static void Main(string[] args)
            ORDER  hOrder = new ORDER();
            Object err    = null;
            Object result;

            hOrder.Side      = "Buy";
            hOrder.Symbol    = "ZVZZT";
            hOrder.Quantity  = "1";
            hOrder.PriceType = "Market";
            hOrder.Exchange  = "DEMO DMA";
            hOrder.TIF       = "Day";
            hOrder.Account   = "00999900";
            hOrder.Ticket    = "Bypass";

            result = hOrder.Submit(err);

            System.Console.WriteLine(result + " " + err + hOrder.Ticket);
            System.Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss.fff tt"));
コード例 #2
        static bool ptOrderSubmit(String symbol, String side, int qty, double limit,
                                  String accnt, String tfUser, String tfList,
                                  StreamWriter sw)
            ORDER  ptOrder = new ORDER();
            Object err     = null;
            bool   success;

            ptOrder.Symbol   = symbol;
            ptOrder.Side     = side;
            ptOrder.Quantity = qty;
            ptOrder.Exchange = "*ticket";  //PT is a bunch of tickets
            if (limit > 0)
                ptOrder.Price = limit;             //ptOrder.Exchange must be set before ptOrder.Price (otherwise this will be ignored)
            ptOrder.Account = accnt;

            ptOrder.Warning = false;  //Disable the pop-up warning for invalid limit price

            success = ptOrder.Submit(ref err);
            if (!success)
                DebugPrint("ERROR: issue with ticket: " +
                           ptOrder.Side + " " + ptOrder.Quantity + " " + ptOrder.Symbol + " " + ptOrder.Price, sw);
                //Note: the error message might be empty, it depends on the error case
                DebugPrint("ERROR message: " + err, sw);
                DebugPrint("INFO: successfully submitted ticket: " +
                           ptOrder.Side + " " + ptOrder.Quantity + " " + ptOrder.Symbol + " " + ptOrder.Price, sw);