コード例 #1
ファイル: NFSA.cs プロジェクト: celsoaf/BrightScript-Debugger
 internal NState GetNext(int sym)
     NState rslt = null;
     ulong key = checked(((ulong)this.serialNumber << 32) + (ulong)sym);
     myNfsa.next.TryGetValue(key, out rslt);
     return rslt;
コード例 #2
ファイル: NFSA.cs プロジェクト: kzyg/spark
            /// <summary>
            /// Add a transition from NState "this"
            /// to NState "nxt", for each character
            /// value in the leaf range list.
            /// If the characters are packed, transform
            /// from character ordinal to equivalence class
            /// ordinal.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="leaf">The regex leaf node</param>
            /// <param name="nxt">The destination state</param>
            public void AddClsTrans(Leaf leaf, NState nxt)
                BitArray cls = new BitArray(myNfaInst.MaxSym);

                if (myNfaInst.Pack)
                    foreach (int ord in leaf.rangeLit.equivClasses)
                        cls[ord] = true;
                    foreach (CharRange rng in leaf.rangeLit.list.Ranges)
                        for (int i = rng.minChr; i <= rng.maxChr; i++)
                            cls[i] = true;
                    if (leaf.rangeLit.list.IsInverted)
                        cls = cls.Not();
                AddClsTrans(cls, nxt);
コード例 #3
ファイル: NFSA.cs プロジェクト: parhelia512/gplex
            /// <summary>
            /// Add a transition from NState "this"
            /// to NState "nxt", for each character
            /// value in the leaf range list.
            /// If the characters are packed, transform
            /// from character ordinal to equivalence class
            /// ordinal.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="leaf">The regex leaf node</param>
            /// <param name="nxt">The destination state</param>
            public void AddClsTrans(Leaf leaf, NState nxt)
                if (myNfaInst.parent.task.CaseAgnostic)
                    leaf.rangeLit.list = leaf.rangeLit.list.MakeCaseAgnosticList();

                BitArray cls = new BitArray(myNfaInst.MaxSym);

                if (myNfaInst.Pack)
                    foreach (int ord in leaf.rangeLit.equivClasses)
                        cls[ord] = true;
                    foreach (CharRange rng in leaf.rangeLit.list.Ranges)
                        for (int i = rng.minChr; i <= rng.maxChr; i++)
                            cls[i] = true;
                    if (leaf.rangeLit.list.IsInverted)
                        cls = cls.Not();
                AddClsTrans(cls, nxt);
コード例 #4
ファイル: NFSA.cs プロジェクト: kzyg/spark
            internal NState GetNext(int sym)
                NState rslt = null;
                uint   key  = (this.serialNumber << 16) + (ushort)sym;

