public void ExportJobs(string filename) { string[] lines = new string[UnusedIds.Count + 1]; lines[0] = NextId.ToString(); for (int i = 1; i < lines.Length; ++i) { lines[i] = UnusedIds.Pop().ToString(); } File.WriteAllLines(filename, lines); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="socket"></param> /// <param name="stream"></param> public Connection(Socket socket, Stream stream) { this.Socket = socket; this.Stream = stream; this.LocalEndPoint = this.Socket.LocalEndPoint; this.RemoteEndPoint = this.Socket.RemoteEndPoint; this.ConnectTime = DateTime.Now; this.ProtocolType = this.Socket.ProtocolType; this.sendLocker = new InterLocker(); this.receiveLocker = new InterLocker(); this.Id = NextId.Next(); }
public new Page Add(Page item) { var existingItem = this.Where(p => p.label == item.label).FirstOrDefault(); if (existingItem != null) { item = existingItem; } else { = NextId.ToString(); item.x = NextCoordinate; item.y = NextCoordinate; base.Add(item); } return(item); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public Connection(Socket socket, ISocketBufferProvider bufferProvider, ISocketProtocol socketProtocol = null) { this.socket = socket; this.LocalEndPoint = this.socket.LocalEndPoint; this.RemoteEndPoint = this.socket.RemoteEndPoint; this.ConnectTime = DateTime.Now; this.ProtocolType = this.socket.ProtocolType; this.bufferProvider = bufferProvider; //发送方根据得到的数据去setbuffer this.sendSocketAsyncEvent = new SocketAsyncEventArgs() { AcceptSocket = this.socket, }; this.sendSocketAsyncEvent.Completed += SendSocketAsyncEvent_Completed; var buffer = this.bufferProvider.Alloc(); this.receiveSocketAsyncEvent = new SocketAsyncEventArgs() { AcceptSocket = this.socket, UserToken = new SocketUserToken() { SocketBuffer = buffer, }, }; this.receiveSocketAsyncEvent.Completed += ReceiveSocketAsyncEvent_Completed; this.receiveSocketAsyncEvent.SetBuffer(buffer.Segment.Array, buffer.Segment.Offset, buffer.Segment.Count); //注意这里塞入的是原始数据,拿出的再加工发送 this.sendDataQueue = new ConcurrentQueue <byte[]>(); //这里是获取了传输的数据,并不是buffer里面的 this.receiveDataQueue = new ConcurrentQueue <byte[]>(); this.sendLocker = new InterLocker(); this.receiveLocker = new InterLocker(); this.dataProtocol = socketProtocol ?? new DataProtocol(); this.Id = NextId.Next(); }
public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> ShortenUrl( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post")] HttpRequestMessage req, [Table(Utility.TABLE, "1", Utility.KEY, Take = 1)] NextId keyTable, [Table(Utility.TABLE)] CloudTable tableOut, ILogger log) { log.LogInformation($"C# triggered function called with req: {req}"); if (req == null) { return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound)); } var check = SecurityCheck(req); if (check != null) { return(check); } ShortRequest input = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync <ShortRequest>(); if (input == null) { return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound)); } try { var result = new List <ShortResponse>(); var analytics = new Analytics(); // determine whether or not to process analytics tags bool tagMediums = analytics.Validate(input); var campaign = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.Campaign) ? DefaultCampaign : input.Campaign; var url = input.Input.Trim(); var utm = analytics.TagUtm(input); var wt = analytics.TagWt(input); log.LogInformation($"URL: {url} Tag UTM? {utm} Tag WebTrends? {wt}"); log.LogInformation($"Current key: {keyTable.Id}"); // get host for building short URL var host = req.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority); // strategy for getting a new code string getCode() => Utility.Encode(keyTable.Id++); // strategy for logging void logFn(string msg) => log.LogInformation(msg); // strategy to save the key async Task saveKeyAsync() { var operation = TableOperation.Replace(keyTable); await tableOut.ExecuteAsync(operation); } // strategy to insert the new short url entry async Task saveEntryAsync(TableEntity entry) { var operation = TableOperation.Insert(entry); var operationResult = await tableOut.ExecuteAsync(operation); } // strategy to create a new URL and track the dependencies async Task saveWithTelemetryAsync(TableEntity entry) { await TrackDependencyAsync( "AzureTableStorageInsert", "Insert", async() => await saveEntryAsync(entry), () => true); await TrackDependencyAsync( "AzureTableStorageUpdate", "Update", async() => await saveKeyAsync(), () => true); } if (tagMediums) { // this will result in multiple entries depending on the number of // mediums passed in result.AddRange(await analytics.BuildAsync( input, Source, host, getCode, saveWithTelemetryAsync, logFn, HttpUtility.ParseQueryString)); } else { // no tagging, just pass-through the URL result.Add(await Utility.SaveUrlAsync( url, null, host, getCode, logFn, saveWithTelemetryAsync)); } log.LogInformation($"Done."); return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.LogError(ex, "An unexpected error was encountered."); return(req.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, ex)); } }