コード例 #1
        public void MutableStringStore_Basic()
            MutableStringStore store = new MutableStringStore();

            // Add strings
            int systemID = store.FindOrAddString("System");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, systemID, "Added strings get ascending integer IDs");

            int collectionsID = store.FindOrAddString("Collections");

            Assert.AreEqual(2, collectionsID, "Added strings get ascending integer IDs");


            Assert.AreEqual(0, store.FindOrAddString(null), "Null and Empty always are index 0.");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, store.FindOrAddString(string.Empty), "Null and Empty always are index 0.");

            // Add an already-added string
            int secondCollectionsID = store.FindOrAddString("Collections");

            Assert.AreEqual(collectionsID, secondCollectionsID);

            // Verify store is case sensitive [on add]
            int collectionsLowercaseID = store.FindOrAddString("collections");

            Assert.AreNotEqual(collectionsID, collectionsLowercaseID);

            // Try finding an existing string
            int  foundCollectionsID;
            bool isCollectionsFound = store.TryFindString("Collections", out foundCollectionsID);

            Assert.AreEqual(collectionsID, foundCollectionsID);

            // Try finding a missing string
            int  notFoundID;
            bool isMissingThingFound = store.TryFindString("Regex", out notFoundID);


            // Test round-tripping to an ImmutableStringStore
            IStringStore loadedStore = Convert(store);

            // Confirm "Collections" was first (after String.Empty sentinel)
            Assert.AreEqual("Collections", loadedStore[1].ToString());

            // Verify ImmutableStore finds both casings of Collections and returns the range
            Range matches;

            Assert.IsTrue(loadedStore.TryFindString("Collections", out matches));
            Assert.AreEqual("1-2", matches.ToString());
コード例 #2
        public void ImmutableStringStore_Basic()
            // Set of strings to index [out of order to verify GetSerializationIdentifier]
            string[] strings     = { "Boolean", "Abacus", "Array", "ArrayList", "Editor", "Collections", "Dictionary" };
            int[]    identifiers = new int[strings.Length];

            // Add values to a mutable store and track identifiers
            MutableStringStore store = new MutableStringStore();

            for (int i = 0; i < strings.Length; ++i)
                identifiers[i] = store.FindOrAddString(strings[i]);

            // Convert to immutable
            IStringStore iStore = Convert(store, identifiers);

            // Verify each value is found at the expected position
            byte[] buffer = new byte[32];
            for (int i = 0; i < strings.Length; ++i)
                String8 value = String8.Convert(strings[i], buffer);

                Range foundAtIndex;
                Assert.IsTrue(iStore.TryFindString(value, out foundAtIndex), "ImmutableStore didn't contain added value \"{0}\"", strings[i]);
                Assert.AreEqual(identifiers[i], foundAtIndex.Start, "ImmutableStore didn't find value at SerializationIdentifier position");
                Assert.AreEqual(value, iStore[foundAtIndex.Start], "ImmutableStore didn't rebuild string with same value");

            // Verify values not in collection aren't found and (single) insertion positions are returned
            Range matches;

            Assert.IsFalse(iStore.TryFindString("ZZ AfterLastValue", out matches));
            Assert.AreEqual((FindIdentifier("Editor", strings, identifiers) + 1).ToString(), matches.ToString());

            Assert.IsFalse(iStore.TryFindString("AA BeforeFirstValue", out matches));
            Assert.AreEqual(FindIdentifier("Abacus", strings, identifiers).ToString(), matches.ToString());

            Assert.IsFalse(iStore.TryFindString("Bz Between Boolean and Collections", out matches));
            Assert.AreEqual(FindIdentifier("Collections", strings, identifiers).ToString(), matches.ToString());

            Assert.IsFalse(iStore.TryFindString("Cz Between Collections and Dictionary", out matches));
            Assert.AreEqual(FindIdentifier("Dictionary", strings, identifiers).ToString(), matches.ToString());

            // Check range searches
            Assert.AreEqual("Array-ArrayList", GetRangeValuesAsString("Arr", iStore), "Prefix covering multiple items should match all");
            Assert.AreEqual("Array-ArrayList", GetRangeValuesAsString("Array", iStore), "Prefix equalling an item should include it");
            Assert.AreEqual("ArrayList", GetRangeValuesAsString("ArrayL", iStore), "Prefix of only one item has only it");
            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, GetRangeValuesAsString("ArrayList2", iStore), "Prefix longer than item should not match");
            Assert.AreEqual("Abacus-ArrayList", GetRangeValuesAsString("A", iStore), "Prefix containing first item should include it");
            Assert.AreEqual("Editor", GetRangeValuesAsString("Edit", iStore), "Prefix containing last item should include it");
            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, GetRangeValuesAsString("AA", iStore), "Prefix before first item has empty range");
            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, GetRangeValuesAsString("ZZ", iStore), "Prefix after last item has empty range");