.abnext = dg;
         hp.bcnext = t.bcnext;
         hp.bcnext.canext = hp;
         hp.canext = t;
         t.bcnext = hp;
         return dg;
     Triangle_dt ccT = extendcounterclock(t, p);
     Triangle_dt cT = extendclock(t, p);
     ccT.bcnext = cT;
     cT.canext = ccT;
     startTriangleHull = cT;
     return cT.abnext;
コード例 #13
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
        private Triangle_dt extendcounterclock(Triangle_dt t, Point_dt p)
            t.halfplane = false;
            t.c = p;

            Triangle_dt tca = t.canext;

            if (p.pointLineTest(tca.a, tca.b) >= Point_dt.RIGHT)
                Triangle_dt nT = new Triangle_dt(t.a, p);
                nT.abnext = t;
                t.canext = nT;
                nT.canext = tca;
                tca.bcnext = nT;
                return nT;
            return extendcounterclock(tca, p);
コード例 #14
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
        private static Point_dt[] read_tsin(string tsinFile)
            Point_dt[] ans = null;
            using (StreamReader fr = new StreamReader(tsinFile))
                String s = fr.ReadLine();

                while (s[0] == '/')
                    s = fr.ReadLine();

                int numOfVer = int.Parse(s);
                ans = new Point_dt[numOfVer];

                // ** reading the file verteces - insert them to the triangulation **
                for (int i = 0; i < numOfVer; i++)
                    s = fr.ReadLine();

                    string[] t = s.Split(' ');

                    double d1 = double.Parse(t[0]);
                    double d2 = double.Parse(t[1]);
                    double d3 = double.Parse(t[2]);

                    ans[i] = new Point_dt((int)d1, (int)d2, d3);


            return ans;
コード例 #15
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
        // * this method write the triangulation as an SMF file (OFF like format)
        // *
        // *
        // * @param smfFile
        // *            - file name
        // * @throws Exception
        // */
        public void write_smf(String smfFile)
            int len = this._vertices.Count;
            Point_dt[] ans = new Point_dt[len];

            Point_dt[] it = this._vertices.ToArray();
            IComparer<Point_dt> comp = Point_dt.getComparator();
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                ans[i] = it[i];

            Array.Sort(ans, comp);

            using (StreamWriter fw = new StreamWriter(smfFile))

                // prints the tsin file header:
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                    fw.WriteLine("v " + ans[i].toFile());

                int t = 0, i1 = -1, i2 = -1, i3 = -1;
                foreach (Triangle_dt curr in this.trianglesIterator())
                    if (!curr.halfplane)
                        i1 = Array.BinarySearch(ans, curr.a, comp);
                        i2 = Array.BinarySearch(ans, curr.b, comp);
                        i3 = Array.BinarySearch(ans, curr.c, comp);

                        if (i1 < 0 || i2 < 0 || i3 < 0)
                            throw new Exception("wrong triangulation inner bug - cant write as an SMF file!");

                        fw.WriteLine("f " + (i1 + 1) + " " + (i2 + 1) + " " + (i3 + 1));

コード例 #16
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
  * @param x
  *            - X cordination of the query point
  * @param y
  *            - Y cordination of the query point
  * @return the q point with updated Z value (z value is as given the
  *         triangulation).
 public double z(double x, double y)
     Point_dt q = new Point_dt(x, y);
     Triangle_dt t = find(q);
     return t.z_value(q);
コード例 #17
ファイル: Visibility.cs プロジェクト: VKaban/jdt
 private double fz(Point_dt p1, Point_dt p2, double x)
     return(mz(p1, p2) * x + kz(p1, p2));
コード例 #18
ファイル: Visibility.cs プロジェクト: VKaban/jdt
        private double k(Point_dt p1, Point_dt p2)
            double k = p1.y - m(p1, p2) * p1.x;

