コード例 #1
        public List <PatchInfo> GetLocalBundles(LoadingInfo info, ref Dictionary <string, string> localbundles)
            List <PatchInfo> lpds = new List <PatchInfo>();
            var bundles           = AssetVersion.Version2Bundles;

            for (int i = 0; i < info.patch_list.Length; i++)
                var p = info.patch_list[i];
                if (bundles.ContainsKey(p.version))
                    var value = bundles[p.version];
                    for (int k = 0; k < value.Count; ++k)
                        if (localbundles.ContainsKey(value[k]))
                            localbundles[value[k]] = p.version;
                            localbundles.Add(value[k], p.version);
コード例 #2
 void SetVersionList(LoadingInfo info)
     for (int i = 0; i < info.patch_list.Length; i++)
         var p = info.patch_list[i];
コード例 #3
ファイル: UIManager.cs プロジェクト: meamin9/cat
        public static void Show(UIType uitype, System.Action <IBaseUI> callback = null)
            var ui = Find(uitype);

            if (ui != null)
            if (_uiCache.TryGetValue(uitype, out ui))
            for (var i = 0; i < _uiLoadings.Count; ++i)
                if (_uiLoadings[i].UIType == uitype)
                    _uiLoadings[i] = new LoadingInfo {
                        UIType   = uitype,
                        Callback = callback
                    Log.Warn($"UI is Loding...{uitype}");
            var info = UIConfig.All[uitype];

            _uiLoadings.Add(new LoadingInfo()
                UIType = uitype, Callback = callback
            AssetMgr.Instance.LoadAsync(info.PrefabPath, (asset) => {
                for (var i = 0; i < _uiLoadings.Count; ++i)
                    if (_uiLoadings[i].UIType == uitype)
                        ui            = info.creator();
                        ui.gameObject = GameObject.Instantiate(asset as GameObject, Layer(info.Layer));
                        ui.UIType     = info.UIType;
コード例 #4
        private void UpdateCreatingLabel(LoadingInfo loadingInfo)
            int total = cellsWidth * cellsHeight;
            int done  = (updateCellY * cellsWidth) + updateCellX + 1;

            float percentDone = (float)done / (float)total * 100;

            loadingInfo.UpdateLoading(LoadingType.CreatingMiniMap, percentDone);
コード例 #5
        //one argument class constructor
        public RunAutomation(Platform platform)
            this.platform = platform;

            #region Reference initialization
            helperObj        = new Helper();
            mainPageObj      = new MainPage();
            loginPageObj     = new LoginPage();
            comptTempObj     = new ComptTempPage();
            actStockObj      = new ActualStockPage();
            comptEditObj     = new ComptEditPage();
            comptCapacityObj = new ComptCapacity();
            selShiftObj      = new ShiftStartPage();
            trpStartObj      = new TripStartPage();
            trvlToObj        = new TravellingToPage();
            kmCtrlObj        = new KMControlPage();
            xlRdrObj         = new ExcelReader();
            comptStatusObj   = new ComptStatusPage();
            cnfrmDepotObj    = new ConfirmDepotPage();
            cnfrmNameObj     = new ConfirmNamePage();
            plannedLdgObj    = new PlannedLoading();
            actualLdgObj     = new ActualLoading();
            ldgSummaryObj    = new LoadingSummary();
            ldgInfoObj       = new LoadingInfo();
            ovrdCodeobj      = new OverrideNoMixCode();
            comptAssgnObj    = new ComptAssignmentPage();
            custSelObj       = new CustomerSelection();
            delDetailsObj    = new DeliveryDetails();
            custArrivalObj   = new CustomerArrival();
            plndDelDetObj    = new PlannedDeliveryDetails();
            rvwTnkDipsObj    = new ReviewTankDips();
            delSchemeObj     = new DeliveryScheme();
            prodDschgObj     = new ProductDischarge();
            cnfrmDelObj      = new ConfirmDelivery();
            adrobj           = new ADRStart();
            breakObj         = new BreakPage();
            tripendObj       = new TripEndPage();
            shiftendObj      = new ShiftEndPage();

