コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes processing of the authorization event info.
        /// </summary>
        public ResultCode Execute()
            ResultCode result = ResultCode.None;

            SharedAuthorizationLogic sharedAuthorizationLogic = new SharedAuthorizationLogic(Context,

            // Marshal MasterCard Authorization request object into partner-agnostic model.
            Authorization authorization = new Authorization();

            Context[Key.Authorization] = authorization;
            MasterCard masterCard = new MasterCard(Context);


            // Add the authorization even to the data store.
            result = sharedAuthorizationLogic.AddAuthorization();

            // Build the response to send back to MasterCard based on the result of adding the Authorization.
            Context[Key.ResultCode] = result;

            // If the authorization event was successfully committed to the data store, send user notifications.
            if (result == ResultCode.Created)
                Context.Log.Verbose("MasterCard Authorization successfully persisted. Sending notifications asynchronously.");
                NotifyAuthorization notifyAuthorization = new NotifyAuthorization(Context);
                Context[Key.CardBrand] = CardBrand.MasterCard;
                Task.Run(new Action(notifyAuthorization.SendNotification));
