// Token: 0x0600007D RID: 125 RVA: 0x0000B2D8 File Offset: 0x000094D8 protected override void View() { if (this.channelid > 0) { this.reurl = this.reurl + "?channelid=" + this.channelid; } SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", this.parentid); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); this.typelist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <TypeInfo>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); if (this.ispost) { int num = 0; foreach (TypeInfo typeInfo in this.typelist) { this.typelist[num].display = FPRequest.GetInt("display_" + typeInfo.id); DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <TypeInfo>(this.typelist[num]); num++; } CacheBll.RemoveSortCache(); base.Response.Redirect("typedisplay.aspx?parentid=" + this.parentid); } base.SaveRightURL(); }
// Token: 0x06000095 RID: 149 RVA: 0x0000C8B4 File Offset: 0x0000AAB4 protected override void View() { if (this.ispost) { if (this.action == "delete") { int @int = FPRequest.GetInt("id"); Department department = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <Department>(@int); if (DbHelper.ExecuteDelete <Department>(@int) > 0) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("DELETE FROM [{0}WMS_Department] WHERE [id] IN (SELECT [id] FROM [{0}WMS_Department] WHERE [parentlist] LIKE '{1},%')", DbConfigs.Prefix, department.parentlist); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("UPDATE [{0}WMS_Department] SET [subcounts] = [subcounts]-1 WHERE [id]={1}", DbConfigs.Prefix, department.parentid); DbHelper.ExecuteSql(stringBuilder.ToString()); } } base.Response.Redirect("departmentmanage.aspx"); } SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", 0); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); this.departmentlist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <Department>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); base.SaveRightURL(); }
// Token: 0x06000014 RID: 20 RVA: 0x0000307C File Offset: 0x0000127C protected override void View() { if (this.ispost) { if (this.action == "delete") { DbHelper.ExecuteDelete <AttachType>(FPRequest.GetString("chkdel")); FPCache.Remove("FP_ATTACHTYPE", "image,flash,media,file"); } else if (this.action == "add") { AttachType attachType = FPRequest.GetModel <AttachType>(); DbHelper.ExecuteInsert <AttachType>(attachType); FPCache.Remove("FP_ATTACHTYPE" + attachType.type); } else if (this.action == "edit") { AttachType attachType = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <AttachType>(this.id); attachType = FPRequest.GetModel <AttachType>(attachType, "edit_"); DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <AttachType>(attachType); FPCache.Remove("FP_ATTACHTYPE" + attachType.type); } base.Response.Redirect(this.pagename); } OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("type", OrderBy.ASC); this.attachlist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <AttachType>(orderby, new SqlParam[0]); base.SaveRightURL(); }
// Token: 0x06000076 RID: 118 RVA: 0x0000A94C File Offset: 0x00008B4C protected override void View() { SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("channelid", this.channelid), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", this.parentid) }; OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); this.sortlist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <SortInfo>(orderby, sqlparams); if (this.ispost) { int num = 0; foreach (SortInfo sortInfo in this.sortlist) { this.sortlist[num].display = FPRequest.GetInt("display_" + sortInfo.id); DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <SortInfo>(this.sortlist[num]); FPCache.Remove("FP_SORTTREE" + sortInfo.channelid); num++; } base.Response.Redirect(string.Concat(new object[] { "sortdisplay.aspx?channelid=", this.channelid, "&parentid=", this.parentid })); } base.SaveRightURL(); }
// Token: 0x0600007F RID: 127 RVA: 0x0000B47C File Offset: 0x0000967C protected override void View() { OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", 0); if (this.ispost) { if (!this.isperm) { this.ShowErr("对不起,您没有权限操作。"); return; } int @int = FPRequest.GetInt("id"); if (this.action.Equals("delete")) { TypeInfo typeInfo = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <TypeInfo>(@int); if (DbHelper.ExecuteDelete <TypeInfo>(@int) > 0) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("DELETE FROM [{0}WMS_TypeInfo] WHERE [id] IN (SELECT [id] FROM [{0}WMS_TypeInfo] WHERE [parentid]={1};", DbConfigs.Prefix, typeInfo.id); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("UPDATE [{0}WMS_TypeInfo] SET [subcounts]=[subcounts]-1 WHERE [id]={1};", DbConfigs.Prefix, typeInfo.parentid); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("UPDATE [{0}WMS_TypeInfo] SET [subcounts]=0 WHERE [subcounts]<0", DbConfigs.Prefix); DbHelper.ExecuteSql(stringBuilder.ToString()); } } } this.typelist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <TypeInfo>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); base.SaveRightURL(); }