            isSpotTrailer = Convert.ToBoolean(xlRdrObj.GetValueFromSheet("TrailerDetails", "SpotTrailer"));
            noOfCompt     = xlRdrObj.GetValueFromSheet("TrailerDetails", "NoOfCompartments");
            comptCapacity = xlRdrObj.GetValueFromSheet("TrailerDetails", "CompartmentCapacity");
            tankNo1       = xlRdrObj.GetValueFromSheet("TrailerDetails", "TankNumber1");
            tankNo2       = xlRdrObj.GetValueFromSheet("TrailerDetails", "TankNumber2");
            tankNo3       = xlRdrObj.GetValueFromSheet("TrailerDetails", "TankNumber3");
            stockVal1     = Convert.ToInt32(xlRdrObj.GetValueFromSheet("TrailerDetails", "StockValue1"));
            stockVal2     = Convert.ToInt32(xlRdrObj.GetValueFromSheet("TrailerDetails", "StockValue2"));
            stockVal3     = Convert.ToInt32(xlRdrObj.GetValueFromSheet("TrailerDetails", "StockValue3"));
            stockVal      = stockVal1 + stockVal1 + stockVal3;

            calculatedValue = new int[Convert.ToUInt32(noOfCompt)];
コード例 #6
        public LandMass(Tile[,] tileGrid, double[,] waterMap, LoadingInfo loadingInfo)
            //following number is amount of ground layers
            groundLevels = new double[50];
            float value = -5.5f;

            for (int i = 0; i < groundLevels.Length; i++)
                groundLevels[i] = value;
                value          += 0.20f;

            float percentDone = 0;
            float percentJump = 100f / CreatingWorld.worldWidth;

            for (int x = 0; x < CreatingWorld.worldWidth; x++)
                percentDone += percentJump;
                loadingInfo.UpdateLoading(LoadingType.BuildingLandMass, percentDone);

                for (int y = 0; y < CreatingWorld.worldHeight; y++)
                    if (tileGrid[x, y] == null)
                        int       layerIndex = GetLayerIndex(waterMap[x, y]);
                        LayerType layerType  = (LayerType)layerIndex;

                        if (layerIndex > waterCoastline)
                            Tile tile = new Tile(GroundLayerController.GetRandomLayer(layerType), TileLogisticsController.GetTileLogistic(LandType.OPEN, 0), x, y);
                            tileGrid[x, y] = tile;
                            Tile tile = new Tile(GroundLayerController.GetRandomLayer(layerType), TileLogisticsController.GetTileLogistic(LandType.WATER, 0), x, y);
                            tileGrid[x, y] = tile;

                        if (x == 0 || x == CreatingWorld.worldWidth - 1 || y == 0 || y == CreatingWorld.worldHeight - 1)
                            Tile tile = new Tile(GroundLayerController.GetLayerByIndex(LayerType.BORDER, 0), TileLogisticsController.GetTileLogistic(LandType.BORDER, 0), x, y);
                            tileGrid[x, y] = tile;
コード例 #7
    private IEnumerator UpdateInfoText(float next)
        if (!m_tipText)
            yield break;

        Util.SetText(m_tipText, LoadingInfo.SelectRandomInfo(m_infoID));

        if (next <= 0)
            yield break;

        var wait = new WaitForSeconds(next);

        yield return(wait);

コード例 #8
        public bool Create(LoadingInfo loadingInfo)
            miniMapCellGrid[updateCellX, updateCellY] = new MiniMapCell(updateCellX, updateCellY, tilesPerCell, tilePixel);

            if (updateCellX >= cellsWidth)
                updateCellX = 0;

                if (updateCellY >= cellsHeight)
                    updateCellY = 0;
                    updateCellX = 0;

