コード例 #1
        public IActionResult Register(MVCustomer cust)
            bool isUser = false;

            TempData["firstname"]   = cust.FirstName;
            TempData["lastname"]    = cust.LastName;
            TempData["phone"]       = cust.PhoneNumber;
            TempData["Count"]       = 1;// counter for numbers pizza increments in the ordersController
            TempData["order_total"] = 0;

            var allCust = Repo.GetCustomers();

            foreach (var oneCust in allCust)
                if (oneCust.FirstName == cust.FirstName && oneCust.PhoneNumber == cust.PhoneNumber)
                    cust.Id            = oneCust.Id;
                    TempData["custid"] = cust.Id;
                    isUser             = true;

            if (isUser == true)
            else if (isUser == false)
                TempData["welcomemsg"] = "Welcome " + cust.FirstName;

                //create new user
                Repo.AddCustomer(cust.FirstName, cust.LastName, cust.PhoneNumber, cust.Location = "RESTON");

                //get id of new user here
                var item = Repo.GetCustomers().FirstOrDefault(x => x.FirstName == cust.FirstName &&
                                                              x.PhoneNumber == cust.PhoneNumber);
                cust.Id            = item.Id;
                TempData["custid"] = cust.Id;

            return(RedirectToAction("ChooseLocation", "Locations", cust));
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult MakeOrder(IFormCollection viewCollection, MVCustomer cust)
            Random rdm        = new Random();
            int    ONum       = rdm.Next(1, 1000000);
            int    UseridTD   = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("custid").ToString());
            string LocationTD = TempData.Peek("locationName").ToString();
            string NameTD     = TempData.Peek("firstname").ToString();
            string LastnameTD = TempData.Peek("lastname").ToString();
            string PhoneTD    = TempData.Peek("phone").ToString();

            if (Count == 12)
                ViewData["msg"] = "ERROR YOU CANNOT ORDER MORE THAN 12 PIZZAS!!!!! ";

            string selectedSize    = viewCollection["SelectedSize"];
            string selectedTopping = viewCollection["SelectedTopping"];
            string selectedCrust   = viewCollection["SelectedCrust"];

            if (selectedSize == "Small")
                price = 5.00;

                total  = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("order_total").ToString());
                total += 5.00;
                TempData["order_total"] = total;
            else if (selectedSize == "Medium")
                price  = 10.00;
                total  = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("order_total").ToString());
                total += 10.00;
                TempData["order_total"] = total;
            else if (selectedSize == "Large")
                price  = 15.00;
                total  = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("order_total").ToString());
                total += 15.00;
                TempData["order_total"] = total;
            else if (selectedCrust == "1")
                price  = .50;
                total  = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("order_total").ToString());
                total += .50;
                TempData["order_total"] = total;
                price  = 20.00;
                total  = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("order_total").ToString());
                total += 20.00;
                TempData["order_total"] = total;

            if (TempData.Peek("Count").ToString() == "1")
                Count = 1;
                Count = int.Parse(TempData.Peek("Count").ToString());

            if (Count < 2)//only if the order is new is going to be created
                //add order
                Repo.AddOrders(ONum, NameTD, LastnameTD, LocationTD, price, total, DateTime.Now, "T'Challa Slice", PhoneTD);
            bool PG = bool.Parse(selectedCrust);

            Repo.AddPizza(selectedSize, selectedTopping, PG, ONum);
            // increment counter to know next time, that this is not  a new order.
            TempData["Count"] = Count;
            var orderId = Repo.GetOrders().FirstOrDefault(x => x.CustomerPhoneNumber == PhoneTD &&
                                                          x.CustomerName == NameTD);

            TempData["orderId"] = orderId.Id;
