// GET: Address public ActionResult Index() { int id = int.Parse(Session["user_id"].ToString()); Models.Profile theProfile = database.Profiles.SingleOrDefault(p => p.user_id == id); return(View(theProfile)); }
public ActionResult Index() { int id = Int32.Parse(Session["person_id"].ToString()); Models.Profile theClient = db.Profiles.SingleOrDefault(c => c.person_id == id); return(View(theClient)); }
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection) { try { // TODO: Add insert logic here int id = Int32.Parse(Session["user_id"].ToString()); Models.Profile newClient = new Models.Profile(); Models.User theUser = db.Users.SingleOrDefault(p => p.user_id == id); newClient.first_name = collection["first_name"]; newClient.last_name = collection["last_name"]; newClient.notes = collection["notes"]; newClient.gender = collection["gender"]; newClient.profile_pic = "default.jpg"; newClient.privacy_flag = "Off"; db.Profiles.Add(newClient); theUser.person_id = newClient.person_id; db.SaveChanges(); Models.Profile theProf = db.Profiles.SingleOrDefault(p => p.person_id == theUser.person_id); Session["person_id"] = theProf.person_id; return(View("Index", newClient)); } catch { return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection collection, HttpPostedFileBase thePicture) { try { var type = thePicture.ContentType; string[] acceptableTypes = { "image/jpeg", "image/gif", "image/png" }; if (thePicture != null && thePicture.ContentLength > 0 && acceptableTypes.Contains(type)) { Guid g = Guid.NewGuid(); String filename = g.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(thePicture.FileName); String path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Images/") + filename); thePicture.SaveAs(path); // TODO: Add update logic here Models.Profile theClient = db.Profiles.SingleOrDefault(c => c.person_id == id); theClient.first_name = collection["first_name"]; theClient.last_name = collection["last_name"]; theClient.notes = collection["notes"]; theClient.gender = collection["gender"]; theClient.profile_pic = filename; db.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch { return(View()); } }
// GET: Address public ActionResult Index(int id) { ViewBag.id = id; Models.Profile theProfile = database.Profiles.SingleOrDefault(p => p.profile_id == id); return(View(theProfile)); }
public ActionResult Index(int id) { ViewBag.id = id; Session["Address_person_id"] = id; Models.Profile theClient = db.Profiles.SingleOrDefault(c => c.person_id == id); return(View(theClient)); }
public ActionResult LikeCommentIndex() { int id = int.Parse(Session["user_id"].ToString()); Models.Profile thePicture = database.Profiles.SingleOrDefault(p => p.user_id == id); ViewBag.theCommentLike = database.Comment_Like; return(View(thePicture)); }
public Task <List <Models.Company> > GetCompanyAsync(Models.Profile model) { return(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { var res = RestClient.Post <List <Models.Company> >(HttpWebRequest.Create(EndPointsList.ProfileDetailUrl), string.Empty, model.ToJson()); return res; })); }
public ActionResult Contact() { var profile = new Models.Profile(); ViewBag.Title = "Welcome To Business Technology"; ViewBag.Message = "This is my contact page."; return(View(profile)); }
public ActionResult FriendRequestIndex() { int id = int.Parse(Session["user_id"].ToString()); Models.Profile theProfile = database.Profiles.SingleOrDefault(p => p.user_id == id); ViewBag.theFollowers = database.FriendLinks; return(View(theProfile)); }
public void AddDog(Models.Profile profile, Models.HotDog dog) { DAL.HotDog hotdogDAL = ConvertUtil.hotdogmodel2dal(dog); DAL.Profile profileDAO = db.Profiles.Find(profile.ProfileID); profileDAO.HotDogs.Add(hotdogDAL); db.SaveChanges(); }
public Models.Teacher CreateTeacher(Guid divisionId, string firstName, string lastName, string email, string phone, string highlightColor, bool isActive) { Division division = this.DataContext.Get <Division>().Where(x => x.Id == divisionId).FirstOrDefault(); if (division == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Division ({divisionId}) does not exist."); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(highlightColor)) { Random rand = new Random(); highlightColor = Commons.Ultility.GetHighlightColor(rand); } Models.Profile profile = new Models.Profile() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), FirstName = firstName, LastName = lastName, Email = email, Phone = phone, HighlightColor = highlightColor, IsDeleted = false }; Models.Account account = new Models.Account() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Profile = profile, IsActive = isActive, IsDeleted = false }; Models.Teacher teacher = new Models.Teacher() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Account = account, IsActive = isActive, IsDeleted = false, }; TeacherDivision teacherDivision = new TeacherDivision() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), TeacherId = teacher.Id, DivisionId = divisionId }; teacher.TeacherDivisions.Add(teacherDivision); this.DataContext.Insert <Models.Profile>(profile); this.DataContext.Insert <Models.Account>(account); this.DataContext.Insert <Models.Teacher>(teacher); this.DataContext.Insert <TeacherDivision>(teacherDivision); return(teacher); }