                myNfsa.next.TryGetValue(key, out rslt);
コード例 #5
 public bool StateTransition(EState state)
     movementState = movementStates[(int)state];
     this.state = state;
コード例 #6
ファイル: NFSA.cs プロジェクト: celsoaf/BrightScript-Debugger
 internal NState MkState()
     NState s = new NState(this);
     s.ord = nStates.Count;
     if (s.ord >= maxE) maxE *= 2;
     return s;
コード例 #7
ファイル: NFSA.cs プロジェクト: parhelia512/gplex
 private void AddTrns(int chr, NState nxt)
     if (myNfaInst.Pack)
         chr = myNfaInst.parent.task.partition[chr];
     AddRawTransition(chr, nxt);
コード例 #8
ファイル: NFSA.cs プロジェクト: celsoaf/BrightScript-Debugger
 // For version 1.0.1 recognize any line-end character if /unicode
 static void AddAnchorContext(NfsaInstance nInst, NState endS, RuleDesc rule)
     NState nEnd = nInst.MkState();
     Leaf temp = new Leaf(RegOp.charClass);
     temp.rangeLit = RangeLiteral.RightAnchors;
     nInst.MakePath(temp, endS, nEnd);
     nInst.MarkAccept(nEnd, rule);
     nEnd.rhCntx = 1;
コード例 #9
ファイル: NFSA.cs プロジェクト: celsoaf/BrightScript-Debugger
 /// <summary>
 /// Add an epsilon transition from "this" to "nxt"
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nxt">Destination state</param>
 public void AddEpsTrns(NState nxt)
     int count = epsilons.Count;
     if (count < myNfaInst.MaxEps) epsilons.Length = myNfaInst.MaxEps;
     if (!epsilons[nxt.ord])
         epsilons[nxt.ord] = true;
コード例 #10
ファイル: NFSA.cs プロジェクト: parhelia512/gplex
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a transition from "this" to "next"
 /// for every true bit in the BitArray cls
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cls">The transition bit array</param>
 /// <param name="nxt">The destination state</param>
 private void AddClsTrans(BitArray cls, NState nxt)
     for (int i = 0; i < cls.Count; i++)
         if (cls[i])
             AddRawTransition(i, nxt);
コード例 #11
ファイル: NFSA.cs プロジェクト: celsoaf/BrightScript-Debugger
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a transition to the NState.
 /// Assert: if the symbol ordinals are packed
 /// the mapping has already been performed
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ord">The symbol index</param>
 /// <param name="nxt">The destination state</param>
 private void AddRawTransition(int ord, NState nxt)
     if (GetNext(ord) == null)
         SetNext(ord, nxt);
     else        // state must have overlapping alternatives
         NState temp = myNfaInst.MkState();
         temp.AddRawTransition(ord, nxt);
コード例 #12
ファイル: NFSA.cs プロジェクト: celsoaf/BrightScript-Debugger
 public NfsaInstance(StartState ss, NFSA parent)
     myStartCondition = ss;
     this.parent = parent;
     this.pack = parent.task.ChrClasses;
     if (pack)
         maxS = parent.task.partition.Length;          // Number of equivalence classes
         maxS = parent.task.TargetSymCardinality;      // Size of alphabet
     entryState = MkState();
コード例 #13
ファイル: NFSA.cs プロジェクト: parhelia512/gplex
            internal NState MkState()
                NState s = new NState(this);

                s.ord = nStates.Count;
                if (s.ord >= MaxEps)
                    MaxEps *= 2;
コード例 #14
    void Start()
        rigidBody      = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        boxCollider    = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>();
        animator       = GetComponent <Animator>();
        spriteRenderer = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>();
        fireParticles  = transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();
        bloodParticles = transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();

        joystick                 = ReInput.players.GetPlayer(playerNumber);
        movementBools            = new Dictionary <string, bool>();
        movementBools["pushed"]  = false;
        movementBools["succed"]  = false;
        movementBools["bounced"] = false;
        movementBools["frozen"]  = false;
        movementBools["ashed"]   = false;
        movementBools["spiked"]  = false;
        movementBools["slipped"] = false;
        movementBools["doubled"] = false;
        movementBools["active"]  = false;
        NStateInfo info = new NStateInfo(this, rigidBody, boxCollider, joystick, animator, spriteRenderer, balanceData);

        movementStates     = new NState[13];
        movementStates[0]  = new NStateNormal(info, EState.normal);
        movementStates[1]  = new NStateJump1(info, EState.jump1);
        movementStates[2]  = new NStateJump2(info, EState.jump2);
        movementStates[3]  = new NStateAshes(info, EState.ashes);
        movementStates[4]  = new NStateAirborne(info, EState.airborne);
        movementStates[5]  = new NStateSucc(info, EState.succ, transform.position);
        movementStates[6]  = new NStatePushed(info, EState.pushed, Vector2.zero);
        movementStates[7]  = new NStateBounced(info, EState.bounced, info.bd.bouncedInitialVelocity, info.bd.bouncedTransitionLockoutFrames);
        movementStates[8]  = new NStateSpiked(info, EState.spiked, Vector2.zero);
        movementStates[9]  = new NStateSlipped(info, EState.slipped);
        movementStates[10] = new NStateSlam(info, EState.slam);
        movementStates[11] = new NStateBounced(info, EState.boinked, info.bd.boinkedInitialVelocity, info.bd.boinkedTransitionLockoutFrames);
        movementStates[12] = new NStateInactive(info, EState.inactive);

