コード例 #1
        private EDIXmlSegment get_begin_segment(OrderShippingInfo orderShippingInfo)
            var begin = new EDIXmlSegment("BSN", _ediXmlBuildValues);

            begin.Add(new EDIXmlElement("BSN01", "00", _ediXmlBuildValues));
            begin.Add(new EDIXmlElement("BSN02", orderShippingInfo.BOL, _ediXmlBuildValues));
            begin.Add(new EDIXmlElement("BSN03", DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), _ediXmlBuildValues));
            begin.Add(new EDIXmlElement("BSN04", DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss"), _ediXmlBuildValues));
コード例 #2
ファイル: CartController.cs プロジェクト: kilonet/elfam
        public ActionResult Send(EnterShippingDetailsViewModel viewModel, Cart cart)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid || viewModel.DeliverType == DeliverType.NULL || viewModel.PaymentType == PaymentType.NULL)
                if (viewModel.DeliverType == DeliverType.NULL)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("DeliverType", "Выберите способ доставки");

                if (viewModel.PaymentType == PaymentType.NULL)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("PaymentType", "Выберите способ оплаты");

                return(View("EnterShippingDetails", new EnterShippingDetailsViewModel()
                    Contact = ContactViewModel.From(CurrentUser().Contact),
                    Cart = cart,
                    User = CurrentUser(),
                    DeliverPrices = daoTemplate.FindAll <DeliverPrices>()[0],
                    DeliverType = viewModel.DeliverType,
                    Comment = viewModel.Comment

            OrderShippingInfo info = OrderShippingInfo.From(viewModel);

            AddOrderResult result = orderService.AddOrder(cart, CurrentUser(), info);

            var           message = MailService.RenderViewToString("~/Views/MailTemplates/NewOrder.aspx", result.Order, this.ControllerContext);
            BillViewModel model   = new BillViewModel()
                Price    = result.Order.SummWithDiscount,
                Address  = result.Order.ShippingDetails.AddressBill(),
                Uid      = result.Order.Uid,
                UserName = result.Order.ShippingDetails.FullName
            var attachment = "";

            if (result.Order.PaymentType == PaymentType.Bank)
                attachment = MailService.RenderViewToString("~/Views/Order/Bill.aspx", model, this.ControllerContext);
            MailService.Send("Новый заказ - Elfam.ru", message, result.Order.User.Email, attachment, null);

            message = MailService.RenderViewToString("~/Views/MailTemplates/NewOrderAdmin.aspx", result.Order, this.ControllerContext);
//            MailService.Send("Новый заказ № " + result.Order.Uid, message, "*****@*****.**");
            mailService.SendCcAdmins("Новый заказ № " + result.Order.Uid, message, "*****@*****.**");

            return(RedirectToAction("DetailsUser", "Order", new { id = result.Order.Uid }));
コード例 #3
        public AddOrderResult AddOrder(Cart cart, User user, OrderShippingInfo orderInfo)
            if (cart == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("cart is null");
            if (cart.Items == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("cart items is null");
            if (user == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("user is null");
            if (orderInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("orderInfo is null");

            // construct order
            var orderLines    = new List <OrderLine>();
            var orderOutcomes = new List <Outcome>();

            foreach (CartItem item in cart.Items)
                IList <Income> incomes  = FindOldestIncomesForProduct(item.Product, item.Quantity);
                int            quantity = item.Quantity;
                var            outcomes = new List <Outcome>();
                foreach (Income income in incomes)
                    int n = Math.Min(quantity, income.QuantityCurrent);
                    income.QuantityCurrent -= n;
                    Outcome outcome = new Outcome(item.Product.Price, n, income, user.Discount + cart.CurrentDiscount());
                    quantity -= n;
                orderLines.Add(new OrderLine(item.Product, item.Quantity, outcomes));
            Order order = new Order(orderOutcomes, orderLines);

            order.Comment = orderInfo.Comment ?? "";
            DeliverPrices prices = _daoTemplate.FindAll <DeliverPrices>()[0];

            if (orderInfo.PaymentType == PaymentType.OnPost)
                order.DeliverPrice = prices.PostWhenReceived(cart.SummDiscount());
                order.DeliverPrice = GetPrice(orderInfo.DeliverType);
            order.User     = user;
            order.Discount = user.Discount + cart.CurrentDiscount();
            order.Uid = _daoTemplate.FindByID <UniqueId>(order.Id).Uid;

            return(new AddOrderResult()
                Order = order
コード例 #4
ファイル: OrderServiceTest.cs プロジェクト: kilonet/elfam
        public void SetUp()
            _product = new Product()
                Id = 1

            _incomesForProduct = new List <Income>
                new Income()
                    BuyPrice        = 10,
                    Date            = new DateTime(2000, 6, 28),
                    Id              = 1,
                    Product         = _product,
                    QuantityCurrent = 10,
                    QuantityInital  = 10
                new Income()
                    BuyPrice        = 20,
                    Date            = new DateTime(2000, 5, 28),
                    Id              = 2,
                    Product         = _product,
                    QuantityCurrent = 10,
                    QuantityInital  = 10
                new Income()
                    BuyPrice        = 30,
                    Date            = new DateTime(2000, 4, 28),
                    Id              = 3,
                    Product         = _product,
                    QuantityCurrent = 10,
                    QuantityInital  = 10
                new Income()
                    BuyPrice        = 40,
                    Date            = new DateTime(2000, 3, 28),
                    Id              = 4,
                    Product         = _product,
                    QuantityCurrent = 10,
                    QuantityInital  = 10
                new Income()
                    BuyPrice        = 50,
                    Date            = new DateTime(2000, 2, 28),
                    Id              = 5,
                    Product         = _product,
                    QuantityCurrent = 10,
                    QuantityInital  = 10