// Token: 0x0600006E RID: 110 RVA: 0x0000A2EC File Offset: 0x000084EC protected string GetChildSort(int parentid, string tree) { SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", parentid), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("channelid", this.channelid), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.NotEqual, this.id) }; OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); List <SortInfo> list = DbHelper.ExecuteList <SortInfo>(orderby, sqlparams); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); tree = "│ " + tree; foreach (SortInfo sortInfo in list) { string arg = ""; if (sortInfo.id == this.parentid) { arg = "selected=\"selected\""; } stringBuilder.AppendFormat("<option value=\"{0}\" {1}>{2}</option>", sortInfo.id, arg, tree + sortInfo.name); stringBuilder.Append(this.GetChildSort(sortInfo.id, tree)); } return(stringBuilder.ToString()); }
// Token: 0x06000088 RID: 136 RVA: 0x0000BCCC File Offset: 0x00009ECC protected override void View() { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", 0); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); this.menulist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <MenuInfo>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); if (this.Session["FP_ADMIN_TOPMENU"] != null) { this.topmenuid = FPUtils.StrToInt(this.Session["FP_ADMIN_TOPMENU"].ToString(), 0); } if (this.topmenuid == 0) { if (this.roleid == 1) { this.topmenuid = 1; } else if (this.role.menus != "") { this.topmenuid = FPUtils.SplitInt(this.role.menus)[0]; } } }
// Token: 0x06000096 RID: 150 RVA: 0x0000C9B0 File Offset: 0x0000ABB0 protected string ShowChildDepartment(int parentid, string tree) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", parentid); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); List <Department> list = DbHelper.ExecuteList <Department>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); tree = "│ " + tree; foreach (Department department in list) { stringBuilder.Append("<tr class=\"tlist\" onmouseover=\"curcolor=this.style.backgroundColor;this.style.backgroundColor='#cbe3f4'\" onmouseout=\"this.style.backgroundColor=curcolor\">"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("<td align=\"center\">" + department.id + "</td>"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("<td align=\"left\">" + tree); if (department.subcounts > 0) { stringBuilder.AppendLine("<img src=\"../images/usergroups.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" />"); } else { stringBuilder.AppendLine("<img src=\"../images/users.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" />"); } stringBuilder.AppendLine(department.name + "</td>"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("<td>" + department.description + "</td>"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("<td><a style=\"color: #1317fc\" href=\"departmentadd.aspx?parentid=" + department.id + "\">添加子部门</a></td>"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("<td><a style=\"color: #1317fc\" href=\"departmentadd.aspx?id=" + department.id + "\">编辑</a></td>"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("<td><a style=\"color: #1317fc\" onclick=\"DeleteDepertment(" + department.id + ")\" href=\"#\">删除</a></td>"); stringBuilder.AppendLine("<td><a style=\"color: #1317fc\" href=\"departmentdisplay.aspx?parentid=" + department.parentid + "\">排序</a></td></tr>"); stringBuilder.Append(this.ShowChildDepartment(department.id, tree)); } return(stringBuilder.ToString()); }
// Token: 0x06000023 RID: 35 RVA: 0x00003458 File Offset: 0x00001658 public static List <ExamResultTopic> GetExamResultTopicList(int resultid) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("resultid", resultid); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); return(DbHelper.ExecuteList <ExamResultTopic>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam })); }
// Token: 0x060001C1 RID: 449 RVA: 0x00006F28 File Offset: 0x00005128 public static List <Department> GetDepartList(int parentid) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", parentid); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); return(DbHelper.ExecuteList <Department>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam })); }
