コード例 #1
        public void LoadFromDB()
            #region Not in use

            /*ingredients.Add(new Ingredients
             * {
             *  topping = "Pepperonie",
             *  qty = 25
             * });
             * ingredients.Add(new Ingredients
             * {
             *  topping = "Sausagge",
             *  qty = 25
             * });
             * ingredients.Add(new Ingredients
             * {
             *  topping = "Bacon",
             *  qty = 25
             * });
             * Console.WriteLine("Inventory Populated!");
             * Console.WriteLine("");*/


            #region Database

            var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                          .AddJsonFile("Appsettings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true);

            IConfigurationRoot configuration = builder.Build();



            var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <PizzaPalaceContext>();
            var repo = new PizzaStoreRepository(new PizzaPalaceContext(optionsBuilder.Options));

            var pizza     = repo.GetPizzas();         //*Pizza
            var userin    = repo.GetUserInfo();       //UserInformation
            var locations = repo.GetLocations();      //Locations
            var orderHas  = repo.GetOrderHasPizzas(); //Order_Has_Pizza
            var orderDb   = repo.GetOrders();         //Orders

            foreach (var item in locations)
                location.Add(new Address
                    IdAddress = item.IdLocation,
                    Line1     = item.LocationName


            foreach (var item in userin)
                foreach (var item2 in locations)
                    if (item.LocationIdLocation == item2.IdLocation)
                        //add user info here to a list make a new list is what i need to do dont forget.
                        users.Add(new User
                            Id   = item.IdUser,
                            Name = new Name
                                First = item.FirstName,
                                Last  = item.LastName

                            Address = new Address
                                IdAddress = int.Parse(item2.IdLocation.ToString()),
                                Line1     = item2.LocationName.ToString()

            foreach (var item in pizza)
                piz.Add(new Pizza.Library.Pizza.Pizza
                    IdPizza    = item.IdPizza,
                    NamePizza  = item.PizzaName.ToString(),
                    CountPizza = int.Parse(item.PiizaCount.ToString()),
                    CostPizza  = decimal.Parse(item.PizzaPrice.ToString())

            foreach (var item in orderHas)
                orderHasPizzas.Add(new OrderHasPizza
                    IdOrderHasPizza             = item.IdOrderHasPizza,
                    OrderIdOrder                = item.OrderIdOrder,
                    OrderLocationIdLocation     = item.OrderLocationIdLocation,
                    OrderUserIdUser             = item.OrderUserIdUser,
                    OrderUserLocationIdLocation = item.OrderUserLocationIdLocation,
                    PizzaIdPizza                = item.PizzaIdPizza,
                    AmountOfPizzaInOrder        = item.AmountOfPizzaInOrder

            foreach (var item in orderDb)
                stOrder.Add(new Store.Data.Orders
                    IdOrder                = item.IdOrder,
                    LocationIdLocation     = item.LocationIdLocation,
                    UserIdUser             = item.UserIdUser,
                    UserLocationIdLocation = item.UserLocationIdLocation,
                    DateOfOrders           = item.DateOfOrders,

                //Method used to convert all database informtaion to process it into a List
                int count = 0;
                foreach (var itemOrd in orderDb)
                    if (itemOrd.IdOrder == orderHasPizzas[count].OrderIdOrder)
                        order.Add(new Pizza.Library.Orders
                            Id       = int.Parse(orderHasPizzas[count].OrderIdOrder.ToString()),
                            Location = int.Parse(orderHasPizzas[count].OrderLocationIdLocation.ToString()),
                            User     = new User
                                Id   = int.Parse(users[count].Id.ToString()),
                                Name = new Name
                                    First = users[count].Name.First.ToString(),
                                    Last  = users[count].Name.Last.ToString()
                                Address = new Address
                                    IdAddress = int.Parse(location[count].IdAddress.ToString()),
                                    Line1     = location[count].Line1.ToString()
                            Pizza = new Pizza.Library.Pizza.Pizza
                                IdPizza    = int.Parse(piz[count].IdPizza.ToString()),
                                NamePizza  = piz[count].NamePizza.ToString(),
                                CountPizza = int.Parse(piz[count].CountPizza.ToString()),
                                CostPizza  = decimal.Parse(piz[count].CostPizza.ToString())
                            AmountOfPizza = int.Parse(orderHasPizzas[count].AmountOfPizzaInOrder.ToString()),
                            Date          = DateTime.Parse(stOrder[count].DateOfOrders.ToString())

            catch (FormatException ex)
                Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
                logger.ErrorException("Format Error", ex);
                Console.WriteLine($"Unexpected error: {ex.Message}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
                logger.ErrorException("Format Error", ex);
                Console.WriteLine($"Unexpected error: {ex.Message}");