        movementState = movementStates[12];

        weapons = new SortedList <EElement, Queue <NWeapon> >(6);
        weapons[EElement.air]    = new Queue <NWeapon>(weaponCounts[0]);
        weapons[EElement.fire]   = new Queue <NWeapon>(weaponCounts[1]);
        weapons[EElement.water]  = new Queue <NWeapon>(weaponCounts[2]);
        weapons[EElement.earth]  = new Queue <NWeapon>(weaponCounts[3]);
        weapons[EElement.plasma] = new Queue <NWeapon>(weaponCounts[4]);
        weapons[EElement.none]   = new Queue <NWeapon>(1);
        weaponEquipped           = EElement.air;
        weapon    = null;
        totem     = null;
        totemDist = Mathf.Infinity;
        living    = true;
        avatar    = false;
コード例 #15
ファイル: NFSA.cs プロジェクト: celsoaf/BrightScript-Debugger
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a transition from NState "this"
 /// to NState "nxt", for the character "chr".
 /// If the characters are packed, transform 
 /// from character ordinal to equivalence class 
 /// ordinal.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chr">The character value</param>
 /// <param name="nxt">The destination state</param>
 public void AddChrTrns(int chr, NState nxt) {
     if (myNfaInst.parent.task.CaseAgnostic  && chr < Char.MaxValue) {
         char c = (char)chr;
         char lo = Char.ToLower(c);
         char hi = Char.ToUpper(c);
         if (lo != hi) {
             AddTrns(lo, nxt);
             AddTrns(hi, nxt);
     AddTrns(chr, nxt);
コード例 #16
 public void SetState(NPCState s, bool instant = false)
     if (State != null && State.State == s)
     if (!States.ContainsKey(s))
         Debug.Log("ATTEMPTED TO USE INVALID STATE: " + s);
     if (State != null)
     State = States[s];
     State.OnStart(this, instant);
コード例 #17
ファイル: NStateService.cs プロジェクト: team922/StuSite
        //获取新闻、公告状态信息 by nstateid
        public NState GetNStateById(int nstateid)
            string sql = "select * from NState where NStateId=@nstateid";

            SqlParameter[] para = new SqlParameter[]
                new SqlParameter("@nstateid", nstateid),
            SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SqlHelper.ConnString, CommandType.Text, sql, para);
            NState        nstate = null;

            if (reader.Read())
                nstate            = new NState();
                nstate.NStateId   = (int)reader["NStateId"];
                nstate.NStateName = (string)reader["NStateName"];
コード例 #18
ファイル: NFSA.cs プロジェクト: parhelia512/gplex
            internal void SetNext(int sym, NState dstState)
                ulong key = checked (((ulong)this.serialNumber << 32) + (ulong)sym);

                myNfsa.next.Add(key, dstState);
コード例 #19
ファイル: NFSA.cs プロジェクト: parhelia512/gplex
        /// <summary>
        /// Build the NFSA from the abstract syntax tree.
        /// There is an NfsaInstance for each start state.
        /// Each rule starts with a new nfsa state, which
        /// is the target of a new epsilon transition from
        /// the real start state, nInst.Entry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ast"></param>
        public void Build(AAST ast)
            int      index = 0;
            DateTime time0 = DateTime.Now;

            nfas = new NfsaInstance[ast.StartStateCount];
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, StartState> p in ast.startStates)
                StartState s    = p.Value;
                string     name = p.Key;
                if (!s.IsAll)
                    NfsaInstance nInst = new NfsaInstance(s, this);
                    nfas[index++] = nInst;
                    nInst.key     = name;