// Token: 0x06000271 RID: 625 RVA: 0x000086AC File Offset: 0x000068AC public static List <SortInfo> GetChannelSortList(int channelid) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("channelid", channelid); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); return(DbHelper.ExecuteList <SortInfo>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam })); }
// Token: 0x0600003F RID: 63 RVA: 0x00005FB4 File Offset: 0x000041B4 protected List <MenuInfo> GetChildMenu(int parentid) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", parentid); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); return(DbHelper.ExecuteList <MenuInfo>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam })); }
// Token: 0x060002E1 RID: 737 RVA: 0x0000B380 File Offset: 0x00009580 public static List <TypeInfo> GetTypeListByMarkup(string markup) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("markup", markup); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); return(DbHelper.ExecuteList <TypeInfo>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam })); }
// Token: 0x060002DF RID: 735 RVA: 0x0000B2FC File Offset: 0x000094FC public static List <TypeInfo> GetTypeList(string types) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, types); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); return(DbHelper.ExecuteList <TypeInfo>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam })); }
// Token: 0x060000C2 RID: 194 RVA: 0x000130BC File Offset: 0x000112BC protected override void View() { this.examresult = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <ExamResult>(this.resultid); if (this.examresult.id == 0) { this.ShowErr("该考生的试卷不存在或已被删除。"); } else if (this.examresult.status == 0) { this.ShowErr("对不起,该考试尚未完成。"); } else { this.examresult.passmark = this.examresult.passmark * this.examresult.total / 100.0; string commandText = string.Format("SELECT MAX([score]) AS [maxscore] FROM [{0}Exam_ExamResult] WHERE [examid]={1} AND [status]>0", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.examresult.examid); this.maxscore = Math.Round((double)FPUtils.StrToFloat(DbHelper.ExecuteScalar(commandText).ToString(), 0f), 1); commandText = string.Format("SELECT AVG([score]) AS [avgscore] FROM [{0}Exam_ExamResult] WHERE [examid]={1} AND [status]>0", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.examresult.examid); this.avgscore = Math.Round((double)FPUtils.StrToFloat(DbHelper.ExecuteScalar(commandText).ToString(), 0f)); SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("examid", this.examresult.examid), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("status", WhereType.GreaterThan, 0) }; this.testers = DbHelper.ExecuteCount <ExamResult>(sqlparams); commandText = string.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [{0}Exam_ExamResult] WHERE [examid]={1} AND [score]>{2} AND [status]>0", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.examresult.examid, this.examresult.score); if (this.examresult.score > 0.0) { this.display = FPUtils.StrToInt(DbHelper.ExecuteScalar(commandText).ToString(), 0) + 1; } SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("resultid", this.resultid); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); this.examtopiclist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <ExamResultTopic>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); int num = Convert.ToInt32(this.examresult.total) / 5; int num2 = num / 2; if (num % 2 != 0) { num2++; } for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { this.bcklist.Add(i / 2 * num); } else { this.bcklist.Add(i * num2); } } } }
// Token: 0x06000270 RID: 624 RVA: 0x00008658 File Offset: 0x00006858 public static List <SortInfo> GetSortList(int channelid, int parentid) { SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("channelid", channelid), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", parentid) }; OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); return(DbHelper.ExecuteList <SortInfo>(orderby, sqlparams)); }
// Token: 0x0600001E RID: 30 RVA: 0x00003298 File Offset: 0x00001498 public static List <ExamTopic> GetExamTopicList(int examid, int paper) { SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("examid", examid), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("paper", paper) }; OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); return(DbHelper.ExecuteList <ExamTopic>(orderby, sqlparams)); }
