コード例 #1
        public void PlaceBid(long projectId, int hoursOfEffort, string timeframe, int?minQuote, int?maxQuote, string message)
            if (!this.IsLoaded(c => c.Account))
                this.Load(this.EntityContext, c => c.Account);
            if (this.Account.Status == ACCOUNT_STATUS.DISABLED)
                throw new Exception(MessageCodes.ACTIVATE_ACCOUNT_TO_BID);

            var project = this.DbContext().Project
                          .LoadRelated(p => p.Employer.Account)
                          .Where(p => p.Id == projectId).Single();

            if (!this.IsLoaded(c => c.Account))
                this.Load(this.EntityContext, c => c.Account);

            if (!this.IsLoaded(c => c.ProjectInvites))
                this.Load(this.EntityContext, c => c.ProjectInvites);
                this.LoadInCollection(this.EntityContext, c => c.ProjectInvites, pi => pi.Project);

            var bid = new Bid();

            bid.Company       = this;
            bid.Project       = project;
            bid.DateCreated   = DateTime.Now;
            bid.Invited       = false;
            bid.Message       = message;
            bid.MinQuote      = minQuote;
            bid.MaxQuote      = maxQuote;
            bid.Status        = BID_STATUS.NEW;
            bid.HoursOfEffort = hoursOfEffort;
            bid.Timeframe     = timeframe;
            bid.TenantId      = TenantId;

            string subject = string.Format("You have received a new bid for Project - {0}", project.Title);

            NotificationUtil.SendSystemEmailWithTemplate(project.Employer.Account.Email, subject, EMAIL_TEMPLATES.NEW_BID_TEMPLATE,
                                                         project.Employer.Name, this.Name, this.Id.ToString(),
                                                         string.Format("{0}, {1} {2}", this.Name, this.City, this.Country), this.Account.Username);

            NotificationUtil.SendAdminEmail(string.Format("Bid placed by {0} ID:{1} on Project {2} ID:{3}",
                                                          bid.Company.Name, bid.CompanyId, bid.Project.Title, bid.ProjectId), "");

            if (this.ProjectInvites.Any(pi => pi.Status == PROJECT_INVITE_STATUS.NEW && pi.ProjectId == projectId))
                bid.Invited = true;
                this.ProjectInvites.Single(pi => pi.ProjectId == projectId).Status = PROJECT_INVITE_STATUS.ACCEPTED;

コード例 #2
        public void WithdrawBid(long bidId)
            var bid = this.DbContext().Bid
                      .LoadRelated(b => b.Project, b => b.Project.Employer.Account, b => b.Company.Account)
                      .Single(b => b.Id == bidId);

            bid.Status = BID_STATUS.WITHDRAWN;

            string subject = string.Format("Bid for Project - {0}, has been withdrawn by {1}", bid.Project.Title, this.Name);

            NotificationUtil.SendSystemEmailWithTemplate(bid.Project.Employer.Account.Email, subject, EMAIL_TEMPLATES.BID_WITHDRAWN,
                                                         bid.Project.Employer.Name, bid.Project.Title, bid.ProjectId.ToString(), bid.Company.Name, bid.Company.Account.Username);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Account.cs プロジェクト: jeswin/CanYouCode
        public void CreatePasswordResetToken()
            //Get the account in question
            var account = this.DbContext().Account.LoadRelated(a => a.Company, a => a.Employer)
                          .Single(a => a.Username == Username && a.TenantId == TenantId);

            //See if there is a token with the same username
            var token = this.DbContext().Token.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Type == TOKEN_TYPE.PASSWORD_RESET &&
                                                              t.Data == Username && t.TenantId == TenantId);

