コード例 #1
        public ActionResult CreatePatient(PatientDetails model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Attempt to register the user
                    PatientClient c      = new PatientClient();
                    var           result = c.CreatePatient(model.ExternalId, model.Email, model.Email, model.Title, model.FirstName, model.LastName, model.DateOfBirth.Value, model.PhoneNumber);
                    if (result.Succeeded)
                        return(RedirectToAction("Patient", new { patientId = result.Data }));
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", result.ErrorMessages);
                catch (Exception)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("", "An error has occurred trying to create your account. Please try again");

            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
コード例 #2
        public Message CreatePatientAppointment(PatientAppointment patient)
            if (MessageStore.WasMessageReceived(patient.messageReference))
                return new Message()
                           success = true, messageReference = DateTime.Now.ToString()

            // TODO Check if message was already received
            PatientClient uc     = new PatientClient();
            var           result = uc.CreatePatient(patient.Id, patient.Email, patient.Email, patient.Title, patient.FirstName, patient.LastName, patient.DateOfBirth, patient.Mobile);

            if (result.Succeeded)
                PatientEpisodeClient uec = new PatientEpisodeClient();

                var result2 = uec.AssignEpisode(result.Data, patient.BasicCondition, patient.AppointmentDate, null, patient.PractitionerId);

                if (result2.Succeeded)
                    MessageStore.MessageReceived(patient.messageReference, patient.Xml, DateTime.Now);
                    return(new Message()
                        success = true
                return(new Message()
                    success = false, ErrorMessage = result2.ErrorMessages

            return(new Message()
                success = false, ErrorMessage = result.ErrorMessages