// Token: 0x060000BE RID: 190 RVA: 0x00012D18 File Offset: 0x00010F18 protected string GetChildSort(int channelid, int parentid, int level) { SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", parentid), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("channelid", channelid), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("appid", WhereType.In, this.sortappidlist), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("hidden", 0) }; OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); List <SortInfo> list = DbHelper.ExecuteList <SortInfo>(orderby, sqlparams); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (SortInfo sortInfo in list) { ExamLogInfo examLogInfo; if (this.userexamlog.ContainsKey(sortInfo.id)) { examLogInfo = this.userexamlog[sortInfo.id]; } else { examLogInfo = new ExamLogInfo(); examLogInfo.sortid = sortInfo.id; } stringBuilder.AppendFormat("<tr class=\"keypoint keypoint-level-{0} child_row_{1}\">\r\n", level, sortInfo.parentid); if (sortInfo.subcounts > 0) { stringBuilder.AppendFormat("<td class=\"name-col\"><span class=\"text toggle-expand\"><span id=\"row_{1}\" class=\"sprite sprite-expand sprite-expand\"></span>{0}</span></td>\r\n", sortInfo.name, sortInfo.id); } else { stringBuilder.AppendFormat("<td class=\"name-col\"><span class=\"text\"><span class=\"sprite sprite-expand sprite-noexpand\"></span>{0}</span></td>\r\n", sortInfo.name); } stringBuilder.AppendFormat("<td class=\"count-col\">{0}道/{1}道</td>\r\n", examLogInfo.answers, sortInfo.posts); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("<td class=\"count-col\">{0}道</td>\r\n", examLogInfo.answers - examLogInfo.wrongs); if (examLogInfo.answers > 0) { stringBuilder.AppendFormat("<td class=\"capacity-col\"><span class=\"progressBar\">{0}%</span></td>\r\n", examLogInfo.accuracy); } else { stringBuilder.AppendFormat("<td class=\"capacity-col\"><span class=\"progressBar\">{0}%</span></td>\r\n", 0); } stringBuilder.Append("</tr>\r\n"); if (sortInfo.subcounts > 0) { stringBuilder.Append(this.GetChildSort(channelid, sortInfo.id, level + 1)); } } return(stringBuilder.ToString()); }
// Token: 0x06000303 RID: 771 RVA: 0x0000BF84 File Offset: 0x0000A184 protected override void View() { if (this.parentid > 0) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", this.parentid); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); this.menulist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <MenuInfo>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); } base.SaveLeftURL(this.rawurl); }
// Token: 0x06000086 RID: 134 RVA: 0x0000BC34 File Offset: 0x00009E34 protected List <MenuInfo> GetChildMenu(int parentid) { List <SqlParam> list = new List <SqlParam>(); list.Add(DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", parentid)); if (this.roleid != 1) { list.Add(DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, this.role.menus)); } OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); return(DbHelper.ExecuteList <MenuInfo>(orderby, list.ToArray())); }
// Token: 0x060000CE RID: 206 RVA: 0x0001462C File Offset: 0x0001282C protected override void View() { this.channelinfo = ChannelBll.GetChannelInfo("exam_question"); if (this.channelinfo.id == 0) { this.ShowErr("对不起,目前系统尚未创建题目库频道。"); } else { string commandText = string.Format("SELECT SUM([curfavs]) AS [total] FROM [{0}Exam_ExamLogInfo] WHERE [channelid]={1} AND [uid]={2}", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.channelinfo.id, this.userid); this.total = FPUtils.StrToInt(DbHelper.ExecuteScalar(commandText)); this.userexamlog = ExamBll.GetExamLogList(this.channelinfo.id, this.userid); List <SortAppInfo> sortAppList = SortBll.GetSortAppList("exam_"); foreach (SortAppInfo sortAppInfo in sortAppList) { if (this.sortappidlist != "") { this.sortappidlist += ","; } this.sortappidlist += sortAppInfo.id; } SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", 0), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("channelid", this.channelinfo.id), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("appid", WhereType.In, this.sortappidlist), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("hidden", 0) }; OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); List <SortInfo> list = DbHelper.ExecuteList <SortInfo>(orderby, sqlparams); foreach (SortInfo sortInfo in list) { ExamLogInfo examLogInfo; if (this.userexamlog.ContainsKey(sortInfo.id)) { examLogInfo = this.userexamlog[sortInfo.id]; } else { examLogInfo = new ExamLogInfo(); } examLogInfo.sortid = sortInfo.id; examLogInfo.sortname = sortInfo.name; examLogInfo.questions = sortInfo.posts; examLogInfo.subcounts = sortInfo.subcounts; this.examloglist.Add(examLogInfo); } } }