コード例 #9
ファイル: AddingTrees.cs プロジェクト: theboot999/Bushfire
        //Instead of just having a level
        //make the level determine the chance of a tree landing there

        public AddingTrees(Tile[,] tileGrid, double[,] treeMap, LoadingInfo loadingInfo)
            Random rnd       = GameController.GetRandomWithSeed();
            double treeLevel = 0;
            //-6 to positive 6

            float percentDone = 0;
            float percentJump = 100f / CreatingWorld.worldWidth;

            for (int x = 0; x < CreatingWorld.worldWidth; x++)
                percentDone += percentJump;
                loadingInfo.UpdateLoading(LoadingType.AddingTrees, percentDone);

                for (int y = 0; y < CreatingWorld.worldHeight; y++)
                    //basically between 0 and 200

                    int i = (int)((treeMap[x, y] + 8)) * 10;
                    if (rnd.Next(0, 200) < i)
                        if (treeMap[x, y] > treeLevel)
                            if (tileGrid[x, y].GetChildObject() == null && tileGrid[x, y].GetLandType() == Game.LandType.OPEN)
                                float p = (float)(rnd.Next(500, 800)) / 1000f;

                                int type = rnd.Next(0, 8);

                                Tree         tree         = MapObjectController.GetTree(type);
                                MapObject    mapObject    = new MapObject(tree, x, y, Color.White, p);
                                TileLogistic tileLogistic = TileLogisticsController.GetTileLogistic(LandType.TREE, 0);
                                tileGrid[x, y].AddMapObject(mapObject, false, false, true, tileLogistic, true);
コード例 #10
        public ShrunkWorldBuilder(Tile[,] tileGrid, ShrunkNode[,] shrunkMap, LoadingInfo loadingInfo)
            float percentDone = 0;
            float percentJump = 100f / CreatingWorld.worldWidth;

            for (int x = 0; x < shrunkWorldWidth; x++)
                percentDone += percentJump;
                loadingInfo.UpdateLoading(LoadingType.BuildingShrunkWorld, percentDone);

                for (int y = 0; y < shrunkWorldHeight; y++)
                    LandType landType = LandType.OPEN;
                    for (int checkX = (x * 2); checkX < (x * 2) + 2; checkX++)
                        for (int checkY = (y * 2); checkY < (y * 2) + 2; checkY++)
                            if (tileGrid[checkX, checkY].GetLandType() == LandType.WATER)
                                landType = LandType.WATER;
                            if (tileGrid[checkX, checkY].GetLandType() == LandType.BORDER)
                                landType = LandType.BORDER;
                        if (landType == LandType.WATER)
                    shrunkMap[x, y] = new ShrunkNode(landType);
コード例 #11
        public double[,] GenerateNoiseMap(int octaves, float frequency, float amplitude, bool reseed, LoadingInfo loadingInfo, bool updateInfo, Random rnd, int width, int height)
            float percentDone = 0;
            float percentJump = 100f / octaves / width;

            var data = new float[width * height];

            double[,] tempArray = new double[width, height];
            /// track min and max noise value. Used to normalize the result to the 0 to 1.0 range.
            var min = float.MaxValue;
            var max = float.MinValue;

            if (reseed)
            //var persistence = 0.25f;  i dont know what this does
            for (var octave = 0; octave < octaves; octave++)
                for (var i = 0; i < width; i++)
                    percentDone += percentJump;
                    if (updateInfo)
                        loadingInfo.UpdateLoading(LoadingType.CreatingPerlinNoise, percentDone);

                    for (var j = 0; j < height; j++)
                        var noise = Noise(i * frequency * 1f / width, j * frequency * 1f / height);
                        noise           = data[j * width + i] += noise * amplitude;
                        tempArray[i, j] = noise;
                        min             = Math.Min(min, noise);
                        max             = Math.Max(max, noise);
                frequency *= 2;
                amplitude /= 2;
コード例 #12
        public TownSitesBuilder(ShrunkNode[,] shrunkMap, List <Town> townList, ref List <Point> connectionList, LoadingInfo loadingInfo)
            float percentDone = 0;
            float percentJump = 100f / CreatingWorld.numberOfTowns;