コード例 #19
 public void GivenIHaveAPointWithCoordinates(double p0, double p1)
     point = new Point_dt(p0, p1);
コード例 #20
ファイル: Visibility.cs プロジェクト: VKaban/jdt
 private double f(Point_dt p1, Point_dt p2, double x)
     return(m(p1, p2) * x + k(p1, p2));
コード例 #21
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
  * insert the point to this Delaunay Triangulation. Note: if p is null or
  * already exist in this triangulation p is ignored.
  * @param p
  *            new vertex to be inserted the triangulation.
 public void insertPoint(Point_dt p)
     if (this._vertices.Contains<Point_dt>(p))
     Triangle_dt t = insertPointSimple(p);
     if (t == null) //
     Triangle_dt tt = t;
     currT = t; // recall the last point for - fast (last) update iterator.
         flip(tt, _modCount);
         tt = tt.canext;
     } while (tt != t && !tt.halfplane);
コード例 #22
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
  * assumes v is NOT an halfplane!
  * returns the next triangle for find.
 private static Triangle_dt findnext1(Point_dt p, Triangle_dt v)
     if (p.pointLineTest(v.a, v.b) == Point_dt.RIGHT && !v.abnext.halfplane)
         return v.abnext;
     if (p.pointLineTest(v.b, v.c) == Point_dt.RIGHT && !v.bcnext.halfplane)
         return v.bcnext;
     if (p.pointLineTest(v.c, v.a) == Point_dt.RIGHT && !v.canext.halfplane)
         return v.canext;
     if (p.pointLineTest(v.a, v.b) == Point_dt.RIGHT)
         return v.abnext;
     if (p.pointLineTest(v.b, v.c) == Point_dt.RIGHT)
         return v.bcnext;
     if (p.pointLineTest(v.c, v.a) == Point_dt.RIGHT)
         return v.canext;
     return null;
コード例 #23
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
  * @param q
  *            Query point
  * @return the q point with updated Z value (z value is as given the
  *         triangulation).
 public Point_dt z(Point_dt q)
     Triangle_dt t = find(q);
     return t.z(q);
コード例 #24
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
        private static Point_dt[] read_smf(string smfFile, double dx, double dy,
            double dz, double minX, double minY, double minZ)
            StreamReader fr = new StreamReader(smfFile);
            string s = fr.ReadLine();
            while (s[0] != 'v')
                s = fr.ReadLine();

            List<Point_dt> vec = new List<Point_dt>();
            Point_dt[] ans = null; //

            while (s != null && s[0] == 'v')
                string[] t = s.Split(' ');

                double d1 = double.Parse(t[1]) * dx + minX;
                double d2 = double.Parse(t[2]) * dy + minY;
                double d3 = double.Parse(t[3]) * dz + minZ;

                vec.Add(new Point_dt((int)d1, (int)d2, d3));
                s = fr.ReadLine();

            ans = new Point_dt[vec.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < vec.Count; i++)
                ans[i] = (Point_dt)vec.ElementAt(i);

            return ans;
コード例 #25
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
 private static Triangle_dt find(Triangle_dt curr, Point_dt p)
     if (p == null)
         return null;
     Triangle_dt next_t;
     if (curr.halfplane)
         next_t = findnext2(p, curr);
         if (next_t == null || next_t.halfplane)
             return curr;
         curr = next_t;
     while (true)
         next_t = findnext1(p, curr);
         if (next_t == null)
             return curr;
         if (next_t.halfplane)
             return next_t;
         curr = next_t;
コード例 #26
        public void drawTriangle(Graphics g, Triangle_dt t, Color cl)
            if (_view_flag == VIEW1 || t.isHalfplane())
                if (t.isHalfplane())
                    if (cl == Color.Empty)
                        drawLine(g, t.p1(), t.p2(), Color.Blue);
                        drawLine(g, t.p1(), t.p2(), cl);
                    if (cl == Color.Empty)
                        drawLine(g, t.p1(), t.p2(), Color.Black);
                        drawLine(g, t.p2(), t.p3(), Color.Black);
                        drawLine(g, t.p3(), t.p1(), Color.Black);

                        drawLine(g, t.p1(), t.p2(), cl);
                        drawLine(g, t.p2(), t.p3(), cl);
                        drawLine(g, t.p3(), t.p1(), cl);
                // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
                double maxZ = _ajd.maxBoundingBox().z;
                double minZ = _ajd.minBoundingBox().z;
                double z    = (t.p1().z + t.p2().z + t.p3().z) / 3.0;
                double dz   = maxZ - minZ;
                if (dz == 0)
                    dz = 1;
                int co = 30 + (int)(220 * ((z - minZ) / dz));
                if (cl == Color.Empty)
                    cl = Color.FromArgb(co, co, co);

                int[] xx = new int[3], yy = new int[3];
                // double f = 0;
                // double dx_map = _dx_map.y- _dx_map.x;
                // double dy_map = _dy_map.y- _dy_map.x;

                // f = (t.p1().x -_dx_map.x)/dx_map;
                Point_dt p1 = world2screen(t.p1());
                xx[0] = (int)p1.x;
                yy[0] = (int)p1.y;
                Point_dt p2 = world2screen(t.p2());
                xx[1] = (int)p2.x;
                yy[1] = (int)p2.y;
                Point_dt p3 = world2screen(t.p3());
                xx[2] = (int)p3.x;
                yy[2] = (int)p3.y;