// Token: 0x0600007B RID: 123 RVA: 0x0000B078 File Offset: 0x00009278 protected override void View() { this.link = "typemanage.aspx"; if (this.id > 0) { this.typeinfo = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <TypeInfo>(this.id); this.parentid = this.typeinfo.parentid; } if (this.ispost) { this.typeinfo = FPRequest.GetModel <TypeInfo>(this.typeinfo); if (this.typeinfo.id > 0) { if (DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <TypeInfo>(this.typeinfo) > 0) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); if (this.typeinfo.parentid != this.parentid) { stringBuilder.AppendFormat("UPDATE [{0}WMS_TypeInfo] SET [subcounts]=[subcounts]-1 WHERE [id]={1};", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.parentid); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("UPDATE [{0}WMS_TypeInfo] SET [subcounts]=[subcounts]+1 WHERE [id]={1};", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.typeinfo.parentid); stringBuilder.AppendFormat("UPDATE [{0}WMS_TypeInfo] SET [subcounts]=0 WHERE [subcounts]<0", DbConfigs.Prefix); DbHelper.ExecuteSql(stringBuilder.ToString()); } } base.AddMsg("更新分类成功!"); } else { this.typeinfo.display = FPUtils.StrToInt(DbHelper.ExecuteMax <TypeInfo>("display").ToString()) + 1; if (DbHelper.ExecuteInsert <TypeInfo>(this.typeinfo) > 0) { string sqlstring = string.Format("UPDATE [{0}WMS_TypeInfo] SET [subcounts]=[subcounts]+1 WHERE [id]={1}", DbConfigs.Prefix, this.typeinfo.parentid); DbHelper.ExecuteSql(sqlstring); } base.AddMsg("添加分类成功!"); } CacheBll.RemoveSortCache(); } SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.NotEqual, this.id), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", 0) }; OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); this.parenttypelist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <TypeInfo>(orderby, sqlparams); base.SaveRightURL(); }
// Token: 0x06000040 RID: 64 RVA: 0x000062DC File Offset: 0x000044DC protected override void View() { this.examinfo = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <ExamInfo>(this.examid); if (this.examinfo.id == 0) { this.ShowErr("对不起,该试卷不存在或已被删除。"); } else { this.sortid = this.examinfo.sortid; this.sortinfo = SortBll.GetSortInfo(this.sortid); if (this.ispost) { string a = FPRequest.GetString("action").ToLower(); string @string = FPRequest.GetString("chkid"); if (a == "delete") { if (DbHelper.ExecuteDelete <ExamResult>(@string) > 0) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("resultid", WhereType.In, @string); DbHelper.ExecuteDelete <ExamResultTopic>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); } } else if (a == "change") { SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeSet("ip", ""), DbHelper.MakeSet("mac", ""), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, @string) }; DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <ExamResult>(sqlparams); } } SqlParam[] sqlparams2 = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("examid", this.examid), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("status", 0) }; OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("id", OrderBy.DESC); this.examresultlist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <ExamResult>(orderby, sqlparams2); base.SaveRightURL(); } }
// Token: 0x0600009B RID: 155 RVA: 0x0000CDB0 File Offset: 0x0000AFB0 private string GetMenuTree(int parentid) { SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", parentid) }; OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); List <MenuInfo> list = DbHelper.ExecuteList <MenuInfo>(orderby, sqlparams); string text = ""; foreach (MenuInfo menuInfo in list) { if (text != "") { text += ","; } string text2 = ""; if (base.ischecked(menuInfo.id, this.roleinfo.menus) || (this.roleinfo.id == 1 && menuInfo.system == 1)) { text2 = "checked:true,"; } object obj = text; text = string.Concat(new object[] { obj, "{ id: ", menuInfo.id, ", pId: ", parentid, ", name: \"", menuInfo.name, "\",", text2, "open:true, icon: \"", this.webpath, (this.sysconfig.adminpath == "") ? "" : (this.sysconfig.adminpath + "/"), "images/sysmenu2.gif\" }" }); string menuTree = this.GetMenuTree(menuInfo.id); if (menuTree != "") { text = text + "," + menuTree; } } return(text); }
// Token: 0x06000093 RID: 147 RVA: 0x0000C774 File Offset: 0x0000A974 protected override void View() { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", this.parentid); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); this.departmentlist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <Department>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); if (this.ispost) { int num = 0; foreach (Department department in this.departmentlist) { this.departmentlist[num].display = FPRequest.GetInt("display_" + department.id); DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <Department>(this.departmentlist[num]); num++; } base.Response.Redirect(this.cururl + "?parentid=" + this.parentid); } base.SaveRightURL(); }
