コード例 #1
        // Function to allow the user to manually control the motor, i.e the syring, from the console.
        public void ManualControl()
            // Write to the console
            Console.WriteLine("Manual control active");
            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit, + to increase and - to decrease position");
            // Read current position from motor
            int CurrentPosition = ModCom.ReadModbus(Register.Position, 2, true);
            // Update last position to current position
            int LastPosition = CurrentPosition;
            // Define variable to save keyboard input from the user
            ConsoleKeyInfo input = new ConsoleKeyInfo();

            // As long as "Enter" is not pressed, continue
            while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Enter)
                // Read the keyboard input
                input = Console.ReadKey(true);

                // In input is "+", increase currenposition with 50
                if (input.KeyChar == '+')
                    CurrentPosition = CurrentPosition + 50;
                    Console.WriteLine("position increased");

                // In input is "-", decrease currenposition with 50
                if (input.KeyChar == '-')
                    CurrentPosition = CurrentPosition - 50;
                    Console.WriteLine("position decreased");

                // If currenposition was updated, update position of motor
                if (CurrentPosition != LastPosition)
                    ModCom.RunModbus(Register.TargetInput, CurrentPosition);
                    LastPosition = CurrentPosition;
            Console.WriteLine("Exiting manual control");
コード例 #2
 // Function for reading and saving the logged values
 // Position = 1     Logging for position control
 // Position = 0     Logging for velocity control
 public void saveLoggedValues(int[] LogRecordedVelocities, int[] LogRecordedTargets,
                              int[] LogRecordedPressures, int[] LogRecordedLinearPositions,
                              int Position)
     // Tmpty the lists for logged values, to avoid problem with lists growing
     LoggedPressures    = new List <Double>();
     LoggedSensorValues = new List <int>();
     // Save values from the log registers
     for (ushort j = 0; j < 500; j++)
         // Variables for increasing the register numbers
         ushort ch1 = (ushort)(Register.LogRegisterValue1 + j);
         ushort ch2 = (ushort)(Register.LogRegisterValue2 + j);
         ushort ch3 = (ushort)(Register.LogRegisterValue3 + j);
         ushort ch4 = (ushort)(Register.LogRegisterValue4 + j);
         // Read values
         LogRecordedVelocities[j]      = ModCom.ReadModbus(ch1, 1, false);
         LogRecordedTargets[j]         = ModCom.ReadModbus(ch2, 1, false);
         LogRecordedPressures[j]       = ModCom.ReadModbus(ch3, 1, false);
         LogRecordedLinearPositions[j] = ModCom.ReadModbus(ch4, 1, false);
         LoggedPressures.Add((Double)LogRecordedPressures[j] - LogRecordedPressures[0]);
     //Loop for converting LSB part of int32 to int16
     for (int o = 0; o < 500; o++)
         if (Position == 1)
             byte[] bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)LogRecordedVelocities[o]);
             short  y     = BitConverter.ToInt16(bytes, 0);
             LogRecordedVelocities[o] = (int)y;
         byte[] bytes2 = BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)LogRecordedTargets[o]);
         short  x      = BitConverter.ToInt16(bytes2, 0);
         LogRecordedTargets[o] = (int)x;
コード例 #3
        // Function for initial test of linear sensor.
        public void testLinearSensor()
            // Write to the console
            Console.WriteLine("Test of Linear sensor active!");
            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit");
            // Read current position from sensor
            //int Position = ModCom.ReadModbus(Register.LinearPosition, 1, false);
            // As long as "Enter" is not pressed, continue

            //while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Enter)
            while (true)
                int    Position   = ModCom.ReadModbus(Register.LinearPosition, 1, false);
                double PositionMM = sensorToLinPos(Position);
                Console.WriteLine("PositionMM: ");
                Console.WriteLine("Position: ");
            Console.WriteLine("Exiting manual control");
コード例 #4
        public void volumeTest()
            // Define variable to save keyboard input from the user
            ConsoleKeyInfo input = new ConsoleKeyInfo();

            Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to start the volume test");

            // Start the volume test when enter is pressed
            while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Enter)

            // Initialize the motor
            ModCom.RunModbus(Register.Mode, Mode.MotorOff);     // Turn off the motor
            ModCom.RunModbus(Register.Speed, (Int32)0);         // Set the speed to 0
            ModCom.RunModbus(Register.Position, (Int32)0);      // Set the position to 0
            ModCom.RunModbus(Register.TargetInput, (Int32)0);   // Set the target to 0
            ModCom.RunModbus(Register.Mode, Mode.PositionRamp); // Set the mode to positonramp