                Brush b = new SolidBrush(cl);
                g.FillPolygon(b, ToPoints(xx, yy));
                // ////////////////////////////////////
コード例 #27
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
 /** assumes v is an halfplane! - returns another (none halfplane) triangle */
 private static Triangle_dt findnext2(Point_dt p, Triangle_dt v)
     if (v.abnext != null && !v.abnext.halfplane)
         return v.abnext;
     if (v.bcnext != null && !v.bcnext.halfplane)
         return v.bcnext;
     if (v.canext != null && !v.canext.halfplane)
         return v.canext;
     return null;
コード例 #28
 public void drawPoint(Graphics g, Point_dt p1, Color cl)
     drawPoint(g, p1, 4, cl);
コード例 #29
        void MainForm_Click(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            int xx = e.X;
            int yy = e.Y;

            switch (_stage)
            case 0:
                Console.WriteLine("[" + xx + "," + yy + "]");

            case POINT:
                Point_dt q = new Point_dt(xx, yy);
                Point_dt p = screen2world(q);

            case FIND:
                Point_dt q = new Point_dt(xx, yy);
                Point_dt p = screen2world(q);
                //_t1 = _ajd.find(p);
                _t1 = _ajd.FastFind(p);

            case SECTION1:
                Point_dt q = new Point_dt(xx, yy);
                _p1 = screen2world(q);
                // _p1 = new Point_dt(99792.03,1073355.0,30.0);

                // _t1 = _ajd.find(_p1);
                _stage = SECTION2;

            case SECTION2:
                Point_dt q = new Point_dt(xx, yy);
                _p2 = screen2world(q);
                // _p2 = new Point_dt(149587.055,1040477.0,5.0);

                // _t2 = _ajd.find(_p2);
                _los = new Visibility(_ajd);
                _los.computeSection(_p1, _p2);
                _stage = SECTION1;

            case GUARD:
                Point_dt q = new Point_dt(xx, yy);
                _p1 = screen2world(q);
                if (_guards == null)
                    _guards = new List <Point_dt>();
                _guards.Add(new Point_dt(_p1.x, _p1.y, GH));

                 * if(_p2!=null) { _los = new Visibility(_ajd);
                 * _los.computeSection(_p1,_p2); _visible =
                 * _los.isVisible(30,5); }

            case CLIENT:
                Point_dt q = new Point_dt(xx, yy);
                _p2 = screen2world(q);
                if (_clients == null)
                    _clients = new List <Point_dt>();
                _clients.Add(new Point_dt(_p2.x, _p2.y, CH));

                 * if(_p1!=null) { _los = new Visibility(_ajd);
                 * _los.computeSection(_p1,_p2); _visible =
                 * _los.isVisible(30,5); }
コード例 #30
        void MainMenuClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MenuItem mi = sender as MenuItem;

            if (mi == null)
                throw new Exception("MainMenuClick");

            string arg = mi.Text;

            if (arg.Equals("Open"))
            else if (arg.Equals("Save tsin"))
            else if (arg.Equals("Save smf"))
            else if (arg.Equals("Lines"))
                this._view_flag = VIEW1;
            else if (arg.Equals("Triangles"))
                this._view_flag = VIEW2;
            else if (arg.Equals("Topo"))
                this._view_flag = VIEW3;
            else if (arg.Equals("Clear"))
                _ajd     = new Delaunay_Triangulation();
                _dx_map  = new Point_dt(_dx_f);
                _dy_map  = new Point_dt(_dy_f);
                _clients = null;
                _guards  = null;
                _mc      = 0;
            else if (arg.Equals("Exit"))

            else if (arg.Equals("Point"))
                _stage = POINT;
            else if (arg.Equals("CH"))
            else if (arg.Equals("100-rand-ps"))
                Random r = new Random();
                double x0 = 10, y0 = 60, dx = this.Width - x0 - 10, dy = this.Height - y0 - 10;
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                    double   x = r.NextDouble() * dx + x0;
                    double   y = r.NextDouble() * dy + y0;
                    Point_dt q = new Point_dt(x, y);
                    Point_dt p = screen2world(q);

            else if (arg.Equals("Find"))
                _stage = MainForm.FIND;
            else if (arg.Equals("Section"))
                _stage = MainForm.SECTION1;
            else if (arg.Equals("Client-5m"))
                // Console.WriteLine("CL!");
                _stage = MainForm.CLIENT;
            else if (arg.Equals("Guard-30m"))
                _stage = MainForm.GUARD;
            else if (arg.Equals("Info"))
                string ans = "" + _ajd.GetType().FullName
                             + "  # vertices:" + _ajd.size() + "  # triangles:"
                             + _ajd.trianglesSize();
                ans += "   min BB:" + _ajd.minBoundingBox() + "   max BB:"
                       + _ajd.maxBoundingBox();
コード例 #31
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
        private Triangle_dt extendclock(Triangle_dt t, Point_dt p)
            t.halfplane = false;
            t.c = p;