// Token: 0x06000039 RID: 57 RVA: 0x00005AE8 File Offset: 0x00003CE8 protected override void View() { if (this.id > 0) { this.menuinfo = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <MenuInfo>(this.id); this.parentid = this.menuinfo.parentid; } if (this.ispost) { this.menuinfo = FPRequest.GetModel <MenuInfo>(this.menuinfo); if (this.menuinfo.id > 0) { DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <MenuInfo>(this.menuinfo); } else { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", this.menuinfo.parentid); this.menuinfo.display = DbHelper.ExecuteCount <MenuInfo>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }) + 1; this.menuinfo.id = DbHelper.ExecuteInsert <MenuInfo>(this.menuinfo); RoleInfo roleInfo = RoleBll.GetRoleInfo(1); RoleInfo roleInfo2 = roleInfo; roleInfo2.menus += ((roleInfo.menus == "") ? this.menuinfo.id.ToString() : ("," + this.menuinfo.id)); DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <RoleInfo>(roleInfo); base.ResetUser(); } base.Response.Redirect("sysmenumanage.aspx"); } SqlParam sqlParam2 = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", 0); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); this.menulist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <MenuInfo>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam2 }); base.SaveRightURL(); }
// Token: 0x0600003E RID: 62 RVA: 0x00005E4C File Offset: 0x0000404C protected override void View() { if (this.ispost) { if (this.action == "delete") { SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("system", WhereType.NotEqual, 1), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, FPRequest.GetString("chkdel")) }; DbHelper.ExecuteDelete <MenuInfo>(sqlparams); } else if (this.action == "desk") { int[] array = FPUtils.SplitInt(FPRequest.GetString("chkdel")); foreach (int id in array) { MenuInfo menuInfo = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <MenuInfo>(id); DbHelper.ExecuteInsert <DesktopInfo>(new DesktopInfo { name = menuInfo.name, lefturl = menuInfo.lefturl, righturl = menuInfo.righturl }); } } base.Response.Redirect("sysmenumanage.aspx"); } SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", 0); OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); this.menulist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <MenuInfo>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); base.SaveRightURL(); }
// Token: 0x0600007C RID: 124 RVA: 0x0000C9F0 File Offset: 0x0000ABF0 protected override void View() { this.sortinfo = SortBll.GetSortInfo(this.sortid); if (this.ispost) { if (this.targetid == 0) { this.ShowErr("对不起,您没有选择移动至目标题库。"); return; } SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeSet("sortid", this.targetid), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, this.idlist) }; DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <ExamQuestion>(sqlparams); SortBll.UpdateSortPosts(this.sortid, -1); SortBll.UpdateSortPosts(this.targetid, 1); base.Response.Redirect(string.Concat(new object[] { "questionmanage.aspx?channelid=", this.channelid, "&sortid=", this.sortid, "&pageindex=", this.pageindex })); } SqlParam[] sqlparams2 = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", 0), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("channelid", this.channelid), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.NotEqual, this.sortid) }; OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); this.sortlist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <SortInfo>(orderby, sqlparams2); }
// Token: 0x06000053 RID: 83 RVA: 0x00004E70 File Offset: 0x00003070 public static List <ChannelInfo> GetChannelList(string idmarkup) { OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); List <ChannelInfo> result; if (FPUtils.IsNumericArray(idmarkup)) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, idmarkup); result = DbHelper.ExecuteList <ChannelInfo>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); } else { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("markup", WhereType.Like, idmarkup); result = DbHelper.ExecuteList <ChannelInfo>(orderby, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); } return(result); }
// Token: 0x0600005C RID: 92 RVA: 0x00008414 File Offset: 0x00006614 protected override void View() { if (this.ispost) { if (!this.isperm) { this.ShowErr("对不起,您没有权限操作。"); return; } string @string = FPRequest.GetString("chkdel"); if (DbHelper.ExecuteDelete <ChannelInfo>(@string) > 0) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("channelid", WhereType.In, @string); DbHelper.ExecuteDelete <SortInfo>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); } } OrderByParam orderby = DbHelper.MakeOrderBy("display", OrderBy.ASC); this.channellist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <ChannelInfo>(orderby, new SqlParam[0]); base.SaveRightURL(); }