            Random rnd = GameController.GetRandomWithSeed();

            int  numberOfChecks = 5000;
            bool safeDistance;

            distanceBetweenTowns = GetDistanceBetweenTowns();
            int townId = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChecks; i++)
                //TODO: take this next line out i just like this map for debugging
                //rndExtras = GameController.rnd;
                Point checkingPoint = new Point(rnd.Next(offSetFromEdge, ShrunkWorldBuilder.shrunkWorldWidth), rnd.Next(offSetFromEdge, ShrunkWorldBuilder.shrunkWorldHeight - offSetFromEdge));
                safeDistance = false;

                if (ShrunkWorldBuilder.IsOpen(checkingPoint, shrunkMap))
                    safeDistance = true;

                    foreach (Town otherTown in townList)
                        if (IsToCloseDistance(checkingPoint, otherTown.GetShrunkPoint()))
                            safeDistance = false;

                if (safeDistance)
                    townList.Add(new Town(checkingPoint, townId, GetTownName(rnd)));
                    percentDone += percentJump;
                    loadingInfo.UpdateLoading(LoadingType.PlottingTownPoints, percentDone);

                if (townList.Count == CreatingWorld.numberOfTowns)
            connectionList = CreateConnectionList(townList);
コード例 #13
        public ModifyingIntersectionRoadId(Tile[,] tileGrid, ShrunkNode[,] shrunkMap, LoadingInfo loadingInfo)
            float percentDone = 0;
            float percentJump = 100f / CreatingWorld.worldWidth;

            for (int x = 0; x < ShrunkWorldBuilder.shrunkWorldWidth; x++)
                percentDone += percentJump;
                loadingInfo.UpdateLoading(LoadingType.FixingIntersections, percentDone);

                for (int y = 0; y < ShrunkWorldBuilder.shrunkWorldHeight; y++)
                    int   amount   = CountNeighbourRoadsShrunkMap(shrunkMap, new Point(x, y));
                    Point expanded = new Point(x * 2, y * 2);

                    if (amount > 2)
                        FixSpot(expanded, tileGrid);
コード例 #14
        public ConnectingTowns(ref List <Town> townList, ref List <Point> connectionList, ShrunkNode[,] shrunkMap, LoadingInfo loadingInfo)
            float percentDone = 0;
            float percentJump = 100f / connectionList.Count;

            int townStartId;
            int targetid;

            Dictionary <int, Boolean> connectedList = new Dictionary <int, bool>();

            for (int i = 0; i < townList.Count; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    connectedList.Add(i, false);
                    connectedList.Add(i, false);

            int numberofTowns = townList.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < connectionList.Count; i++)
                percentDone += percentJump;
                loadingInfo.UpdateLoading(LoadingType.ConnectingTowns, percentDone);
                townStartId = connectionList[i].X;
                targetid    = connectionList[i].Y;
                Point        startPoint       = townList[townStartId].GetShrunkPoint();
                Point        endPoint         = townList[targetid].GetShrunkPoint();
                List <Point> connectingPoints = new List <Point>();

                AStarRoadBuildingNew aStar = new AStarRoadBuildingNew();

                connectingPoints = aStar.GetTravelList(startPoint, endPoint, shrunkMap, targetid);
                UpdateShrunkMap(connectingPoints, townStartId, shrunkMap);
コード例 #15
        public CreatingIntersections(Tile[,] tileGrid, ShrunkNode[,] shrunkMap, List <Intersection> intersectionList, LoadingInfo loadingInfo)
            Random rnd         = GameController.GetRandomWithSeed();
            int    id          = 1;
            float  percentDone = 0;
            float  percentJump = 100f / CreatingWorld.worldWidth;

            for (int x = 0; x < ShrunkWorldBuilder.shrunkWorldWidth; x++)
                percentDone += percentJump;
                loadingInfo.UpdateLoading(LoadingType.AddingIntersections, percentDone);

