コード例 #1
    static void PAdES_B_B()
        // If using Professional version, put your serial key below.

        using (var document = PdfDocument.Load("Reading.pdf"))
            // Add a visible signature field to the first page of the PDF document.
            var signatureField = document.Form.Fields.AddSignature(document.Pages[0], 300, 500, 250, 50);

            // Get a digital ID from PKCS#12/PFX file.
            var digitalId = new PdfDigitalId("GemBoxECDsa521.pfx", "GemBoxPassword");

            // Create a PDF signer that will create PAdES B-B level signature.
            var signer = new PdfSigner(digitalId);

            // PdfSigner should create CAdES-equivalent signature.
            signer.SignatureFormat = PdfSignatureFormat.CAdES;

            // Adobe Acrobat Reader currently doesn't download certificate chain
            // so we will also embed certificate of intermediate Certificate Authority in the signature.
            // (see https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat/signature-validation-using-aia-extension-not-enabled-by-default/td-p/10729647)
            signer.ValidationInfo = new PdfSignatureValidationInfo(new PdfCertificate[] { new PdfCertificate("GemBoxECDsa.crt") }, null, null);

            // Make sure that all properties specified on PdfSigner are according to PAdES B-B level.
            signer.SignatureLevel = PdfSignatureLevel.PAdES_B_B;

            // Initiate signing of a PDF file with the specified signer.

            // Finish signing of a PDF file.
            document.Save("PAdES B-B.pdf");
コード例 #2
    static void SimpleSignature()
        // If using Professional version, put your serial key below.

        using (var document = PdfDocument.Load("Reading.pdf"))
            // Add an invisible signature field to the PDF document.
            var signatureField = document.Form.Fields.AddSignature();

            // Get a digital ID from PKCS#12/PFX file.
            var digitalId = new PdfDigitalId("GemBoxRSA1024.pfx", "GemBoxPassword");

            // Create a PDF signer that will create the digital signature.
            var signer = new PdfSigner(digitalId);

            // Adobe Acrobat Reader currently doesn't download certificate chain
            // so we will also embed certificate of intermediate Certificate Authority in the signature.
            // (see https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat/signature-validation-using-aia-extension-not-enabled-by-default/td-p/10729647)
            signer.ValidationInfo = new PdfSignatureValidationInfo(new PdfCertificate[] { new PdfCertificate("GemBoxRSA.crt") }, null, null);

            // Initiate signing of a PDF file with the specified signer.

            // Finish signing of a PDF file.
            document.Save("Digital Signature.pdf");
コード例 #3
    static void PAdES_B_LTA()
        // If using Professional version, put your serial key below.

        using (var document = PdfDocument.Load("Reading.pdf"))
            // Add a visible signature field to the first page of the PDF document.
            var signatureField = document.Form.Fields.AddSignature(document.Pages[0], 300, 500, 250, 50);

            // Get a digital ID from PKCS#12/PFX file.
            var digitalId = new PdfDigitalId("GemBoxECDsa521.pfx", "GemBoxPassword");

            // Create a PDF signer that will create PAdES B-LTA level signature.
            var signer = new PdfSigner(digitalId);

            // PdfSigner should create CAdES-equivalent signature.
            signer.SignatureFormat = PdfSignatureFormat.CAdES;

            // PdfSigner will embed a timestamp created by freeTSA.org Time Stamp Authority in the signature.
            signer.Timestamper = new PdfTimestamper("https://freetsa.org/tsr");

            // Make sure that all properties specified on PdfSigner are according to PAdES B-LTA level.
            signer.SignatureLevel = PdfSignatureLevel.PAdES_B_LTA;

            // Initiate signing of a PDF file with the specified signer.

            // Finish signing of a PDF file.
            document.Save("PAdES B-LTA.pdf");

            // Download validation-related information for the signature and the signature's timestamp and embed it in the PDF file.
            // This will make the signature "LTV enabled".

            // Add an invisible signature field to the PDF document that will hold the document timestamp.
            var timestampField = document.Form.Fields.AddSignature();

            // Initiate timestamping of a PDF file with the specified timestamper.