public ActionResult privacyOn(int id) { Models.Profile theClient = db.Profiles.SingleOrDefault(c => c.person_id == id); theClient.privacy_flag = "On"; db.SaveChanges(); return(View("Index", theClient)); }
public async Task RemoveProfile(Models.Profile profile) { if (File.Exists(profile.Image)) { File.Delete(profile.Image); } await _repository.Remove(profile); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync() { Models.Profile ProfileToUpdate = await Context.Profiles.Where(p => p.ProfileID == UserManager.GetUserId(User)).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); ProfileToUpdate.Introduction = Profile.Introduction; using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { if (FileUpload.FormFile != null) { await FileUpload.FormFile.CopyToAsync(memoryStream); } // Upload the file if less than 260 KB if (memoryStream.Length < 262144) { if (memoryStream.Length != 0) { ProfileToUpdate.Image = memoryStream.ToArray(); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("FileUpload", "圖片檔案必須小於260KB"); return(Page()); } } using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { if (BannerUpload.FormFile != null) { await BannerUpload.FormFile.CopyToAsync(memoryStream); } // Upload the file if less than 260 KB if (memoryStream.Length < 262144) { if (memoryStream.Length != 0) { ProfileToUpdate.BannerImage = memoryStream.ToArray(); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("BannerUpload", "圖片檔案必須小於260KB"); return(Page()); } } Context.Attach(ProfileToUpdate).State = EntityState.Modified; await Context.SaveChangesAsync(); StatusMessage = "更改資料成功"; return(RedirectToPage("./Index", "OnGet", new { id = ProfileToUpdate.ProfileID })); }
private static ProfileAggregate GetProfile(Models.Profile profile) { return(new ProfileAggregate { AuthUrl = profile.AuthUrl, OpenidUrl = profile.OpenIdUrl, ScimUrl = profile.ScimUrl, Subject = profile.Subject }); }
public ActionResult UnLikePicture(int id) { Models.Like likePicture = database.Likes.SingleOrDefault(p => p.picture_id == id); Models.Picture thePicture = database.Pictures.SingleOrDefault(p => p.picture_id == id); Models.Profile theProfile = database.Profiles.SingleOrDefault(p => p.picture_id == id); database.Likes.Remove(likePicture); database.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { id = thePicture.profile_id })); }
private async Task DeleteProfile(string userId) { Models.Profile ProfileToBeDeleted = await _context .Profiles .Where(p => p.ProfileID == userId) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(); _context.Remove(ProfileToBeDeleted); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(EditUserViewModel profileData) { try { var profile = new Models.Profile { FirstName = profileData.FirstName, LastName = profileData.LastName, Gender = profileData.Gender, Id = profileData.Id, DisplayName = profileData.DisplayName, Title = profileData.Title }; DateTimeOffset formattedDate; if (DateTimeOffset.TryParse(profileData.BirthDateString, out formattedDate)) { profile.BirthDate = formattedDate; } else { profile.BirthDate = profileData.BirthDate; } if (profileData.PhoneNumber?.Number != null) { profile.PhoneNumbers.Add(profileData.PhoneNumber); } if (profileData.Email != profileData.EmailRecord) { var updateEmailSuccess = await _authClient.UpdateUserEmail(profileData.Id, profileData.Email); if (!updateEmailSuccess) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Error")); } } var success = await _demoClient.UpdateProfile(profile); if (success) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "UserManagement", new { id = profileData.Id.ToString() })); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Error")); } catch (Exception e) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Error")); } }
public ActionResult Detail() { Models.Profile item = new Models.Profile() { ID = 1, NamaLengkap = "Ahmad Roni", Alamat = "Jakarta", Hobi = "hiking" }; return(View(item)); }
public ActionResult AllUsers(string errorMessage) { int personId = Int32.Parse(Session["person_id"].ToString()); Models.Profile theUser = db.Profiles.SingleOrDefault(c => c.person_id == personId); ViewBag.error = errorMessage; return(View(db.Profiles)); }
public void Update(Models.Profile profile) { var record2update = db.Profiles.Find(profile.ProfileID); if (record2update != null) { record2update.Name = profile.Name; record2update.Picture = profile.Picture; record2update.Bio = profile.Bio; db.SaveChanges(); } }
public ActionResult UnFollowUser(int id) { int user_id = int.Parse(Session["user_id"].ToString()); Models.Profile theProfile = database.Profiles.SingleOrDefault(p => p.user_id == user_id); Models.FriendLink theFriend = database.FriendLinks.SingleOrDefault(p => p.requested == id); database.FriendLinks.Remove(theFriend); database.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { id = theProfile.profile_id })); }
