コード例 #1
    public static bool SphereBoxCollisionOccured(PSI_Collider_Sphere sphereCol, PSI_Collider_Box boxCol, out Vector3 point)
        // Get the closest point on the surface of the box to the sphere.
        point = boxCol.GetClosestPointOnBox(sphereCol.pPosition);

        // Do a distance check to see if the sphere and box are colliding.
        var  collisionVector = point - sphereCol.pPosition;
        bool isColliding     = collisionVector.magnitude <= Mathf.Abs(sphereCol.pRadius);

        if (isColliding)
            // Resolve any overlap between the sphere and the box.
            var   collisionAxis = CorrectCollisionAxisDirection(boxCol.pPosition, sphereCol.pPosition, collisionVector);
            float overlap       = collisionVector.magnitude - sphereCol.pRadius;
            ResolveCollisionOverlaps(sphereCol, boxCol, collisionAxis, overlap);

            // Calculate and apply the collision impulse to the sphere and the box.
            ApplyImpulses(sphereCol, boxCol, collisionAxis, point);