            //If not create a new one.
            if (token == null)
                token = Token.Create(TOKEN_TYPE.PASSWORD_RESET, Username, TenantId);


            var name = "";

            if (account.Type == ACCOUNT_TYPE.COMPANY)
                if (!account.IsLoaded(a => a.Company))
                    account.Load(this.DbContext(), a => a.Company);
                name = account.Company.Name;
            else if (account.Type == ACCOUNT_TYPE.EMPLOYER)
                if (!account.IsLoaded(a => a.Company))
                    account.Load(this.DbContext(), a => a.Company);
                name = account.Company.Name;

            string subject = "Reset your password";

            NotificationUtil.SendSystemEmailWithTemplate(account.Email, subject, EMAIL_TEMPLATES.RESET_PASSWORD,
                                                         name, account.Username, token.Key);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Message.cs プロジェクト: jeswin/CanYouCode
        public static void Send(string message, string recipientEmail, string recipientName, string type, string senderName)
            string from    = "*****@*****.**";
            string to      = "*****@*****.**";
            string subject = string.Empty;

            if (type == SEND_MESSAGE_TYPE.FEEDBACK)
                subject = "Feedback from " + senderName;
                NotificationUtil.SendMail(from, to, subject, message, null);
                to      = recipientEmail;
                subject = "Invite to Canyoucode from " + senderName;
                NotificationUtil.SendSystemEmailWithTemplate(to, subject, EMAIL_TEMPLATES.CYC_INVITE, recipientName, senderName);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Bid.cs プロジェクト: jeswin/CanYouCode
        public void Accept()
            this.Status = BID_STATUS.ACCEPTED;

            if (!this.IsLoaded(b => b.Company))
                this.Load(this.EntityContext, b => b.Company);
                this.Load(this.EntityContext, b => b.Company.Account);

            this.Project.Status = PROJECT_STATUS.CLOSED;

            string subject = string.Format("Your Quote for Project {0} has been accepted. Please contact the customer", this.Project.Title);

            NotificationUtil.SendSystemEmailWithTemplate(this.Company.Account.Email, subject, BID_ACCEPTED_TEMPLATE,
                                                         this.Company.Name, GetQuote(), this.Project.Title, this.ProjectId.ToString(),
                                                         this.Project.Employer.Account.Email, this.Project.Employer.Account.Phone);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Message.cs プロジェクト: jeswin/CanYouCode
        public static void Send(long recipientId, string senderName, string senderEmail, string message, Account account, Entities context)
            var    recipientAccount = context.Account.Single(a => a.Id == recipientId);
            string recipientName    = string.Empty;

            if (recipientAccount.Type == ACCOUNT_TYPE.COMPANY)
                recipientAccount.Load(context, a => a.Company);
                recipientName = recipientAccount.Company.Name;
                recipientAccount.Load(context, a => a.Employer);
                recipientName = recipientAccount.Employer.Name;

            var subject = string.Format("You have a message from {0}", senderName);

            NotificationUtil.SendSystemEmailWithTemplate(recipientAccount.Email, subject, EMAIL_TEMPLATES.CONTACT_COMPANY,
                                                         recipientName, senderName, account == null ? senderEmail : account.Email, account == null ? null : account.Phone,
コード例 #7
        public ProjectInvite SendInvite(long companyId)
            var invite  = new ProjectInvite();
            var company = this.DbContext().Company.LoadRelated(c => c.Account).Single(c => c.Id == companyId);

            invite.ProjectId = this.Id;
            invite.CompanyId = companyId;
            invite.Status    = PROJECT_INVITE_STATUS.NEW;

            if (!this.IsLoaded(p => p.Attachments))
                this.Load(this.EntityContext, p => p.Attachments);

            string subject = string.Format("You have been invited to give a quote for Project {0}", this.Title);

            NotificationUtil.SendSystemEmailWithTemplate(company.Account.Email, subject, EMAIL_TEMPLATES.PROJECT_INVITE_TEMPLATE,
                                                         company.Name, this.Title, this.Id.ToString(), this.Description,
                                                         this.Attachments.Count > 0 ? this.Attachments.Single().Token.ToString() : null,