            // Get the current linear position
            double currentPosition = sensorToLinPos(ModCom.ReadModbus(Register.LinearPosition, 1, false));
            double homePos         = currentPosition;
            double dist            = 3.304 + homePos;
            int    newPosition     = 0;
            bool   done            = false;

            Console.Write("Start Position in MM: ");
            Console.Write("Start Position: ");
            Console.WriteLine(ModCom.ReadModbus(Register.LinearPosition, 1, false));

            while (!done)
                // Read the current position
                currentPosition = sensorToLinPos(ModCom.ReadModbus(Register.LinearPosition, 1, false));

                // Define variable for how much to inrease
                int increase = 0;
                // Decide how much to increase with depending on how far away from home
                if (Math.Abs(currentPosition - dist) > 0.5)
                    increase = 20;
                    increase = 1;

                // If the piston is to far into the syringe, turn the motor counterclockwise (piston is moved 0.mm)
                if (currentPosition < dist - Hardware.HomePosTolerance)
                    // Increase the position
                    newPosition = newPosition - increase;
                // Check if we are done
                else if (currentPosition > dist - Hardware.HomePosTolerance)
                    // Decrease the position
                    done = true;

                // Write the new position to the motor
                ModCom.RunModbus(Register.TargetInput, newPosition);

            // Turn off the motor
            ModCom.RunModbus(Register.Mode, Mode.MotorOff);
            // Set the position to 0
            ModCom.RunModbus(Register.Position, (Int32)0);
            // Set the target to 0
            ModCom.RunModbus(Register.TargetInput, (Int32)0);

            Console.Write("End Position in MM: ");
            Console.Write("End Position: ");
            Console.WriteLine(ModCom.ReadModbus(Register.LinearPosition, 1, false));
コード例 #5
        // Function to initialize the motor and set the system in its home position
        public void goToHome()
            // Tune the regulator
            ModCom.RunModbus(300, (Int16)1000); //P
            ModCom.RunModbus(301, (Int16)1000); //I
            ModCom.RunModbus(302, (Int16)0);    //D

            // Get the current linear position
            double currentPosition = sensorToLinPos(ModCom.ReadModbus(Register.LinearPosition, 1, false));

            // Chech if the current linear position is valid, if not throw an error
            if (currentPosition > Hardware.MaxPosition | currentPosition < Hardware.MinPosition)
                throw new Exception("Measurement from linear sensor is out of physical range!");

            // Boolean operator to keep track if home position found
            bool done = false;

            // Define value for the updated position for the motor
            int newPosition = 0;

            // Initialize the motor
            ModCom.RunModbus(Register.Mode, Mode.MotorOff);     // Turn off the motor
            ModCom.RunModbus(Register.Speed, (Int32)0);         // Set the speed to 0
            ModCom.RunModbus(Register.Position, (Int32)0);      // Set the position to 0
            ModCom.RunModbus(Register.TargetInput, (Int32)0);   // Set the target to 0
            ModCom.RunModbus(Register.Mode, Mode.PositionRamp); // Set the mode to positonramp

            // Run the motor until the system is in its homeposition
            while (!done)
                // Read the current position
                currentPosition = (Double)sensorToLinPos(ModCom.ReadModbus(Register.LinearPosition, 1, false));

                // Define variable for how much to inrease
                int increase = 0;
                // Decide how much to increase with depending on how far away from home
                if (Math.Abs(currentPosition - Hardware.HomePosition) > 0.5)
                    increase = 20;
                    increase = 1;

                // If the piston is to far into the syringe, turn the motor counterclockwise (piston is moved 0.mm)
                if (currentPosition > Hardware.HomePosition + Hardware.HomePosTolerance)
                    // Increase the position
                    newPosition = newPosition + increase;
                // If the piston is to far out of the syringe, turn the motor clockwise
                else if (currentPosition < Hardware.HomePosition - Hardware.HomePosTolerance)
                    // Decrease the position
                    newPosition = newPosition - increase;

                // Check if we are done
                if (currentPosition <Hardware.HomePosition + Hardware.HomePosTolerance&
                                     currentPosition> Hardware.HomePosition - Hardware.HomePosTolerance)
                    done = true;
                Console.Write("Current Position: ");

                // Write the new position to the motor
                ModCom.RunModbus(Register.TargetInput, newPosition);
            Console.Write("Current Position: ");
            // Turn off the motor
            ModCom.RunModbus(Register.Mode, Mode.MotorOff); // Set the mode to positonramp
            // Set the position to 0
            ModCom.RunModbus(Register.Position, (Int32)0);
            // Set the target to 0
            ModCom.RunModbus(Register.TargetInput, (Int32)0);