            Triangle_dt tbc = t.bcnext;

            if (p.pointLineTest(tbc.a, tbc.b) >= Point_dt.RIGHT)
                Triangle_dt nT = new Triangle_dt(p, t.b);
                nT.abnext = t;
                t.bcnext = nT;
                nT.bcnext = tbc;
                tbc.canext = nT;
                return nT;
            return extendclock(tbc, p);
コード例 #32
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

            Graphics g = e.Graphics;

            // _ajd.initTriangle();
            // ajTriangle[] tt = _ajd._triangles;
            if (_ajd == null || _ajd.size() == 0)
            _dx_f = new Point_dt(5, this.Width - 5);
            _dy_f = new Point_dt(5, this.Height - 5);

            List <Triangle_dt> it = _ajd.trianglesIterator();

            foreach (Triangle_dt curr in it)
                if (!curr.isHalfplane())
                    drawTriangle(g, curr, Color.Empty);
            it = _ajd.trianglesIterator();
            foreach (Triangle_dt curr in it)
                if (curr.isHalfplane())
                    drawTriangle(g, curr, Color.Empty);
            if (_t2 != null)
                drawTriangle(g, _t2, Color.Red);
            if (_t1 != null && _stage == FIND)
                drawTriangle(g, _t1, Color.YellowGreen);
            if (this._view_flag == VIEW3)

            // debug
            if (_mc < _ajd.getModeCounter())
                _mc = _ajd.getModeCounter();

                List <Triangle_dt> it2 = _ajd.getLastUpdatedTriangles();
                for (int i = 0; i < it2.Count; i++)
                    drawTriangle(g, it2[i], Color.Cyan);

                Console.WriteLine("   MC: " + _mc + "  number of triangles updated: " + it2.Count);

            if (_los != null && (_stage == SECTION1 || _stage == SECTION2))
                if (_los != null && _los._tr != null)
                    foreach (Triangle_dt curr in _los._tr)
                        if (!curr.isHalfplane())
                            drawTriangle(g, curr, Color.Red);

                for (int i = 0; i < _los._section.Count; i++)
                    Point_dt curr_p = _los._section[i];

                    if (curr_p != null)
                        drawPoint(g, curr_p, Color.Blue);
                        Console.WriteLine(i + ") " + curr_p + "  dist _p1: " + _p1.distance(curr_p));

                drawLine(g, _p1, _p2, Color.Blue);

             * if(_stage == GUARD | _stage == CLIENT) { if(_p1!=null)
             * drawPoint(g,_p1,6,Color.ORANGE); if(_p2!=null) { if(_visible)
             * drawPoint(g,_p2,6,Color.BLUE); else drawPoint(g,_p2,6, Color.RED); }
             * }
            if (_los == null)
                _los = new Visibility(_ajd);
            if (_stage == GUARD || _stage == CLIENT)
                int[] ccc = new int[0];
                if (_clients != null)
                    ccc = new int[_clients.Count];
                for (int gr = 0; _guards != null && gr < _guards.Count; gr++)
                    Point_dt gg = _guards.ElementAt(gr);
                    drawPoint(g, gg, 8, Color.Orange);

                    for (int c = 0; _clients != null && c < _clients.Count; c++)
                        Point_dt cc = _clients.ElementAt(c);
                        drawPoint(g, cc, 6, Color.White);
                        // Color cl = Color.RED;
                        if (_los.los(gg, cc))
                            this.drawLine(g, gg, cc, Color.Red);

                int c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < ccc.Length; i++)
                    if (ccc[i] > 0)
                        c2 += ccc[i];
                if (c1 > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("clients:" + ccc.Length + "  visible c:" + c1 + "   ave:" + c2 / c1);
コード例 #33
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
        private Triangle_dt extendInside(Triangle_dt t, Point_dt p)
            Triangle_dt h1, h2;
            h1 = treatDegeneracyInside(t, p);
            if (h1 != null)
                return h1;