                for (int y = 0; y < ShrunkWorldBuilder.shrunkWorldHeight; y++)
                    int   amount   = CountNeighbourRoadsShrunkMap(shrunkMap, new Point(x, y));
                    Point expanded = new Point(x * 2, y * 2);

                    if (amount > 2 && rnd.Next(0, 100) < chanceToKeepThreeWay || amount > 3)
                        if (CountNeighbourRoadsNormalMap(tileGrid, expanded) > 2)
                            AddIntersection(intersectionList, tileGrid, shrunkMap, x, y, expanded, rnd, id);
                    else if (amount > 2)
                        if (CountNeighbourRoadsNormalMap(tileGrid, expanded) > 2)
                            AddTurningArrows(tileGrid, expanded, 1);
コード例 #16
ファイル: TownsAndRoads.cs プロジェクト: theboot999/Bushfire
        public TownsAndRoads(Tile[,] tileGrid, List <Intersection> intersectionList, List <Town> townList, LoadingInfo loadingInfo)
            ShrunkWorldBuilder.shrunkWorldWidth  = CreatingWorld.worldWidth / 2;
            ShrunkWorldBuilder.shrunkWorldHeight = CreatingWorld.worldHeight / 2;
            shrunkMap = new ShrunkNode[ShrunkWorldBuilder.shrunkWorldWidth, ShrunkWorldBuilder.shrunkWorldHeight];

            // DebugLine("ShrunkWorldBuilder");
            ShrunkWorldBuilder shrunkWorldBuilder = new ShrunkWorldBuilder(tileGrid, shrunkMap, loadingInfo);
            //  DebugLine("TownSitesBuilder");
            TownSitesBuilder townSitesBuilder = new TownSitesBuilder(shrunkMap, townList, ref connectionList, loadingInfo);
            //   DebugLine("BuildingTownRoads");
            BuildingTownRoads buildingTownRoads = new BuildingTownRoads(townList, shrunkMap, shrunkPlotList, loadingInfo);
            //   DebugLine("ClearingShrunkPlotErrors");
            ClearingShrunkPlotErrors clearingShrunkPlotErrors = new ClearingShrunkPlotErrors(shrunkMap, shrunkPlotList);
            //   DebugLine("ExpandShrunkPlot");
            ExpandShrunkPlot expandShrunkPlot = new ExpandShrunkPlot(shrunkPlotList, townList, loadingInfo);
            //  DebugLine("ConnectingTowns");
            ConnectingTowns connectingTowns = new ConnectingTowns(ref townList, ref connectionList, shrunkMap, loadingInfo);
            //   DebugLine("ClearingRoadErrors");
            ClearingRoadErrors clearingRoadErrors = new ClearingRoadErrors(shrunkMap, loadingInfo);
            //    DebugLine("ExpandShrunkWorld");
            ExpandShrunkWorld expandShrunkWorld = new ExpandShrunkWorld(tileGrid, shrunkMap, loadingInfo);
            //    DebugLine("LoadingTownBuildings");
            LoadingTownBuildings loadingTownBuildings = new LoadingTownBuildings(buildingList);
            //     DebugLine("AddingTownBuildings");
            AddingTownBuildings addingTownBuildings = new AddingTownBuildings(buildingList, tileGrid, townList, loadingInfo);
            //     DebugLine("AddingRoadTiles");
            AddingRoadTiles addingRoadTiles = new AddingRoadTiles(tileGrid, loadingInfo);
            //     DebugLine("CreatingIntersections");
            CreatingIntersections creatingIntersections = new CreatingIntersections(tileGrid, shrunkMap, intersectionList, loadingInfo);
            //     DebugLine("ModifyingIntersectionRoadId");
            ModifyingIntersectionRoadId modifyingIntersectionRoadId = new ModifyingIntersectionRoadId(tileGrid, shrunkMap, loadingInfo);
            //     DebugLine("AddingStreetLights");
            AddingStreetLights addingStreetLights = new AddingStreetLights(tileGrid, shrunkMap, loadingInfo);
コード例 #17
 private void Start()
     info = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <LoadingInfo>();