public ActionResult CreateFriendLink(int id) { int personId = Int32.Parse(Session["person_id"].ToString()); string error = ""; Models.FriendLink theLinkRequester = db.FriendLinks.SingleOrDefault(c => c.requester == personId && c.requested == id); Models.FriendLink theLinkRequested = db.FriendLinks.SingleOrDefault(c => c.requester == id && c.requested == personId); Models.Profile theRequested = db.Profiles.SingleOrDefault(c => c.person_id == id); Models.FriendLink newLink; if (theLinkRequester == null && theLinkRequested == null) { if (theRequested.privacy_flag.Equals("On")) { newLink = new Models.FriendLink() { requester = personId, requested = id, approved = "Pending", status = "Strangers", read = "Not read", timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString() }; } else { newLink = new Models.FriendLink() { requester = personId, requested = id, approved = "true", status = "Friends", read = "Not read", timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString() }; } db.FriendLinks.Add(newLink); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("AllUsers", new { errorMessage = error })); } else { Models.Profile theProfile = db.Profiles.SingleOrDefault(p => p.person_id == id); error = "You have already sent/received a friend request to/from " + theProfile.first_name + " " + theProfile.last_name; return(RedirectToAction("AllUsers", new { errorMessage = error })); } }
public ActionResult AddCoWorker(Guid id) { // make sure the user is not attempting to add himself as a friend if (id == UserHelpers.GetUserId(User.Identity.Name)) { TempData["errorMessage"] = "It is not possible to add yourself as a coworker. Sorry, system limitation better yet system violation"; return(RedirectToAction("Coworkers")); } Models.Profile profile = UserHelpers.GetUserProfile(id); return(View(profile)); }
public ActionResult Index(FormCollection collection) { //find the user record string username = collection["username"]; Models.User theUser = database.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.username.Equals(username)); if (theUser != null && Crypto.VerifyHashedPassword(theUser.password_hash, collection["password_hash"])) { Session["user_id"] = theUser.user_id; int id = int.Parse(Session["user_id"].ToString()); Models.Profile theProfile = database.Profiles.SingleOrDefault(u => u.user_id == id); //Verifying if the profile for this user already exists if (theProfile != null) { //If yes, return to profile index return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Profile")); } //Verifying if the validation code is not null if (theUser.secret != null) { Totp totp = new Totp(theUser.secret); string theCode = totp.AuthenticationCode; //If yes not null, return the user to profile index if (theCode.Equals(collection["validation"])) { Session["user_id"] = theUser.user_id; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Profile")); } //If yes null, return an error message else { ViewBag.error = "Wrong Username/Password/2FA combination!"; return(View()); } } //If not, return to profile creation else { Session["user_id"] = theUser.user_id; return(RedirectToAction("Create", "Profile")); } } else { ViewBag.error = "Wrong Username/Password combination!"; return(View()); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync() { user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(User); if (user == null) { return(NotFound($"Unable to load user with ID '{_userManager.GetUserId(User)}'.")); } Profile = await Context.Profiles.Where(p => p.ProfileID == user.Id).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); await LoadAsync(user); return(Page()); }
public IHttpActionResult PutLunchProfile(int id, Models.Profile lunchProfile) { var profile = new LunchProfile() { Id = lunchProfile.Id, Fav1 = lunchProfile.Fav1, Fav2 = lunchProfile.Fav2, Fav3 = lunchProfile.Fav3, FirstName = lunchProfile.FirstName, FK_LocationId = lunchProfile.FK_LocationId, FK_OfficeId = lunchProfile.FK_OfficeId, FK_ProviderId = lunchProfile.FK_ProviderId, LastName = lunchProfile.LastName, Login = lunchProfile.Login, LunchOrders = lunchProfile.LunchToOrder.Select(x => new Models.EF.LunchOrder() { DateOrdered = x.DateOrdered, FK_ProfileId = x.FK_ProfileId, Id = x.Id, Lunch = x.LunchOrder, LunchDay = x.LunchDay }).ToList() }; if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != profile.Id) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(profile).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!LunchProfileExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
public ActionResult _EditProfilePartial() { var manager = new UserManager <ApplicationUser>(new UserStore <ApplicationUser>(db)); var currentUser = manager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId()); Profile profile = db.Profiles.SingleOrDefault(p => p.User.Id == currentUser.Id); if (profile == null) { profile = new Models.Profile(); } return(View(profile)); }
private async void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Models.Profile _profile = await Common.StorageService.RetrieveObjectAsync<Models.Profile>("Profile"); if (_profile == null) { _profile = await Models.Profile.GetProfile(); } if (_profile != null) { ProfileObject = _profile; } GetEventCheckInData(); }
public Models.ProfileModel t() { Logger.Info($"Instance Created"); Account.Models.Profile p = new Models.Profile() { FirstName = "System", LastName = "Admin", Email = "*****@*****.**" }; var dest = Mapper.Map <Models.Profile, Models.ProfileModel>(p); return(dest); }
public Profile() { this.InitializeComponent(); ProfileObject = new Models.Profile(); TagList = new ObservableCollection<string>(); }