                    // for each pattern do ...
                    for (int i = 0; i < s.rules.Count; i++)
                        RuleDesc  rule = s.rules[i];
                        RegExTree tree = rule.Tree;

                        // This test constructs the disjoint automata
                        // that test code points for predicate evaluation.
                        if (rule.isPredDummyRule)
                            NState entry = nInst.Entry;
                            nInst.MakePath(tree, entry, entry);
                            NState start = nInst.MkState();
                            NState endSt = nInst.MkState();

                            if (tree.op == RegOp.leftAnchor)     // this is a left anchored pattern
                                tree = ((Unary)tree).kid;
                            else                                // this is not a left anchored pattern
                            // Now check for right anchors, and add states as necessary.
                            if (tree.op == RegOp.eof)
                                // <<EOF>> rules are always emitted outside
                                // of the usual subset construction framework.
                                // We ensure that we do not get spurious warnings.
                                rule.useCount   = 1;
                                nInst.eofAction = rule.aSpan;
                                nInst.MakePath(tree, start, endSt);
                                nInst.MarkAccept(endSt, rule);
                            else if (tree.op == RegOp.rightAnchor)
                                tree = ((Unary)tree).kid;
                                nInst.MakePath(tree, start, endSt);
                                AddAnchorContext(nInst, endSt, rule);
                                nInst.MakePath(tree, start, endSt);
                                nInst.MarkAccept(endSt, rule);
            if (task.Verbose)
                Console.Write("GPLEX: NFSA built");
                Console.Write((task.Errors ? ", errors detected" : " without error"));
                Console.Write((task.Warnings ? "; warnings issued. " : ". "));
            if (task.Summary)
コード例 #20
ファイル: NFSA.cs プロジェクト: parhelia512/gplex
            /// <summary>
            /// Create a transition path in the NFSA from the given
            /// start state to the given end state, corresponding to the
            /// RegEx tree value.  The method may (almost always does)
            /// create new NFSA states and recurses to make paths for
            /// the subtrees of the given tree.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="tree">The tree to encode</param>
            /// <param name="start">The start state for the pattern</param>
            /// <param name="end">The end state for the pattern</param>
            internal void MakePath(RegExTree tree, NState startState, NState endState)
                NState tmp1 = null;

                switch (tree.op)
                case RegOp.eof:

                // Binary nodes ===================================
                case RegOp.context:
                case RegOp.concat:
                case RegOp.alt:
                    // Binary nodes ===================================
                    Binary binNode = tree as Binary;
                    switch (tree.op)
                    case RegOp.context:
                        int rLen = binNode.rKid.contextLength();
                        int lLen = binNode.lKid.contextLength();
                        if (rLen <= 0 && lLen <= 0)
                            throw new StringInterpretException("variable right context '/' not implemented");
                            endState.rhCntx = rLen;
                            endState.lhCntx = lLen;
                            tmp1            = MkState();
                            MakePath(binNode.lKid, startState, tmp1);
                            MakePath(binNode.rKid, tmp1, endState);

                    case RegOp.concat:
                        tmp1 = MkState();
                        MakePath(binNode.lKid, startState, tmp1);
                        MakePath(binNode.rKid, tmp1, endState);

                    case RegOp.alt:
                        tmp1 = MkState();
                        MakePath(binNode.lKid, startState, tmp1);
                        tmp1 = MkState();
                        MakePath(binNode.rKid, startState, tmp1);