            // Save any changes done to the PDF file that were done since the last time Save was called and
            // finish timestamping of a PDF file.
コード例 #4
    static void VisibleSignature()
        // If using Professional version, put your serial key below.

        using (var document = PdfDocument.Load("Reading.pdf"))
            // Add a visible signature field to the first page of the PDF document.
            var signatureField = document.Form.Fields.AddSignature(document.Pages[0], 300, 500, 250, 50);

            // Retrieve signature appearance settings to customize it.
            var signatureAppearance = signatureField.Appearance;

            // Show 'Reason' label and value.
            signatureAppearance.Reason = "Legal agreement";
            // Show 'Location' label and value.
            signatureAppearance.Location = "New York, USA";
            // Do not show 'Date' label nor value.
            signatureAppearance.DateFormat = string.Empty;

            // Get a digital ID from PKCS#12/PFX file.
            var digitalId = new PdfDigitalId("GemBoxRSA1024.pfx", "GemBoxPassword");

            // Create a PDF signer that will create the digital signature.
            var signer = new PdfSigner(digitalId);

            // Adobe Acrobat Reader currently doesn't download certificate chain
            // so we will also embed certificate of intermediate Certificate Authority in the signature.
            // (see https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat/signature-validation-using-aia-extension-not-enabled-by-default/td-p/10729647)
            signer.ValidationInfo = new PdfSignatureValidationInfo(new PdfCertificate[] { new PdfCertificate("GemBoxRSA.crt") }, null, null);

            // Initiate signing of a PDF file with the specified signer.

            // Finish signing of a PDF file.
            document.Save("Visible Digital Signature.pdf");
コード例 #5
    static void PAdES_B_LTA()
        // If using Professional version, put your serial key below.

        var document = DocumentModel.Load("Reading.docx");

        // Create visual representation of digital signature.
        var signature = new Picture(document, "GemBoxSignature.png");

        // Position signature image at the end of the document.
        var lastSection = document.Sections[document.Sections.Count - 1];

        lastSection.Blocks.Add(new Paragraph(document, signature));

        // If using Professional version, put your serial key below.

        // Get a digital ID from PKCS#12/PFX file.
        var digitalId = new PdfDigitalId("GemBoxECDsa521.pfx", "GemBoxPassword");

        // Create a PDF signer that will create PAdES B-LTA level signature.
        var signer = new PdfSigner(digitalId);

        // PdfSigner should create CAdES-equivalent signature.
        signer.SignatureFormat = PdfSignatureFormat.CAdES;

        // PdfSigner will embed a timestamp created by freeTSA.org Time Stamp Authority in the signature.
        signer.Timestamper = new PdfTimestamper("https://freetsa.org/tsr");

        // Make sure that all properties specified on PdfSigner are according to PAdES B-LTA level.
        signer.SignatureLevel = PdfSignatureLevel.PAdES_B_LTA;

        // Inject PdfSigner from GemBox.Pdf into
        // PdfDigitalSignatureSaveOptions from GemBox.Document.
        var signatureOptions = PdfDigitalSignatureSaveOptions.FromSigner(
            () => signer.SignatureFormat.ToString(),
            () => signer.EstimatedSignatureContentsLength,

        signatureOptions.Signature = signature;

        var options = new PdfSaveOptions()
            DigitalSignature = signatureOptions

        document.Save("PAdES B-LTA.pdf", options);

        using (var pdfDocument = GemBox.Pdf.PdfDocument.Load("PAdES B-LTA.pdf"))
            var signatureField = (PdfSignatureField)pdfDocument.Form.Fields[0];

            // Download validation-related information for the signature and the signature's timestamp and embed it in the PDF file.
            // This will make the signature "LTV enabled".

            // Add an invisible signature field to the PDF document that will hold the document timestamp.
            var timestampField = pdfDocument.Form.Fields.AddSignature();

            // Initiate timestamping of a PDF file with the specified timestamper.

            // Save any changes done to the PDF file that were done since the last time Save was called and
            // finish timestamping of a PDF file.