            h1 = new Triangle_dt(t.c, t.a, p);
            h2 = new Triangle_dt(t.b, t.c, p);
            t.c = p;
            h1.abnext = t.canext;
            h1.bcnext = t;
            h1.canext = h2;
            h2.abnext = t.bcnext;
            h2.bcnext = h1;
            h2.canext = t;
            h1.abnext.switchneighbors(t, h1);
            h2.abnext.switchneighbors(t, h2);
            t.bcnext = h2;
            t.canext = h1;
            return t;
コード例 #34
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
 public Triangle_dt FastFind(Point_dt p)
     return find(gridPoints.FindClosestTriangle(p), p);
コード例 #35
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
        private void insertCollinear(Point_dt p, int res)
            Triangle_dt t, tp, u;

            switch (res)
                case Point_dt.INFRONTOFA:
                    t = new Triangle_dt(firstP, p);
                    tp = new Triangle_dt(p, firstP);
                    t.abnext = tp;
                    tp.abnext = t;
                    t.bcnext = tp;
                    tp.canext = t;
                    t.canext = firstT;
                    firstT.bcnext = t;
                    tp.bcnext = firstT.abnext;
                    firstT.abnext.canext = tp;
                    firstT = t;
                    firstP = p;
                case Point_dt.BEHINDB:
                    t = new Triangle_dt(p, lastP);
                    tp = new Triangle_dt(lastP, p);
                    t.abnext = tp;
                    tp.abnext = t;
                    t.bcnext = lastT;
                    lastT.canext = t;
                    t.canext = tp;
                    tp.bcnext = t;
                    tp.canext = lastT.abnext;
                    lastT.abnext.bcnext = tp;
                    lastT = t;
                    lastP = p;
                case Point_dt.ONSEGMENT:
                    u = firstT;
                    while (p.isGreater(u.a))
                        u = u.canext;
                    t = new Triangle_dt(p, u.b);
                    tp = new Triangle_dt(u.b, p);
                    u.b = p;
                    u.abnext.a = p;
                    t.abnext = tp;
                    tp.abnext = t;
                    t.bcnext = u.bcnext;
                    u.bcnext.canext = t;
                    t.canext = u;
                    u.bcnext = t;
                    tp.canext = u.abnext.canext;
                    u.abnext.canext.bcnext = tp;
                    tp.bcnext = u.abnext;
                    u.abnext.canext = tp;
                    if (firstT == u)
                        firstT = t;
コード例 #36
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
  * finds the triangle the query point falls in, note if out-side of this
  * triangulation a half plane triangle will be returned (see contains), the
  * search has expected time of O(n^0.5), and it starts form a fixed triangle
  * (this.startTriangle),
  * @param p
  *            query point
  * @return the triangle that point p is in.
 public Triangle_dt find(Point_dt p)
     return find(this.startTriangle, p);
コード例 #37
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
 private void startTriangulation(Point_dt p1, Point_dt p2)
     Point_dt ps, pb;
     if (p1.isLess(p2))
         ps = p1;
         pb = p2;
         ps = p2;
         pb = p1;
     firstT = new Triangle_dt(pb, ps);
     lastT = firstT;
     Triangle_dt t = new Triangle_dt(ps, pb);
     firstT.abnext = t;
     t.abnext = firstT;
     firstT.bcnext = t;
     t.canext = firstT;
     firstT.canext = t;
     t.bcnext = firstT;
     firstP = firstT.b;
     lastP = lastT.a;
     startTriangleHull = firstT;
コード例 #38
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
  * finds the triangle the query point falls in, note if out-side of this
  * triangulation a half plane triangle will be returned (see contains). the
  * search starts from the the start triangle
  * @param p
  *            query point
  * @param start
  *            the triangle the search starts at.
  * @return the triangle that point p is in..
 public Triangle_dt find(Point_dt p, Triangle_dt start)
     if (start == null)
         start = this.startTriangle;
     Triangle_dt T = find(start, p);
     return T;
コード例 #39
ファイル: DT.cs プロジェクト: adiel2012/jdt
 private void updateBoundingBox(Point_dt p)
     double x = p.x, y = p.y, z = p.z;
     if (_bb_min == null)
         _bb_min = new Point_dt(p);
         _bb_max = new Point_dt(p);
         if (x < _bb_min.x)
             _bb_min.x = x;
         else if (x > _bb_max.x)
             _bb_max.x = x;
         if (y < _bb_min.y)
             _bb_min.y = y;
         else if (y > _bb_max.y)
             _bb_max.y = y;
         if (z < _bb_min.z)
             _bb_min.z = z;
         else if (z > _bb_max.z)
             _bb_max.z = z;
コード例 #40
ファイル: Visibility.cs プロジェクト: VKaban/jdt
        private double kz(Point_dt p1, Point_dt p2)
            double k = p1.z - mz(p1, p2) * p1.x;