            _emptyIncome = new Income()
                BuyPrice        = 50,
                Date            = new DateTime(1980, 2, 28),
                Id              = 6,
                Product         = _product,
                QuantityCurrent = 0,
                QuantityInital  = 0
            _product.Incomes = _incomesForProduct;

            _cartItems = new List <CartItem>
                new CartItem()
                    Product = _product, Quantity = 33
            _user = new User()
            _shippingInfo = new OrderShippingInfo()

            _daoTemplate = new Mock <IDaoTemplate>();
            _daoTemplate.Setup(x => x.FindByID <Product>(1)).Returns(_product);
            _daoTemplate.Setup(x => x.FindByID <UniqueId>(0)).Returns(new UniqueId()
                Uid = 123

            _orderService             = new OrderService();
            _orderService.DaoTemplate = _daoTemplate.Object;
コード例 #5
        protected EDIXmlTransactionSet CreateTransactionSet(OrderShippingInfo message)
            if (message.Lines.Count() == 0)
                throw new Exception("Shipped order contains no line items!");

            var originalDoc = _docsRepo.GetByDocumentControlNumberAndPartnerID(message.ControlNumber.CastToInt(), BusinessPartner.Initech.Number);

            if (originalDoc == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Control number {0} not found for business partner {1}.",
                                                  message.ControlNumber, message.BusinessPartnerNumber));
            var orderTypeElement = originalDoc.ResponseElements.Find(e => e.ElementName == "REF02" && (e.Qualifier == Qualifier.MutuallyAssignedCode.Value));
            var priorityElement  = originalDoc.ResponseElements.Find(e => e.ElementName == "REF02" && (e.Qualifier == Qualifier.ServiceLevelNumber.Value));

            var doc = new EDIXmlTransactionSet(_segmentFactory)
                ISA = _repo.GetNextISA(GroupTypeConstants.AdvanceShipNotice, BusinessPartner.Initech.Number)

            var docDef = _repo.GetNextDocument(doc.ISA, 856);

            doc.SetHeader("856", docDef.ControlNumber);

            docDef.ERPID = message.BOL;


            if (message.MaxDateShipped() > DateTime.MinValue)
                doc.AddSegment(_segmentFactory.GetDateTimeSegment(EDIDateQualifiers.Shipped, message.MaxDateShipped()));

            var hl = HierarchicalLevelLoopWrapper.BuildWrapper("O", _segmentFactory, true);


            if (orderTypeElement != null)
                hl.AddSegment(_segmentFactory.GetReferenceIDSegment(orderTypeElement.Qualifier, orderTypeElement.Value));

            if (priorityElement != null)
                hl.AddSegment(_segmentFactory.GetReferenceIDSegment(priorityElement.Qualifier, priorityElement.Value));

            var addrs = new AddressLoop(_segmentFactory);

            if (message.ShipToAddress.AddressName.IsNullOrEmpty())
                message.ShipToAddress.AddressName = "FEDERAL EXPRESS";

            addrs.AddAddress(message.ShipToAddress, Qualifier.EmptyQualifier);

            addrs.AddAddress(message.ShipFromAddress, Qualifier.EmptyQualifier);


            message.Lines.ForEach(l => add_line(hl, l, originalDoc.LineItems));




コード例 #6
        public static IList <MessageString> CancelCurrentOrderLabels(
            ILogService log,
            IUnitOfWork db,
            ILabelService labelService,
            ITime time,
            long orderId,
            bool sampleMode)
            var cancelTrackings = GetOrdersToCancel(db, orderId);

            var results = new List <MessageString>();

            foreach (var tracking in cancelTrackings)
                MailLabelInfo     mailInfo     = null;
                OrderShippingInfo shippingInfo = null;
                if (tracking.LabelFromType == (int)LabelFromType.Mail)
                    mailInfo = db.MailLabelInfos.Get(tracking.Id);
                    if (mailInfo != null)
                        mailInfo.CancelLabelRequested = true;
                    shippingInfo = db.OrderShippingInfos.Get(tracking.Id);
                    if (shippingInfo != null)
                        shippingInfo.CancelLabelRequested = true;

                    string shipmentIdentifier = tracking.StampsTxId;
                    if (tracking.ShipmentProviderType == (int)ShipmentProviderType.Stamps ||
                        tracking.ShipmentProviderType == (int)ShipmentProviderType.StampsPriority)
                        shipmentIdentifier = tracking.TrackingNumber;

                    var result = labelService.CancelLabel((ShipmentProviderType)tracking.ShipmentProviderType,

                    if (result.IsSuccess)
                        results.Add(MessageString.Success(tracking.TrackingNumber + " (cancelled)" + ", OrderId=" + orderId));
                        if (tracking.LabelFromType == (int)LabelFromType.Mail)
                            if (mailInfo != null)
                                mailInfo.LabelCanceled     = true;
                                mailInfo.LabelCanceledDate = time.GetAppNowTime();
                            if (shippingInfo != null)
                                shippingInfo.LabelCanceled     = true;
                                shippingInfo.LabelCanceledDate = time.GetAppNowTime();
                        results.Add(MessageString.Error(tracking.TrackingNumber + " (cancellation was failed with error: " + result.Message + ")"));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    results.Add(MessageString.Error(tracking.TrackingNumber + " (cancellation was failed with error: " + ExceptionHelper.GetMostDeeperException(ex) + ")"));

            if (!cancelTrackings.Any())
                results.Add(MessageString.Success("No tracking numbers to cancel"));
