private static bool CreateExcel(MarketValueInfo marketValue) { bool bRtnVal = false; Application excelApp = null; Workbook workBook = null; Worksheet workSheet = null; try { var fileName = String.Format("{0}{1}.xlsx", PortfoliExcelPath, excelFileName); if (File.Exists(fileName)) { File.Delete(fileName); } excelApp = new Application(); workBook = excelApp.Workbooks.Add(XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet); workSheet = workBook.Sheets[1]; PropertyInfo[] properties = marketValue.GetType().GetProperties(); int ncol = 1; foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { workSheet.Cells[1, ncol] = property.Name; workSheet.Cells[1, ncol].Font.Bold = true; ncol++; } //To freeze first rwo workSheet.Application.ActiveWindow.SplitRow = 1; workSheet.Application.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = true; excelApp.DisplayAlerts = false; workBook.Save(); excelApp.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(fileName); workBook.Close(0); excelApp.Quit(); ApplicationLog.Instance.WriteInfo(String.Format("Excel file creation completed at '{0}'", DateTime.Now)); bRtnVal = true; } catch (Exception ex) { ApplicationLog.Instance.WriteException(ex); } finally { if (workSheet != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(workSheet); } if (workBook != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(workBook); } if (excelApp != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(excelApp); } } return(bRtnVal); }
private static MarketValueInfo GetTickerInfo(StockRequestInfo stockRequestInfo) { MarketValueInfo rtnVal = null; try { HttpWebRequest req = HttpWebRequest.Create(stockRequestInfo.URL) as HttpWebRequest; req.Accept = "*/*"; req.Host = ""; req.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:39.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/39.0"; req.Method = "GET"; req.KeepAlive = true; String strResult = String.Empty; using (HttpWebResponse res = req.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse) { using (Stream s = res.GetResponseStream()) { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s)) { strResult = sr.ReadToEnd().ToString().Trim(); strResult = strResult.Substring(strResult.IndexOf("futLink")); int nt = strResult.IndexOf("</div>"); strResult = strResult.Substring(0, nt); strResult = strResult.Substring(strResult.IndexOf("[{")); nt = strResult.IndexOf("}]"); strResult = strResult.Substring(2, nt); var jsonLikeString = strResult.Split(new String[] { "\",\"" }, StringSplitOptions.None); Dictionary <String, String> dTemp = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (String str in jsonLikeString) { String str1 = str.Replace("\\", String.Empty); str1 = str1.Replace("\"", String.Empty); dTemp.Add(str1.Split(':')[0].Trim().ToUpper(), str1.Split(':')[1].Trim()); } if (dTemp.Count > 0) { rtnVal = new MarketValueInfo(); PropertyInfo[] props = rtnVal.GetType().GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props) { try { String strValueToConvert = String.Empty; if (dTemp.ContainsKey(prop.Name)) { strValueToConvert = numbersOnlyRegEx.Replace(dTemp[prop.Name], String.Empty); } Object propValue = null; TypeConverter typeConverter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(prop.PropertyType); try { propValue = typeConverter.ConvertFrom(strValueToConvert); } catch { if (typeConverter.CanConvertTo(prop.PropertyType) && dTemp.ContainsKey(prop.Name)) { if (typeConverter.IsValid(strValueToConvert)) { propValue = typeConverter.ConvertTo(null, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, strValueToConvert, prop.PropertyType); } } } rtnVal.GetType().GetProperty(prop.Name).SetValue(rtnVal, propValue, null); } catch (Exception ex) { ApplicationLog.Instance.WriteException(ex); } } #region keeping for ref only //String previousClose = dTemp["previousClose"]; //String open = dTemp["open"]; //String dayHigh = dTemp["dayHigh"]; //String dayLow = dTemp["dayLow"]; //String lastPrice = dTemp["lastPrice"]; //String closePrice = dTemp["closePrice"]; //String averagePrice = dTemp["averagePrice"]; //String quantityTraded = dTemp["quantityTraded"]; #endregion } else { throw new Exception(String.Format("Webrequest failed for symbol: {0}", stockRequestInfo.Ticker)); } } } } ApplicationLog.Instance.WriteDebug(String.Format("Symbol read done: '{0}'", stockRequestInfo.Ticker)); } catch (Exception ex) { ApplicationLog.Instance.WriteError(String.Format("Error in ticker : '{0}'", stockRequestInfo.Ticker)); ApplicationLog.Instance.WriteException(ex); } return(rtnVal); }
public bool RunApplication() { bool bRtnVal = false; try { if (!File.Exists(requestFilePath) || StockMarketRunnerStatus.CreateRequestFileBasedOnStatus()) { CreateRequestFile(); } StockRequestInfos stockInfosFromFile = SerializationHelper.LoadXML <StockRequestInfos>(requestFilePath); if (stockInfosFromFile != null) { List <StockRequestInfo> listOfStockInfos = stockInfosFromFile.ListOfStockRequests; List <MarketValueInfo> lstMarketValues = new List <MarketValueInfo>(); foreach (StockRequestInfo stockRequestInfo in listOfStockInfos) { MarketValueInfo marketValue = GetTickerInfo(stockRequestInfo); if (marketValue != null) { lstMarketValues.Add(marketValue); } } if (lstMarketValues != null && lstMarketValues.Count > 0) { CreateExcel(new MarketValueInfo()); UpdateExcel(lstMarketValues); List <EmailUtil> lst = new List <EmailUtil>() { new EmailUtil() { ToEmail = "*****@*****.**", ToName = "Sunita Gaikwad" }, new EmailUtil() { ToEmail = "*****@*****.**", ToName = "Pratik outlook" }, //new EmailUtil() { ToEmail = "*****@*****.**", ToName = "Mayur Gaikwad" } }; foreach (EmailUtil u in lst) { u.Subject = String.Format("Portfolio Excel for - '{0}'", DateTime.Today.Date.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy")); u.Body = "Please find attached portfolio excel sheet for today."; bool bSendEMail = EmailUtil.Instance.SendEmail(u, strAttchmentFileName: String.Format("{0}{1}.xlsx", PortfoliExcelPath, excelFileName)); if (bSendEMail) { ApplicationLog.Instance.WriteInfo(String.Format("Email sent to '{0}' at '{1}'", u.ToEmail, DateTime.Now)); } else { ApplicationLog.Instance.WriteWarning(String.Format("Email NOT sent to '{0}'", u.ToEmail)); } } } bRtnVal = true; } else { ApplicationLog.Instance.WriteError("Request file not in correct format."); } } catch (Exception ex) { bRtnVal = false; ApplicationLog.Instance.WriteException(ex); } return(bRtnVal); }