コード例 #1
        protected override DocumentInfo ComposeDocument(IUnitOfWork db, 
            long companyId, 
            MarketType market, 
            string marketplaceId,
            IList<string> asinList)
            Log.Info("Get listings for price update");
            if (asinList == null || !asinList.Any())
                Listings = db.Listings.GetPriceUpdateRequiredList(market, marketplaceId);
                Listings = db.Listings.GetAll().Where(l => asinList.Contains(l.SKU)
                        && l.Market == (int)market
                        && (l.MarketplaceId == marketplaceId || String.IsNullOrEmpty(marketplaceId)))

            if (Listings.Any())
                var listingIdList = Listings.Select(l => l.Id).Distinct().ToList();
                var saleList = db.StyleItemSaleToListings.GetAllListingSaleAsDTO().Where(s => listingIdList.Contains(s.ListingId)).ToList();
                var itemIdList = Listings.Select(l => l.ItemId).Distinct().ToList();
                var items = db.Items.GetAll().Where(i => itemIdList.Contains(i.Id)).ToList();
                var styleItemIdList = items.Where(i => i.StyleItemId.HasValue).Select(i => i.StyleItemId).Distinct().ToList();
                var styleItems = db.StyleItems.GetAll().Where(si => styleItemIdList.Contains(si.Id)).ToList();

                var priceMessages = new List<XmlElement>();
                var index = 0;

                var priceToSend = new Dictionary<string, decimal>();

                foreach (var listing in Listings)
                    if (priceToSend.ContainsKey(listing.SKU))

                    var existAutoPricing = false;
                    var item = items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == listing.ItemId);
                    decimal? minAllowedPrice = null;
                    decimal? maxAllowedPrice = null;
                    if (item != null && item.StyleItemId.HasValue)
                        var styleItem = styleItems.FirstOrDefault(si => si.Id == item.StyleItemId.Value);
                        minAllowedPrice = styleItem.MinPrice;
                        maxAllowedPrice = styleItem.MaxPrice;
                        existAutoPricing = styleItem.MinPrice > 0 && styleItem.MaxPrice > 0;

                    Log.Info("add listing, index=" + index + ", listing=" + listing);

                    ViewListingSaleDTO sale = saleList.FirstOrDefault(s => s.ListingId == listing.Id);
                    if (sale != null)
                        sale.SaleStartDate = sale.SaleStartDate ?? sale.ListingSaleCreateDate;
                        sale.SaleEndDate = sale.SaleEndDate ?? Time.GetAppNowTime().Add(SaleManager.DefaultSalesPeriod);
                        Log.Info("sale: salePrice=" + sale.SalePrice
                                 + ", maxPiecesOnSale=" + sale.MaxPiecesOnSale
                                 + ", currentPiecesSaled=" + sale.PiecesSoldOnSale
                                 + ", saleStartDate=" + sale.SaleStartDate
                                 + ", saleEndDate=" + sale.SaleEndDate);

                    var now = Time.GetAppNowTime();
                    var saleOn = sale != null 
                        && sale.SaleStartDate <= now
                        && (sale.SalePrice.HasValue || sale.SalePercent.HasValue);

                    var businessPrice = listing.AutoAdjustedPrice ?? listing.CurrentPrice;
                    var currentPrice = listing.AutoAdjustedPrice ?? listing.CurrentPrice;

                    decimal? salePrice = null;
                    if (sale != null && sale.SalePrice.HasValue)
                        salePrice = sale.SalePrice.Value;
                    if (sale != null && sale.SalePercent.HasValue)
                        salePrice = currentPrice - currentPrice * sale.SalePercent.Value/(decimal) 100;

                    if (saleOn)
                        businessPrice = salePrice.Value;
                    Log.Info("Current price=" + listing.CurrentPrice + ", Business price=" + businessPrice + ", Adjusted price=" + listing.AutoAdjustedPrice);

                    if (saleOn)
                        if (sale.SalePrice > currentPrice)
                            Log.Info("SalePrice > CurrentPrice, new currentPrice=" + currentPrice + " => " + salePrice + ", sale is OFF");

                            currentPrice = salePrice.Value;
                            saleOn = false;
                            sale = null;

                        sale != null ? salePrice : (decimal?)null,
                        sale != null ? sale.SaleStartDate : (DateTime?)null,
                        sale != null ? sale.SaleEndDate : (DateTime?)null,

                    listing.MessageIdentifier = index;

                    priceToSend.Add(listing.SKU, listing.CurrentPrice);
                Log.Info("Compose feed");
                var merchant = db.Companies.Get(companyId).AmazonFeedMerchantIdentifier;
                var document = FeedHelper.ComposeFeed(priceMessages, merchant, Type.ToString());
                return new DocumentInfo
                    XmlDocument = document,
                    NodesCount = index
            return null;
コード例 #2
        protected override DocumentInfo ComposeDocument(IUnitOfWork db,
                                                        long companyId,
                                                        MarketType market,
                                                        string marketplaceId,
                                                        IList <string> asinList)
            Log.Info("Get listings for quantity update");
            if (asinList == null || !asinList.Any())
                Listings = db.Listings.GetQuantityUpdateRequiredList(market, marketplaceId);
                Listings = db.Listings.GetAll().Where(l => asinList.Contains(l.SKU) &&
                                                      l.Market == (int)market &&
                                                      (l.MarketplaceId == marketplaceId || String.IsNullOrEmpty(marketplaceId)))

            _quantityToSend = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            if (Listings.Any())
                var quantMessages = new List <XmlElement>();
                var index         = 0;

                foreach (var listing in Listings)
                    //Skip processing duplicate SKU
                    if (_quantityToSend.ContainsKey(listing.SKU))

                    //NOTE: Case when we have 2 duplicate listings with different styleId (in case when manufacturer change StyleId)
                    var realQuantity = Listings.Where(l => l.SKU == listing.SKU).Sum(l => l.RealQuantity);

                    var quantity = listing.DisplayQuantity.HasValue ?
                                   Math.Min(listing.DisplayQuantity.Value, realQuantity)
                        : listing.RealQuantity;

                    //NOTE: 101 qty rule
                    if (quantity >= 30)
                        quantity = 101;

                    Log.Info("add listing " + index
                             + ", listingId=" + listing.Id
                             + ", SKU=" + listing.SKU
                             + ", quantity=" + quantity
                             + " (display=" + listing.DisplayQuantity + ", real=" + realQuantity + "(" + listing.RealQuantity + ")" + ")" +
                             " , restockDate=" + listing.RestockDate);

                    quantMessages.Add(FeedHelper.ComposeInventoryMessage(index, listing.SKU, quantity, listing.RestockDate, _fulfillmentLatency));
                    listing.MessageIdentifier = index;

                    _quantityToSend.Add(listing.SKU, quantity);
                Log.Info("Compose feed");
                var merchant = db.Companies.Get(companyId).AmazonFeedMerchantIdentifier;
                var document = FeedHelper.ComposeFeed(quantMessages, merchant, Type.ToString());
                return(new DocumentInfo
                    XmlDocument = document,
                    NodesCount = index