public void OnClick() { MapIconSelector.Close(); MapIconSelector.selectedSite = this; MapIconSelector.useLaunchSite = true; MapIconSelector.Open(); NavGuidanceSystem.setTargetSite(this); }
/// <summary> /// Called after Awake. used for setting up references between objects and initializing windows. /// </summary> public void Start() { Log.Warning("WindowManager Start"); KerbalKonstructs.instance.WindowManager = this; GUI_Editor = new EditorGUI(); GUI_StaticsEditor = new StaticsEditorGUI(); GUI_NGS = new NavGuidanceSystem(); GUI_Downlink = new DownlinkGUI(); GUI_FlightManager = new BaseBossFlight(); GUI_FacilityManager = new FacilityManager(); GUI_LaunchSiteSelector = new LaunchSiteSelectorGUI(); GUI_MapIconManager = new MapIconManager(); GUI_KSCManager = new KSCManagerNGUI(); GUI_AirRacingApp = new AirRacing(); GUI_BaseManager = new BaseManager(); GUI_Settings = new KKSettingsNGUI(); GUI_ModelInfo = new ModelInfo(); }
public void DrawLaunchsites() { displayingTooltip = false; body =; bool isOpen = false; // Then do launchsites for (int index = 0; index < lauchSites.Length; index++) { launchSite = lauchSites[index]; // check if we should display the site or not this is the fastst check, so it shoud be first isOpen = launchSite.isOpen; if (!KerbalKonstructs.instance.mapShowHelipads && launchSite.sitecategory == LaunchSiteCategory.Helipad) { continue; } if (!KerbalKonstructs.instance.mapShowOther && (launchSite.sitecategory == LaunchSiteCategory.Other)) { continue; } if (!KerbalKonstructs.instance.mapShowWaterLaunch && (launchSite.sitecategory == LaunchSiteCategory.Waterlaunch)) { continue; } if (!KerbalKonstructs.instance.mapShowRocketbases && launchSite.sitecategory == LaunchSiteCategory.RocketPad) { continue; } if (!KerbalKonstructs.instance.mapShowRunways && launchSite.sitecategory == LaunchSiteCategory.Runway) { continue; } if (MiscUtils.isCareerGame()) { if (!KerbalKonstructs.instance.mapShowOpen && isOpen) { continue; } if (!KerbalKonstructs.instance.mapShowClosed && !isOpen) { continue; } // don't show hidden bases when closed if (launchSite.LaunchSiteIsHidden && !isOpen) { continue; } } launchSitePosition = (Vector3)launchSite.body.GetWorldSurfacePosition(launchSite.refLat, launchSite.refLon, launchSite.refAlt) - MapView.MapCamera.GetComponent <Camera>().transform.position; if (mapHideIconsBehindBody && IsOccluded(launchSitePosition, body)) { continue; } lsPosition = MapView.MapCamera.GetComponent <Camera>().WorldToScreenPoint(ScaledSpace.LocalToScaledSpace(launchSitePosition)); screenRect = new Rect((lsPosition.x - 8), (Screen.height - lsPosition.y) - 8, 16, 16); // Distance between camera and spawnpoint sort of float fPosZ = lsPosition.z; float fRadarRadius = 12800 / fPosZ; float fRadarOffset = fRadarRadius / 2; if (launchSite.icon != null) { if (fRadarRadius > 15) { GUI.DrawTexture(screenRect, launchSite.icon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true); } } else { if (fRadarRadius > 15) { switch (launchSite.sitecategory) { case LaunchSiteCategory.RocketPad: GUI.DrawTexture(screenRect, UIMain.VABIcon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true); break; case LaunchSiteCategory.Runway: GUI.DrawTexture(screenRect, UIMain.runWayIcon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true); break; case LaunchSiteCategory.Helipad: GUI.DrawTexture(screenRect, UIMain.heliPadIcon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true); break; case LaunchSiteCategory.Waterlaunch: GUI.DrawTexture(screenRect, UIMain.waterLaunchIcon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true); break; default: GUI.DrawTexture(screenRect, UIMain.ANYIcon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit, true); break; } } } // Tooltip if (!displayingTooltip && screenRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { //Only display one tooltip at a time string sToolTip = ""; sToolTip = launchSite.LaunchSiteName; if (launchSite.LaunchSiteName == "Runway") { sToolTip = "KSC Runway"; } if (launchSite.LaunchSiteName == "LaunchPad") { sToolTip = "KSC LaunchPad"; } DisplayMapIconToolTip(sToolTip, lsPosition); // Select a base by clicking on the icon if (Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDown && Event.current.button == 0) { MiscUtils.HUDMessage("Selected base is " + sToolTip + ".", 5f, 3); BaseManager.setSelectedSite(launchSite); selectedSite = launchSite; NavGuidanceSystem.setTargetSite(selectedSite); BaseManager.instance.Open(); } } } }