                // Unary nodes ===================================
                case RegOp.closure:
                case RegOp.finiteRep:
                    // Unary nodes ===================================
                    Unary unaryNode = tree as Unary;
                    switch (tree.op)
                    case RegOp.closure:
                        NState tmp2 = MkState();
                        if (unaryNode.minRep == 0)
                            tmp1 = MkState();
                            NState dummy = startState;
                            for (int i = 0; i < unaryNode.minRep; i++)
                                tmp1 = MkState();
                                MakePath(unaryNode.kid, dummy, tmp1);
                                dummy = tmp1;
                        MakePath(unaryNode.kid, tmp1, tmp2);

                    case RegOp.finiteRep:
                        NState dummy = tmp1 = startState;
                        for (int i = 0; i < unaryNode.minRep; i++)
                            tmp1 = MkState();
                            MakePath(unaryNode.kid, dummy, tmp1);
                            dummy = tmp1;
                        for (int i = unaryNode.minRep; i < unaryNode.maxRep; i++)
                            tmp1 = MkState();
                            MakePath(unaryNode.kid, dummy, tmp1);
                            dummy = tmp1;

                // Leaf nodes ===================================
                case RegOp.litStr:
                case RegOp.primitive:
                case RegOp.charClass:
                    // Leaf nodes ===================================
                    Leaf leafNode = tree as Leaf;
                    switch (tree.op)
                    case RegOp.litStr:
                        // Make a linear sequence of states with successive
                        // transitions on successive string characters.
                        string text  = leafNode.str;
                        NState dummy = startState;
                        // Need to deal with special case of empty string
                        if (text.Length == 0)
                            //  This code is complicated by the fact that unicode
                            //  escape substitution may have inserted surrogate
                            //  pairs of characters in the string.  We need
                            //  one transition for every unicode codepoint,
                            //  not one for every char value in this string.
                            int index = 0;
                            int code  = CharacterUtilities.CodePoint(text, ref index);            // First character
                            int next  = CharacterUtilities.CodePoint(text, ref index);            // Next, possibly -1
                            while (next >= 0)
                                tmp1 = MkState();
                                dummy.AddChrTrns(code, tmp1);
                                dummy = tmp1;
                                code  = next;
                                next  = CharacterUtilities.CodePoint(text, ref index);
                            // Postcondition ==> "code" is the last char.
                            dummy.AddChrTrns(code, endState);

                    case RegOp.primitive:
                        startState.AddChrTrns(leafNode.chVal, endState);

                    case RegOp.charClass:
                        startState.AddClsTrans(leafNode, endState);

                default: throw new GplexInternalException("unknown tree op");
コード例 #21
ファイル: NFSA.cs プロジェクト: parhelia512/gplex
 internal void MarkAccept(NState acpt, RuleDesc rule)
     acpt.accept = rule;
コード例 #22
ファイル: Cursor.cs プロジェクト: nbrown/niecza
 public Cursor(GState g, STable klass, RxFrame feedback, NState ns, Choice xact, int pos, CapInfo captures)
     this.mo = this.save_klass = klass;
     this.xact = xact;
     this.nstate = ns;
     this.feedback = feedback;
     this.global = g;
     this.pos = pos;
     this.captures = captures;
コード例 #23
ファイル: Cursor.cs プロジェクト: nbrown/niecza
 public NState(NState f)
     next = f.next; name = f.name; cut_to = f.cut_to;
     quant = f.quant; klass = f.klass;
コード例 #24
 public void AddState(NState s)
     States.Add(s.State, s);
コード例 #25
ファイル: NFSA.cs プロジェクト: kzyg/spark
            internal void SetNext(int sym, NState dstState)
                uint key = (this.serialNumber << 16) + (ushort)sym;

                myNfsa.next.Add(key, dstState);
コード例 #26
ファイル: Cursor.cs プロジェクト: nbrown/niecza
 public NState(Choice cut_to, string name, NState proto)
     next = proto; this.cut_to = cut_to; this.name = name;
     if (proto != null) klass = proto.klass;
コード例 #27
ファイル: Cursor.cs プロジェクト: pmurias/niecza
 public Cursor(GState g, DynMetaObject klass, NState ns, Choice xact, int pos, CapInfo captures)
     this.mo = klass;
     this.xact = xact;
     this.nstate = ns;
     this.global = g;
     this.pos = pos;
     this.captures = captures;